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The Shape of Things to Come

Volume 1, Issue 1
Data Set Analysis

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis

Interpretation and Predictions for 2012 and (slightly) beyond
By clif high (
Copyright 2012 (all rights reserved)
Issue date: September 30, 2012

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Shape of Things to Come
volume 1, issue 1
Sept 30, 2012
All humans (and any other sentient beings here on Terra) should take heed of the state of
the sun on a daily basis as their personal actions are affected by solar activity. Many
thinkers, past and present, have noted that solar activity is mirrored here on earth. When
the sun is roiling, as it is now, terrestrial humanity also roils, as it does now. The
'looniness' that can be smeared across large amounts of humanity by solar activity is
known by the-powers-that-be, and they will use it for their nasty goals, as they are now.
When the 'solar-looniness' is upon humanity, as it is now, the energetic forces, electrical
and other, from the sun, put pressure on individual humans, such that large scale group
behavior is changed. As those humans who are suffering the 'solar-looniness' are un-
aware of their plight, they react as though their emotional responses (to perceived
reality) are both genuine, and internally generated. Neither is true, but don't try telling
them that, or you are likely going to experience the 'solar-looniness' erupting in a human
near you.

It seems unlikely that the mass of humans so affected will be able to awaken to the solar-
looniness distortions of their behavior, thus the up-coming period promises to be both
noisy and dangerous. Therefore, those humans who are awakening to the unfolding
nature of reality, will as the data describes, [separate themselves (from the) herd
instinct], becoming [explorers (of the manifesting new earth/new cycle)].

We note that the definition (more or less) of 'sanity', is to be 'well adjusted to the world
around you'. If said world is itself not well adjusted, disruptive, deceitful, dangerous,
duplicitous, and generally in a terrible state, then to be 'sane' is of no rational benefit.
Why be well-adjusted to an irrational and degrading situation? Rather the more
appropriate response is to choose insanity, and thus not be well adjusted to the global
madness. The insane, facing a world boiling with solar-looniness, will navigate, without
participating, as the omni-humanity seas react to the solar storms.
To all the 'insane', watching the asylum crumble before your eyes, note that 'walking
time' is coming. The best view is from the isolated hills. Be seeing you there.

As more evidence is being 'leaked' out from the msm = mainstream media whore-press

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volume 1, issue 1
Sept 30, 2012
about [plate rupture], and [plate cracks], it becomes more likely that the [global coastal
event] of 2013 {ed note: see has occurred by June 1, 2013} is the result
of the continuing expansion of the earth. Please note that all the evidence studied by
such worthies as Hapgood, is all being misinterpreted in absence of the 'expanding earth
theory'. In addition, recent discoveries of 'last cycle' maps of the planet, as discussed on
Coast2Coast AM Radio, are also, NOT showing evidence of a pole shift, but distinctly
pointing out the results of the last expansion events some 12 to 13 thousand years ago. If
one examines these maps, it can be seen that the arrangement of the continents is not
disturbed by being 'shuffled about', so much as being joined then, where separated now.
These separations are only indicating expansion as the newly separated continents (as
we know them now), can be plotted on a sphere and shown to be the result of what
would appear to be {ed note: back of the envelope maths so don't beat me up....} about a
.03 percent expansion of the diameter of the planet when measured pole to pole (yes, it
is different than measuring the equatorial bulge....our planet's 'muffin top').

So, it would make sense that yet another expansion event (YAEE) is in the works, as
foreseen by the study (without them knowing what they were viewing).
This then would be a very very likely rupture of the Indian plate, that may also be
concurrent with a Pacific plate rupture as the proximate cause of the [excessive
flooding] {ed note: discussed below} and similar reports within the 2012

As we have been anticipating a Pacific plate crack since 2004 (here at HPH where we
study the real world unrestrained by academic/corpo considerations), this newly leaked
information, even though it is, as always with academia, couched in terms of 'infinitely
far future stuff', is very telling. As the-powers-that-be (for some reason) have to inform
before hand, it is suspected that a very large body of language around just this subject is
waiting in the wings to be dribbled out across the rest of Fall and Winter (northern
hemisphere) 2012/2013.

Meta Data
It may be noted that certain forecast language is now showing up relative to the [media

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volume 1, issue 1
Sept 30, 2012
(stations)] being ['terrorist' targets]. Further, recent 'technical problems' with major msm
= mainstream media whore-to-tptb-press teevee shows were forecast in previous Shape
reports. These temporal markers are significant to the actions of TPTB (the-powers-that-
be), and their minions/officialdom over this next year. As the planet drags us all through
the end of 2012 and into 2013, the [media outlets/stations] will become even more
visible as this temporal marker matures. At a meta data level, there is a pattern emerging
that points to the last 'turning' being voiced by the media (msm) itself as their own
people at the lower level (reporters et al) will discover just how in the dark, and full of
shit their lives have been, and will, in the end, broadcast the ultimate of meta-data
questions, “just what the fuck is going on here anyway?”. So when you hear that media
is questioning their own perception of reality publically in very highly emotional
language, that is the time to turn off the teevee, as the rest of the story is known.....see

TBTB Entity – What are they planning for the US elections?

The TPTB (the powers that be) entity has a large, complex, and growing lexical set that
has a duality at the primary level. This makes it difficult to isolate the leading, primary
supporting descriptor. In this case, the two descriptors are [conundrum], and
[separation]. However, in both, their primary supporting sets go directly to [no
(enterprise1) will proceed (without stress/distress/disruption)]. That the primary set is
caught in a duality of competing primary values, at a meta-arts, and meta-data level,
suggests something of a 'hung jury' situation for the [elections].

This idea of an [election outcome] similar to the year 2000 Baby Bush selection is also
being supported by both of the primary supporting sets individually. Within the
[conundrum] set, are sets going to [illness (within the system)], and [patience
(exhausted)]. Further these sets are supported by language for [grinding perseverance],
and [endless (conversation/arguing)]. Within the [separation] set are sub sets that contain
aspect/attributes for [prostitution (of position)], [negotiations (over slaves)], and [going
beyond (the allotted time)]. All of these sets have within their supporting sets language

1 Note that this word, [enterprise] is very clearly defined as 'group effort/common undertaking'. Further, it has 'commerce'
as its secondary supporting set.

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Sept 30, 2012
reinforcing the idea that the [enterprise (does not move forward)], or is [mired in mud].

As modelspace is progressed forward, these sets gain support from sub sets indicating a
form of [decision] is made that [shifts] the [process] in [bumpy increments]. This last set
has several groups supporting the idea of [intermittent upheaval], and [social disruption]
to the point that [permanent infrastructure damage] results. There are a number of
smaller supporting sets providing details suggestive of [planned sabotage] by the [tptb]
to [further] their [near-term agenda2].

What about Populace/USofA after the elections?

