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B Y D A V I D F O R E S T, E D I T O R , T H E S U P E R S P I K E A D V I S O R Y

I used to think wealth had to be created. Through hard work, luck, or sheer ruthlessness. But
then I learned: the world’s biggest riches aren’t created… they’re discovered.

I know this personally. During COVID, I had some time on my hands. So I traveled solo to the
wilds of Nevada.

With a little research, I uncovered a forgotten treasure of silver, gold, copper, lead, and zinc. I
staked the ground for less than $15,000.

Just a few months later, I sold it to a mining company for well over $1 million.

That’s not a one-off. I’ve done this multiple times.

I bought a gold deposit in Colombia, South America. It cost my partners and I about $2.5

We took that gold deposit public. At its peak the stock was worth over $300 million.

Multiples like that don’t come often. Most investors dream about a win like that.

In hard assets, it happens all the time. It’s what I call “Super Spike” investing.

Commodities fortunes often come very fast. For thousands of years, people have made money
from “super spikes” in hard assets.

Super spikes are periods in history when hard asset prices surge violently higher. These spikes
make investors rich.

Most importantly: super spikes have a pattern. They repeat throughout history. I’ll explain in a
moment why these cycles happen, and how we can spot them coming.

But first, let me give you the most important part of this briefing.

We just entered another window for super spikes. It’s happening right now, and it’s going to create
extreme fortunes.

In fact, I believe we’ve got potential for one of the biggest super spikes ever. The window will be
open for the next 12 to 18 months.

Let me show you why, in a single chart.

My team pulled together data on all the super spikes in the last 120 years. It reveals how hard
assets from corn to copper to coal surged thousands of percent very quickly during super spikes.


To my knowledge, no one has previously published this kind of “long view” of super spikes.

It shows us something critical.

Super spikes occurred reliably throughout history. And they’re getting bigger in recent years.

Starting in 1915, oil went on a super spike. It ended up gaining 775%. That’s when Rockefeller
and his Standard Oil group made fortunes drilling for crude.

But recent super spikes ran much higher. The 1970s spike in sugar went up 3,744%. The 2010s
spike in rare earth metals surged 9,121%.

When my team and I put this together, there was only one conclusion. The super spike we’re
entering now could be bigger than anything we’ve seen before.


But let me back up for a moment.

You’re probably wondering, “Why do these explosive investment opportunities happen?”

Here are the basics. Super spikes are – most simply put – unusually large jumps in a market.

These massive surges happen due to several reasons:

1. Large increases in liquidity and money supply.

2. Major shifts in technology, society, or both.

3. Investor enthusiasm, or even mania.


4. Extreme shortages in supply.

5. “X-factor” events like war, revolutions, or the rise of disruptive industries.

Here’s a nice way to visualize it:

You’re probably familiar with some past super spikes. The dot-com bubble is a good example.

Several of the factors above caused dot-com stocks to spike:

1. We had a rising money supply in the late 1990s.

2. There was a big technological shift, the internet.

3. We also had buoyant investor enthusiasm, encouraged by the promise of new tech.

These spikes took place throughout history. Centuries ago, discovery of new lands sent stocks
roaring. The Mississippi Bubble in France during the 1700s drew investors in with the promise
of riches from overseas colonies.

Today, the details are different, but the pattern is the same. When a super spike gets going, assets
rise hundreds of percent quickly. Often they keep going, eventually spiking 1,000% or more.


Here are some examples of super spikes that happened when these factors aligned. Remember,
these are just a few examples from my research going back to 1900.


Now, it’s happening again.

Let’s look at a summary of a recent super spike we saw in nickel. It checked all the boxes we
need to trigger a spike:

1. Large increases in liquidity and money supply. The U.S. government printed 4.6
trillion new dollars to stimulate us out of COVID.

2. Major shifts in technology, society, or both. The rise of electric vehicles (EVs)
ratcheted up demand for nickel. It’s used to make the cathode for most EV batteries.

3. Investor enthusiasm, or even mania. Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, publicly
talked about nickel mining as a huge opportunity.

4. Extreme shortages in supply. Stockpiles of nickel metal in trading centers like London
dropped to multiyear lows.

5. “X-factor” events like war, revolutions, or the rise of disruptive industries. Russia
is one of the world’s biggest nickel exporters. After the Russian invasion of Ukraine,
sanctions choked off this supply.

