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Pyroclastic Flow, Journal of Geology Vol.

4, n° 1
Bustillos et al, 2014 ISSN° 0719-0565

Geological Note Nota Geológica

New field data on the Guagua Pichincha (Ecuador) ~ 900

AD Subplinian eruption and its eruptive parameters
J. E. Bustillos1,2 ▪ J. E. Romero3 ▪ G. Guerrero4
Instituto Geofísico, Escuela Politécnica Nacional de Quito. Calle Ladrón de Guevara E11-253. Casilla Postal 17-2759, Quito, Ecuador.
Escuela de Geología, Facultad de Geología, Minas, Petróleos y Ambiental (FIGEMPA), Universidad Central del Ecuador Quito, Ecuador.
Departamento de Geología, Universidad de Atacama. Av. Copayapu 485, Copiapó, Chile.
Sala Situacional Coca, Secretaria Nacional de Riesgos – Ecuador.

Contact e-mail: jbustillos@igepn.

Abstract: The Guagua Pichincha is a volcano of explosive nature. As in historical times,

moderate-to-large eruptions have occurred in the past at GPV. One of those events (~900 AD)
is associated with a pumice fall deposit. Recently, new field data provides an idea about the size
and eruptive parameters of this subplinian eruption, and give us new information useful for
volcanic hazard purposes.

Palabras Clave: Guagua Pichincha, depósito de pómez, erupción subpliniana

Resumen: El Guagua Pichincha es un volcán de naturaleza explosiva. Tal como en tiempos

históricos, erupciones moderadas-grandes han ocurrido en el pasado del GP. Uno de esos
eventos (~900 AD) es asociado con un depósito de caída de pómez. Recientemente, nuevos
antecedentes de terreno proveen una idea sobre el tamaño y los parámetros eruptivos de esta
erupción subpliniana, y nos dan nueva información útil para propósitos de peligros volcánicos.

Keywords: Guagua Pichincha, pumice fall deposit, subplinian eruption

INTRODUCTION been interpreted as a series of dome-forming and

subplinian to Plinian eruptions (Samaniego et al.,
Guagua Pichincha Volcano (GPV) is an active
2006). For this event, Robin et al. (2008) had
(Fig.1A) composite volcano located 12 km toward
estimated a minimum bulk volume 0.6 km3 using
the West from Quito (Fig.1B). Its Holocene
54 proximal measurements, but we suspect that
activity has been mainly explosive and includes
it could have been underestimated by the lack of
phreatic explosions, dome growth and collapse,
distal data. Based in field campaigns, we present
Vulcanian and Plinian eruptions, and pyroclastic
new data on the volume and distribution of the
flows (Barberi et al., 1992; Hall, 2001, Wright et
~900 AD fallout deposit using 29 new thickness-
al., 2007). Two moderate eruptions occurred at
largest clast measurements which are mainly in
25-125 and ~900 AD at GPV. The latter
the proximal-medial regime (0-40 km downwind)
generated a thick pumice fall deposit reaching 30-
of ash fall for purposes of new eruptive
40 cm thickness in the flanks of GVP and has
parameters estimations.

New field data on the Guagua Pichincha (Ecuador) ~900 AD Subplinian eruption and its eruptive parameters
Pyroclastic Flow, Journal of Geology Vol. 4, n° 1
Bustillos et al, 2014 ISSN° 0719-0565

Fig. 1: Guagua Pichincha Volcano. A: The active craters with gas emissions and historical lava domes are nested inside a
collapse caldera. Source: IGEPN. B: Pichincha Volcanic Complex (PVC) seen from Quito. Source: Jorge Romero M.

