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By: Mohammad Qushoy 106026001008

English Letters Department Faculty of Adab and Humanity State Islamic University Syarief Hidayatullah Jakarta 2007

1. Negative Prefixes
Un1. {un-} + {verb} = adjective {un-} + {abate} = unabated Without becoming any less strong. Example: The rain continued un abated. 2. {un-} + {verb} = adjective {un-} + {accompany} = unaccompanied Without a person going together with somebody or something. Example; Someone has found an unaccompanied luggage. 3. {un-} + {verb} = adjective {un-} + {accustom} = unaccustomed Not in the habit of doing something; not used to something. Example: She was unaccustomed to hard work. 4. {un-} + {verb} = adjective {un-} + {acquaint} = unacquainted Not familiar with something or somebody; having no experience of something Example: The visitors unacquainted with local customs. 5. {un-} + {verb} = adjective {un-} + {affected} = unaffected. Not changed or influence by something. Example: Peoples rights are unaffected by the new law. 6. {un-} + {verb} = adjective {un-} + {affiliate}= unaffiliated Not belonging to or connected with a political party or a large organization. Example: He was unaffiliated. 7. {un-} + {adjective} = adjective {un-} + { fraid} =unafraid Not afraid or nervous; not worried about what might happen. Example: She felt calm and unafraid. 8. {un-} + {noun} = adjective {un-} + {aid} = unabated Without help from anyone or anything. Example; Now, he can walk unaided. 9. {un-} + {verb } = adjective {un-} + {alter} = unaltered That has not change or been changed. Example; This practice has remained unaltered for centuries. 10. {un-} + {adjective} = adjective {un-} + {ambiguous}= unambiguous. Clear in meaning; that only is understood in one way. Example;

The message was clear and ambiguous. 11. {un-} + {adjective} =adjective {un-} + {available} = unavailable That cannot be obtained; not able or not willing to see, meet or talk to somebody. Example: Such luxury items were unavailable to ordinary people. 1 {un-} + {adjective} = adjective {un-} + {aware} = unaware Not knowing or realizig that something is happening or that something exist. Example: He was completely unaware of the whole affair. 13. {un-} + {verb, adjective} = adjective {un-} + {born} = unborn Not yet born. Example: She buys some toys for her unborn baby. 14. {un-} + {noun, verb} = adjective {un-} + {button} = unbutton To undo the button on a piece of clothing. Example: He unbutton his shirt. 15. {un-} + {adjective} = adjective {un-} + {canny} =uncanny Strange and difficult to explain. Example: I had an uncanny feeling, I was being watched. 16. {un-} + {noun, adjective}= adjective {un-} + {certain} = uncertain Feeling doubt about something; not sure. Example: Theyre both uncertain about what to do. 17. {un-} + {noun, adjective} = adjective {un-} + {civil} = uncivil Not polite. Example: They were not allowed the uncivil grow among the society. 18. {un-} + {noun, adjective, verb, adverb}= adjective {un-} + {clean} = unclean Dirty and therefore likely to cause disease; considered to be bad, immoral, or not pure in a religious way, and therefore not to be touched, eaten, etc. Example: The children were washing their hands with the unclean water. 19. {un-} + {noun, adjective, verb} = adjective {un-} + {cool} = uncool Not considered by fashionable young people. Example: The actor look uncool that evening. 20. {un-} + {adjective} = adjective {un-} + {decided}= undecided Not having made a decision about somebody or something; not having been decided. Example: Im still undecided about who to vote for.

Dis- .
1. Dis- + noun =verb Dis- + Courage =discourage To try or to preventsomething or to prevent somebody from doing something especially by making it difficult to do or by showing that you d not approve of it Example: Her parents tried to discourage her from being an actress 2. Dis- + noun, verb =verb Dis- + Color = discoloured To change color or to make the colour of something changes, in a way to make it look less attractive. Example: The picture discoloured by the water crayon. 3. Dis- + noun = noun Dis- + advantage = disadvantage Something that caused problems and tends o stop somebody or something from succeeding or making progress. Example: Drugs have some disadvantages to the young generation. 4. Dis- + noun, verb =verb Dis- + abuse = disabuse To tell somebody what they think is true, in fact, not true. Example: The Politician disabuse the parlement 5. Dis- + verb = verb Dis- + appear =disappear To become impossible to see. Example: The Adam Air plane disappeared behind the cloud last meeting. 6. Dis- + noun, verb = noun, verb Dis- + ease = disease 1. Noun: The loss of other peoples respect and approval because of the bad way somebody has behaved. 2. Verb: To behave badly in a way that makes you or other people feel ashamed Example: 1. Noun: Her behaviour has brought disgrace on her friends 2. Verb: He had disgraced the family name 7. Dis- + noun = verb, noun Dis- + guise = Disguise 1. verb: To change your appearance so that people cannot recognize you 2. noun : a thing that you wear to change your appearance so that people do not recognize you. Example: 1. The policeman disguised himself as a woman 2. He wore glasses and a wig as a disguise 8. Dis- + verb, noun= verb, noun Dis- + count = Discount 1. Verb: to think or say that is not important or not true; to take an amount of money off the usual cost of

Something; to sell something as a discount. 2. Noun: an amount of money that is taken off the usual cost of something Example: 1. Verb: The news repots were being discounted as a propaganda 2. Noun: They were selling everything in a discount. 9. Dis- + verb, exclamation = verb Dis- + please = verb To make somebody feel upset , annoyed or not satisfied. Example: The tone of the letter displeased her. 10. Dis- + verb =verb Dis- + allow = dis allow To officially refuse to accept something because its not valid. Example: The card machine disallow his card. 11. Dis + verb, noun = verb Dis + arm = disarm To make a weapon or weapons away from somebody Example: The thief was captured and disarmed. 12. Dis- + verb, noun = verb Dis- + band = disband To stop somebody or something from operating as a group Example: The legislative formally disband in March 13. Dis + verb, noun= verb, noun Dis + card = discard 1. Verb:to get rid of something that you no longer want or need. 2. Noun: a person or thing that is not wanted or thrown away. Example: 1. Verb: she had discarded her umbrella because the rains stop. 2. Noun: the discarded memorys card 14. Dis- + verb, noun= verb Dis- + claim = disclaim To state publicity that you have no knowledge of something or that you are not responsile for something. Example: The rebels disclaimed all responsibility for the explosion 15. Dis- + verb, noun= verb, noun Dis + comfort = discomfort 1. A feeling of slight pain or being physically uncomfortable 2. To make somebody anxious or embarrassed Example: 1. The patient will experience discomfort during the treatment 2. He was discomforted by the accident 16. Dis- + verb, noun = verb, noun Dis- + credit = discredit 1. To make people stop respecting somebody or something. 2. Damage to somebodys reputation; loss of respect

Example: 1. The conspiracy was discredit the legislative 2. Violent football fans bring discredit on the teams they support. 17. Dis- + verb, noun= verb Dis- + lodge = Dislodge To force or knock something out of its position. Example: The rebels have so far failed to dislodge the president. 18. Dis- + adjactive= verb Dis- + loyal = disloyal Example: He was accused of being disloyal to the government. 19. Dis- + adjective, verb, pronoun= verb Dis- + own = disown To decide that you no longer want to be connected with or responsible for somebody or something. Example: Her family disowned her for marrying a foreigner. 20. Dis- + verb, noun = noun Dis- + repair = disrepair A building , road, etc, that is in a state of has not been look after and is broken in a bad condition; State of needing repair Example: The department store quickly fell into disrepair after it was closed.

Inimmaterial (adj) {{in-}+{{materi}+{-al}}} not important or relevant it is immaterial (to me) whether he goes or stays immature (adj) = {{in-}+{mature}} not sensible in behaviour he is very immature for his age impolite (adj) = {{in-}+{polite}} not polite some people think it is impolite to ask someones age immobile (adj) = {{in-}+{mobile}} unable to move her illness has made her completely immobile immeasurable (adj) = {{in-}+{{measur}+{-able}}} too large,wide the immeasurable depths of the universe immoral (adj) = {{in-}+{moral}} not following accepted standards of morality some people still think it is immoral to have sex before marriage impatient (adj) = {{in-}+{patient}} unable to deal calmly dont be so impatient! imperfect (adj) = {{in-}+{perfect}} faulty,not perfect clothes cold as imperfect =

impossible (adj)

{{in-}+{possible}} cannot be done or not possible it is impossible for me to be there before 08.00 pm irrational (adj) = {{in-}+{{ratio}+{-al}}} not guided by reason

Nonnon-aggression (n) = {{non-}+{{aggres}+{-sion}}} not to attack each other a policy of non-aggression non-commisioned (adj)=

{{non-}+{{commission}+{-ed}}} not having a commission in the army non-commisioned officers such as sergeants or corporals non-appearance (n) = {{non-}+{{appear}+{-ance}}} the failure to appear or be present the non-appearance in court of the defendant non-chalance (n) = {{non-}+{{chal}+{-ance}}} not showing anxiety,interest he received the trophy with surprising nonchalance non-conformist (n) = {{non-}+{conformist}} who does not conform to normal social conventions he was a real nonconformist at school,he got into trouble the whole time non-committal (adj) = {{non-}+{{commit}+{-al}}} not showing what one thinks she was very noncommittal about my suggestion non-existent (adj) = {{non-}+{existent}} not real in those days health care was vitually non-existent non-entity (n) = {{non-}+{{ent}+{-ity}}} unimportant person how could such a nonentity become chairman of the company? non-compliance (n) = {{non-}+{{compli}+{-ance}}} a refusal or failure to obey an order,a rule impose a fine for noncompliance with the safety regulations non-cooperation (n) = {{non-}+{{cooper}+{-ation}}} the failure to cooperate an all out strike is unlikely but some forms of noncooperation are being considered non-payment (n) = {{non-}+{{pay}+{-ment}}} failure to pay a debt,fine,etc he was taken to court for non payment of rent non-fiction (n) = {{non-}+{fic}+{{-tion}}} not imaginary story the non fiction shelves in the library non-resident (adj) = {{non-}+{resident}} not based permanently in a particular country tax exemption only applies to those with non resident status non-sense (n) = {{non-}+{sense}} no meaning this passage is non sense non-event (n) = {{non-}+{event}} an event that is expected to be important or interesting the party was a non event,hardly anyone come

non-observance (n)

{{non-}+{{observ}+{-ance}}} the failure to keep or observe a rule,custom accused of non observance of the terms of the agreement non-stop (adj) = {{non-}+{stop}} without any stops fly non stop from New York to Paris non-refundable (n) = {{non-}+{{refund}+{-able}}} cannot be returned please note that your deposit is non refundable non-renewable (adj) = {{non-}+{{renew}+{-able}}} cannot be replaced after use most of our energy comes from nonrenewable resources

Mismisconception (n) {{mis-}+{{concept}+{-ion}}} understanding it is a popular /common misconception that in France one is guilty unless proved innocent misadventure (n) = {{mis-}+{adventure}} bad luck their trip was ruined by a whole series of misadventure mistrust (v) = {{mis-}+{trust}} to feel no confidence mistrust ones own judgement misunderstanding (n) = {{mis-}+{undrstanding}} a failure to understand sth correctly we had a slight misunderstanding over the bill misconduct (n) = {{mis-}+{conduct}} unacceptable behaviour allegations of gross/serious/willful misconduct miscount (v) = {{mis-}+{count}} to count wrongly we havent enough chairs,I must have miscounted misdirect (v) = {{mis-}+{direct}} in a situation that is not the most appropriate the letter was misdirect to our old address misfire (v) = {{mis-}+{fire}} to fail to have the disered effect the joke misfired completely misfortune (n) = {{mis-}+{fortune}} bad luck they had the misfortune to be hit by a violent storm mishandle (v) = {{mis-}+{handle}} to manage wrongly or badly wrap the parcel carefully to avoid mishandling in transit mismanage (v) = {{mis-}+{manage}} =

1. a prefix that form verbs

prefix (en-) that form verb

obsolete : to make beautiful; to make beautiful or elegant with ornaments or ornamentation : DECORATE, ADORN *the faults with which nature has generously. embitter to make bitter or more bitter *hops serve to embitter beer* encamp transitive verb: to form into or place in a camp *encamp soldiers* intransitive verb: to form or occupy a camp: prepare and settle in temporary habitations (as tents or huts) encase to enclose in, place in, or provide with a case *each product encased in leatherette*;to cover or surround with or as if with something solid, impermeable, or confining *the neurotic loneliness of a woman encased in her ambition Saturday Review* encash encashable \**b*l\ adjective , Brit encashment \-m*nt\ noun -s Brit enclose to close in *enclose a porch with glass* : SURROUND *enclose a yard with a fence*; specifically: to fence off or in (common land) in order to appropriate to individual use encode to transfer (as a body of information) from one system of communication into another *encode chemical data on punched cards*; especially : to convert (a message) into code encounter transitive verb: to meet in the role of an adversary or enemy : CONFRONT; to engage in conflict with *enemy raiding parties were encountered and driven back* encourage to give courage to : inspire with courage, spirit, or hope : HEARTEN *an example that encouraged struggling peoples to fight for liberty* encroach to enter by gradual steps or by stealth into the possessions or rights of another : TRESPASS, INTRUDE usually used with on or upon *encroach on the territory of a neighboring country* endanger to bring into danger or peril of probable harm or loss : imperil or threaten danger to *he condemned the abolitionists as agitators who actually endangered the cause of freedom A.C.Cole* endear to make dear, beloved, or esteemed *his humor endeared him to the public* *they endeared themselves to the whole town* enfeeble to make feeble *a man enfeebled by hunger* : deprive of strength : reduce the strength of *a country enfeebled by civil war* enfold to surround with a covering : CONTAIN *gilded tombs do worms enfold Shakespeare* engender to cause to exist or to develop : bring forth : sow the seeds of : PRODUCE *angry words engender strife*

*the class struggle tends to engender fear and hatred* engross to take or assume to the exclusion of others : concentrate in one's possession : take the whole of *a few families engrossed the power of the state* engulf to flow over and enclose : OVERWHELM *a man engulfed by fear* *the mounting seas threatened to engulf the island* enjoin to direct, prescribe, or impose by order typically authoritatively and compellingly and with urgent admonition *he was bound to avenge his father, the god Apollo had enjoined it G.L.Dickinson* enjoy to take pleasure or satisfaction in : experience or possess with pleasure *enjoying a comfortable chat by the fire* enlarge to make larger : increase in quantity or dimensions : extend in limits : MAGNIFY *the body is enlarged by nutrition* enlighten to furnish with useful information : INSTRUCT, INFORM *radio should enlighten the listener as well as entertain him* enlist to engage (a person) for military or naval service usually for a definite period; to secure the support and aid of : employ or utilize in advancing some interest *enlist you in a good cause* enmesh to catch or entangle in or as if in meshes *he was enmeshed in a series of boundary disputes with his neighbors* engrave to produce (as letters, figures, or devices) by means of incised lines, spaces, or points *engrave an inscription on stone* enfranchise to set free (as from slavery, prison, or obligation); to endow with a franchise : admit to the privileges of a freeman or citizen enrapt absorbed in or as if in ecstatic contemplation : ENRAPTURED *fools listen to him, silent, enrapt, sighing when he is done Alan Paton* enshrine to enclose in or as if in a shrine *enshrined the cheese in close folds of bright tinfoil enshroud to cover with or as if with or enclose by or as if by a shroud *his life became enshrouded in legend* ensure to make sure, certain, or safe : GUARANTEE *good farming practices go far to ensure good crops* enthrone to seat in a place associated with some position of authority or influence *enthroned at the end of the table as moderator of the evening Louis Auchincloss* entice to draw on by arousing hope or desire : ALLURE, ATTRACT