Sure enough, we just saw the beginnings of a super spike in nickel. In March 2022, the nickel
price surged violently. It rose more than 200% in a single day. (See chart on next page.)

That’s an astonishing rise. It’s incredible to see anything triple in a matter of 24 hours.

Digging into the data, my team and I discovered something shocking. The 2022 nickel spike is
the largest single-day super spike so far in history.


There’s never been a spike that moved this much, that fast.

That tells us two important things.

First, the super spike window is here. We’ve entered a period where super spikes in hard assets will
become common.

Second, today’s super spike window could be the biggest we’ve ever seen. Nickel’s one-day 200%
spike is unprecedented.

That’s why I’ve been working on a truly exciting project the last couple of months…


I believe the next 12 to 18 months could deliver absolutely astounding gains.

That’s why I’ve created The Super Spike Advisory. To help you – the mainstream investor – get in
on these Super Spikes.

By buying today, we have a historic wealth creation opportunity.

You might think you’ve missed it. I flagged nickel as a major opportunity to my readers years
ago. But most investors are still unaware of its profit potential. Very few were positioned to take
advantage of nickel’s 200% spike.

But I’m here to tell you, this is just the beginning.


Remember this chart…

You can see how super spikes happen in clusters. It’s not just one commodity. Metals, energy,
and agriculture often spike together, one after another.

They’re all hard assets. And they all spike explosively when super spike conditions come together.

My team and I track all these commodities. Using our historical research, we’ve created a
“roadmap” for the unfolding super spike. It’s a blueprint to tell which commodities will move
next, how long the spike will last, and where to invest for maximum profits.


Looking at past spikes, we’ve identified three stages of each boom. We call it the “Triple P
System” – Profits, Plunge, and Protection.

Profits Phase

The first stage of any super spike is the Profits phase. This is the opening act – I believe it’s
where we’re sitting today.

The Profits phase happens at the end of wider bull markets. Times when stocks have been rising
for years or even decades.

Investor enthusiasm runs high. People look for the next megatrend. Appetite for growth stories
is the order of the day.

When these bull markets start to falter, regular stocks stall. Inflation rises as hot money flows
around the economy.


Commodities linked to industrial growth thrive. They get a double tailwind: still-strong
demand from thriving business, and rising inflation driving up hard assets.

Commodities like lithium, nickel, copper, and rare earths outperform. Investors take notice and
pile into these “exotic” sectors, surging prices further.

Plunge Phase

Then comes the Plunge stage of the super spike.

This is when energy commodities get in on the action. Strong industrial demand for energy
drives oil, natural gas, and even coal higher. Uranium also performs well, as demand for
baseload power like nuclear energy soars.

Inflation propels energy hard assets even higher. Speculation increases. So does concern about
energy prices damaging the economy. Eventually, rising energy costs do cut into economic
growth. Regular stocks take a dive. Industrial activity slows.

Protection Phase

This sets the stage for the final act of the super spike: Protection.

As the economy comes unglued, stock markets fall. Speculative sectors get crushed. Industrial
stocks take a beating.

Investors scramble into safe assets. Bond yields plummet as money flows out of stocks and into
Treasuries. Safe-haven currencies like the U.S. dollar and the Japanese yen soar as investors
move to cash.

Precious metals explode during the Protection phase. Gold, silver, and even platinum and
palladium have their own super spikes as investors pile in to keep their money safe.

These final spikes can be some of the biggest. During the super spike of the 1970s, the gold bull
market was one of the most spectacular profit opportunities.

Knowing this super spike blueprint, we can position for the next spike and the next and the
next. I expect we’ll get several opportunities for big gains, in completely different commodities.

The key is staying nimble. Super spikes happen fast – and they can reverse quickly.

It’s critical to have the right investments.


You could play the super spike using traditional investments. There are plenty of ETFs on
commodities from copper to corn.


Or you could use complicated options trading strategies. That’s how many commodity traders
bet. But unfortunately, options accounts aren’t easy to set up and manage, so this strategy
excludes many average investors.

But I’ve come up with a simple solution. In fact, it’s a strategy that can multiply your gains
during a super spike…

My preferred way to play the super spike is: buying stocks of development and production
companies. These will spike far more than the underlying commodity.

Because this is such a huge deal... and there’s so much opportunity for life-changing wealth...

I’m hosting the Super Spike Summit on Wednesday, June 8th at 8 p.m. ET. Be sure to join me

Keep walking the path,

David Forest
Editor, The Super Spike Advisory

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