As modelspace is progressed into November, the Populace/USofA entity, at the meta-

data level, has a summation value within the emotional intensity field of the lexicon, that
pushes the entire entity through the 'transformation threshold'. In our work here at HPH,
we have noted that certain numeric sums, within certain fields within the array of values
associated with each word within the lexicon, act as seeming 'boundary layers', where,
once the numeric sum is exceed, there is no 'going back'. Restated for hoped for clarity,
we can say that once certain numbers are reached in certain emotional value fields, a
'tension release experience' will follow.
That said, we need to also note, that at the meta-arts, and meta-data level, during this last
lexicon tuning, it has been noticed that the 'tension' to 'release' relationship within the
populace (US specifically) is breaking down. So, in the past, the current level of tension
values within the Populace/USofA entity would be followed by a 'release experience'. As
an example, it was this value that allowed us to successfully forecast the 'illegal aliens
emerge from shadows context change' that swept over the social order several years ago.
Currently the values have just crossed the threshold level of what we have labeled as the
'social transformation barrier'. Will the society pass through yet another, large,
transformation in November/December of this year? IF the patterns of the past are still
holding, the answer must be 'yes'.

2 The data sets suggest that the [fear] set driving the-powers-that-be is, felt by them, to be so close as to [remove
constraints (on behavior)].

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volume 1, issue 1
Sept 30, 2012
The primary, and rising in value, supporting aspect for the Pop/USofA entity from mid
October onward is [influence (of the) rich]. There are repeated sets for [wealth], and
[riches] that are in supporting positions throughout the lexical structure. In fact, there are
so many manifestations of the [wealth/riches/money/coins/jewels] sets within the
Pop/USofA entity appearing from mid October onward, that it is safe to say that no
element of [visible within msm -mainstream whore-to-tptb-press] stories will be without
the [wealth] angle.
NOTE: This is NOT a good thing.
The [influence of the rich/powerful/wealthy] set is itself repeatedly supported by
[corrupt], and [corruption] throughout the lexical structure. The [influence of the
rich/powerful/corrupt] set is extensively cross linked over to the Terra entity where it
terminates in the [excessive flooding] sub set. This could be suggesting that the [msm =
mainstream whore-to-tptb-press] will be [flooded] by [corruption] stories, but given
their slavish nature, this is doubtful. Rather our interpretation is going to be that the
[emotional impact] of the [upcoming economic crash] is so far reaching and deep, that
something of a [flood] of [activity (in reporting) on the corruption of wealth] will take
over the [mindset] of the [populace] here in USA. There are suggestions within the
supporting set in the form of new aspect/attributes showing [conspiracy reporting] on the
rise, as well as repeated use of the phrase [cottage industry] within the supporting sets
for the [secrets revealed] set. The implication is that the [crushing (of the) federal
reserve dollar] and its [impact] on [every poor householder on the planet] (especially
here in USA) is so devastating that a trend of [investigation], and [intense examination
(of reported reality)] will take hold for [5/five generations = about 105 years (basically a
really long term social trend)].

In the position of the secondary supporting set, we find [opposition (from) authority]
will be [raining down]3 on the [uncompromising youth]. Within the supporting sets for
the [uncompromising youth] we find that [scarred warriors/disabled veterans] will be
[pivotal] in [providing leadership/council] to the [young resistors (to the influence of
wealth/riches/corruption)]. Within the [disabled veterans] set are primary supporting sets
that go to this being a ['skipped' generation fusion] in which the [grandfathers] are now
the [leaders] of their [grandsons] against the [influence of corruption] pervading the
planet. We also need to specifically note that this is NOT restricted to the male gender,

3 Note that the [flooding] meme is being found repeatedly in all entities, and in various forms of abstractions. Probably
NOT a good sign.

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and that specific supporting sets within the [leadership from the old warriors] includes
many, many details about a particular [female veteran] who will be [rising (reluctantly)]
but [fiercely] to the challenge just after the American Elite Faux Elections. No more
details will be forthcoming from here for obvious reasons of future security4.

In a general sense, these [influence of the rich prompts fierce resistance from
uncompromising youth] sets are very robustly filled. That is to say that all the data
types, immediacy, shorter, and longer term values all bring sets rich with details. In the
interpretation business this can be the definition of the 'curse of riches', but what is even
more interesting is that the data sets themselves have bespoke [curse of riches] albeit in
an entirely different usage. In the case of the supporting aspect/attribute set [curse of
riches], we have supporting attributes in the details suggesting that the [poor populations
of the planet earth] are rapidly getting to the point of [intolerance] of
[wealth/corruption]. The accretion patterns are suggesting that the [intolerance] will first
[break out] in the [more tolerant, (formerly industrialized) countries] with
[tons/volumes] of [secrets revealed] that will be [flooding the social order] about the
[wealthy in their midst]. This is indicated by huge ropes of cross links over to the-
powers-that-be (TPTB) entity to [freak out the rich] sub set.

It was interesting to explore the detail sets for the [freak out the rich] cross linked
combination sets. The data forecasts that there will soon be [laws rushed through] in
which it will be made [illegal] to [criticize the rich/royal/wealthy/famous]. This is a
good temporal marker for the [fear levels], as well as the [progression toward
transformation (of the social order here in USA)]. Further there are repeated sets that
show that TPTB will employ the msm = mainstream media propaganda whore press as
well as the [religious organizations] in a [coordinated effort] to [reduce tensions]. This,
again, will be a good temporal marker for the progression of the transformation process.

The [transformation] of the [relationship between TPTB and the population] is indicated
to have the [media (msm whore-to-tptb-press)] at the [center] of the [mind battles].
Probably not a good sign for either the [the-powers-that-be], or their [whore-press
people], but the data sets are indicating that the [population] {ed note: pretty much
planet wide} will be [pissed], and [irritated], and [irrationally angry] with the [media].

4 Thinking intra temporally can be a real headache sometimes.

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The data sets are suggesting that the [population] will [vent] some of these [feelings] in
[forceful language] upon the [field/street reporters] to the extent that the [violence
(language and actions) encountered] will [curtail] the usual level of [street reporting] in
a very [visible] manner.

What about US markets in, and beyond October?

The Markets entity has its largest area of growth of all data types in the set of [precious
metals]. The [gold/silver] sets are growing faster than all the other sets within the entity
excepting the [dollar] set. Now please note the growth referenced here is linguistic
supporting sets, not prices, nor valuations. However, that said, the [dollar] data sets in
toto are gaining 'negative emotional value words' in their supporting aspect/attribute
sets, while the [precious metals] sets are gaining 'positive emotional value words'. This
trend does support a 'positive' price action within the metals groups. However, so does
the obvious [dilution] of the [federal reserve currency].