*with her T high-mindedness she enticed him into a sphere of spirituality that was not his native realm E.L.Stahl* *a vivid dark face that entices attention Claudia Cassidy* entitle to give a title to : affix a name or designation to *his discussion T was contained in a sermon entitled Popular Government by Divine Right S.W.Chapman entomb to deposit in a tomb : BURY, INTER, INHUME *sixty men were entombed by the mine explosion* entrap to catch in or as if in a trap *the pit had entrapped big beetles William Beebe* entreat to ask earnestly : petition or supplicate urgently : beg for *entreat him to hold his revengeful hand L.M.Montgomery* entrench to place within or surround with a trench especially for defensive purposes the enemy entrenched himself strongly along the river* *entrench a town* entrust to confer a trust upon : deliver something to (another) in trust *entrusted him with responsibility for completing the work* entwine to interweave, attach, or involve inextricably in sentiment or thought *she knows how to entwine herself in your affections Henry Miller* envisage to conceive of : grasp mentally : view or regard in a particular way *envisaging man as simply the locus of a polytheism Aldous Huxley* entails to confer, assign, or transmit as if by entail : burden indefinitely with *lament the stupid commonplace and often ribald names entailed upon the rivers and other features of the great West Washington Irving* enscone to cover or shelter especially with a fort; to place or hide (as oneself) securely : CONCEAL *he ensconced himself behind the sofa to hear what went on* ennoble to make noble : elevate in degree or excellence *what can ennoble sots, or slaves, or cowards Alexander Pope* encapsulate to become encapsulated *a bacillus that encapsulates in the human body embalm to fill with odors *[drying] codfish which had embalmed the air for blocks around Mary H. Vorse* empower to give official authority to : delegate legal power to : COMMISSION, AUTHORIZE *empowered the Supreme Court and the district courts of the United States to issue writs of habeas corpus in circumstances involving the exercise of jurisdiction by Federal authorities C.B.Swisher*

encircle to form a circle about *insert each comma in your shorthand notes and encircle it L.A.Leslie* : enclose within a circle : SURROUND *a ring encircled her finger* enforce to give force to : REINFORCE *his comment is enough to confirm and enforce the significance attributed to a free ballot* enslave to reduce to slavery : make a slave of ss *free peasants reduced to serfdom or enslaved*;

2. other prefixes
1. {a-} 1. Amass: {{a-} {mass}}: verb: to collect something, especially in large quantities Ex: He amassed a fortune from silver mining 2. Amend: {{a-} {mend}}: verb: to change a law, document, statement, etc. Ex: He asked to see the amended version 3. Amoral: {{a-} {moral}}: adjective: not following any moral rules and not caring about right and wrong Ex: Guy was greedy, amoral and dishonest 4. Amount: {{a-} {mount}}: verb: to be equal to or the same as something Ex: Her answer amounted to a complete refusal 5. Amuse: {{a-} {muse}}: verb: to make somebody laugh or smile Ex: My funny drawings amused the kids 2. {Anti-} 1. Antibiotic: {{anti-} {biotic}}: Noun: that can destroy or prevent the growth of bacteria and cure infection Ex: The doctor put her on antibiotic 2. Anticlimax: {{a-} {climax}}: Noun: a situation that is disappointing because it happens at the end of something that was much more exiting or not exiting Ex: Traveling in Europe was something of an anticlimax after the years hed spent in Africa. 3. Antidote: {{a-} {dote}}: Noun: a substance that controls the effect of a poison or disease Ex: There is no known antidote to the poison produced by the fish 4. Antiseptic: {{a-} {septic}}: adjective: able to prevent infection Ex: Essential oils have powerful antiseptic properties 5. Antisocial: {{a-} {social}}: adjective: not wanting to spend time with other people Ex: They will think you are antisocial if you dont go 3. {Ante-} 1. Antecedent: {{ante-} {cedent}}: noun: a thing or an event that exists or comes before another, and may have influenced it Ex: He grabbed the ball and threw it in the air 2. Antedate: {{ante-} {date}}: verb: pre-date (to be built or formed, or to happen, at an

earlier date than something else in the past Ex: Few towns fine buildings antedate the earthquake of 1755 3. Anteroom: {{ante-} {room}}: noun: a room where people can wait before entering a large room Ex: John waited his managers at anteroom 4. Antelope: {{ante-} {lope}}: noun: an African animal like a deer that runs very fast Ex: a herd of red antelope 5. Antenatal: {{ante-} {natal}}: adjective: relating to the medical care given to pregnant women Ex: an antenatal clinic 4. {Auto} 1. Automate: {{auto-} (mate}}: verb: to use mechanics and computers instead of people to do a job or task Ex: The entire manufacturing process has been automated 2. Automobile: {{auto-} (mobile}}: noun: a car Ex: an automobile accident 3. Automotive: {{auto-} (motive}}: adjective: connected with motor vehicles Ex: the automotive industry 4. Automatic: {{auto-} (matic}}: Adjective: having controls that work without needing a person to operate them Ex: Breathing is an automatic function of body 5. Autograph: {{auto-} (graph}}: verb: (a famous person) to sign your name on something for somebody to keep Ex: The whole team has autographed a football, which will be used as a prize. 5. {Bi-} 1. Bilateral: {{bi--} (lateral}}: adjective: involving two groups of people or two countries Ex: bilateral relation 2. Bilingual: {{bi--} (lingual}}: adjective: able to speak two languages equally well Ex: She is bilingual in English and Arabic 3. Bipartisan: {{bi--} (partisan}}: adjective: involving two political parties Ex: a bipartisan policy 4. Bicentenary: {{bi--} (centenary}}: noun: the year or the day when you celebrate an important event that happened exactly Ex: Mozarts bicentenary 5. Bicycle: {{bi--} (cycle}}: noun: a road vehicle with two wheels Ex: We went for a bicycle ride on Sunday 6. {By-} 1. By-pass: {{by--} (pass}}: noun: a road that passes around a town or city rather than through the centre Ex: a triple bypass operation 2. Byproduct: {{by--} (product}}: noun: a substance that is product during the process of making something else Ex: When burnt, plastic produces dangerous byproduct 3. Bystander: {{by--} (stander}}: noun: a person who sees something that is happening but it is not involved Ex: innocent bystanders at the scene of the accident 4. Byword: {{by--} (word}}: noun: for something, a person or thing that is a well known Ex: The name channel became a byword for elegance 5. Byzantine: {{by--} (zantine}}: noun: (formal) (of an idea, system, etc), complicated,

secret and difficult to change Ex: an organization of Byzantine complexity 7. {Circum-} 1. Circumnavigation: {{circum--} (navigation}}: noun: to sail all the way round something, especially all the way round the world Ex: the circumnavigation of the globe 2. Circumscribe: {{circum--} (scribe}}: verb: to limit something or somebodys freedom, rights, power, etc. Ex: The power of the monarchy was circumscribed by the new law 3. Circumstance: {{circum--} (stance}}: noun: the conditions and the facts that are connected with an affect a situation Ex: The Company reserves the right to cancel this agreement in certain circumstances. 4. Circumvent: {{circum--} (vent}}: verb: to find a way of avoiding a difficult or a rule Ex: They found a way of circumventing the law 5. Circumstantial: {{circum--} (stantial}}: adjective: containing information and detail strongly suggest that something is true but do not prove it Ex: The case against him was largely circumstantial

8. {Counter-} 1. Counterbalance: {{counter--} (balance}}: verb: to have an equal but opposite effect to something else Ex: parents natural desire to protect their children should be counterbalanced by the childs need for independence 2. Counter-calm: {{counter--} (calm}}: noun: a claim made in replay to another claim and different from it Ex: Amid all the claims and counterclaims it was hard to say who was telling the truth. 3. Counterculture: {{counter--} (culture}}: noun: a way of life and set of ideas that are opposed to those accepted by most of society. Ex: The antimilitary counterculture of the 1960s 4. Countermeasure: {{counter--} (measure}}: noun: a course of action taken to protect against something that is considered bad or dangerous Ex: Countermeasures to neutralize the threat of terrorism 5. Counterpart: {{counter--} (part}}: noun: a person or thing that Has the same position or function as somebody or something else in a different place or situation Ex: The Foreign Minister held talks with his Chinese counterpart. 9. {Co-} 1. Cooperate: {{co--} (operate}}: verb: to work together with somebody else in order to achieve something Ex: The two groups agreed to cooperate with each other 2. Cooperation: {{co--} (operation}}: noun: the fact of doing something together or of working together towards a shared aim. Ex: We would like to see close cooperation between collages and schools in developing computer use 3. Cooperative: {{co--} (operative}}: adjective: involving doing something together or working together with others towards a shared aim. Ex: Cooperative activity is essential to effective community work. 4. Coordinate :{{ co--} (ordinate}}: verb: to organize the different parts of an activity and

the people involved in it so that it works well. Ex: They appointed a new manager to coordinate the work of the team. 5. Coordination :{{ co--} (ordination}}: noun: the act of making parts of something, groups, or people, etc. Ex: A lack of coordination in conservation policy. 10. {De-} 1. Devoid: {{de--} (void}}: adjective: completely lacking in something Ex: The letter was devoid of warmth and feeling. 2. Devote: {{de--} (vote}}: verb: to give most of your time, energy, attention, etc. Ex: She devoted herself to her career 3. Decrease: {{de--} (crease}}: Verb: to become or to make something become smaller in size, number, etc. Ex: The number of new students decreased fro 210 to 160 this year 4. Default: {{de--} (fault}}: Noun: failure to do something that must be done by low, especially paying a debt Ex: Mortgage defaults have risen in the last year 5. Defeat: {{de--} (feat}}: Verb: to win against somebody in war, competition, sports, game, etc. Ex: He defeated the champion in three sets 11. {Dis-} 1. Disallow: {dis-}{{allow}}: verb: refuse to accept something Ex: The second goal was disallowed 2. Disappear: {dis-}{{appear}}: verb: to become impossible to see Ex: She suddenly disappeared last night 3. Disagree: {dis-}{{agree}}: verb: have different opinions Ex: He disagrees with his parents arguments 4. Disapproval: {dis-}{{approve}{al}}}: noun: A feeling that somebody doesn't like Ex: She looks at my clothes with disapproval 5. Disbelief: {dis-}{{belief}}: Noun: The feeling able to believe something Ex: To enjoy the movie you have to suspend your disbelief 12. {Ex-} 1. Example: {ex-}{{ample}}: Noun: a thing that is typical of or represent a particular group or set Ex: Can you give me an example of what you mean? 1. Excuse: {ex-}{{ample}}: Verb: to give somebody for something that they have done Ex: I hope you will excuse me for being so late 2. Exchange: {ex-}{{change}}: Noun: an act of giving something to somebody or doing something for somebody and receiving something in return Ex: We need to promote an open exchange of ideas and information 3. Excite: {ex-}{{cite}}: Verb: to make somebody nervous or upset and unable to relax Ex: Try not to excite your baby too much before bedtime 4. Exclaim: {ex-}{{claim}}: Verb: to say something suddenly and loudly, especially because of strong emotion or pain Ex: She opened her eyes and exclaimed in delight at scene 13. {Extra-} 1. Extracurricular: {extra-} {{curricular}}: Adjective: not part of the usual course of work or studies at a school or collage

Ex: Shes involved in many extracurricular activities 2. Extramural: {extra-} {{mural}}: Adjective: happening or existing outside or separate from a place, an organization, etc. Ex: The hospital provides extramural care to patients who do not need to be admitted 3. Extraordinary: {extra-} {{ordinary}}: Adjective: unexpected, surprising or strange Ex: She was a truly extraordinary woman 4. Extraterrestrial: {extra-} {{terrestrial}}: Adjective: connected with life existing outside the planet earth Ex: Extraterrestrial beings life 5. Extratime: {extra-} {{time}}: Noun: a set period of time that is added to the end of a football game, etc. if there is no winner at the end of the normal period Ex: They will not by a single goal after extratime 14. {Hyper-} 1. Hyperbole: {hyper-} {{bole}}: Noun: a way of speaking or writing that makes something sound better, more exciting, dangerous, etc. Ex: The film is being promoted with all the usual hyperbole. 2. Hyperlink: {hyper-} {{link}}: Noun: a place in an electronic document on a computer that is linked to other electronic document Ex: Click on the hyperlink 3. Hypersensitive: {hyper-} {{sensitive}}: Adjective: very easily offended Ex: Hes hypersensitive to any kind of criticism 4. Hypertext: {hyper-} {{text}}: Noun: text stored in a computer system that contains links that allow the user to move to one piece of text or document to another Ex: a hypertext link on the internet 5. Hypertension: {hyper-} {{tension}}: Noun: blood pressure that is higher than is normal Ex: a morass of hypertension and domestic misery can be a cause to an abnormal person. 16. {Hypo-} 1. Hypochondriac: {hypo-} {{chondriac}}: Noun: a person who Suffers from hypochondria Ex: Dont be such a hypochondriac! 2. Hypocrite: {hypo-} {{crite}}: Noun: a person who pretends to have amoral standards or opinions that they do not actually have Ex: Charles was a liar and hypocrite who married her for many 3. Hypodermic: {hypo-} {{dermic}}: Noun: a medical instrument with a long thin needle that is used to give somebody an injection under their skin Ex: 4. Hypothesis: {hypo-} {{thesis}}: Noun: an idea or explanation of something that is based of a few known facts but that has not yet been proved to be true or correct Ex: it would be pointless to engage in hypothesis before we have the facts 5. Hypothetical: {hypo-} {{thetical}}: Adjective: based on situation or idea which are possible and imagined rather than real and true Ex: it was a purely hypothetical question. 17. {Inter-} 1. Interact: {inter-} {{act}}: verb: to communicate with somebody Ex: Teachers have a limited amount of time to interact with each child 2. Interactive: {inter-} {{active}}: adjective: that involves people working together and having an influence on each other

