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CSE20352 Soil and Rock Engineering

Tutorial 2

CSE20352 Soil & Rock Eng. (Site Investigation)

• By the end of the tutorial, you will be able to

• Calculate the bearing capacity of shallow foundation
Terzaghi’s general ultimate bearing capacity theory
Bearing capacity of the ground (per unit area):

qu = qc + qq + q = cN c + qN q + BN

where qc, qq and q are bearing capacity contributed by cohesion,

surcharge at the level of foundation base, and soil self-weight

Effective stress analysis: use c’, ’ and effective stress

Total stress analysis: use cu, u and total stress
Meyerhof’s General Bearing Capacity Equation
Meyerhof (1963) proposed the following general equation to refine the
qu = cN c Sc I c Dc + qN q S q I q Dq +  BN S I  D

𝑐 = cohesion
𝑞 = effective stress at the level of the bottom of foundation
γ = unit weight of soil
𝐵 = width of foundation (=diameter for a circular foundation)

Nc, Nq, N = bearing capacity factors, functions of soil friction angle , can be
determined from the table reported by Meyerhof (1963)

Sc, Sq, S= shape factors, semi-empirical factors based on experimental results

Dc, Dq, D = depth factors, semi-empirical factors based on experimental results

Ic, Iq, I = load inclination factors, semi-empirical factors based on experimental results
Differences between the two theories

▪ Different values for Nc, Nq and N

▪ Different shape factors
▪ Terzaghi’s theory does not require depth factor and
inclination factor, but Meyerhof’s theory requires
Example 1
A 2m-wide wall footing is to be founded at a depth of 1m below the surface of a
deep stratum of soft saturated clay (unit weight = 20 kN/m3). Soil parameters are
as follows: u=0, cu=24kPa; ’=25, c’=0. Determine the short term and long term
bearing capacity per unit area using the Terzaghi’s bearing capacity theory. Assume
general shear failure mode.
Example 1

▪ Short-term bearing capacity: it is assumed that immediately after construction

the clay will be in an undrained state. Pore water pressure and effective stress is
unknown, so choose total stress analysis. The relevant soil parameters are u =
0, cu = 24 kPa. Therefore, Nc = 5.7, Nq = 1.0, N = 0. For a strip footing, the
bearing capacity is

qu = cN c + qNq = 24  5.7 + 20 11 = 157 kN/m 2 Total stress analysis

▪ Long-term bearing capacity: it is assumed that excess pore water pressure is fully
dissipated (drained condition) and water table is at the ground surface. The
relevant soil parameters are ’ = 25, c’ = 0. So, Nc = 25.1, Nq = 12.7, N = 9.7. For a
strip footing, the bearing capacity is

qu = (20 − 9.8)112.7 +  (20 − 9.8) 2  9.7 = 228 kN / m 2

1 Effective stress
2 analysis
Example 2
A 2m-wide wall footing is to be founded at a depth of 1m below the surface of a
deep stratum of soft saturated clay (unit weight = 20 kN/m3). Soil parameters are
as follows: u=0, cu=24kPa; ’=25, c’=0. Determine the short term and long term
bearing capacity per unit area using the Terzaghi’s bearing capacity theory.
Assume local shear failure mode.
Example 2

▪ Short-term bearing capacity: it is assumed that immediately after construction

the clay will be in an undrained state. Pore water pressure and effective stress is
unknown, so choose total stress analysis. The relevant soil parameters are u =
0, cu = 24 kPa, so u1 = 0, cu1 = 16 kPa. Therefore, Nc = 5.7, Nq = 1.0, N = 0. For
a strip footing, the bearing capacity is

qu = cN c1 + qNq1 = 16  5.7 + 20 11 = 111 kN/m 2 Total stress analysis

▪ Long-term bearing capacity: it is assumed that excess pore water pressure is fully
dissipated (drained condition) and water table is at the ground surface. The
relevant soil parameters are ’ = 25, c’ = 0, so ’ =tan-1( 2/3*tan25)=17, c’ = 0.
Hence, Nc1 = 14.6, Nq1 = 5.45, N1 = 3.5. For a strip footing, the bearing capacity is
qu = (20 − 9.8)1 5.45 +  (20 − 9.8) 2  3.5 = 91 kN / m 2
2 stress analysis
Example 3 Smith (1998)