The data sets do provide sets for consideration as to the relative impacts of the QE3 and
the timing involved. In the supporting sets, it suggests that the [markets] will be in a
[following mode] for the rest of this year. The data further goes to the idea that the
[paper debt markets] will be [entirely/completely (reactionary)] in a way not
[encountered previously]. This set would seem to suggest that the much vaunted
'predictive' nature of the stock market as a proxy for the economy as a whole is finally
[shattered] as the [numbers (from officialdom)] prove to be [lies (covering up more

While the accretion patterns point to a [paper debt illness/plague] that will be seen as
[gangrenous/putrid], the supporting sets accruing to the [precious metals] are filled with
[hyperbole]. The primary supporting set for [silver] is [rising waters (filling the small
lake)], while the supporting sets for this in their turn go to [extra-seasonal (out of
season)], and [exceptional volatility] within the [paper debts markets], and the [federal
reserve note markets] provide for [seemingly (effortless) floating (of price upward)].

In fact the language supporting the [silver] set contains [genius] as the secondary

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supporting set, and its detail sets reinforce the idea that [silver (purchasers) will (seem to
be) geniuses] as the [Fall (northern hemisphere)] progresses.

The Markets entity, by way of cross links over to the Populace/USofA entity, and the
SpaceGoatFarts entity, is suggesting that an [ex-pat Irish man] (within the US now?)
who will soon be [internationally known] as a [genius] as a result of the [(banksters)
silver (possession) crisis]. This [scandal/crisis] is indicated to [leap out (from) no
where/suddenly], and to [precipitate] the [bad salts] out of a [deep pockets (cabalistic)
corporation]. These [bad salts] references are both deep, and broadly supported, but
neither makes the reference any more clear. Some [bad/poor/adulterated/altered salts]
are at the core of a [genius thought] from this particular [ex-pat Irish man]. The data
places this [articulate Irish man] at the center of a [scandal] that emerges within a larger
[base/platform of scandals]. The [ex-pat Irish fellow] is described as [genius (of)
thought], [rough/tough appearance], and with connections to [norway/sweden]. He is
going to be at the center of the [bad salts] controversy that will be part of the [binding
scandals] between [london (the city)] and [Manhattan]. As these [scandals] swirl around
the [ex-pat Irish man], they will also be [involving politicians/officialdom] to the extent
that the data shows the [political history/path] of the USA being affected. In this [bad
salts development], the [Irish genius] will be [visible] only briefly as the next [market
scandal] will be waiting to move our [genius] out of the msm = mainstream media
whore-press spot light. Please note that the [bad salts (bring out) the pissed off Irish
man] will be a very significant temporal marker for [breakdowns] in the [currencies]
such that a [global scramble (will ensue) ] to [possess physical gold or silver].

Also deep within the Markets entity is an area relating to the [financial war] that is on-
going (above most people's heads). Within this war, the [banksters] have just be dealt a
very severe blow with the announcement of the Russian space diamonds. This story is
within the immediacy data sets, and it is hugely cross linked over to the TPTB (the-
powers-that-be) entity. Apparently this diamond announcement has [crippled] a
[scam/fraud] that was [on-going] in a similar fashion to the Madoff ponzi scheme. In
this case the [celebrities] and [glitterati] are described as having been [put into (end of
the world) diamonds]. They are going to become very [unhappy] about this situation
in/near the end of October as [yet another giant diamond find] is [announced] causing
what is left of the [back channel diamond market] to [collapse]. At this point, the data
sets are suggesting that [glitterati/celebrities] start coming [out about deceit]. There are

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several sets that indicate that this [diamond scandal] will [destroy] the [prominent
temple] in [Hollywood]. It is also going to cause a [schism] within [scientology] that
will somehow reach into [temples (in) Chicago]. The data suggests that [revenge
killings] will [occur] as a result of this [glitterati diamond scandal]. The data suggests
that [diamonds] will become [blooded], both here in USA, and in a [spectacular
manner], in a [vault (in a london 'house')] in a way that will [disrupt (forever)] some
[ancient blood (trading) bonds]. The data suggests that many of the [rich and famous]
will be discovering that it is possible to be [poor and famous]. In some of the details sets
there are descriptions of [teevee shows] in which [actors/celebrities] will [throw away
(worthless diamonds) into the audience].

Associated with the [whore-press] and their activities, the data sets are pointing to a
[situation (of) murder] that will be occurring in [Africa], in which some [corporate (and
charity?) toadies (minions)] will be [kidnapped] and later [killed (in) revenge]. These
data sets are bringing together the [gmo foods] sets, as well as the [BM Gates
foundation], and [big pharma] in a soon to emerge [corporation/charity scandal] of
[death/murder] and [international cabalistic intrigue]. The data sets paint a picture of a
[secrets revealed] in [Africa] that the [msm = mainstream media whore-press] will be
[desperately] trying to [squash]. The-powers-that-be will be [sending minions] in some
numbers once the [kidnappings] take place. This will be due to the [who (personalities)]
involved. This area is indicated to bring a great deal of [internal change] to the [people
(and organization)] that [supports/pays for (the faux) charity]. At the core of the situation
is a [murder (from the local population point of view)] of a [whole generation] of their
[region]. This [murder] is described as motivating (what will be) the [most
daring/shocking] act of [kidnapping] seen in [modern times]. The data sets suggest that
[nations/officialdom] at many levels will become involved. This further [heightens] the
drama around this [kidnapping]. The data directly ties the [victims (of the kidnapping)]
to the [council on foreign relations (CFR)], as well as pointing out that the CFR is the
cause of the originating [crime]. While showing as [visible] this situation is also within
the midst of larger, society altering events, so its level of visibility may be less than
usually expected. However it should hit the msm = mainstream media, if only
sporadically, as the-powers-that-be will be [censoring] the [news (of/about) the
kidnapping (because of 'who' will be involved)].

A rather unexpected, and growing, set within the Markets entity, specifically focused on

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the [USA], is going to the idea that a [dangerous situation] will emerge over [Fall, 2012,
northern hemisphere], in which the [social fabric] will be [challenged/tested] by
[housing (secrets) revealed]. This set contains supporting details for a very [confusing]
period. The idea is of a [stew] of [bad news] for the [national housing markets/industry]
that is described as [precipitating social chaos]. Some of the details of this set point to
[disruption] within the [mortgage business] as [tens (of) millions] of [US residents] are
suddenly [pondering/questioning] the idea of [making payments]. This part of the very
complex [housing meltdown] will arise, curiously5 from the msm (mainstream media) as
[reports] begin to [surface] of [significant (portion) of populace] that is [not paying
mortgages], and is (apparently) doing so [without penalty]. This data set has very high
visibility numbers indicating a sweeping effect on the [markets].

The [USA housing market] is further indicated to [go into dangerous territory] as
modelspace is progressed through Fall. The [dangerous territory] aspect/attribute set is
itself filled with [confusion], and [chaos]. The sub sets in support of the [dangerous
territory] set include a [new dumping (of foreclosed houses)], as well as [scandal (about
tainted building materials used nationwide)], and the (now more or less expected) [bank
failures], and [exposed banking corruption], and [exposed banking incompetence].