Ex: The school believes in interactive teaching methods 3. Intercede: {inter-} {{cede}}: verb: to speak to somebody in order to persuade them to show pity on somebody else or to help settle an argument Ex: They interceded with the authorities on behalf of the detainees 4. Interchange: {inter-} {{change}}: verb: to share or exchange ideas, information, etc. Ex: to interchange the front and rear tyres of a car 5. Interconnect: {inter-} {{connect}}: verb: to connect similar things, to be connected to or with similar things Ex: Bad housing is interconnected with debt and poverty. 18. {Intra-} 1. Intramural: {intra-} {{mural}}: adjective: taking place within a single institution, specially a school or collage. Ex: Jeff played intramural basketball in high school 2. Intravenous: {intra-} {{venous}}: adjective: (medical of drugs or food) going into a VEN Ex: an intravenous drug user 3. Introspection: {intra-} {{spection}}: Noun: the careful of examination of your own thoughts, feeling and reason for behaving in a particular way. Ex: These situations are based resolved with the minimum of introspection or self analysis. 4. Introvert: {intra-} {{vert}}: Noun: a quite person who is more interested in your own thoughts and feelings than in spending time with other people Ex: His teacher perceived him as shy and introverted 5. Introspective: {intra-} {{spective}}: adjective: tending to think a lot about your own thoughts, feelings, etc. Ex: There were a lot of family problems and Jim became increasingly introspective 19. {Macro-} 1. Macroeconomics: {macro-} {{economics}}: Noun: the study of large economic systems, such as those of whole countries or areas of the world Ex: Macroeconomics policy 2. Macrobiotic: {macro-} {{biotic}}: Adjective: consisting of whole grains and vegetables grown without chemical treatment Ex: a macrobiotic diet 3. Macrocosm: C any large complete structure that contains smaller structure Ex: The University compare microcosm 20. {Mal-} 1. Malfunction: Macrocosm: {mal-} {{function}}: Verb: to fail to work correctly Ex: the drug caused a malfunction in the brain 2. Malice: {mal-} {{ice}}: Noun: feeling of hatred for somebody that causes a desire to harm them Ex: She is entirely without malice 3. Malpractice: {mal-} {{practice}}: Noun: (law) careless, wrong or illegal behavior while in a professional job Ex: He is currently standing trial for alleged malpractices. 4. Maltreat: {mal-} {{treat}}: Verb: to be very cruel to a person or an animal Ex: Officer were accused of maltreating prisoners 5. Malady: {mal-} {{ady}}: Noun: a serious problem Ex: A violent crime is only one of the maladies afflicting modern society. 1. megabucks = {{mega-}+{buck}}

2. megabyte

3. megahertz

4. megastar

5. megaphone

6. megalith

7. megawatt

{{mega-}+{noun}} = very large amount of money = we earned megabucks. = {{mega-}+{buck}} {{mega-}+{noun}} = a unit of computer memory = a computer memory is measured in megabyte. = {{mega-}+{hertz}} {{mega-}+{noun}} = a unit for measuring radio waves; 1.000.000 HERTZ = A frequency of sound waves is measured in megahertz. = {{mega-}+{star}} {{mega-}+{noun}} = a very famous singer, actor, or entertainer. = He was the best megastar 3 years ago. = {{mega-}+{phone}} {{mega-}+{noun}} = a device for making your voice sound louder, that is wider at one end, like a cone, and is often used at outside eventcompare loudhailer. = A voice sound can be loud in megaphone. = {{mega-}+{lith}} {{mega-}+{adjective}} = a fery large stone, especially one put in a place that was used for ceremonies in ancient times. = tonight, the building is so bright because of the megalith. = {{mega-}+{watt}} {{mega-}+{noun}} = a unit for measuring electrical power one million watts. = the electrical is measuring in megawatt. ={{micro-}+{phone}} {{micro-}+{noun}} = a device that is used for recording sounds or for making your voice louder when you are speaking or singing to an audience. = It is first time that I speech using a microphone. = {{micro-}+{scope}} {{micro-}+{noun}} = an instrument used in scientific study for making very small thing look larger so that you can examine the bacteria. = We used a microscope to examine the bacteria. = {{micro-}+{wave}} {{micro-}+{noun}} = a type of oven that cooks or heats food very quickly using electromagnetic waves rather that heat. = She heats the soup in the microwave. = {{micro-}+{processor}} {{micro-}+{noun}} = a small unit of computer that contains all the functions of the central processing unit. = The best unit of the computer is a microprocessor.

1. microphone

2. microscope

3. microwave

4. microprocessor

5. microfiche

= {{micro-}+{fiche}} {{micro-} + {noun}} = a piece of film with written information on it in print of very small size. = The directory is available on microfiche. = {{mid-}+{day}} {{mid-} + {noun}} = the period around this time = The bus arrives at midday. = {{mid-}+{life}} {{mid-}+{noun}} = the middle part of your life when you are neither young nor old. = My best career is in midlife. = {{mid-}+{town}} {{mid-}+{noun}} = the part of a city that is between the central business area and the outer parts. = He stayed with his parent in midtown. = {{mid-}+{week}} {{mid-}+{noun}} = middle of the week = It is cheaper to travel midweek. = {{mid-}+{night}} {{mid-}+{noun}} = oclock at night = She had to leave time at midnight. = {{mis-}+{hear}} {{mis-}+{verb}} = to fail to hear correctly what somebody says, so that you think they said something else. = She has misheard about my complaining last night. = {{mis-}+{spell}} {{mis-}+{verb}} = to spell a word wrongly = He was misspelling in his speech competition. = {{mis-}+{manage}} {{mis-}+{verb}} = to deal with or manage something badly = The departments budget was badly mismanaged. = {{mis-}+{report}} {{mis-}+{verb}} = to give a report of an event, etc, that is not correct. = The news papers misreported the facts of the case. = {{mis-}+{read}} {{mis-}+{verb}} = to understand somebody / something wrongly = She is afraid, she completely misread the situation.

1. midday

2. midlife

3. midtown

4. midweek

5. midnight

1. mishear

2. misspell

3. mismanage

4. misreport

5. misread

1. monorail

2. mogamy

3. monolingual

4. monotone

5. monograph

1. multicultral

2. multilingual

3. multimedia

4. multiparty

5. multinational

= {{mono-}+{rail}} {{mono-}+{noun}} = a railway / railroad system in which trains travel along a track consisting of a single rail. = A train used in monorail system. = {{mono-}+{gamy}} {{mono-}+{noun}} = the fack or custem of being married to only one person at a particular time. = He chosed a monogamy in his life. = {{mono-}+{lingual}} {{mono-}+{noun}} = speaking or using only one language. = I only can speak monolanguage. = {{mono-}+{tone}} {{mono-}+{noun}} = a doll sound or a way of speaking in which te tone and volume remain the same and therefora seem boring. = She spoke in a flat moonotone. = {{mono-}+{graph}} {{mono-}+{noun}} = a detailed written study of single subject, usually in the form of short book. = His monograph is good in this year. = {{multi-}+{cultural}} {{multi-}+{noun}} = for or including people of several different races, religion, language, and traditions. = They live in a multicultural society. = {{multi-}+{lingual}} {{multi-}+{noun}} = speaking or using several different languages. = We can speak in multilingual. = {{multi-}+{media}} {{multi-}+{noun}} = using sound, picture, and film in addition to text on a screen. = My handphone mobile consists of multimedia. = {{multi-}+{party}} {{multi-}+{noun}} = involving several different political parties. = These are the countrys first multiparty elections. = {{multi-}+{national}} {{multi-}+{adjective}} = existing in or involving many countries. = A multinational force is being sent to the trouble spot. = {{non-}+{entity}} {{non-}+{noun}}

1. nonentity

2. nondescrip

3. nonsense

4. nonplussed

5. nonconformist

= a person without any special qualities, who has not achieved anything important. = They meet a nonetity boy in the street. = {{non-}+{descrip}} {{non-}+{noun}} = having no interesting or unusual features or qualities. = His friend in a nondescript person. = {{non-}+{sense}} {{non-}+{noun}} = ideas, statements or beliefs that you think are rediculous or not true. = He was talking nonsense. = {{non-}+{plus}} {{non-}+{noun}} = so surprised and confused that you do not know what to do or say. = She is nonplussed when her friend gives her a prize. = {{non-}+{conformist}} {{non-}+{noun}} = a member of protestant church that does not follow the beliefs and practices of the Anglican church. = Nonconformist fathers did not go to Roma last christmast. = {{para-}+{medical}} {{para-}+{noun}} = ambulance man, a person whose job is to help people who are sick or injured but who is not a doctor or a nurse. = We call the paramedical staff to help our friend who get accident. = {{para-}+{military}} {{para-}+{adjective}} = organisation is an illegal group that is organized like army. = He order paramilitary police to keep the situation from teorism. ={{para-}+{troop}} {{para-}+{noun}} = soldiers who are triened to jump from plan using a parachute. = We saw the paratroops fell down. = {{para-}+{psychology}} {{para-}+{noun}} = the study of mental powers that seem to exist but that can not be explained by scientific knowledge. = She always learn and read the parapsychologys book. = {{para-}+{legal}} {{para-}+{noun}} = a person who is trained to help a lawyer. = My father is a paralegal in the court. = {{poly-}+{gamy}} {{poly-}+{noun}}

1. paramedical

2. paramilitary

3. paratroops

4. parapsychology

5. paralegal

1. polygamy

2. polytechnic

3. polytheism

4. polysyllable

5. polyandry

= the custom of having more than one wife at the same time. = Polygamy made his life more happy. = {{poly-}+{technic}} {{poly-}+{noun}} = a colledge for higger aducation, especially in scientific and technical subjedcts. = Most polytechnics are now called and have the same statuse as university. = {{poly-}+{theism}} {{poly-}+{noun}} = the belief that there is ore tha one god. = Johns father is polytheism but his mother is a moslem. = {{poly-}+{syllable}} {{poly-}+{noun}} = a word of several (usually more than three) syllables. = My sister spell the word with polysyllable. = {{poly-}+{androgynous}} {{poly-}+{adjective}} = the custem of having more than one husband at the same time. = In ths modern era, many woman get polyandry. = {{post-}+{date}} {{post-}+{noun}} = to write a date on a cheque that is later than actual date so that the cheque can not be cashed untill that date. = We postdated chaque before sending. = {{post-}+{humous}} {{post-}+{noun}} = happening, done, published,etc. after a person has died. = A post humous award for bravery. = {{post-}+{box}} {{post-}+{noun}} = a public box. = She put a letter into a postbox. ={{post-}+{card}} {{post-}+{noun}} = a card used for sending messeges by post with out an envelop, especially one that has a picture on one side. = {{post-}+{graduate}} {{post-}+{verb}} = a person who are already holds a fisrt degree and who is doing advanced study or research. = We are postgraduste student. = {{pre-}+{natal}} {{pre-}+{noun}} = relating to the medical care given to pregnant women. = My mother is in a prenatal condition. = {{pre-}+{determine}} {{pre-}+{verb}}

1. postdate

2. posthumous

3. postbox

4. postcard

5. postgraduate

1. prenatal

2. predetermine

3. preconseption

4. precondition

5. predominant

= to decide something in advance so that it does not happen by chance. = The sex of the embryo is predetermined at fertilization. = {{pre-}+{conception}} {{pre-}+{noun}} = an idea or opinion that is formed before you have enough information or experience. = A book that will challenge your preconception about rural life. = {{pre-}+{condition}} {{pre-}+{noun}} = something that must exist or happen before something else can exist or be done. = {{pre-}+{dominant}} {{pre-}+{noun}} = most obvious or noticieble. = Yellow is the predominant color this spring in the fashioned world. = {{pseudo-}+{nymous}} {{pseudo-}+{adjective}} = a name used by somebody especially a writer, instead of their real name. = She writes under a pseudonym. = {{semi-}+{circle}} {{semi-}+{noun}} = one half of a circle. = We sat in a semicircle round the fire. = {{semi-}+{tone}} {{semi-}+{noun}} = half a tone on a musical scale. = She heard a music in semitone. = {{semi-}+{vowel}} {{semi-}+{noun}} = a speech sound spell the word in semivowel. = My brother spell the word in semivowel. = {{semi-}+{final}} {{semi-}+{adj}} = one of the two games of parts of a sports competition that are held to decide who will compete in the last part. = we are semifinalists for the second years in succession. = {{semi-}+{detached }} {{semi-}+{adj}} = joined to another house by a wall on one side that is shard. = she wes in semidetached house. = {{sub-}+{sandard}} {{sub-}+{noun}} = not as good as normal, not acceptable. = His painting was in substandard goods. = {{sub-}+{human}} {{sub-}+{noun}}

1. pseudonym

1. semicircle

2. semitone

3. semivowal

4. semifinal

5. semi detached

1. substandard

2. subhuman

3. subnormal

4. subcontract

5. subculture

= not working or behaving like a normal human being, not fit for human being. = They were living in subhuman condition. = {{sub-}+{normal}} {{sub-}+{adjective}} = lower than normal. = Educationally, she is in subnormal children. = {{sub-}+{contract}} {{sub-}+{noun}} = to pay a person or company to do some of he work that you have been given a contract to do. = He subcontrscted the work to a small enginering firm. = {{sub-}+{culture}} {{sub-}+{noun}} = the behiviour and beliefs of a particular group of people in society that are different from those of most people. = We dont use the drugs as a youth subculture. = {{super-}+{natural}} {{super-}+{adjective}} = that can not be explained by the laws of science and that seems to involve gods or magic = He believed in supernatural powers. = {{super-}+{model}} {{super-}+{noun}} = a very successful, famous, and highly paid fashion model. = She is a supermodel of the year. = {{super-}+{hero}} {{super-}+{noun}} = a character in a story film / movie etc. who has usual strength or power and uses it to help people. A real person who has done something unusually brave to helpsomebody. = He is my hero because he help me from the big fire. = {{super-}+{power}} {{super-}+{adjective}} = one of the countries in the world that has very great military or economic power and a lot of influence. = The united state is the superpower of the country in the world. = {{super-}+{human}} {{super-}+{noun}} = having much greater power, knowledge, etc. than is mormal,. = It took an almost superhuman efforts to contain his anger. = {{trans-}+{port}} {{trans-}+{noun}} = system for carrying people or goods fro one place to another using vehicles, road, etc. = His bike is his only mens of transport. = {{trans-}+{parent}} {{trans-}+{noun}}

1. supernatural

2. supermodel

3. superhero

4. superpower

5. superhuman

1. transport

2. transparent

3. transfigure

4. transfix

5. transpire

= allowing you to see through it = A transparent attempt to buy vote. = {{trans-}+{figure}} {{trans-}+{noun}} = to change the appearance of a person or thing so that they look more beautiful. = Methas whole face was transfigured by the early morning light. = {{trans-}+{fix}} {{trans-}+{noun}} = to be unable to move because something has all your attention or because you are afraid, surprised or etc. = Lusy stood transfixed with shock. = {{trans-}+{spire}} {{trans-}+{noun}} = something has happened or is true. It is knoen that or has been shown to be a true = It transpired that the gang had had a contact inside the bank. = {{tri-}+{angle}} {{tri-}+{noun}} = a flat shape whit three a triangle. = she cut the sandwiches into triangle. = {{tri-}+{cycle}} {{tri-}+{noun}} = a vehicle similar to a bicycle but with one wheel at the front and two at the back. = my brother has new tricycle from has mother. = {{tri-}+{colour}} {{tri-}+{noun}} = a flag which has three bands of different colours, especially the French and Irish national flags. = a national flag of franch has tricolour. = {{tri-}+{mester}} {{tri-}+{noun}} = a period of three months when a women is pregnant. = the school year is devided into three trimester. = {{tri-}+{pod}} {{tri-}+{noun}} = a support with three legs for a camera, telescope. = he used tripod to take a good picture much. = {{ultra-}+{sonic}} {{ultra-}+{adjective}} = sound higher than human beings can hear. = it is can be hear by ultrasonic. = {{ultra-}+{violet}} {{ultra-}+{noun}} = physics of or using electromagnetic waves that are just shorter

1. triangle

2. tricycle

3. tricolour

4. trimester

5. tripod

1. ultrasonic

2. ultraviolet

than of violet light in the spectrum and that can not be seen. = last night, we can see a small thing by ultraviolet. 3. ultrasound = {{ultra-}+{sound}} {{ultra-}+{noun}} = sound that is higher than human being can not heart. = ultra sound showed she was expecting twins. 4. ultramarine = {{ultra-}+{marine}} {{ultra-}+{adj}} = a bright blue colour. = they saw the light of ultra marine on the top of the building. 5. ultracentrifugation = {{ultra-}+{centrifugation}} {{ultra-}+{noun}} 1. uniform = {{uni-}+{form}} {{uni-}+{noun}} = the special set of an organization or a group at work or by children at school. = the hat is part of the school uniform. = {{uni-}+{sex}} {{uni-}+{noun}} = intended for or used by both men and women. = this handbook can be read by unisex adult. = {{uni-}+{corn}} {{uni-}+{noun}} = an animal like a white horse black along straight horn on its forehead. = we can see unicorn in the zoo. = {{uni-}+{sex}} {{uni-}+{noun}} = a vehicle that is similar to a bicycle but that has only one wheel. = the can play unicycle well. = {{uni-}+{verse}} {{uni-}+{noun}} = the whole of space and everything in it, including the earth, the planets and the stars.

