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Name: Angel C. Sancgez__________________________________________________ Date:


Self-awareness Worksheet
Who am I?

This Self-Awareness worksheet focuses on discovering “Who am I?” It is an all-encompassing worksheet that
address talents, qualities, values, perception, and self-reflection.

1. What are your greatest talents or skills?
My greatest talent , I can say that it is the way i communicate with other people through dancing .

2. Which of your talents or skills gives you the greatest sense of pride or satisfaction?

The talent or skill that gave me the greatest sense of joy and satisfaction is dancing . I'm not that good at
dancing. I had already competed in many dance competitions back when I was still in high school.

1. What are your three (3) greatest strengths?
a. _Curiosity_________________________________________________________________________
b. _Creativity________________________________________________________________________
c. _Open-

2. What do you feel are your two biggest weaknesses?

a. _Public
b. _Insecure_________________________________________________________________________

3. What are your best qualities/characteristics?

Funny- I can be funny when I'm in the mood

I’m a dreamer. I have big dreams, I want big things, and I know I will get them all.

4. What qualities do you wish you had?

It might be seen as a more feminine quality, but a non-intrusive, genuinely nurturing, loving spirit is
something I really crave to have/be.

I long to be someone who sincerely cares deeply about others, listens intently, is kind, doesn’t judge or
criticize, or offer advice no-one asked for. The world is full of people who don’t seem to care, and I don’t

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ever want to add to that.

1. What are three (3) things that are important to you?
a. Family___________________________________________________________________________
b. _God_______________________________________________________________________
c. _Cats____________________________________________________________________________

Do you spend enough time on/with the things you most value? Why or why not?

I spend enough time with the things or the one I value the most . Why? Because life is short you don't
when or how you'll die. I spend time with things and the one i value the most ao that i will not have any
regrets in the future when the time comes.

1. How is the “public you” different from the “private you”?

My private self and public self is still just me. It all makes up who I am as a person. My public
and private communication on both keep the same respect for other people when they’re talking. I
try to have fun no matter what face I’m wearing

2. How are you trying to please others with the way you live your life?
According to my research, you can't please everybody, no matter how hard you try. No tailor is good
enough to sew a dress to meet everybody's expectations. For me , I will not try to please them instead
Choose to be admired and respected for the sincerity of what you stand for and the greatness of what you
work for.Be true to your beliefs and convictions and no matter what happens, don't compromise them.

1. What three things are you most proud of in your life to date?
a. Family___________________________________________________________________________
b. Friends___________________________________________________________________________
c. What and who I am

2. What do you hope to achieve in life?

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I hope to achieve in life is the successful in all aspects of life.

1. List three (3) things that you are:
a. I am humble_______________________________________________________________
b. I am
c. I am

2. List three (3) things that you are not: 1. 2. 3.

a. _ I am not always
b. I am not always a healthy
c. I am not

If you could accomplish only one thing during the rest of your life, what would it be?
If I could accomplish only one thing during the rest of ny life , that is to give my parents / family a life that
they always dream off . I know this sound common but this is what I really want to accomplish in life .

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