There are several sets accruing in the Markets entity for a [series], or [inter-related
group] of [new scandals] that will [shake (officialdom)] by way of the [markets
infrastructure]. In at least [2/two] of these [new scandals], there will be
[ties/links/connections] to [distressing sexual crimes]. There are some sets suggesting
that a [vastly expanded pedophilia case ], in which a [leading participant] was/will be
[recently suicided], will [spark] a [near riot] among, or within a [trading area] that will
be [visible] on alternative media. The [spark] noted for this [riot] will be when [several
traders/(a trading 'house')] learns that their [work], has been [entirely] in [laundering
money (for the) pedophile ring]. Further sets indicate that these [markets/wall street
sexual corruption/crimes] will also [precipitate] a [boiling], or [frothing] among the
[members (of) freemasonry]. Apparently it will come out as part of this [scandal of
sexual crime cover-ups], that [masonry] as a [whole], is now [controlled by], and
[corrupted by] a [global pedophilia group]. Note that the data suggests that [many
links/connections/trails] that will lead directly back to the [papacy], and the [nominal
pope], and the [black pope (jesuits)] are (this time) going to be [too exceptional], and

5 Note: if it is in the msm (mainstream media), then someone in officialdom wants it there.

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[too noteworthy] to [cover-up].

As the [new scandals] are [brewing], and [twisting the guts/intestines6] of [officialdom]
in the background, the data points to [discontent] within the [markets participant] as the
[unspoken rule base] crumbles. This lexical structure is filled with sets supporting the
idea that ['normal' markets behavior] is [completely lost/disintegrates] along with
[metrics/numbers] that had [proven useful] in the [past]. Note that this area is internally
cross linked over in support of the [precious metals] sets where it forms a 'positive (for
metals) pressure point'.

These same 'positive pressures' for [precious metals prices (in fiat currencies)] globally,
are a negative for [social stability].

As part of the [transformational process] that the Pop/USofA entity encounters post
election, the data sets are forecasting that a [great 'housing' price crash] will occur....or
something to that effect. The data is, admittedly, somewhat confusing in the plethora of
details that begin to overwhelm our data as modelspace is moved to about mid
November. These detail sets are repeatedly referencing both [housing], and [people on
the move]. In neither case does this appear to be a good thing. The emotional sums are
completely negative for these sets, both individually and in combination. It would
appear that this [winter, northern hemisphere] brings both [bad weather] such that
[people are forced out of homes], but also an [attempt] by the [banking industry] to
['flush the system']. It would appear, that is to say that we are inferring from the data,
that a [move by the rich/bankers/corrupt] will take place shortly after the [election],
during the [height] of the [emotional confusion] surrounding and dominating the
[electoral process], in which they (the banks) will [attempt] to [unload vast numbers (of)
houses onto the market] as well as to [increase foreclosures (through the system) in
record pace]. Both of these efforts are described as [creating social chaos] that will
manifest in different ways in different parts of the nation (and planet).

In some instances, the [flooding] by the [banks] of [real estate markets] is described as
[causing riots] in [villages/towns] that will actually end up [destroying hundreds (if not
6 THE highest level of archetypes that we have are body parts and processes. In the past, when descriptors using human
(or animal) body parts, or processes have appeared, those associated sets have proven very prescient.

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thousands)] of [empty houses]. In other, more emotionally settled area, the data shows
that [electronic communities] will [descend] upon [abandoned/foreclosed sub-divisions]
and [replace locks wholesale], and then [distribute houses to the homeless (in the area)].
In some areas the data suggests that [thousands of contracts/pending deals] are
[abandoned] as the [newcomers (recently foreclosed housing)] goes to the [front] of the
[bankers' concerns]. In other detail sets there are descriptions of [riots], and [burnings
(of banks as well as houses)] as [foreclosures flood (out of) banks (into local
communities)]. Further cross linked areas of the data indicate that the
[flooding/distortion] of the [local housing markets] by the [banksters] is going to be [so
severe] as to [alter local politics forever]. This will be due to [falling tax bases] as the
[banks] begin [chasing money with falling prices] which in turn destroys the [local
assessed property tax base]. The one 'good' result of this [bankster crime wave] will be
the first nationally successful [tax the corrupt, pedophile hiding, churches] movement.
This is indicated to spread globally as a [method] for dealing with the [mind control
organizations that push religion]. In many cases the data shows that in less than [one
generation], the [numbers] of [churches] will be [reduced to one/sixth]. In a continuation
of this theme, we note that by June 1, 2013, following the [global coastal event]7, just as
there are no signs of government, there are also no signs of [churches]. We need also
note though that our data sets now show a small [rumor] that will go viral some point in
early 2013, in which the [pedophilic papacy] in a [COG (continuation of grossness)]
attempt will be [reported] to [have fled to underground bunkers (for their safety)]. Note
that we cannot say from the data sets whether the [fears of personal safety] that are
[motivating the black pope of pedophilic jesuits (and the ratzinger nazi figurehead)] are
from [rampaging/outraged mobs], or from the [impending global coastal event]. It is
interesting to note that our data forecasts these [skirt wearers]8 to [reveal themselves] to
be [both corrupt] and [cowards] during the last much for 'worshiping' these
deviant personalities and their fucked up idea of 'god'. It is a good thing, in my opinion,
that churches and religion die during the [global coastal event]. Any religiously mind
controlled person who takes umbrage at these statements is welcome to come and find
me if we both live through the [global coastal upheaval]. We can debate the issue, fight,
or scavenge for food together, their choice.

The data sets are also forecasting that the [first appearances] of the [new person to

7 Go to and push the 2012 tab for details.

8 No offense is offered to any woman, or transvestite herein. We hold you in far higher esteem that all the popes and
priests of all time combined. But these words are from the general populace so are reported as they are found.

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person monetary system] will be [reported (even by msm -mainstream media whore-to-
tptb-press)] as the [housing (and) dollar markets crumble (here in the USA)]. The data
sets at the detail level paint a picture of the [trading] of [goods for property] being
reported in which [both parties] agree to [leave officialdom] out of the process. The
reports on these phenomena, from the msm = mainstream media whore-to-tptb-press]
will be focused on the [horrible consequences] of these acts, though those astute enough
to listen to what is actually being said will note that it is the [horrible consequences] to
[officialdom] that is what is being conveyed. The msm script will be filled with
[desperate words] trying to [enforce] the [taxing authorities 'right' to control all
transactions]. Further, many of these huge property transfers, will be without any [of the
accessories of modern commerce (title insurance (why bother when there are MERS
tainted titles everywhere?), and bank loans/taxes et al)]. This is indicated to cause huge
problems from local to county to state to federal levels such that by early in 2013, the
[corruption that is congress (note that soon laws will be put into place that will penalize
me for so saying)] will be [forced] to deal with the [upstream tax revenue crisis].
Further, the data sets are indicating that the [law enforcement/mercenaries-for-tptb] will
also be [freaking out] over the [loss of accurate data (as to who lives where)]. Further
problems caused by these [people to people property transfers] will affect the [post
office], and the [voting records], and other [county/local data collection], but the data
sets show this as being a very short term problem, hardly begun to be [reacted to (by)
officialdom] before the [global coastal event] makes the effort moot.