2. unisex

3. unicorn

4. unicycle

5. universe

Suffixes 1. noun-forming suffixes A. verb to noun 1. ment

agreement the act of agreeing or coming to a mutual arrangement. *an agreement with the employers was finally worked out* enrollment the act or process of enrolling (as at enlistment or registration). *the problems involved in the enrollment of millions of men for the draft*

judgment a formal decision or determination given in a cause by a court of law or other tribunal. *an economist should form an independent judgment on currency questions. fulfillment the act or process of fulfilling : EXECUTION, the quality or state of being fulfilled : COMPLETION. *a patchwork quilt which I was well aware would never reach fulfillment* arrangement the act or action of arranging or putting in correct, convenient, or desired order. *there was time only for the quickest arrangement of mind* enlargement an act or instance of enlarging or the state of being enlarged, something that enlarges or is enlarged. *if you like the picture, I can send you an enlargement of it* entertainment the act of entertaining: as a : the act of receiving as a guest : hospitable reception, the act of diverting, amusing, or causing someone's time to pass agreeably : AMUSEMENT. *there are so many entertainmentr agenda in the television today* enjoyment the action or state of enjoying something : the deriving of pleasure or satisfaction (as in the possession of anything) *the poorest life has its enjoyments and pleasures* engagement the act of engaging or state of being engaged, the state of being in gear or in such contact that motion may be transmitted *one part of a clutch is brought into engagement with the other part* announcement a statement in spoken or written from that makes sth known publicly, * he gives the announcement to the winner of some competition

2. al
2. arrival the act of arriving: the act of reaching a destination or of coming to the end of a journey. *bad weather delayed our arrival* 3. proposal something put forward for consideration or acceptance. *the union rejected the companies' wage proposals* 4. trial the action or process of trying or putting to the proof : subjection of a person or thing to a test, examination, or participation in a contest or competition to determine something in question or to settle a controversy. *when several candidates are proposed for the chieftainship the choice is sometimes determined by a trial of skill among the candidates * 5. appraisal an act of estimating or evaluating (as quality, status, or character) especially by one fitted to judge. *a swift appraisal by shrewd eyes George Whiting* 6. approval certification as to acceptability (as of a request for capital expenditure) *these approvals are usually indicated on the invoice before the voucher is prepared.

7. betrayal the act of betraying or fact of being betrayed *the hesitation was a betrayal of his uncertainty* 8. renewal the act or process of renewing. *the renewal of companys staff had succeed* 9. disposal the act or process of disposing: as a : orderly or systematic placement, distribution, or arrangement. *a plane was always at the disposal of the president* 10. survival the action of living longer than another person or beyond something ora person or thing that has survived from an earlier time. *the ceremopny is a survival from pre christian times*

3. ance or ence
> -ance or -ence 1. accordance/'ko:dns/ n. in agreement or harmony with. 2. appearance/'pirns/ n. The act of becoming visible or noticeable. 3. sustenance/'sstnns/ n. food and drink. 4. cognizance/'kDgntzns/ n. knowledge or awareness. 5. concordance/kn'k:dns/ n. an alphabetical list of the important words in a text, usually with citations of the passages concerned. 6. transference/'transfrns/ n. the action of transferring. 7. predominance/pri'dDminns/ n. the state of being grater in number. 8. confluence /'kDnfluns/ zn.the junction of two rivers. 9. existence Ig'zjstns/ n. the state of fact or existing. 10. e/oquence /'elakwns/ n. fluent or persuasive speaking or writing.

4. (t) ure
>-(t) ure 1. sculpture /'sklpt (r)/ n. the art of making figures, object, etc by carving wood or stone. 2. exposure /Ik'sp3(r)/ n. the action of exposing sth or the state of being exposed. 3. failure /ferlj3(r)/ n. lack of success in doing or achieving sth. 4. erasure /IreI3(r)/

r.. the action of erasing. 5. caricature /kriktr/ n. a depiction of a person in which distinguishing characteristics are exaggerated for comic or grotesque effect. 6. closure /'kl(r)/ n. an act or the process of closing sth or of being closed. 7. feature /'fi:t(r)/ n. one of the parts of the face, eg nose, mouth, eyes. 8. conjecture /kn'dekt(r)/ n. an opinion or conclusion based on incomplete information. 9. temperature /'temprt (r)/ n. the degree of heat or cold in abody. 10. embrasure /im'breI3(r)/ n. an opening in a wall or parapet, used for shooting through.

5. (s) sion
> - ( s ) sion 1. apprehension /,pri'henn/ n. anxiety about sth in the future. 2. incursion /In'k3:n/ n. an invasion or attack, especially a sudden or brief one. 3. illusion /I'lu: n/ n. a false or unreal perception. > a deceptive appearance or impression. 4. collusion /k'lu:3n/ n. secret agreement or understanding between two or more people with the aim of deceiving or cheating others. 5. emulsion / I'mln/ n.a fine dispersion of minute droplets of one liquid in another in which it is not soluble or miscible. 6. abrasion / 'bre In/ n. the action or process of abrading or being abraded. 7. adhesion / d'hi: n/ n. the action or process of adhering. 8. aspersion / 'sp3: n/ n. an attack on someone's character or reputation. 9. conclusion /kn'klu: n/ n. a belief or an opinion that is the result of reasoning. 10. concussion/kn'kn/ n. damagr to sb's brain caused by a blow, violent shaking, etc, making them become temporarily uncondcious.

6. y or ery

1. {{dis}{til}}{leery}} (N) Ex. The distillery proces 2. {robb}{ery}} (N) Ex. Armed robbery 3. {drudg}{ery}} (N) Ex. Domestic drudgery 4. {{dys}{en}}{tery}}(N) Ex.

: a factory where strong alcoholic drink is made by the process : the crime of stealing money : hard boring work : infection of the bowels

5. {fin}{ery}}(N) : colorful and elegant clothes and jewellery Ex. The mayor was dressed in all his finery 6. {fish}{ery}}(N) : a part of the sea a river a river Ex. The ministry of agriculture fisheries and food 7. {gal}{leery}} (N) Ex. The national gallery 8. {glit}{tery }} (Adj) Ex. A glittery suit : a room of building for showing works of art : shining brightly with many little flashes of light

9. {green}{ery}}(N) : attractive green leaves and plants Ex. The room was decorated with flowers and greenery 10. {gro}{cery}}(N) : a shop that sells food and another Ex. The big grocery 11. {{hab}{er}}{dash}{ery}}}(N) : small articles for sewing Ex. You buy the haberdashery in the shop 12. {butch}{ery}}(N) Ex/ : cruel, violent and unnecessary killing

13. {brib}{ery}}(N) : the giving or taking of bribes Ex. She was arrested on bribery changes 14. {brew}{ery}}(N) Ex. 15. {batt}{ery}}(N) Ex. The battery is flat : a factory when beer is made : a device that is placed inside a car engine, clock, radio : machines as a group

16. {{ma}{chin}}{ery}}(N) Ex. The machinery of government

17. {Mis}{ery}}(N) : great suffering of the mind of body Ex. Fame bought her nothing but misery 18. {mock}{ery}}(N) : comment or actions that are intended to make seem ridiculous

Ex. She couldnt stand any more of their mockery 19. {mys}{tery}}(N) : something that is difficult to understand or to explain Ex. Their motives remain a mystery 20. {ef}{front}{ery}}(N) : behaviour that is confident and very rude Ex. He had the effrontery to accuse me of lying

7.- (a) tion

1. {abo}{mina}{tion}}(N) : a thing that causes disgust and hatred Ex. A concre abomination masquering as a hotel 2. {{ab}{so}{lu}{tion}}(N) Ex. : a formal statement that a person is forgiven

3. {{ab}{sorp}{tion}}{}N} : the process of liquid gas or other substance Ex. Vitamin D is necessary to aid the absorption of calcium from food 4.{{ac}{cel}}{er}{ation}}(N) : an increase in how fast sth happens Ex. An acceleration in the rate of economic growt 5. {{ac}{com}{mo}}{da}{tion}}(N) Ex. Furnished accommodation : a place to live, work or stay in

6. {{ac}{cus}}{ation}}(N) : a statement saying that you think a person is guilty of doing sth wrong Ex. He danied the accusation that he had ignored the problems 7. {{ad}{mir}}{ation}}(N) Ex.. I have good admiration : a feeling respect and killing for sth

8. {ad}{or}{ation}}(N) : a feeling a great love or worship Ex. He gazed at her with pure adoration 9. {af}{fili}{ation}}(N) : a persons connection with political party, religion etc Ex. He had been detained his political affiliation 10. {{ap}{pro}{pri}{ation}} (N) Ex. Dishonest appropriation : the act of taking sth : the acct or process of using numbers to find out

11. {{cal}{cu}{la}{tion}}(N) an amount Ex. We made a profit of 20000 last year

12. {can}{cel}}{la}{tion}}(N) : a decision to stop sth Ex. Cancellation must be made in writing 13. {{cir}{cu}{la}{tion}}(N) Ex. 14. {{col}{lab}{or}{ation}}(N) : the movement of blood around the body : the act of working with another person or group

Ex. Collaboration between the teacher and the government 15.{{com}{pil}{ation}}(N) : a collection of items, Ex: her latest CD is a compilation of all her best singles a compilation album 16. {{con}{firm}}{ation}}(N): a statement, letter etc that shows that something is true Ex: Iam still waiting for confirmation of the test result 17. {{Con}{front}{ation}}(N) : a situation in which there is an angry disagreement between people and groups who have different opinions Ex:she wanted to avoid another confirmation with her father . 18. {{con}{ser}{va}{tion}}(N) : the protection of the natural environment Ex: to be interested in wildlife conservation 19. {{con}{sid}{er}{ation}}(N) : the act of thinking carefully about something Ex: the proposal are correctly under consideration 20. {{co}{ord}{in}{ation}}(N) : the art of making part of something group of people work together in an efficient and organized way Ex: we have improved the coordination of services

8. ition
1. {{co}{ali}{tion}} (N) working together Ex: a government coalition : a government formed by two or more political parties

2.{{cog}{ni}{tion}}(N) : the process by which knowledge and understanding is developed in the mind Ex: child studies centring and theories of cognition 3. {com}{pos}{ition}}(N) : the different parts of something is made of the way in which the different parts are organized Ex : the size and composition of an average class 4. {abo}{li}{tion}}(N) Ex: the abolition of slavery : the ending of law a system or an institution

5. {ac}{qui}{si}{tion}}(N) : the act getting something especially knowledge Ex: theories of child language acquisition 6.{am}{bi}{tion}}(N) : something that you want todo or achieve very much Ex: his burning ambition was to study medicine 7. {def}{in}{ition}}(N) especially in dictionary Eg: clear simple definition 8. {{ex}{hib}{ition}}(N) : an explanation of the meaning of the word or phrase

: a collection of things for example works of art that are

shown to the public Eg: an exhibition of old photographs 9. {{ex}{ped}{ition}}(N) : an organized jouney with a particular purpose, Eg: to plan an expedition to the north pole 10. {{Ig}{ni}{tion}}(N) Ex. To put the key in the ignition : the elecrorical system of a vehicle

11. {{in}{hib}{ition}}(N) : a shy or nervous that stops you from expressing Ex: he had no inhabitants about making opinion known 12. {{in}{tu}{ition}}(N) : the ability to know something by using your feelings Ex: intuition told her that he had spoken the truth 13.{{op}{pos}{ition}}(N) : the act of strongly disagreeing with sth Ex: he spend five years in person for his opposition to the regime 14. {{part}{ition}}(N) another Ex: partition wall : a wall or screen that separates one part of room from

15 {{pet}{ition}}(N) : a written document signed by a large number of people Ex: the workers getting up a petition for fighter safety stand 16.{{ pre}{con}{di}{tion}}(N) : something that must happen or exist before something Ex: a cease fire is an essential precondition for negosiation 17. {{pre}{mo}{ni}{tion}}(N) : a feeling that something is going to happen Ex: he had a premonition that he would never see her again 18. {{re}{qui}{si}{tion}} : formal official written requester demand for sth Ex: the requisition for ships by the government 19. {{depos}{ition}}(N) : the natural of leaving Ex. River desposition 20. {{ad}{dic}{tion}}(N) : the condition of being addicted to sth Ex. He is now fighting his addiction to alcohol

9. ification
1. {{de}{toxi}{fi}{ca}{tion}} alcohol or taking drugs Ex: a detoxification unit : treatment given to people to help them stop drinking

2. {{grat}{ifi}{ca}{tion}}(N) : the state of feeling pleasure when something goes well for you or when your desires are satisfied Ex: a feed will usually provide instant gratification to a crying baby 3. {{mag}{ni}{fi}{ca}{tion}}(N) : the act of making something look larger/ the degree to which sth is made to look larger the degree to which sth is able to make things look larger Ex: a magnification of 10 times the actual sizes

4. {{modi}{fi}{ca}{tion}} (N) : the act or process of changing sth in order to improve it or make it more acceptable a chang that is made Ex: considerable modification of the exiting system is needed 5. {{object}{ifi}{ca}{tion}} (N) rights or feeling of their own : the act of treating people as if they are object without

6. {{ram}{ifi}{ca}{tion}} (N) : one of the large member of complicated and unexpected result that follow an action or decision Ex: these changes are boud to have widespread social ramification 7. {{sim}{pli}{fi}{ca}{tion}} (N} : the process of making sth easier to do or understand Ex: complaints have led to (a) simplification of the rules 8. {{speci}{fi}{ca}{tion}}(N) : a detailed description of how sth is or should be designed or made Ex: the technical specification of the new model 9. {{strati}{fi}{ca}{tion}}(N) groups Examples: social stratification : the division of something into different layers or