STRATIGRAPHY AND DISTRIBUTION 3 characteristic levels: a) a fine grayish ash layer

OF THE 900 AD PUMICE FALLOUT (1-2 cm thickness at El Refugio); b) a white-cream
pumice ash fall layer. Pumices in this layer
The ~900 AD pyroclastic sequence is deposited presents elongated fiber-shape to subrounded
between two bituminous horizons which are vesicles. This layer also contents plagioclase and
underlying and overlaying the 1660 and 1st hornblende crysts, dacite fragments, rusty rock
century eruption deposits, respectively. The last 2 fragments and allocthonous lithics. The size of
ky of explosive activity are clearly recognizable in the fragments varies from 3 to 11 cm. c) A
outcrops following the road between "Lloa" and Pyroclastic Density Current layer with fine
"El Refugio" sites (Fig. 2A), the latter located at laminations and cross stratification (Fig. 2A).
Guagua Pichincha volcano. These outcrops show

Fig. 2: Pyroclastic sequence ~900 AD A: Volcano-

sedimentary deposits of the last 2 ky BP. . B: ~900 AD fallout
and flow deposits sequence. (Source: Jorge Bustillos)

New field data on the Guagua Pichincha (Ecuador) ~900 AD Subplinian eruption and its eruptive parameters
Pyroclastic Flow, Journal of Geology Vol. 4, n° 1
Bustillos et al, 2014 ISSN° 0719-0565

The deposit is mainly distributed in NW direction lack of <10 cm isopachs could underestimate the
from the vent, shaping a parabolic distribution. final volume as consequence of thin ash
These shapes suggests a slow wind condition sedimentation currently covers wide areas. This
during sedimentation (Fig. 3). A maximum of 70 allow us to think that volume could tend to >1
cm in thickness was documented 2.1 km SE from km³. In addition, using of the maximum lithic (ML)
the active vent, almost in the caldera rim, in distribution (Carey and Sparks, 1986), the
contrast with 3 cm measured at East of Pintag calculated column height was 25-29 km, with an
town, 37.6 km at SE form the vent. Near the eruption duration of 5-10 hours. These
volcanic edifice measurements indicates thickness parameters are typical for a Plinian-type event,
varying from 7 to 35 cm. At distance of 15 km to but the Weibull fit and the magnitude <5
the WSW (La Victoria Site) the average thickness calculated with the method of Pyle (2000) suggest
reaches 20-25 cm, while 30 km to the NNW a subplinian event. On the other hand, phreatic
(Mindo Site) it varies from 10 to 15 cm thickness. eruptions were observed on 1981 and 1998, plus
two small subplinian and several vulcanian
ERUPTIVE VOLUME AND MAGNITUDE eruptions on 1999 (Villagómez, 2000; Hall, 2001;
OF THE ERUPTION Wright et al., 2007), being historical indicators of
an explosive behavior. Considering that GPV is
Volumes of tephra deposits were calculated in
located only 12 km to the W of Quito, the
use of exponential thinning model proposed by
knowledge of the characteristics and distribution
Pyle (1989;1995) and the Weibull method
of this deposit can be very valuable for volcanic
(Bonadonna and Costa, 2012), yielding respective
hazard estimations, especially with the observed
volumes of >0.7 km³ and >0.5 km³, which are
isopach distribution and the calculated eruptive
consistent with the previously obtained by Robin
parameters. Future works must be focalized in
et al (2008). While the addition of proximal-
the modeling of both, old explosive events and
medial data makes not larger difference in results
the hypothetical eruptions forecasting with similar
and the isopachs are quite regular in shape, the
eruptive conditions.

Fig. 3: Isopachs map ~900 AD, suggesting a slow wind condition during tephra sedimentation.

New field data on the Guagua Pichincha (Ecuador) ~900 AD Subplinian eruption and its eruptive parameters
Pyroclastic Flow, Journal of Geology Vol. 4, n° 1
Bustillos et al, 2014 ISSN° 0719-0565


Authors are glad to acknowledge the constructive comments of Dr. Pablo Samaniego (IRD) and the fruitful
reviews of Dr. Benigno Godoy Neira.


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Submitted: 2013-03-31
Reviewed: 2013-04-02
Accepted: 2014-05-08
Published: 2014-05-09
Number of reviewers: 2

New field data on the Guagua Pichincha (Ecuador) ~900 AD Subplinian eruption and its eruptive parameters

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