As modelspace is progressed from October, 2012, through to April, 2013, the

[currencies] sub set gains more new values, within the Markets entity, than any other set.
These gained values are also very high in emotional sums, and as a result, this set, of
[currencies] is rapidly moving into the secondary supporting position within the Markets
entity. The [currencies] sub set is gaining its support from [abandonment], and
[volatility]. The data sets are pointing to MOST [currencies] being involved in the
[disruption] by April of next year. The [disruption] set receives its primary support from

Within the [resources] sub sets within the Markets entity are cross links at levels never
before seen in our work. What makes these cross links even more unique are the
terminating sets within the Terra entity and the SpaceGoatFarts entity. In these
terminating sets, there are aspect/attributes that point toward [new minerals], and [new

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primary (water)] that will (for a very brief time on the way to TEOTWAWKI) provide a
[minerals boom (similar to a 'gold rush)]. This [boom] is not shown as being any form a
rescue for [currencies], but is indicated to [prop up/support/back] some [smaller
currencies] temporally. These data sets start growing with seriousness from mid
February onward. See the section on [expellation tubes] in the [earth changes]

What about the TPTB (the-powers-that-be), their minions, and

the population?

The TPTB (the-powers-that-be) entity has had very large amounts of growth in some
key sub sets. Given the 'boots on the ground' activities of [officialdom], and the [minions
(military and LE (law enforcement)], this is not surprising. However, what has provided
a bit of a [shock] to the interpreter, has been the growth in the primary supporting set
within TPTB entity. The shock component is that this area has been unchanged for a
number of years, being frozen with [fear] as the primary descriptor set. Now, while we
still have [fear] dominating, the rising primary descriptor set within the [fear] sub set is

The [transformation] descriptor set still maintains its lowly role in support of the larger
[fear] lexical structure, however, the shift in values brought in by [transformation] has
moved many of the lower supporting sets into a more 'active' level of designation. As an
example, the TPTB entity, at the [fear] level, is now showing, when modelspace is
progressed through all the longer term values, that TPTB are [planning] for [open
warfare] with the [population] by September of 2013. Further the [open warfare] is
described within its sets as being [defensive], and [controlling (temporally)]. This last
set has details suggesting that TPTB only expect a [very short period of confrontation
(with the population)]. Note that this [population] sub set is all inclusive and is a
combination of both the Pop/USofA and GlobalPop entities.

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We need to also note that the data sets in support of the [open warfare] are describing the
[contention] in the same forms of language as is seen around [chinese state policy
regarding popular 'delusions'/populist actions]. The [open warfare] sub set is describing
a view of the world (from the heights of TPTB) that would have a very clear form of
[stratification] (again, from their view). This [stratification] would consist of the TPTB
at the top (quick, look shocked!), with the [officialdom/minion classes] in the [middle],
and the [population = slaves] at the [bottom]. Their view is further clarified by the data
in that the [slaves] are also divided into 2/two categories, [deluded, and thus willing
participant in their own slavery], and [aware (to some degree) of their slavish conditions,
and thereafter some form of problem].

A participating meme within the [contention/battles] between the [populace] and

[officialdom and their minions], is headed by the set for [systems (failure)]. The
[systems (failures)] sub set is indicated to be a [trigger] for the first of the [open battles].
These [open battles] will be labeled quite a bit differently by the msm = mainstream
media whore-press, where they will present the [confrontation] as [out of control
'soverignists' ] against the [poor corporation]. In the view of the [population] affected,
the first [open battle] with the [occupying powers (the financial military industrial
complex)] as represented by [banks]. The data suggests that this is NOT a case of
[occupy protests], but rather a [run/withdrawal frenzy] on a [local branch, national bank]
that will [go viral]. The data suggests that [officialdom] will be [hugely repressive], even
[brutal] in a very [visible] manner, as the intent is to [brand the behavior (e.g. wanting
your money)] as being [terroristic]. The data sets are also indicating that this [battle], as
well as the [branding effort] will [fail]. The [msm = mainstream media = whore-press]
constant ['chanting' of the meme] is described as having a [backlash effect]. This area is
indicated to participate in the [beatings], and [harassment] of [msm stooges =
mainstream media whores].

Another interesting side of this is revealed by TPTB entity, within the data sets
describing the [pending confrontation], from their point of view. They do not see
themselves at war with, nor threatened by the [population]. Rather they see themselves
as [vulnerable] to the [awakening process (within individuals)]. Their [defensive
position] is around [multiple knowledge bases], rather than any form of what regular
humans might consider [valuable goods (aka food, wealth et al)]. In the view of TPTB,
the [populations] are [necessary annoyance] that [requires constant maintenance] lest it

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[get out of control]. But beyond that, the TPTB totally recognize their [dependency
state], and are [hyper aware] of [vulnerabilities].

The [contention] descriptor set indicates that TPTB are planning for [warfare] against
the [awakened slaves], and further that their goal seems to be not to [win], but rather to
[endure], or [manage the confrontation]. The data would seem to be suggesting that
TPTB are playing a waiting game where they are [feeling] as though they are [winning]
as long as they are able to [delay] some perceived level of [fear threshold activity].
The data sets have a new supporting aspect/attribute set rising within the supporting
chain for the [transformation] sub set as modelspace is progressed through to September
of 2013. This set is [gathering]. It is a very complex lexical structure that is also held in
both populace entities, and the Markets entity, albeit in dramatically different forms.

In TPTB entity, the [gathering] sub set has multiple layers, and is extensively internally
cross linked to add even further to its complexity. The [gathering] is seen both as a [fear]
point, and a [tool] against the [fear triggers]. The TPTB think of the [populations] as a
tool to be [used ruthlessly] against the [awakening process]. This view is so ingrained as
to have them actually consider ['scorching'] the [populace] in the same way an [orchard
manager] would [remove] not only [diseased trees], but all the [trees in a ring around
(the diseased one)]. The TPTB have/are considering just how large of a [cut-out zone]
may be needed as their [war against thought] continues into 2013.

BE ADVISED: The data sets clearly show that as the planet moves deeper into 2013,
that it will become increasingly dangerous to be by, or even happen to live by, [street
actions (by mobs)]. At some point the [minions] will be told to [scorch the ground]. Both
as a method to [contain the contagion (of thought)], and as a [warning to others (not to
think about it)]. The data sets suggest that the first instances of these [scorched earth
demonstrations] will involve [inner cities] as they will provide, from the view of TPTB,
a [perfect reminder] of [power]. The idea, apparently, is that a [riot], some time in the
near future, say early 2013, will be [allowed to proceed], as well as [be pimped to hell
by the msm = mainstream media whore-to-tptb-press], such that [huge amounts] of
[damage], and [casualties] will be [seen globally], just before the [air born
death/destruction] is seen [removing the entire section (of the city)] in a more or less

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[surgical fashion (aka Twin Towers destruction on 9/11)]. In this upcoming [riot to
oblivion], the [remnants/remains/ruins] of the [destruction] will be [deliberately made
visible] by TPTB as a [reminder] for the [next time].