10. {{ver}{si}{fi}{ca}{tion}} (N) : the art of writing poetry in a particular pattern the pattern in which poetry is written Ex. commending her poem for its versification 11. {{cer}{ti}{fi}{ca}{tion}}(N) : the act of certifying sth Ex: the medical certification of the cause of death 12. {{clas}{si}{fi}{ca}{tion}}(N) : the act of process of putting people of things Ex. A style of music that defies classification 13. {{edi}{fi}{ca}{tion}} (N) : the improvement of sbs mind or character Ex. The books were intended for the edification of the masses 14. {{elec}{tri}{fi}{ca}{tion}} (N) : the process of changing sth Ex. The electrification of the railway line from Manchester to preston 15. {{for}{ti}{fi}{ca}{tion}} (N) : a towel, wall, gun position etc Ex. The ramparts and fortification of the old town 16. {{ident}{ifi}}{ca}{tion}} (N) : the process of showing, proving, or recognizing Ex. The identification of crash victims was a long and difficult task 17. {{not}{ify}{ca}{tion}} (N) : the act of giving or receiving official information about sth Ex. You should receive notification of our decision 18. {{person}{ify}{ca}{tion}}(N) : a person who has a lot of a particular quality or characteristic Ex. She was the personification of elegance

19. {{just}{ifi}{ca}{tion}} (N) : a good reason why sth exist or is done Ex. He was getting angry and with some justification 20. {{ident}{ifi}{ca}{tion}} (N) : the process of showing Ex. Only one witness could make a positive identification

10. or
1. {{op}{press}{or}} Ex 2. {{ora}{tor}} (N) public speaking Ex: a fine political orator : a person or group of people that treats in a cruel unfair way, : a person who makes formal speeches in public or is good at

3. {{re}{gulat}{or}} (N) : a person or an organization that officially controls an area of business or industry and make sure that it is operating fairly 4. {{spect}{at}{or}} : a person who is watching an event especially a sport event Ex. 5. {{sub}{edit}{or}} (N) : a person whose job is to check and make changes to the text of a newspaper or magazines before it is printed Ex. 6. {{surviv}{or}} (N) : a person who continues to live especially in spite of being nearly killed or experiencing great danger or difficulty Ex: there were no survivor 7. {{an}{cest}}{or}} (N) : a person in your family who lived a long time ago Ex: his ancestors had come to Indonesia to Malaysia 8. {{anima}{tor}} (N) Ex: the familiar animator 9. {{audit}{or}} (N) records of com pany Ex. 10. {{collect}{or}} (N) job Eg: a stamp collector 11{{.comment}{at}{or}} (N) or writes about it in television Eg: a political commentator : a person who makes animated film : a person who officially examines the business and financial : a person who collects things, either as a hobby, ar as a

: a person who is expert on a particular subject and talks

12. {{com}{municat}{or}} (N) : a person who is able to describe their ideas and feelings clearly to others Ex. 13. {{Compet}{it}{or}}(N) : a person an organization that competes agains others

especially in business Eg: we produce cheaper goods than our competitors 14. {{conduct}{or}} (N) : a person who stands in front of an orchestra, agroup of singer etc and directs their performance Ex, 15. {{contract}{or}} (N) : a person or company that has contract to do work or provide goods or service or another company Ex. 16. {{credit}{or}} (N) : a person company that gives money to Eg: the property will be sold to pay off their creditors 17. {{de}{mons}{trat}{or}} (N) : a person who takes part in public meeting or march in order protest againt sth to show support for sth Eg: pro democracy demonstration 18. {{edu}{cat}}{or}} (N) Eg: adult educator 19. {{ex}{hi}{bit}{or}}} (N) products to the public Ex. : a person whose job is teach or educate people : a person or a company that shows their work or

20. {{facili}{ta}{tor}} : a person who helps sb do sth more easily by discussing problems, giving advice etc Eg: the teacher acts as a facilitator of learning

11. er
1. {{suffer}{er}} (N) : a person who suffers especially who is suffering from diseas Ex: she received many letters of support from fellow sufferer 2. {{stroll}{er}} (N) : a person who is enjoying a slow relaxed walk Ex: the street was crowded with evening strollers 3. {{sol}{ver}} (N) : a person who finds an answer to a problem or difficult situation Ex: she is good problem solver 4. {{smok}{er}} (N) Ex: a heavy smoker 5. {{ska}{ter}} (N) Ex: speed skater : a person who smokes tobacco regularly : a person who skater for pleasure or as a sport

6. {{off}{end}}{er} (N) : a person who commits a crime Ex: a young offender institution 7. {{pho}{tog}}{rap}her}}} (N) photographer Ex. : a person who takes photographs, Examples: fashion

8.{{plann}{er}} (N) : a person whose job is to plan the growth and development of a town/a person who makes plans for a particular area of activity Ex: media planners 9. {{raid}{er}} (N) : a person who makes a criminal raid on a place Ex: masked raiders 10. {{read}{er}} (N) : a person who reads especially one who reads a lot or in a particular way Ex: the reader is left to draw his own conclusion 11. {{Rent}{er}} (N) : a person who rents sth/ a person or an organization that provides sth for people to rent Ex: the nations biggest automobile renter 12. {{re}{view}{er}}} (N) : a person who writes review of books Eg. A took reviewer for the guardian 13. {{run}{ner}} (N) race Eg: a long marathon runner 13.{{seek}{er}} (N) Eg: seeker of the truth 14. {{spend}{er}} (N) mentioned Eg: a big spender : a person or an animal that runs especially one taking part of

: a person who is trying to find or get the thing mentioned : a person who spends money in the particular way

15. {{stalk}{er}} (N) : a person who follows and watches another person over a long period of time in way that is annoying or frightening Ex. 16. {{stink}{er}} (N) : a person or thing that is very unpleasant or difficult Eg: it is been a real stinker of a day 17. {{strang}{er}} (N) : a person that you do not know Eg: she remained a stranger to me 18. {{gather}{er}} (N) : a person who collect sth Ex: prehistoric hunters and gatherers 19. {{gro}{wer}} (N) : a person or company that grows plants fruit or vegetables to sell Ex. All our vegetables are supplied by local growers 20. {{heal}{er}} (N) Ex. A faith healer : a person who cures people of illness and disease

12. ant or ent

1. {{achieve}{ment}} (N) effort and skill : a thing that sb has done successfully especially using their own

Eg: they were proud of their children is achievement 2.{{amuse}{ment}} (N) : the feeling that you have when sth is funny or amusing or it entertain you Eg: her eyes twinkled with amusement 3. {{applic}{ant}} (N) : a person who makes a formal request for sth especially for a job a place at a college or university Eg: there were over 500 applicants for the jobs 4. {{as}{pir}{ant}} (N) : a person with a strong desire to achieve a position of importance or to win a competition Eg: aspirant to the title of world champion 5. {{cor}{respond}{ent}} (N) Eg: our Indonesian correspondent : a person who reports news from a particular country

6. {{descend}{ant}} : a person descendant are their children Eg: many of them are descendant of the original settlers 7.{{ gradi}{ent}} : the degree to which the ground slopes Ex. A hill with gradient of 1 in 4 8. {{ignore}{ant}} : looking knowledge or information about sth Ex. Never make your students feel stupid or ignorant 9. {{ing}{redi}{ent}} : one of the things from which sth Ex. Our skin cream contains only natural ingredients 10. {{in}{habit}{ant}} : a person or an animal that lives in a particular place Ex. The oldest inhabitant of the village 11. {{lam}{ent}} (N) : a song poem Ex. A nostalgic lament for lost love 12. {{lieu}{ten}{ant}} (N) Ex. Lieutenant paul fisher : an officer of middle rank in the army navy or air force

13. {{nutri}{ent}} (N) : a substance that is needed to keep a living thing a live Ex. Children suffering from a serious nutrient deficiency 14. {{opp}{on}{ent}}} (N) : a person that you are playing or frighting a giants in a game Ex. Ex. The team opponents are unbeaten so far this season 15. {{peas}{ant}} (N) : a farmer who owns or rents a small piece of land Ex. Peasant farmer agriculture 16.{{pres}{ent} (N) : a thing that you give to sb as a gift Ex. What can I get him for a birthday present 17. {{recipe}{ent}} (N) Ex. Recipient of a ward : a person who recipient sth

18. {{respond}{ent}} (N) : a person who answer the question Ex. 70% of the respondent agreed with the suggestion 19. {{Re}{sist}{ant}} (N) : not effected by something Ex: plants that are resistant to disease 20. {{rev}{er}{ent}} (N) : showing great respect and admiration Ex. He was reverent to his lovely girl

B. Adjective to Noun
1. -ness
1. Awareness {aware+{-ness}} An awareness of the importance of eating a healthy diet. 2. Eagerness {eager+{-ness}} I couldnt hide my eagerness to get back home 3. Heaviness {heavy + {-ness}} Nothing lifted the heaviness of her heart after her loss 4. Happiness {Happy+{-ness}} Her eyes shone with happiness 5. Seriousness (Serious+{-ness}} He spoke with a seriousness that was unusual in him 6. Sadness {sad+{-ness}} Sadness is a mood characterized by feelings of disadvantage and loss 7. Readiness {ready +{-ness}} I appreciate her readiness to help us 8. Weakness {weak+{-ness}} The sudden weakness in her legs made her stumble 9. Toughness {tough+{-ness}} Toughness is the resistance to fracture of a material when stressed 10. Kindness {Kind+{-ness}} Iam deeply grateful of your kindness.

2. -ity
1. Extremity {extreme +{-ity}} The lake is situated at the eastern extremity of the mountain range. 2. Gravity {Grave +{-ity}} I dont think you realize the gravity of the situation. 3. Captivity {Captive +{-ity}} He was held in captivity for three years

4. Oddity {odd+{-ity}} She suddenly realized the oddity of her remark and blushed 5. Security {secure+{-ity}} The visit took place amidst tight security. 6. Capability {capable+{-ity}} Capability is the ability to perform actions 7. Availability {available+{-ity}} An example of availability is 100/168 if the unit is capable of being used for 100 hours in a week. 8. Flexibility {flexible + {-ity}} Medical conditions such as arthritis can decrease flexibility 9. Acidity {acid + {-ity}} 10. Sagacity {sagacious + {-ity}} The Sagacity Alternative Lifestyle Society is an alternative lifestyle organization on Vancouver Island.

3. -t or ce
1. Abundance Abundance of the chemical elements, a measure of how common elements are 2. Convenience Convenience is anything that is intended to save a time, energy or frustration. 3. Evidence Evidence in its broadest sense, includes anything that is used to determine or demonstrate the truth of an assertion. 4. Intelligence Intelligence (as understanding) is arguably different from being "smart" (able to adapt to one's environment), or being "clever" (able to creatively adapt). 5. Residence Residence in English family law, pertaining to where children should live in the case of disputes 6. Ignorance In many cases ignorance is seen as a pleasant alternative to harsh reality. 7. Difference Difference is the contrary of equality, in particular of objects.

II. Verb - Forming Suffixes

A. Noun to Verb
> -ize 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. panegyrize /'panIdIrIz/ V. speak or write in praise of; eulogize. ozonize/'znIz/ V. convert into or treat with ozone. oxidize /'DksIdIz/ V. combine or cause to combine with oxygen. micronize /'mIkrnIz/ V. break into very fine particles. infantilize /In'fantIlIz/ V. treat as a child. gourmandize /,gm()n'dI:z/ V. indulge in good eating; eat greedily. extemporize /Ik'st:mprIz/ V. improvise. exorcize /'kso:sIz/ v. drive out from a person or place. V. represent as an incontrovertible truth. divinize /'dIvInIz V. make divine; deify.

> -ate 1. sequestrate /si'kwIstrit/ v. take legal possession of (assets) until a debt has been paid or other claims have been met. 2. segregate /'sgrIgeIt/ v. set apart from the rest or from each other. 3. ruminate /'ru:mineit/ v. think deeply about something. 4. repudiate/ ri'pju:dIeIt/ v. refuse to accept or be associated with. 5. pulsate /pl'seit/ v. expand and contract with strong regular movements. 6. promulgate /'prDm()lgeIt/ V. promote or make widely known. 7. proliferate /pr'lifreIt/ V. reproduce rapidly; increase rapidly in number. 8. obviate /'DbvIeIt/ V. remove (a need or difficulty). 9. modulate /'mDdjleIt/ V. exert a modifying influence on; regulate. 10. matriculate /m'trIkleIt/ V. enrol or be enrolled at a college or university.

> -ify 1. revivify /rI'vIvIfIl/ v. give new life or vigour to. 2. ossify /DsIfI/ v. turn into bone or bony tissue. 3. mortify /mo: tIfi/ v. cause to feel embarrassed, ashamed, or humiliated. 4. humify/'hju:mIfI/ V. convert (plant remains) into humus. 5. fructify /' frktifI/ V. make or become fruitful. 6. fortify /'fo:tifi/ v. provide with defensive works as protection against attack. 7. exemplify /1g'zmflII v. be or give a typical example of. 8. emulsify /I'mlsIfI/ V. make into or become an emulsion. 9. denitrify /di:'ntItrIfI/ V. remove the nitrates or nitrites from (soil, water, etc.) by chemical reduction. 10. demassify /di:'masfI/ V. divide or break up into component parts.

B. Adjective to Verb
> The only suffix used to change adjectives to verb is -en 1. strengthen /'str()n/ V. make or become stronger. 2. raven /'rav()n/ v. (of a wild animal) hunt voraciously fcr prey. 3. hearken /'h:k()n V. listen. 4. foretoken/fo:tk()n/ v. poetic/literary be a sign of. 5. daven /'d:v()n/ v. (in Judaism) recite the prescribed liturgical pravers. 6. cozen /'kz()n/ v. poetic/literary trick or deceive. 7. chasten /'teIs()n/ v. (of a reproof or misfortune) have a restraining or demoralizing effect on. 8. careen /k'ri:n/ v. turn (a ship) on its side for cleaning or repair. 9. bedizen 1bI'dIz()n/ v. poetic/literary dress up or decorate gaudily. 10. worsen v. make or become worse.

III. Adjective Forming Suffixes A. Noun to Adjective

A. al or ial
1. {{Profession} + {-al}}

Profession: a job that needs a high level of education and training Professional: relating to a job that needs special education and training Sentence: It is essential to get good professional advice 2. {{Province}+ {-ial}} Province: one of the large areas into which some countries are divided and which usually has its own local government. Provincial: Relating to or coming from a province Sentence: every country was divided a provincial election 3. {{condition} + {al}} Condition: the situation in which people live or work. Esp. the physical thing that affect the quality of their lives Conditional: If another, agreement etc is conditional; it will only be done if something else happens first. Sentence: its agreement to buy our house has conditional on our leaving all the furniture in it. 4. {{Confrontation} + {-al}} Confrontation: a situation in which there is a lot of angry disagreement between two people or groups Confrontational: likely to cause arguments or make people angry Sentence: a confrontational style of management. 5. {{Convention} + {-al}} Convention: a large formal meeting for people who belong to the same profession or organization or who have the same interest. Conventional: a conventional product, method, practice etc. has been used for a long time and is considered the usual type Sentence: Internet connections through conventional phone lines are fairly slow. 6. {{function} + {-al}} Function: the purpose that something has or the job that someone or something does Functional: designed to be useful rather than beautiful or attractive Sentence: buildings that are sensitively design, not purely functional 7. {{government} +{-al}} Government: the group are people who government a country or state Governmental: of a government, or relating to government Sentence: the governmental committee face any problem which there in the country. 8. {{practice} +{-al}} Practice: when you do a particular thing, often regularly, in order to improve your skill at it Practical: relating to real situations and events rather the ideals, emotion etc. Sentence: candidates should give their practical part in every time 9. {{lyric} + {-al}} Lyric: the words of a song Lyrical: beautifully expressed in words, poetry or music Sentence: she makes lyrical love poetry for competition.