A rectangular foundation, 2 m  4 m, is located at a depth of 1 m in saturated

soft clay with saturated unit weight of 20 kN/m3. Soil parameters are as
follows: u=0, cu=24kPa; ’=25, c’=0. Determine the ultimate bearing
capacity of the foundation, (i) immediately after construction and, (ii) some
years after construction (assume water table is very deep, and soil unit
weight above water table is close to 20 kN/m3). Please use the following two
▪ Terzaghi’s bearing capacity equation and assume general shear failure
▪ Meyerhof’s general bearing capacity equation
Example 3

Different analysis methods should be adopted:

▪ For the short-term condition (immediately after construction), pore
water pressure and effective stress of soil is unknown, so total stress
analysis is considered and used.
▪ For the long-term condition (some years after construction), excess
pore water pressure due to construction all dissipates, and pore water
pressure (hydrostatic in the long-term condition) and effective stress of
soil can be calculated, so effective stress analysis is considered and used.
Example 3
Case (a): the short-term capacity

▪ Terzaghi’s theory: as illustrated above, total stress analysis is considered and used to
calculate the short-term bearing capacity. The relevant soil parameters are u = 0, cu = 24
kPa. Therefore, Nc = 5.7, Nq = 1.0, N = 0. For a rectangular footing, the bearing capacity is
 B
qu = cNc 1 + 0.3  + qNq = 24  5.7 1.15 + 20 11 = 177.3 kN/m 2
 L

▪ Meyerhof’s theory: similar to Terzaghi’s theory, the relevant soil parameters are u = 0, cu
= 24 kPa. Therefore, Nc = 5.14, Nq = 1.0, N = 0. Furthermore, the inclination factors are all
equal 1, and the shape, depth factors (Df/B < 1) as well as bearing capacity are as follows:

Sc = 1 + 2 4 1 5.14 = 1.1 S q = 1 ( for  = 0) S = 1 − 0.4  2 4 = 0.8

Dc = 1 + 0.4 1 2 = 1.2 Dq = 1 ( for  = 0) D = 1

qu = cN c Sc I c Dc + qNq S q I q Dq = 24  5.14 1.11.2 + (1 20)111 = 182.8 kN/m 2

Example 3
Case (b): the long-term capacity

▪ Terzaghi’s theory: as illustrated above, effective stress analysis is considered and used to
calculate the long-term bearing capacity. The relevant soil parameters are ’ = 25, c’ = 0.
Therefore, Nc = 25.1, Nq = 12.7, N = 9.7. For a rectangular footing, the bearing capacity is

qu = qN q + 0.5BN (1 − 0.2 ) = 20 112.7 + 0.5  20  2  9.7  (1 − 0.2  2 4) = 428.6 kN/m 2


▪ Meyerhof’s theory: similar to Terzaghi’s theory, the relevant soil parameters are ’ = 25, c’
= 0. Therefore, Nc = 20.72, Nq = 10.66, N = 10.88. Furthermore, the inclination factors are
all equal 1, and the shape, depth factors (Df/B < 1) as well as bearing capacity are as
Sc = 1 + 2 4 10.66 20.72 = 1.26 Sq = 1 + 2 4  tan(25) = 1.23 S = 1 − 0.4  2 4 = 0.8

Dc = 1 + 0.4 1 2 = 1.2 Dq = 1 + 2 tan(25)(1 − sin( 25) ) 1 2 = 1.16 D = 1


qu = qNq S q I q Dq +  BN S I  D

qu = (1 20)10.66 1.2311.16 + 0.5  20  2 10.88  0.8 11 = 478.3kN/m 2

Example 4
A square foundation, B x B, subjected to total vertical gross load of 700 kN, is
located at a depth of 1.22 m below the ground surface (’ = 34, c’ = 0, γsat =
18.55 kN/m3, γ =16.5 kN/m3 above water table). The ground water level is
located 0.61 m below ground surface. The factor of safety is 3 using the gross
method. Determine the width of the foundation using Meyerhof’s bearing
capacity theory.
Example 4

▪ Determine the value of shape factors and depth factors:

Example 4

▪ Determine the gross bearing capacity:

It can be seen that the bearing capacity is a function of B.

Example 4

▪ The pressure at the foundation base at the working condition

▪ Apply the FOS (gross method):

The width of the shallow foundation is about 1.4m.

Vane shear test (field)
• Applied torque (T) equals the sum of the resisting moment of the shear
force along the side surface (Ms) of the soil cylinder and the resisting
moment of the shear force at each end (Me)

derivation of Me

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