The [riot to oblivion] follows a long build up of tactics by the TPTB. This will include
the opening phases of the [confrontation] in which the [minions/officialdom] will
[facilitate protests], and then [instigate violence (as a pretense)] to [herd] the [protestors]
into [re-education facilities (aka – FEMA camps)]. The data indicates that the tactic will
work for a brief time as TPTB control the [media/communications] and they are
indicated to use both to [obscure the truth] about their [protest = ticket to ride to FEMA
ville] tactic. At the point that it is shown to be [fading] in [effectiveness], the-powers-
that-be will be [blitzing (attacking)] the [independent media] with all they have in the
way of [social control mechanisms]. {ed note: it will fail, already has/is failing.}

As modelspace is progressed through 2013, there are several instances of growth of new
sets that connect the TPTB entity over to the Terra entity with huge ropes of cross links.
The impression that comes from following even a small number of these links is that
the-powers-that-be will pursue their [defensive management battle] with the
[population] against a background of the [solar system (including earth) under stress].
Further, in yet another instance of the [transformation] lexical set, it is at the center of
many of the cross links over from TPTB to the Terra entity. The [transformation] set
within the Terra entity is focused on the [transformation of the solar system (due to
external conditions/manifestations)]. In a very fitting way, the data sets are explicitly
saying that an [as above, so below] situation is/will be developing.

What about the 'global coastal event' in the northern hemisphere

in 2013?

At the primary level of support within the [global coastal event] lexical set across all
entities, the data provides [turning point (for humanity/terra)].

The Terra entity has growing sets in support of the [global coastal event] that are

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supporting the primary descriptor of the set which is [impacting (the mountains)]. This
set has multiple supporting sets for [winds] that will be [exceptional (by any measure)].
This last can also be interpreted as 'being outside/beyond any previous range of
measurement'....or big damn winds. These [exceptional winds] are described as
[originating in the south], and being [propelled] toward the [arctic]. There are also
repeated sets of descriptors within the details that reference large [mountains] that will
[turn the winds] such that [new currents/jet streams] are created. This area suggests that
the [in-land inhabitants] will be able to [blame coastal mountain ranges] for their [winds

There are supporting sets within the Terra entity that are going to the idea of the [first
impression (up here in the northern hemisphere)] of the [global coastal event] will be
when the [elements (clouds, chemtrails et al) of the sky] are [seen] to [disperse (in
fluttering chaos)]. The [winds from the south] are described as [shattering] the
[clouds/chemtrails] in an [energetic way]. These sets, in their totality, are describing a
kind of 'air tsunami' that [ripples] around the planet from the south. The data sets suggest
that this [energetic air dispersion wave] arrives at the [Alaska] side of the [arctic] faster
than the [Greenland] side. This would indicate the [energy wave] originates within the
Pacific basin.

Within the descriptors of the [winds] are sets indicating that the [quality] of the [air] is
such that it [induces/causes] all manner of [mental illness] including [discontent (within
one's body)], and [frustrations], and [neurosis].

Noting that our data sets are overwhelmed with the immediacy data type, and that
almost all of the [global coastal event] data is within the (now rare) shorter and longer
term sets, it is interesting to find that as modelspace is progressed from December 2012,
through to June 2013, the [global coastal event] set gains new sets that describe
[foaming creeks], and [rivers] that will be [flowing backwards (as water rushes up their
channels)], as well as [sudden eruptions (of springs/artesian wells)]. This last is a
temporal marker that apparently, in some areas, arrives a few days before the [excessive

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The [excessive flooding] set is very complex. It is large, growing, and continues to grow
throughout the entire movement of modelspace from April, 2013 onwards over the next
19/nineteen months. The accretion pattern alone suggests that the [water] component of
the [global coastal event] is a 'multiple year' process. Further, the descriptors for the
[springs/artesian wells erupting] provide a view of 'old faithful' like wells shooting out
all over the planet as a direct result of [internal pressures]. In general these [erupting
springs] are a temporary feature, though many are described as [persisting for centuries].

As the [excessive flooding] set gained supporting detail sets, it became apparent that this
set is referring to the [coastal, and river impacts], and not the [air-born/rain carried
flooding (and) debris]. The data sets do show that in some areas of the interior of the
northern hemisphere continents (north america, europe, siberia, china, india, greater se
asia), these 2/two effects will combine to cause true 'water hell'. These data sets describe
very large debris fields caused as [heavy rains] sweep down the [mountains] to actually
[scrub away], and [disintegrate (turn to rubble)] the [signs of civilization]. The data sets
have a distressing number of details about [civilization rubble] being [buried under mud]
(that then bakes in the heat of the sun later), or being [swept into (new rivers)] and [out
to frothing seas].
Other, [excessive flooding] sets include language about the [first flexing/distortion]9 that
will actually initiate the [excessive flooding] some time (weeks/months?) before the
[rivers froth], and [seas foam], in the form of [dam collapses] due to [earthquakes].
These data sets, in some areas, are seemingly pointing to a [near time occurrence],
which is to say, some form of [violent shock] that will be part of the [global coastal
event] that will [trigger earthquakes] in all [continents]. In some cases, these
[earthquakes] are described as [crumbling dams], and causing [excessive flooding] down

At the meta-data level, it is noted that NONE of these descriptors accrue prior to the
December solstice, and most do start appearing within the data sets while these sets are
still within their 'winter' mode. This is suggesting that the [global coastal event] (in so
far as our sketchy, probably not too reliable data sets provide) probably happens at the
end of [winter, northern hemisphere], or shortly thereafter.

9 This may be describing a distortion of the earth's crust as though a 'land tsunami' flows through. But very little data
details here.

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The data sets in support of the [global coastal event] can be isolated by geographic
references to some small degree. When this is done, the [european continent] has a
clearly different set of [massive climate/earth changes] than those that affect either the
[north america], or [greater east asia].

When the [european] sub sets are separated, the data indicates a far greater level of
[damage] and [social disruption] occurs as a result of the [soaking rains], and [debris
filled rains], than from any other single source. There are indications of [damaging
earthquakes], as well as [coastal flooding], but these are not as far up in the supporting
chain for [damages] as is [rain soaking]. This set of [rain soaking] is replete with details
pointing toward not only [days/weeks (of rain)], but also [rain amounts exceed all
known examples]. Further, supporting sets go to the idea that such [large amounts of
water] are [transferred] to the [european continent] by [rainfall] as to [create] whole new
[countries/provinces] that are [nothing but marsh]. These sub sets for the [creation of
vast new marshlands] are in the supporting chain of the [excessive flooding], albeit not
directly from the [coastal inundation].