10. {{section} + {-al}} Section: any of the parts into which something is divided. Sectional: connected with one particular group within a community or organization Sentence: the sectional interest of managers and workers. B. -y 1. {{Brass} + {-y}} Brass: a very hard bright yellow metal that is a mixture of copper and zinc Brassy: a women who is brassy is too loud, confident or brightly dressed Sentence: a drunken brassy right club singer. 2. {{Brain} + {-y}} Brain: the organ inside your head that controls how you think, feel, and ignore Brainy: able to learn easily and think quickly Sentence: he always was the brainy one, except at match 3. {{Crag} + {-y}} Crag: a high and very steep rough rock or moss of rocks Craggy: a mountain that is crag is very steep and covered in rough rocks Sentence: the craggy peaks of the sierra Madre. 4. {{Goof} + {-y}} Goof: also goof up a silly mistake Goofy: stupid or silly Sentence: a goofy grin spread across her face when she saw the card. 5. {{Clunk} + {-y}} Clunk: a loud sound made when two solid objects hit each other Clunky: heavy and a work hard to wear or use Sentence: Diana bought a clunky dresser when she in Bali 6. {{Wind} + {-y}} Wind: also the wind moving air esp. when it mores strongly or quickly in content Windy: if it is windy, there is a lot of wind Sentence: it is too windy for a picnic 7. {{Cloud} + {-y}} Cloud: a white or grey mass in the sky that forms from very small drops of water Cloudy: a cloudy sky, day etc, is dark because there are e lot of cloud Sentence: a cloudy night with some light rain. 8. {{Rain} + {-y}} Rain: water thats falls in small drops from could in the sky Rainy: a rainy period of time is one when it rains a lot Sentence: a cold rainy day in October. 9. {{Sill} + {-y}} Sill: the narrow shelf at the base of a window frame Silly: not sensible or showing and bad judgment Sentence: you made a lot of silly mistakes. 10. {{Sand} + {-y}}

Sand: a substance consisting of very small pieces of rocks Sandy: covered with sand or containing a lot of sand Sentence: the soil is quite sandy. C. -ary 1. {{image} + {-ary}} Image: The opinion people have of a person, organization, product or the way a person. Imaginary: not real, but produced from pictures or ideas in your mind Sentence: She played an imaginary piano on her knees 2. {{document} + {-ary}} Document: a piece of paper that has official information on it Documentary: consisting of written or document Sentence: One of the most useful sources of documentary evidence is map 3. {{legend} + {-ary}} Legend: an old, well-known story, often about brave people, adventures or magical events Legendary: very famous and admired Sentence: Its singing was legendary 4. {{bin} + {- ary}} Bin: a container that you put waste in Binary: based on only two number; consisting of two parts Sentence: The computers perform calculations in binary and convert the result to decimal 5. {{rudiment} +{-ary}} Rudiment: the basic or essential facts of a particular subject, skill Rudimentary: dealing with only the most basic matters or ideas Sentence: They were given only rudimentary training in the job 6. {{volunteer} + { -ary}} Volunteer: a person who offers or agrees to do something without being forced or paid to do it Voluntary: done or given because you want to do it, not because you have to do it Sentence: The President of Indonesia expects the citizen to prevent DBD voluntary 7. {{arbiter} + {-ary}} Arbiter: a person with the power or influence to make judgment and decide what will be done or accepted Arbitrary: not seeming to be based on a reason, system and sometimes seeming unfair 8. {{contra} + {-ary}} Contra: against, opposite Contrary: different from something; against something Sentence: Contrary to popular belief, many cats dislike milk 9. {{sediment} + {-ary}} Sediment: the solid material that settles at the bottom of a liquid Sedimentary: connected with or formed from the sand, stone that settle at the bottom of lakes Sentence: Stalagmite is one of kind sedimentary stone 10. {{seminar} +{-ary }}

Seminar: a meeting for discussion or training Seminary: relating with the meeting at college Sentence: The dean of Law faculty leaded the law seminary at Munich University D. -ed 1. {{talent} + {-ed}} Talent: a natural ability to do something well Talented: having a natural ability to do something well Sentence: There is a wealth of young talented in British theatre 2. {{haunt} + {-ed}} Haunt: a place that somebody visits often where they spend a lot of time Haunted: showing that somebody is very worried Sentence: There was a haunted look in his eyes 3. {{lead} + {-ed}} Lead: the position a head of everyone else in a race or competition Leaded: with a cover or a frame of lead Sentence: the leaded car is now there minutes a head of the rest of the field 4. {{heaped} + {-ed}} Heap: an untidy pile of something Heaped: used to describe a spoon etc. that has a much in it or on it as it can hold Sentence: a heaped teaspoon of sugar 5. {{limit} + {-ed}} Limit: a point at which something stops being possible or existing Limited: not very great in amount or extent Sentence: We are doing our best with the limited resources available 6. {{land} + {-ed}} Land: the surface of earth that is not sea Landed: owning a lot of land Sentence: The landed area was very dry and hard after the long hot summer 7. {{load} + {-ed}} Load: something that is being carried by person, vehicle Loaded: carrying a load; full and heavy Sentence: She came into the room carrying a loaded tray 8. {{cloth} + {-ed}} Cloth: Fabric made by weaving or knitting cotton, wool, etc Clothed: dressed in a particular way Sentence: She jumped fully clothed into the water 9. {{crowd} + {-ed}} Crowd: a large number of people gathered together in public place Crowded: having a lot of people or too many people Sentence: In the spring the place is crowded with skiers 10. {{fit} + {-ed}} Fit: the way that two things math each other Fitted: built to be fixed into a particular space Sentence: Insurance costs will be reduced for houses fitted with window locks

E. -ly 1. {{Home} + {-ly}} Home: the house of apartment or place where you live Homely: simple in a way that makes you feel comfortable Sentence: a modern hotel with homely atmospheres

2. {{Lord} + {-ly}} Lord: a man who has a rank in the aristocracy Lordly: be having in way that shows you think you are better or more important than other people Sentence: a lordly disdain for the common man 3. {{love} + { -ly}} Love: a strong feeling of caring about someone especially member of your family or close friends Lovely: beautiful or attractive Sentence: Sita is singing a lovely song 4. {{kind} + {-ly}} Kind: one of the different types of a person or thing that belong to the same group Kindly: old fashioned kind and caring for other people Sentence: Miss Ina was a kindly old soul 5. {{Brother} + {-ly}} Brother: a male who has the same parents as you Brotherly: showing feeling or kindness, loyalty etc that you would expect or brother to show Sentence: brotherly affection in that family more good relation 6. {{Sister} + {-ly}} Sister: a girl or woman who has the same parents as you Sisterly: typical of a loving sister Sentence: their friendship can best be described as sisterly 7. {{low} + {-ly}} Low: a low price, level or value Lowly: low in rank, importance or social class Sentence: he was a lowly assistant gardener 8. {{Friend} + {-ly}} Friend: someone who you know and like very much and enjoy spending time with Friendly: be having towards someone in a way that shows you like them and are ready to talk to them or help them Sentence: Linda his very friendly with Heru 9. {{Fortnight} + {-ly}} Fortnight: two weeks Fortnightly: happening every fortnight or once a fortnight Sentence: we used to dread my uncles fortnightly visits

10. {{Sick} + {-ly}} Sick: ill, unhealthy condition Sickly: often ill/sick, not looking healthy and strong Sentence: he was a sickly child.

F. -ar
1. Curricular /krIkjl(r)/ connected with the curriculum of the school - we get some extra-curricular this term. 2. Familiar /fmIli(r)/ well known to you; often seen or heard and therefore easy to recognize - this place seems familiar to me. 3. Funicular /fju:nIkjl(r)/ a railway on a steep slope, with the carriages being pulled up and down by a moving cable someone having the weight of a funicular by the weight of a descending car. 4. Globular /glbjl(r)/ shaped like a ball - they live in a little globular houses, like mud-wasp nests 5. Granular /grnjl(r)/ consisting of small granules - dont forget to boil until the syrup becomes granular.

G. (a) -ful with the opposite -less

1. Artful /a:tfl/ clever at getting what you want, sometimes by not telling the truth - your brother has a lot of artful vases and pitchers. Artless /a:tls/ simple, natural and honest; made without skill or art the land vaguely realizing westward but still unstoried, artless.

2. Doubtful /da tfl/ uncertain and feeling doubt - the reporters reported the doubtful and dangerous situation of the empire. Doubtless /da tls/ almost certainly was doubtless the smartest girl in her class.

3. Faithful /feIfl/ staying with or supporting a particular person, organization or belief - thank God that I have a faithful friend. Faithless /feIls/

not loyal; that you cannot rely on or trust - we must not beeing a faithless person. 4. Fearful /fIfl/ Mervous and afraid - He had spent a fearful night alone in the woods. Fearless /fIls/ not afraid, in a way that people admire the boy is obviously a fearless boy.

5. Fruitful /fru:tfl/ producing many useful results - a brilliant culmination of a rich and fruitful career. Fruitless /fru:tls/ producing no useful results this is totally a fruitless effort.

6. Graceful /greIsfl/ moving in a controlled, attractive way or having a smooth, attractive form - that woman walks in a graceful motion. Graceless /greIsls/ not knowing how to be polite and pleasant to other people her body was thick and lumpish, as graceless as a bathtub

7. Harmful /ha:mfl/ causing damage or injury to sb/sth - Dont you ever touch it, its harmful drugs! Harmless /ha:mls/ unable or unlikely to cause damage or harm dont worry about that plant, its harmless.

8. Purposeful /p:psfl/ having a useful purpose - he was a purposeful man. Purposeless /p:psls/ having no meaning, use or clear aim we are not supposed to be purposeless people.

(b) -ful
1. Bashful /bfl/ shy and easily embarrassed - he hesitated, awkward and bashful, shifted his weight from one leg to the other. 2. Blissful /blIsfl/ extremely happy; showing happiness Its nice to see a blissful of young lovers.

3. Boastful /b stfl/ talking about yourself in a proud way there was a silly young officers, who talked in bellicose and boastful terms. 4. Brimful /brImf l/ completely full of sth a child, brimful of curiosity about life and people. 5. Dreadful /dredfl/ very bad or unpleasant that snake provided me with one of the most dreadful experiences of my life. 6. Dutiful /dju:tIfl/ doing everything that you are expected to do she's a wonderfully dutiful girl. Her father's wish would be sacred to her. 7. Fitful /fItfl/ happening only for short periods his education must have been fitful, to say the most of it. 8. Forceful /f :sfl/ expressing opinions firmly and clearly in a way that persuades other people to believe them he has a vigorous forceful personality. 9. Forgetful /fgetfl/ often forgetting things he was so forgetful that he constantly missed appointments. 10.Respectful /rIspektfl/ showing respect she shows us a respectful manner. 11.Delightful /dIlaItfl/ very pleasant I was so delightful that I cant stop smiling. 12.Wasteful /weIstfl/ using more of sth than is necessary it is a defective boiler that is wasteful of fuel. 13. Successful / sksesfl/ achieving your aims or what was intended she is such a successful enterpreneur. 14. Hateful /heItfl/ very unkind or unpleasant the war to him was a hateful thing, stupid and unjust

(c) -less

1. Backless /bkls/ (of a dress) not covering most of the back - the backless gown that she wore on a party last night is very beautiful. 2. Baseless /beIsls/ not supported by good reason or facts - your baseless fear cant let us down. 3. Blameless /bleImls/ free for responsibility for doing sth bad - I have been living a blameless life here. 4. Bottomless /btmls/ very deep; seeming to have no bottom or limit - you really are in a bottomless doom, dude. 5. Brainless /breInls/ stupid; not able to talk or think in an intelligent way - the brainless drivers on the highways often making troubles. 6. Cashless /kls/ done or working without using cash - those are the cashless purchase. 7. Ceaseless /si:sls/ not stopping; seeming to have no end - its tiring that we have to pay ceaseless attention to the lecturer. 8. Childless /taIldls/ having no children - porr Mr. Ronalds and his wife, they are childless since they married. 9. Cloudless /kla dls/ clear; with no clouds - its cloudless, its a good day for fishing. 10. Directionless /dreknls/ without a direction or purpose - hes going somewhere directionless. 11. Dreamless /dri:mls/ (of sleep) without dreams, deep and peaceful - her sleep was a dreamless sleep. 12. Effortless /eftls/ needing little or no effort, so that it seems easy - my way to colledge is effortless because I got help from my parents. 13. Flawless /fl :ls/ without flaws and therefore perfect your beautiful flawless face makes every girl in this town jealous.

14. Flightless /flaItls/ (of birds insects) unable to fly the bird is flightless because of wing reduction.

15. Formless /f :mls/ without a clear or definite shape or structure - that is a formless old dress but beautiful. 16. Godless /gdls/ not believing in or respecting God - there are so many Godless people in this world. 17. Guiltless /gIltls/ things you say to sb in order to make them guilty about sth - a bowed old house long guiltless of paint 18. Hearthless /ha:tls/ feeling no pity for other people - it seems so heartless to leave her

H. -ous
1. Arduous /a:djus/ involving a lot of effort and energy especially over a period of time - doing a thesis is along, arduous, and difficult task. 2. Bilious /bIlis/ bad tempered, full of anger - my grandfather suffered three years with a bilious ague. 3. Caverneous /kvns/ (of a room or space) very large and of dark - this room is cavarneous. 4. Discourteous /dIsk:tis/ having bad manners and not showing respect for other people - distant and at times discourteous to his associates. 5. Egregious /Igri:dis/ extremely bad - a published story which seemed too egregious to be believed. 6. Enormous /In :ms/ extremely large - your idea is an enormous one. 7. Fastidious /fstIdis/ being careful that every detail of sth is correct - I am an extremely stylish and fastidious person. 8. Fortuitous /f :tju:Its/ happening by chance, especially a lucky chance that brings a good result the fortuitous rencounters, the strange accidents of fortune.

9. Garrulous /grls/ talking a lot,especially about unimportant things - all day garrulous speeches had echoed from the tribune. 10. Harmonious /ha:m nis/ friendly, peaceful, and without any disagreement - I love their relationship, its so harmonious. 11. Hazardous /hzds/ involving risk or danger especially to sbs health or safety - dont come here, its a very hazardous place! 12. Pugnacious /pgneIs/ having a strong desire to argue or fight with other people - bushpigs are most courageous and pugnacious animals. 13. Querulous /kwerls/ complaining; showing that you are annoyed - the querulous boredom of a child that possesses too many toys.

