Materi Teks Diskusi Dan Teks Eksposisi Kelompok 4 RWLS

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Kelompok 4 RWLS

Discussion Text & Exposition Text

• Definition Of Discussion Text

The definition of discussion text is a text that contains a discussion related to an issue. Issues can
be discussed from various points of view, for example from the point of view of the people
directly involved, or just observers. Usually, this discussion text is found in philosophical,
historical and social texts.

The purpose of the discussion text is to convey arguments and information from various points
of view. There are arguments in the discussion text and some of them are expositions, either in
the form of analytical expositions (giving arguments and restating views) or hortatory
expositions (giving stronger arguments and recommending actions). Although there is an
exposition text section in the discussion text in English, these two texts have differences.

 Struktur Discussion Text

1. Statement of issue
The first paragraph is an introduction and/or statement regarding the issue to be
discussed. Usually these issues are hot issues that are circulating around. In addition,
the themes are varied, can be in the form of philosophical issues, educational issues,
historical issues, social issues, political issues and other issues.
2. List of supporting points
The next paragraph, the author provides several things that support the issue being
discussed or convey pro arguments. It can be about advantages, benefits, and so on.
3. List of contrast points
Contrary to the paragraph that contains things that support the issue, the author
provides several things that do not support the issue in other words, conveying contra
arguments. It can be in the form of losses, negative things and others.
4. RecommendationIn the last paragraph, the author provides recommendations
regarding the issue being discussed to the reader, or the subject contained in the
discussion text. It can be a suggestion to take an action on the issue, or a suggestion
that the reader or the subject in the discussion text better study the issues discussed
from various points of view before making a decision.
 Language rules Discussion Text
1. Introducing category or generic participant
For example: “Homeschooling”, “Usage of the Internet”, “Distance Learning” dan
2. Using the thinking verb Such as feel, hope, believe, certain.
“Parents choose to homeschool to educate their kids because they believe that
homeschooling can be a personalized schedule.”
3. Using additive, contrast, and casual connection
Similarly, on the other hand, however, and etc.
For example: “On the other hand, homeschooling can spoil parents' time.”
4. Using modalities Must, should, could, may, and etc.
“So, when thinking about putting children through home school, I believe we should
make sure that we understand all of the criteria involved in home education.”
5. Using adverbs of manner Deliberately, hopefully, dan lain-lain.
“Another advantage is flexibility in time and curriculum. By homeschooling, parents
can set the curriculum freely.”

Exposition text, be it analytical exposition text or hortatory exposition text, only discusses one
point of view (whether it agrees or disagrees with the issues discussed). While the discussion text
discusses from both sides, namely the side that is approved by the author and not approved by
the author, or the pros and cons of the thing being discussed. In conclusion, the characteristics of
discussion texts are the presentation of issues, then pro and con arguments related to the issues
discussed and suggestions for readers.

 Structure

1. Thesis

In general, in Indonesian, this section is also referred to as a general statement which acts as an
opening in the exposition text. Through a thesis statement, the author will usually begin to
introduce the issue, topic, or author's views on a topic that will be discussed in the text. So that
the theme or topic to be discussed can make the audience more interested, don't forget to do
research first. You can find lots of reading references from various credible sources so that your
views on the topic are getting stronger. Oh yes, you can also start the first paragraph of this thesis
by writing down a phenomenon that may not be known to many people.

2. Arguments

After introducing the issue, of course the next step is to convey the arguments or opinions you
have to support the issue or topic of writing. In this case, the arguments can be in the form of
personal opinions, logical reasons, relevant data from trusted sources, statements of experts, or
other supporting facts. Don't forget, the arguments you put forward must relate to the thesis that
has been made.
3. Reiteration

The last structure in the exposition text is reiteration. In various other texts, we are familiar with
the term conclusion. Well, if in exposition text, the name is reiteration, this section contains a
conclusion or conclusion from the author on the whole topic discussed at the beginning. The
difference is, in reiteration, the author will provide reaffirmation or recommendations and
suggestions related to writing that may be useful for the audience.

Characteristics of Exposition Text (Exposition)

The characteristics of expository text are:

Exposition text is a writing containing factual knowledge or information based on real

conditions. The information conveyed by the author is written briefly, clearly, and
straightforwardly, and uses standard language in accordance with formal English grammar.

The entire text contains answers from 5W+1H, namely what (what), where (where), when
(when), who (who), why (why), and how (how).

The exposition text does not favor anyone for a particular purpose.

Language Features Exposition Text

1. Use simple present tense

Because the exposition text is factual writing, aka non-fiction, the tenses used are simple present
which states about current conditions. However, this rule is not an absolute rule. That is, you can
use several other types of tenses that are adapted to the content or context of the sentence.

2. Use conjunctions

In general, conjunctions are conjunctions. You still remember, right? In the exposition text, there
is a structure of the author's argument that is related to the discussion of the topic. So, exposition
texts often use conjunctions in their sentences, for example, such as so, therefore, the reason, etc.

3. Use a lot of cause and effect words

Actually, cause and effect words are also known as causal conjunctions, which are words or
phrases that you can use to convey reasons or explanations for an action that occurs. One cause
and effect word is "because of."
4. Use connective words

"Huh, what's the difference between connective words and conjunctions?"

So, the conjunction is part of the connective words, while the connective is not necessarily
included in the type of conjunction. You see, there are two types of connective words, namely
conjunctions and connecting words.

So, in expository text, basically you can use both types of connective words to connect words to
words, sentences to sentences, or to connect phrases. Examples of connecting words include
even though, although, however, nevertheless, on the contrary, on the other hand, and many

5. Use vocabularies to express writer's expression

Exposition text is a type of text that does not escape the author's argument. Therefore, writers
need to have the skills to express their opinions and opinions using various vocabulary in
English. In simple terms, the vocabulary that can be used in this text is think, must, try, need,
important, and so on so forth.

6. Use vocabularies which will provoke audience emotion

As we discussed earlier, in addition to being argumentative, expository text also has a purpose to
influence the reader, right? Therefore, the writer must be able to present a discussion that is
packed with various English vocabulary to arouse the emotions of the reader, for example
concern, innocent, unreasonable, and many more.


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