The impacts of the [global coastal event] on the [european continent] include repeated
references to [gatherings affected]. The data sets in support of this sub set diverge into
2/two forms of impact; where the [drastic/harsh rains] will [cause] new [gatherings], and
where they will be [disrupted/dispersed]. There are indications that the level of
[gatherings] includes some very significant portions of local populations.

Other supporting sets go to the idea that the [new marshlands] will be more or less
[permanent]. These are described as [altering the landscape] such that [boats] will be
[floating over fields/towns], and further that these conditions will persist for [decades] in
some areas. There are also sub sets in support of at least 2/two instances where
[mountains] will [significantly erode (from the rains)] such that [towns/villages] are
[moved hundreds of kilometers (in the resulting down wash of mud/earth/debris].

Other aspect/attribute sets in support of the [global coastal event] include many with a
[long time] parameter, that are also associated with [ice/glaciers] and [movement]. The
sense of the detail layers is that the [glaciers] around the planet will be

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[impacted/altered] over this next year. The data contains sets that explicitly state that
[announcements (planet alterations)] that will be [felt (in the bones)] a [whole world
away] will [indicate] the [movement of the ice mass]. The [time] aspect is supported by
attributes going to the idea that [it seems like an eternity, since the first 'announcements']
of the [ice movement], before the [surge is seen]. This attribute of [seems like an
eternity] is also found in support of the [post/after surge] period. In this case the details
would read as a [seems like an eternity, that this flood has been on-going]. These sets are
internally cross linked in support of the [excessive flooding] sub set. These sets continue
to gain supporting sets as modelspace is progressed over these next 8/eight months. The
accretion patterns are suggesting that the [global coast event] will be [initiated by solar
activity], but will [persist] for at least [4/four years] in that it will take this long for the
[global glacial response] to swing back in search of [equilibrium]. Though the totality of
the process involves centuries, the data shows that the [swing/trigger/pivot] takes place
over the next [4/four years].

As modelspace is progressed into 2013, a lexical group begins to build around the aspect
of [balanced movement]. This set is within the Terra entity, but has very large levels of
supporting sets cross linked over from the SpaceGoatFarts entity. This set is about the
[loss of balanced movement (of the) satellites]. The primary supporting layer to this
aspect is a set headed by [continuity (lost)]. This set in its turn is supported by [pulsating
ripples (from the sun)]. Again, in its turn this set is supported by [create/cause 'winds'
(that disturb) satellite continuity/balanced movements]. Further sets go to an [interrupted
ballet (of the satellites)] that is caused by [harsh winds] which [buffet/pummel] and
[distort (the) flow (of information)]. Final sets in this group go to the [loss (with
finality)] of the [balanced movement], and a [group of satellites]. These sets are
internally cross linked back over to the Markets entity which indicates a [crushing loss]
both of [capital investment], as well as [data streams/services].

The [global coastal event] has some elusive time associated markers. These include
some indications that the event itself is [multiple months] in duration. Further, our
timing clues include the [israeli mistake] sub set, and [new wars] sets {ed note: these
first appeared a few years back, and now can be applied to the globalist banksters push
into Libya, Egypt, and Iran}. These sets have cross links indicating that when the [global
coastal event] occurs, it [removes/destroys/eliminates] any and all [motivation] for
[human to human conflict]. The data sets at the detail layers show that the [very few],

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and [isolated] instances of [military (minds) people] still [operating] as though
[officialdom/policy/geo-politics] mattered, are [quickly dispatched/killed] by their [own
soldiers], who then turn for [home]. Please note that our goofy data process would have
us think that the [global coastal event] ends all form of [organized, terrestrial, human to
human conflict], but at the same time, is itself a temporal marker for very [bizarre
conflicts] that arise between [humans] and [other minds (in other species)].

If these data sets are accurate, and if the interpretation is accurate, then, at least for the
survivors of the [global coastal event], and for some [hundred generations afterward =
very long damn time], the [human to human conflict] will not be [organizations
prodding the stupid into killing/dying for abstractions] (like who's god is better).

As had been noted in the older ALTA reports, and then re-noted in the more recent Shape
reports, and as will be attested by those people already affected, [sinkholes] are a
[disaster]. The data accretion patterns point to many more people about to learn just how
[disastrous] the [new sinkhole appearances/phenomena]. As both [new (massive)
sinkholes] open, and [old sinkholes (get) hungry (again)], the msm = mainstream media
whore-press is indicated to be [lying their asses off (even more than usual)]. This area of
the Terra entity is extensively cross linked back over to the Markets entity and the
Populace/USofA entity. There are also small links back to TPTB entity. The idea coming
across from the accretion patterns is that some of the [new (massive) sinkholes] will be
[appearing] in areas that are [rich/wealthy], and will cause such [consternation] that
[regional property values] and [taxes] will be [affected (negatively)]. Other [sinkhole]
related sets indicate that in some areas, large [population displacement] will be caused
by [sudden appearances (of) sinkholes]. These sets have a preponderance of [eastern
north america] geographic references.

The Terra entity plays no favorites. While the [eastern north america (mostly USA)]
sinkhole problem is the [big suck], the data sets show that the [western half (of the
continent)] will be producing the [big blow]. In the [east], the
[matter/houses/land/buildings] will be [eaten (by planet)], while in the [west (notably
California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Baja, and maybe parts of southern Utah)]
will be [expelling matter/debris/earth/ground/stones]. While it is safe to say that these
2/two, seemingly opposing phenomena are related, at least in the sense of occurring on

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the same planet, it is also safe to say that it is extremely unlikely that any of the material
lost in the [east] will be recovered in the [west].

The [sinkhole], and [expeller-hole] problems are not limited to north america. The data
shows both causing [population displacement] as well as [extensive property damage] in
south america. There are some small lexical sets for sinkholes causing problems in other
parts of the planet, most noteworthy is Italy, and other Mediterranean Sea locations.
These are not showing the same levels of [visibility] as we have noted for the
[north/south america] appearances of this problem. This may be an indication that the
issue is not as much of a problem due to the [Americas] bearing the [brunt (of the
continental expansion (this cycle)]. The [expeller-holes] are described as [water], and
[steam/hot air] driven phenomena. The imagery within the details is describing a sort of
[clam-hole] effect, in which the [planet], is [expelling (new water/new air/gasses)], and
these work their way up in loose [alluvial soils] to form [tall mounds (of sand/dirt/earth)]
that is [carried along (with the) expellation]. The data suggests that these will be more
[visible] in late [winter (northern hemisphere)] than now, but are essentially part of the
same processes that create [massive sinkholes].