I. -ic
1. Anorexic /nreksIk/ a person who is suffering from anorexia the man has been suffered from anorexic desease for five years. 2. Antagonistic /n tgnIstIk/ showing or feeling opposition - monopoly and free trade are antagonistic. 3. Beatific /bi:tIfIk/ showing great joy and peace - she acts in a beatific manner. 4. Carcinogenic /k:sIndenIk/ likely to cause cancer - the carcinogenic action of certain chemical has been found. 5. Cinematic /sInmtIk/ connected with films/movies - the cinematic fantasy on the musical theme is really beautiful. 6. Colonic /klnIk/ connected with the colon - it needs an ascending colon to put on. 7. Dietetics /daItetIks/ the scientific study of diet and healthy eating - we need dietetics to apply to groups of diferent economic conditions. 8. Egocentric /eg sentrI/ thinking only about yourself

egocentric personalities, lacking in conscience and feeling for others shows no concern for the people.

9. Emblematic /emblmtIk/ that represents or is a symbol of sth - a crown is emblematic of royalty. 10. Fantastic /fntstIk/ extremely good;excellent - last night show is the most fantastic show Ive ever seen. 11. Fatalistic /feItlistIk/ showing a belief in fate and feeling that you cannot control events or stop them from happening - thats a very fatalistic phylosophy. 12. Galvanic /glvnIk/ producing an electric current by the action of a chemical on metal - we need to change it with a galvanic battery. 13. Realistic /ri:lIstIk/ accepting in a sensible way that it is actually possible to do or achieve in a particular situation men tend to think in realistic ways.

J. -ish
1. Blemish /blemi/ a mark on, the skin or on an object that spoils it and makes it look beautiful or perfect too much heat will blemish the glass. 2. Bluish /blu:I/ fairly blue in colour - the air seems bluish. 3. Bookish /b kI/ interesting in reading and studying - a bookish approach to life. 4. Brackish /brkI/ salty in an unpleasant way - the brackish water in the tidal reaches of a river. 5. Clownish /kla nI/ like a clown, silly - this man is really clownish. 6. Devilish /devlI/ cruel or wicked - becareful, he gets some devilish tricks.

7. Foolish /fu:lI/ (of actions or behaviour) not showing good sense or judgement - that man in a big foolish hat is a punk. 8. Grayish /geII/ fairly grey in colour - she has eyes of grayish blue. 9. Hawkish /h :kI/ preferring to use military action rather than peaceful discussion in order to solve a problem - dont mock somebody who has hawkish face.

A. Verb to Adjective > -ive

1. abrasive /'breIsIv/ adj. (of a substance) capable of polishing or cleaning a hard surface by rubbing or grinding. 2. accusative /'kju:ztIv/ adj. denoting a case which expresses the object of an action or the goal of motion. 3. dispositive /dIs'pDztIv/ adj. relating to or bringing about the settlement of an issue or the disposition of property. 4. generative /'d3n()rtIv/ adj. relating to or capable of production or reproduction. 5. imitative /'ImIttIv/ adj. following a model. 6. indicative/ In'dIktIv/ udj.serving as a sign or indication. 7. legislative /'ld3IsltIv/ adj. of or having the power to make laws. 8. .lucrative /'lu:krtIv/ adj. profitable. 9. nominative /'nDmIntIv/ adj. denoting a case of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives expressing the subject of a verb. Ex: I've just known the nominative pronouns. 10. palliative /'palitIv/ adj. relieving pain or alleviating a problem without dealing with the cause.

> -able
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. unconscionable /n'kDn()nb()1/ adj. not right or reasonable. unreasonably excess. triable /'trIb()l/ adj. (of an offence or case) liable to a judicial trial. ropeable /'rpb()1/ adj. very angry; furious. reparable/r()rb()l/ adj. able to be repaired or rectified. predicable /'prdIkb()1/ adj. that may be predicated or affirmed.

6. 7.

palatable /'paltb()1/ adj. pleasant to taste. malioable /'malib()l/ adj. (of a metal or other material) able to be hammered or pressed into shape without breaking or cracking. 8. equable /'kwb()l/ adj. calm and even-tempered. 9. enviable /'nvib()I/ adj. arousing or likely to arouse envy.

> -ant or -ent

1. oppugnant /'pgnt/ adj. rare opposing; antagonistic. Ex.: Mariambelina is an oppugnant artis. 2. nonchalant/'nDn()1()nt/ adj. casually calm and relaxed. 3. mordant /'modlnt/ adj. (especially of humour) sharp or critical; biting. 4. misoreant /'miskrInt/ n. a person who behaves badly or unlawfully. 5. mendicant /'mndik()nt/ adj. given to begging. of or denoting a religious order originally dependent on alms. Ex: I get a mendicant present. adj. not present. 6. adjacent / deIs()nt/ adj. next to or adjoining something else. 7. ambivalent/am'bIv()l()nt/ adj. having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone. Ex: He is an ambivalent teacher. 8. avirulent /ei'vIrjl()n/ adj. (of a micro-organism) not virulent. 9. circumfluent /s:'kmflnt/ adj. flowing round; surrounding.

1. Ate ( eit ) : to put food into your mouth, then bite and swallow it Eight ( eit ) :8 2. Bail ( beil ) : money that sb agrees to pay if a person accused of a crime does not appear in front of the court on the day he/she is called Bale ( beil ) : a large quantity of sth pressed tightly together and tied up 3. Ball ( b:l) : a round object that you hit, kick, throw, etc. in games and sports Bawl ( b:l) : to shout or cry loudly 4. Bare ( be(r) ) : (used about part of the body) not covered by clothingl Bear ( be(r) ) : a large, heavy wild animal with thick fur and sharp teeth 5. Beer ( bi(r) ) : a type of alcoholic drink that is made from grain Bier ( bi(r) ) : consisting of framework of bamboo or wooden laths which support the cloth covering a corpse

6. Air ( e(r) ) : the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth and that people, animals and plants breathe Heir ( e(r) ) : heir (to sth) the person with the legal right to receive (inherit) money, property or a title when the owner dies 7. Bazaar ( bza:(r) ) : (in some eastern countries) a market Bizarre ( bza:(r) ) : very strange 8. Cede ( si:d ) : to give land or control of sth to another country or person Seed ( si:d ) : the small hard part of a plant from which a new plant of the same kind can grow 9. Cought( k:t ) : to take hold of sth that is moving, usually with your hand or hand Court ( k:t ) : a place where legal trials take place and crimes, etc. are judged 10.Cheep ( ti:p ) : the sound of a little chicken Cheap ( ti:p ) : low in price, costing little money 11. Coo ( ku: ) : to make a soft low sound like a bird (a dove) Coup ( ku: ) : a sudden, illegal and often violent change of government 12. Council( kansl ) : a group of people who are elected to govern an area such as a town or county Counsel( kansl ) : to give professional advice and help to sb with a problem 13. Cousin (k^zn ) : the child of your aunt or uncle Counsel (k^zn ) : to give professional advice and help to sb with a problem 14. Creak ( kri:k ) : to make the noise of wood bending or of sth not moving smoothly Creek ( kri:k ) : a narrow piece of water where the sea flows into the land 15. Dam ( dm ) : a wall built across a river to hold back the water and form a lake (reservoir) behind it Damn ( dm ) : a swear word that people use to show that they are angry 16. Desert ( diz:t ) : a large area of land, usually covered with sand, that is hot and has very little water and very few plants Dessert ( diz:t ) : something sweet that is eaten after the main part of a meal 17. Dew (du: ) : small drops of water that form on plants, leaves, etc. during the night Due (du: ) : (not before a noun) expected or planned to happen or arrive 18. Die ( dai ) : to stop living Dye ( dai ) : a substance that is used to change the colour of sth 19. Draft ( dra:ft ) : to make a first or early copy of a piece of writing Draught( dra:ft ) : a flow of cold air that comes into a room 20. Faint ( feint ) : to lose consciousness Feint ( feint ) : pretended hit 21. Fare ( fe(r) ) : to be successful or not successful in a particular situation Fair ( fe(r) ) : a type of entertainment in a field or park 22. Farther ( fa:(r) ) : comparative of FAR Father ( fa:(r) ) : a persons male parent 23. Fate ( feit ) : the power that some people believe controls everything that happens Fete ( feit ) : an outdoor event with competitions, entertainment and things to buy, often organized to make money for a particular purpose 24. Faze ( feiz ) : to make sb worried or nervous Phase ( feiz ) : a stage in the development of sth

25. Few ( fu: ) : not many Phew ( fu: ) : a sound which you make to show that you are hot, tired or happy that sth bad did not happen or has finished 26.Fir ( f:(r) ) : a tree with thin leaves (needles) that do not fall off in winter Fur ( f:(r) ) : the soft thick hair that covers the bodies of some animals 27. Flair ( fle(r) ) : the quality of being interesting or having style Flare ( fle(r) ) : to burn for a short time with a sudden bright flame 28. Flaw ( fl:(r) ) : a mark or crack in an object that means that it is not perfect Floor ( fl:(r) ) : the flat surface that you walk on indoors 29. Flea ( fli: ) : a very small jumping insect without wings that lives on animals, for example cats and dogs. Fleas bite people and animals and make them scratch Flee ( fli: ) : to run away or escape from sth 30. Floe ( fl ) : some of ice floating Flow ( fl ) : to move in a smooth and continuous way (like water) 31. Flour ( fla(r) ) : a very thin powder made from wheat or other grain and used for making bread, cakes, biscuits, etc. Flower ( fla(r) ) : the coloured part of a plant or tree from which seeds or fruit grow 32. Foreword (f:w:d ) : a piece of writing at the beginning of a book that introduces the book and/or its author Forward (f:w:d ) : in the direction that is in front of you; towards the front, end or future 33. Forth ( f: ) : other things like those just mentioned Fourth ( f:) : determiner, adverb 4th 34. Foul ( fal ) : (used in sports) an action that is against the rules Fowl ( fal ) : (plural fowl or fowls) a bird, especially a chicken, that is kept on a farm 35. Friar ( frai(r)) : monk Fryer ( frai(r)) : young chicken to be fried 36. Gait ( geit ) : the way that sb/sth walks Gate ( geit ) : the part of a fence, wall, etc. like a door that can be opened to let people or vehicles through 37. Gilt ( gilt ) : a thin covering of gold Guilt ( gilt ) : fault 38. Gneiss ( nais ) : a type of METAMORPHIC rock formed at high pressure and temperature deep in the ground Nice ( nais ) : pleasant, enjoyable or attractive 39. Gorilla ( gril ) : a large very powerful African APE (= an animal like a large monkey but without a tail) with a black or brown hairy body Guerilla ( gril ) : a member of a small military group who are not part of an official army and who make surprise attacks on the enemy 40. Grate ( greit ) : the metal frame that holds the wood, coal, etc. in a FIREPLACE(= the space at the bottom of the chimney where you make a fire) Great ( greit ) : good; wonderful 41. Grisly ( grizli ) : (used for describing sth that is concerned with death or violence) terrible; horrible Grizzly ( grizli ) : wild and big beer 42. Groan ( grn ) : to make a deep sad sound because you are in pain, or to show that you are unhappy about sth

Grown ( grn ) : to increase in size or number; to develop into an adult form 43. Hail ( heil ) : small balls of ice (hailstones) that fall from the sky like rain Hale ( heil ) : healthy and strong 44. Hall ( h:l ) : a building or large room in which meetings, concerts, dances, etc. can be held Haul ( h:l ) : to pull sth with a lot of effort or difficulty 45. Hay ( hei ) : grass that has been cut and dried for use as animal food Hey ( hei ) : (informal) used to attract sbs attention or to show that you are surprised or interested 46. Here (hi(r)) : (after a verb or a preposition) in, at or to the place where you are or which you are pointing to Hear (hi(r)) : (not used in the continuous tenses) to receive sounds with your ears 47.Herd ( h:d ) : a large number of animals that live and feed together Heard ( h:d ) : to receive sounds with your ears 48. Hew ( hyu ) : cut off Hue ( hyu ) : to receive sounds with your ears 49. Hi ( hai ) : an informal word used when you meet sb you know well; hello High ( hai ) : at or to a high position or level 50. Higher ( hai(r)) : comparative for high Hire ( hai(r)) : to have the use of sth for a short time by paying for it 51. Him ( him ) : (the object of a verb or preposition) the male person who was mentioned earlier Hymn ( him ) : a religious song that Christians sing together in church, etc 52. Hoard ( ho:d ) : to collect and store large quantities of sth (often secretly) Horde ( ho:d ) : a very large number of people 53. Hoarse ( hoes ) : (used about a person or his/her voice) sounding rough and quiet, especially because of a sore throat Horse ( hoes ) : a large animal that is used for riding on or for pulling or carrying heavy loads 54. Hour (aue ) : a period of 60 minutes Our (aue ) : of or belonging to us 55. Idle ( aidl ) : not wanting to work hard; lazy Idol ( aidl ) : a person (such as a film star or pop musician) who is admired or loved 56. In ( in ) : (used to show place) inside or to a position inside a particular area or object Inn ( in ) : a small hotel or old pub, usually in the country 57. Key ( ki: ) : a metal object that is used for locking a door, starting a car, etc Quay ( ki: ) : a platform where goods and passengers are loaded on and off boats 58. Knight ( nait ) : a man who has been given a title of honour by a king or queen for good work he has done and who can use Sir in front of his name Night ( nait ) : the part of the day when it is dark and when most people sleep 59. Knot ( not ) : a place where two ends or pieces of rope, string, etc. have been tied togetherl Not ( not ) : used to form the negative with the verbs be, do and have (auxiliary verbs) and with verbs such as can, must, will, etc 60. Larva ( la:v ) : an insect at the stage when it has just come out of an egg and has a short fat soft body with no legs Lava ( la:v ) : hot liquid rock that comes out of a mountain with an opening

in the top (volcano) 61. Lore ( l: ) : custom and knowledge Law ( l: ) : an official rule of a country or state that says what people may or may not do 62. Leak ( li:k ) : to allow liquid or gas to get through a hole or crack Leek ( li:k ) : a long thin vegetable that is white at one end with thin green leaves 63. Levee ( levi ) : (in geography) a low wall built at the side of a river to prevent it from flooding Levy ( levi ) : (present participle levying; 3rd person singular present tense levies; past tense, past participle levied) (written) levy sth (on sb) to officially demand and collect money, etc. 64. Loan ( leun ) : money, etc. that sb/sth lends youn Lone ( leun ) : without any other people; alone 65. Made ( meid ) : to produce or create sth Maid ( meid ) : a woman whose job is to clean in a hotel or large house 66. Loot ( lu:t ) : money and valuable objects taken by soldiers from the enemy after winning a battle 67. Lute ( lu:t ) : a music instrument made of wood and strings Male ( meil ) : belonging to the sex that does not give birth to babies or produce eggs 68. Main ( mein ) : (only before a noun) most important Mane ( mein ) : the long hair on the neck of a horse or male lion 69. Mall ( mol ) : a place where there are many shops, either outside or in a covered building Maul ( mol ) : (usually used about a wild animal) to attack and injure sb 70. Manna ( mna ) : food of the heaven Manner( mna ) : the way that sb behaves towards other people 71. Mare ( me(r)) : a female horse Mayor ( me(r)) : a person who is elected to be the leader of the group of people (a council) who manage the affairs of a town or city 72. Meat ( mi:t ) : the parts of animals or birds that people eat Meet ( mi:t ) : to come together by chance or because you have arranged it 73. Medal ( medl ) : a small flat piece of metal, usually with a design and words on it, which is given to sb who has shown courage or as a prize in a sporting event Meddle( medl ) : to take too much interest in sbs private affairs or to touch sth that does not belong to you 74. Metal ( metl ) : a type of solid substance that is usually hard and shiny and that heat and electricity can travel through Mettle ( metl ) : bravery 75. Might ( mait ) : great strength or power Mite ( mait ) : a very small creature like a spider that lives on plants and animals and in carpets, etc 76. Naval ( neivl ) : connected with the navy Navel ( neivl ) : the small hole or lump in the middle of your stomach 77. Nay ( nei ) : disagreement Neigh ( nei ) : the long high sound that a horse makes 78. None ( n^n ) : not any, not one (of a group of three or more) Nun ( n^n ) : a member of a religious group of women who live together in a special building (a convent) away from other people 79. One ( w^n ) :1

