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Ocampo, Jasmin L.

Ella Danica Gallos Gabiota

BAEL-4A World Literature


Directions: Answer the following questions comprehensively. (50) points
1. The story proceeds through dialogue. The two speakers in the poem are Edward
and his mother. Why does the mother ask the first questions? What are the two
lines that Edward gives? Why does he lie? Why doesn’t the mother believe his
 The mother asked first because she noticed that his son’s sword was dripping
with blood. Edward responded by that he killed his hawk. Then when his mother
doesn’t believe it, he said he killed his horse. He lied because he doesn’t want
her mother to know that he just killed his father. His mother doesn’t believe his
lies because she thought that hawk’s blood is not the red and his horse is hold
and he could just buy one.
2. How does Edward feel about having killed his father? Explain and show proof
from the text.
 He was also unhappy about it and at the same time quite upset about
something. You can see it in the line where he confessed that he killed his
father. “O I have killed my father dear
Mother, Mother,
O I have killed my father dear,
Alas, and woe is me, O"
 There is an intense sorrow in the lines as well as angst. This can be seen,
especially in Alas, and woe is me, O . Woe is me is actually originated in Bible
translation by Wycliff. It means that a person saying it is drowned with life
challenges and sees no hope anymore.
3. Why does the mother ask about the halls and towers of Edward? What are these
halls and towers? How are these related to her?
 The mother asked about the halls and the towers because it may also mean a lot
to Edward as well as to her. These halls and towers is a proof of long hard work
of their family. These are the materialistic properties that they have. It was
related to her in a way that she is only concerned of what will happen to the
future of his son given that he would abandon those towers and walls.
4. What question of the mother shows her main interest?
 When she asked about what will happen to the towers and halls of Edward, and
when she asked what will Edward would leave to her when he will go away.
5. What is the mother’s bad advice? Why did she advise her son wrongly? Can her
act be justified? Why or why not?
 She somewhat motivated his son to kill his father or she also share the blame
the evil doing of his son. I cannot tell so because the ballad did not tell the full
story. It is only a part of a bigger story. However, basing only in this fragments,
it cannot be justified since it includes killing someone and wherever you go it is

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