CEE Seminar Report Template

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The Hong Kong Polytechnic Unviersity

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Seminar Report
Last update: Aug 2021

1. Students are not allowed to copy from any other student’s work or from any other
sources except where due acknowledgement is made. Student’s works are going to be
checked by Turnitin.
2. Students are not allowed to “attend 1 seminar for submission of seminar report for 2 or
more subjects”.
3. If a student violates principle (1) and/or (2), it will be regarded as a cheating case. The
Subject Assessment Review Panel will discuss the case and the student will probably get
a Fail grade for the subject concerned.

Part I. Basic Information of the Seminar

The seminar should be related to the subject listed in this section. Consult the subject
lecturer if in doubt.
Subject Code & Title :
Programme Code & Title :
Student Name :
Student No. :
Seminar Topic :
Name and Affiliation of
Seminar Speaker
Date and time of Seminar
(if applicable)
Seminar Venue/ Weblink
of Seminar (if applicable)

Part II. Summary of the seminar

Write a summary of the seminar attended in around 500 words.

You may consult the ‘Seminar Report Self-evaluation Checklist’ for writing hints.
Part III. Lesson Learnt/ Reflection

Write around 250 words for lesson learnt/ reflection about the seminar.
Please consult the subject lecturer for specific content to be included in this part; otherwise,
you may refer to the ‘Seminar Report Self-evaluation Checklist’ for typical contents to be
included in this section.

Part IV. Attendance certificate

Please attach the attendance certificate, or other evidence of seminar attendance (such as a
print screen together with your student ID) to this report.

Part V. Declaration

I confirm that I attended this seminar myself, this seminar report is original work of my own,
and is only used for submission in the subject stated in Part I.

Signature: ______________________________

Date: ___________________________________

If a student’s English communication is evaluated as ‘Below satisfactory’ by the subject
lecturer, the student would be referred to the English team for consultation and follow-up.
Rewriting and resubmission may be required upon the subject lecturer’s request.
Part VI. Evaluation (to be completed by subject lecturer or delegates)

Component Evaluation
Basic info of the seminar Satisfactory Below Satisfactory

Summary of the seminar Excellent Good Satisfactory Below Satisfactory

Lessons learnt/ reflection Excellent Good Satisfactory Below Satisfactory

Communicative function Excellent Good Satisfactory Below Satisfactory**

Excellent Good Satisfactory Below Satisfactory**
Overall Evaluation
9 – 10 7–8 4–6 0–3

Marks:_____(out of 10)

** If the student is being rated ‘Below satisfactory’ in the ‘Communicative Function’

component, please kindly forward the students’ work to the CEE English team
(emily.chu@polyu.edu.hk) for consultation and follow-up. You may request the student to
rewrite and resubmit.

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