Won ( w^n ) : to be the best, first or strongest in a race, game, competition, etc 80. Pail ( peil ) : synonim of bucket Pale ( peil ) : (used about a person or his/her face) having skin that is light in colour, often because of fear or illness 81. Pain ( pein ) : to make sb feel sad or upset Pane ( pein ) : a piece of glass in a window, etc 82. Pair ( pr ) : two things of the same type that are used or worn together Pare ( pr ) : to remove the thin outer layer of sth 83. Peace ( pi:s ) : a situation or a period of time in which there is no war or violence in a country or area Piece ( pi:s ) : to discover the truth about sth from different pieces of information 84. Peak ( pi:k ) : he point at which sth is the highest, best, strongest, etc Pique ( pi:k ) : annoyance 85. Peel ( pi:l ) : the skin of a fruit or vegetable Peal ( pi:l ) : the loud ringing of a bell or bells 86. Pearl ( p:l ) : a small, hard, round, white object that grows inside the shell of a type of shellfish (an oyster). Pearls are used to make jewellery Purl ( p:l ) : a simple stitch used in knitting 87. Peer ( pie ) : to look closely or carefully at sb/sth, for example because you cannot see very well Pier ( pie ) : a large wooden or metal structure that is built out into the sea from the land. Boats can stop at piers so that people or goods can be taken on or off 88. Plain ( plein ) : a large area of flat land with few trees Plane ( plein ) : a vehicle that can fly through the air, with wings and one or more engines 89. Plum ( plam ) : a soft, round fruit with red or yellow skin and a stone in the middle Plumb ( plam ) : a kind of rock 90. Pole (pl ) : a long, thin piece of wood or metal, used especially to hold sth up Poll (pl ) : to receive a certain number of votes in an election 91. Principal (prinspl ) : the head of some schools, colleges, etc Principle (prinspl ) : a rule for good behaviour, based on what a person believes is right 92. Profit ( profit ) : the money that you make when you sell sth for more than it cost you Prophet ( profit ) : a person who is sent by God to teach the people and give them messages from God 93. Raw ( ro: ) : not cooked Roar ( ro: ) : to make a loud, deep sound 94. Read ( red ) : to say written words to sb Red ( red ) : a colour that some peoples faces become when they are embarrassed, angry, shy, etc 95. Real ( ri:l ) : actually existing, not imagined Reel ( ri:l ) : a round object that thread, wire, film for cameras, etc. is put around 96. Right ( rait ) : what is morally good and fair Write ( rait ) : to make words, letters, etc., especially on paper using a pen or pencil

97. Roe ( ra ) : the eggs of a fish that we eat Row ( ra ) : a noisy argument or serious disagreement between two or more people, groups, etc. 98. Role ( reul ) Roll ( reul ) way 99. Route ( ru:t ) Root ( ru:t ) 100.Sea ( si: ) earth See ( si: ) of sight. : the position or function of sb/sth in a particular situation : to move by turning over and over; to make sth move in this : a way from one place to another : to search for sth by moving things : the salt water that covers large parts of the surface of the : to become conscious of sth, using your eyes; to use the power

1. eat /i:t/ ( into one mouth and swallow it) a. diner /din(r) / main meal of the day, eaten at midday orin the evening. b. lunch / lnt / meal eaten in the middle of the day. 2. colour / kla(r) / appearance of something as result of rays of light of different wavelength being reflected. a. red / red / of colour of blood. b. black / blk / of the colour of fresh snow. c. white / wait / of the colour of fresh snow. 3. oil /oil / any of several thick slippery liquids that burn easily a. petroleum / patrauliam / mineral oil that forms underground. b. gasoline / gsali:n / petrol. 4. Book / buk/ number of printed sheef of paper fastened together in cover a- Bible / baibl / holy book of the jewish and Christian religions b- Koran / kara:n/ the holy book of the muslims. 5. Worship / w; ip / reverence, respect or love for god a. Pray / prei / speak to god, to give thanks or to ask for help b. Charity / trati / kindness to others. Pilgrimage / pilgrimid / journey made by pilgrim. 6. Speak / spi;k / say things, talk a. to argue / ta a:gju / express disagreement, give reasons for. b. To comment / ta koment / spoken statement or opinion . 7. Fruit / fru:it / part of plant used as food

a. Orange / orind; / a round citras fruit with thick reddish yellow skin. b. Grape / greip / green tn or purple berry used for making wine. 8. Tree / tri: / a tall plant that can live a long time a. Palm / pa:m / straight tree with a mass of long leaves at the top. b. Teak / ti:k / the strong hard wood of a tall asean tree. 9. Sport / spo:ti / activity that you do for pleasure that needs physical effort or skill. a. Football / futbal / rarge round or oval ball, out door game. b. Run / rn / move quickly, faster than when walking. c. Badminton / bdmintan / game similar to tennis, played by hitting a chuttlecock. 10.Female / fi : meil / of the sex that produces young. a. Mother / moa(r) / a female parent of a child or animal. b. Girl / g:l / a female child. c. Lady / leidi / a word used to mean woman that some people, especially older people. 11.Male / meil / belonging to the sex that does not give birth to babies a. Father / fa:a(r) / a male parent of a child b. Boy / boi / a male child or young male person. c. Brother / br oa(r) / a boy or man who has the same mother and father. 12.Take / teik / to carry or move something from one place to another place a. Carry away / kri awei / to get very excited or lose control of your feeling. b. Steal / sti:l / to take something from a person, shop, store. c. Snatch / snt / to take something quickly and often rudely or roughly. 13.Angry / ngri / having strong feelings about something that you dislike verymuch a. Fed up / fed up / bored or unhappy , especially with a situation. b. Annoyed / anoid / slightly angry. 14.Teacher / ti:ta(r) / a person whose job is teaching a. Lecturer / lektara(r) / a person who teaches at a university. b. Headmaster / hed ma: sta(r) / a teacher who is in charge of a school, especially a private school. 15.Bring / bri / to came to a palce with sb /sth

a. Raise /reiz / to lift or move sth to a higher level. b. Carry on / kri on / a small bag or case that you carry onto a plane with you. 16.Give / giv / quality of bending and stretching under pressure a. Alms / a:mz/ money, clothes, given to very poor people. b. Charity / trati / money, food, given to very poor peop 17.Sweet / swit / tasting like sugar a. Sugar / ga(r) / substance obtained from vario plants. b. Candy / kndi / sweets or chocolate. 18.Language / lgwid / system of sound , word used by humans to communicate thoughts and feelings a. English / igli / the anglish language. b. French / frent / the French language. 19.Violent / vailalant / using or showing or caused by strong , force. a. Strike / straik / hit attack produce by striking. b. Kick / kik / hit with the foot. c. Abase / abju:z / treat cruelly. 20.Behavior / biheivio(r) / way of behaving. a. Timid / timid/ shy and not brave or self confident. b. Distinct / distikt / clearly different ; separate. 21.Sleep / sli;p / condition when the body is at rest with the eyes closed. a. Nap / np / short sleep. b. Doze / daz / sleep lightly. c. Slumber / slmba(r) / sleep; especially peacefully. 22.Character / krakta(r) / qualities that make somebody different from other. a. Kinds/ kaind / friendly and thoughtfull to others. b. Polite / palait / having a good manner. 23.Feel / fi;l / learn about by touching or holding in ones hands. a. Love / lv / strong liking or affection. b. Hate / heit / have a great dislike for. c. Angry / gri / having a long feeling that is dislike.

24.Sick / sik / ill care for people in hospital. a. Cough / kof / push air out from the lungs violently and noisily. b. Fever / fi:va(r) / very high temperature of the body. 25.Fish /fi / cold blooded animal that live in water . a. Whale / weil/ very largesea animal hunted for its oil and meat. b. Carp / ka;p / large freshwater fish. c. Saw fish / so: fi / big fish that has sharp teeth.


NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Lad /ld/ A boy or young man. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Princes /prins/ A male member of a royal family who is king. Poet /pait/ A person who writes poems Author /:'a(r)/ A person who writes books or a person who wrote a particular book. Emperor /empara(r)/ The ruler of an empire. God / ga;d/ The being or spirit that is worshipped and. Host / hast; / A person who invites guests to a meal, a party. Widower / widaa(r)/ A man whose wife has died and who has not married again. Lass /ls/ A girl; young man. Princess /prinses/ A female member of royal family who is not queen. Poetess /paites/ a woman who writes poems. Authoress / :ares/ a woman author. Empress / empras/ A woman who is the ruler of an empire. Goddess / gades;as/ A female god, a woman who is loved or admired very much by other people Hostess / hastas/ A woman who invites guest to ameal, a party. Widow /wida/ A women whose husband died and not married again. MASCULINE actor /kta(r)/ a person who performs on the stage, TV or film. Duke /dju:k;/ A nobleman of the highest rank. Giant / daiant / A very large a strong person who is often crude and stupid. Heir / ea(r)/ A person who has the legal right to receive somebodys property. FEMINIME actress /ktras/ a women who performs on the stage, TV or film. Duchess / dtas / The wife of a duke, a women who has the rank of a duke. Giantess / daiant / A female giant. Heiress / eaes;/ A female heir, especially who one who has received.


Negro / ni:gras/ A member of a race of people with dark skin who originally came from Africa. Prophef /profit; / A person sent by god to teach the people and give them messages. Fianc /fiansei/ The man that a woman is angaged to ( has officially agree to marry). Comedian / kami:dian/ An entertainer who makes people lough by telling jokes or funny stories. Patron / peitran / A person who gives amoney and support to artist and writers. Farmer / fa:ma(r)/ A person who owns or manager a farm. Masseur /ms:(r)/ A person whose job is giving people message. Hero / hiara;/ A person especially man who is admired by many people for doing something brave or good. Spinner /spina(r)/ A bowler who uses spin when throwing the ball or a person who spins thread. Seamster /si:msta(r)/ A man who can saw and makes clothes or his job. Aviator / eivieita(r)/ A person who flies an aircraft. Actif /ktif/ A man who always busy doing things, especially physical. Neuf / njaf/ Completely new. Sportif /sp :rtif/ Man who linking or good at sport. Vif /vi:f/ A man who full of life and energy. Ancien / einan/ Old man. Europeen /jarapi:an;/ A person who comes from Europe. Italien / itljan/ A person who comes from Italy. Moyen /mayan/ A man in middle between two sizes, amounts, lengths.

Negress / ni;gres/ A negro women or girl. Prophetess / profites/ A woman who is a prophet. Fiance /fi:a:nsei/ The women that a man is angaged to (has officially agree to marry) Comedienne / kami:dien/ A female entertainer who makes people laugh by telling jokes or funny stories. Partroness /peitranes/ A female patron. Farmerette Masseuse / ms:z/ A woman whose job is giving people message. Heroine /herain;/ A girl or woman who is admired by many for doing something brave or good. Spinster /spinsta(r)/ A woman who is not married. Seamsteress /si:mstra;/ A woman who can saw and makes clothes or her job. Aviatrix /eivieitrik/ A woman who flies on aircraft. Active /ktiv/ A woman who always busy doing things, especially physical activities. Neuve /njav/ Completely new. Sportive / sp :rtiva/ Women who linking or good at sport. Vive /vi:v/ A woman who full of life and energy. Anciennes /einanes/ Old women. Europeenne /jarapi:ni/ A women who comes from Europe. Italienne /itljan:i/ A women who comes from Italy. Moyenne /mayani/ A women in middle between two sizes, amounts, lengths.

14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

32. 33. 34. 35.

Bonne /bnni/ A women who has a high quality or an acceptable standard. Delicieuse /dilias/ Delicieux /diliak/ Having very pleasant, extreamly pleasant Having very pleasant taste or smell. or enjoyable. Heureuse /hjuruse/ Heureux /hjuru:k/ A women who feeling or showing A person who feeling or showing pleasure. pleasure. Paresseusen/peas:us/ Paresseux /peas:uk/ A woman who unwilling to work ao be A man who unwilling to work or be active. active. Jaloux /hluk/ A man who feeling angry or unhappy because somebody you like. Faux /f :uk/ A person who has wrong, not correct or true. Roux /rak/ A man who has reddish-brown in colour of hair. Joli /doli/ Pleasant, enjoyable. Laid /leid/ A person who unpleasant to look at. Timide /timid/ A man who shy and nervous not brave. Gentil /dentil/ A person who not jewish. Fatigue /fati:q/ A feeling of being extremely tired. Jalouse / hluse/ A women who feeling angry or unhappy because somebody youlike. Fausse /f :use/ A woman who has wrong not correct or true. Rouse /ras:/ A woman who has reddish-brown in colour of hair. Jolie /doli/ A woman who feels pleasant, enjoyable. Laide /laid/ A women who unpleasant to look at. Timide / timid/ A women who unpleasant to look at. Gentiles /dentail/ A women who not jewish. Fatigue /fati:qi/ A woman who feeling of being extremely. Mortelle /m :tali/ A woman that cant live for ever dan must die. Naturelle /ntrel/ Not made or cause by human being. Breve /bri:v/ A women who lasting only a short time. Douce /dus/ Countaining or tasting as if it countains a lot of sugar. Favorite / feivarit/ Liked more than others of the same kind. Fralche /frelch/ A women recently produced or picked and not frozen. Longue /l :ga/ A women who measuring or covering a

Bon /bn/ A person who has a high quality or an acceptable standard.

36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.

44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

Mortel /m :tal/ A man that cant live for ever dan must die. Naturel /ntrel/ Not made or cause by human being. Bref /bri:f/ A person who lasting only a short time. Doux /duk/ Countaining aor tasting as if it countains a lot of sugar. Favori /feivai/ A man liked more than others of the same kind. Frals /frels/ A man recently produced or picked and not frozen. Long /l :/ A man who measuring or covering a great

length or distance.

great length or distance

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