Also related to the [expansion of the earth10] are new reports coming from the science
institutes in India of a recent increase in noticeable [tearing] in the [Indian sub ocean
plate]. This is likely a continuation of the process that we humans experienced as the
[Sumatran tsunami of 2004]. These reports are more than a little bit spooky in that they
are replicating language that first appeared in 2003 – 2006 as [new lands 90 east] in our
ALTA reports. In those reports the data forecast a [new lands rising (about 1/3rd
Australia sized)] that would be [up-thrust] around [90 east latitude] and within the
[Indian ocean plate]. In our original notes on the [rising lands] at [90 east], we note that
the [up-thrust] is shown to [send waves/ocean in-land hundreds of kilometers (along
rivers)] in [Burma/Myanmar and India]. Other areas such as [Thailand] were shown as
receiving [multiple tsunamis] as the [earth] first [ruptures (deep in the ocean, parting)],
then [slides], and [exposes (new) rising lands].

Within the older [rising lands] and [new lands at 90 east] sets, were repeated references
to some of the same language also now growing in support of the [global coastal event].

10 See Neal Adams videos on Youtube for visual understanding of the process on-going under your butt.

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This language is built around the lexical set headed by the descriptor [rupture]. In this
set the [rupture] is not only within the [Indian ocean plate], but also in [Burmese deltas],
and [Bangladesh deltas]. In these areas, [sinkholes], and [new, suddenly appearing,
water channels], as well as [new water sources (primal water?)] are to be expected.

In this last data gathering (September 2012), the [rupture] set within the Terra entity also
holds a number of geographic references to the [pacific ocean plate(s)]. Further it is a
primary supporting set for [distortions/alterations] of [landforms]. These sets are
associated with [california, baja, mexico, central america, and venezuela]. In a number
of small, focused sets, we find that [rupture] is also applied to areas in the region of the
[san juan plate (Oregon, Washington, and BC Canada]. The [rupture] set in this last case
is supported by [new lands] {ed note: off Oregon coast, smallish instance of this}, and
[cracking (in islands)], and [cracking/separation (in peninsulas)]. Hmmmm....not a good
thing, but at last there is understanding of what-the-hell is happening with our plumbing
springing leaks all the damn time.

The [global coastal event] set is also gaining support, both within the Terra entity, and
curiously within the Markets entity, for [displacement] of [populations]. These
supporting sets grow significantly as modelspace is progressed through Winter
(2012/2013 northern hemisphere). As modelspace nears the vernal equinox, these sets
take very large jumps in growth that significantly boost both the intensity, and impact
values within the lexical array. This is to say that not only do we have increasing support
for the [displaced population] sets within modelspace, but these new supporting sets are
bringing in very high emotional values. Indeed, within our work, we have never had
such extreme intensity, and impact values within any aspect/attribute sets.

Some of the new supporting sets with extreme impact values are going to the idea of
[permanent (status) change]. This apparently is focused on large numbers of people who
move from [property holders] to [refugees] as a result of [unanticipated (massive) local
changes]. Some of these sets are directly related to the [excessive flooding sets], but
others are showing as being [psychologically driven]. In these sets, the data resolves
down to [fear (of recurrence)] that prompt [self motivated, self organized evacuations].
These are described as including [relocation (of) several hundreds of miles]. In some
cases the [movement] is a direct result of [continuing excessive flooding] that [presses

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(the) populace (from behind)], while in other cases, it appears to be a [fear (of another)
tsunami]. Associated with the [fear] sets are also a large number of supporting
aspect/attribute sets that are going to the idea of [infrastructure destruction] such that
[too overwhelmed] and [too traumatized] to [try to rebuild] against [such massive
damage]. This last is also supported by language suggesting that finally [understanding
appears] that this is an [on-going process11] and that there are likely [many more
episodes (of damage)] in the future, thus a certain [reluctant willingness] to [become a
refugee]. Much of these areas of the data contain details going to the idea of
[traumatized minds] which will [react/be motivated] by [fear]. Please note that this [fear]
sub set is hugely supported by [ignorance]. At its core, the [ignorance] of [source
of/cause of] the [earth changes] is shown as [spooking the herd], especially across the
[coastal regions (of the) northern hemisphere]. While the [trepidation/fear] of [another
episode (of hemispheric tsunami/displacement waves)] is at the [root] of much of the
[shift in populations], we need also note that [huge levels] of [infrastructure damage] are
described as being [decades (in repair)]. As this [damage (from earthquakes)] hits
[bridges], and [bridges] are overwhelmingly found in [coastal regions], the [refugees
(from the coast)] will also be [reacting] to the [destruction (of the) food supply

In many of the supporting sets for [fears] that will [turn people/populations] into [more
or less willing refugees], there are repeated sets going to the [nuclear nightmare]. This
[nuclear nightmare] set is describing a [planet wide 'Fuku' situation] as a number of
[nuclear plants] are [damaged by earthquakes], or are [shut down (by earthquakes
destroying power lines)], or are [flooded out (in out let ports)], or are [isolated (by land
ruptures)]. These situations of [damaged/leaking/puking nuclear reactors], especially
here in [north america], account for nearly a third of all of the supporting sets for [more
or less willing refugee]. Further, the [damage nuclear reactors] sets are also showing as
being [deadly (to whole regions via rivers)] such that [some coastal refugees] will be
[meeting fleeing inland refugees] and [urged back].

A lot of the [misery] associated language within the supporting structures for the [global
coastal event] are related to the [destruction] of [infrastructure]. These sets include not
only [bridges], and [roadways], and [buildings], but [electricity loss], and [sewer loss],

11 Earth expansion.
12 Data suggests globally the Just-in-time distribution system is disabled.

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and [natural gas loss], and [communications loss], and [medicines loss], and [rescue
loss], and [first aid loss], and [information loss], and on and on. The impacts within the
[global coastal event] sub sets are so severe as to point out that [life (as we knew it)]
was/will be [reformed (in an) instant] such that [daily life] is (within that next day)
[regulated by daylight]. The data sets also suggest that [people/survivors] will be
[seeking caves], both [natural] and [artificial], but will be [wary] of [rock/concrete
overhead]. The data sets are suggesting that an [scramble] will be [on (planet wide?)] for
[tents], and other [soft structures]. Many people are described as [sleeping/camping] in
[overturned], and [grounded (far inland) boats]. There are also descriptors for groups
who will be [searching/seeking] for [gear/tools] in the [rubble]. As there will not be
[gps], nor [cell phone maps], and as the [landscape] will be [horribly distorted], the
[search for tools/survival gear] will become [difficult]. Further the [destruction] from the
[global coastal event] is described as [on-going for months13]. The [waves] of
[destruction] are indicated to [continue to present (new) obstacles] such as [fires],
[eruptions], [radioactive hell], [self destroying natural gas lines], [collapsing buildings],
[sink holes], [flooding], [volcanic eruptions], [land distortions (rising/falling)], and other
effects too numerous to detail.

As forecast in the immediacy data over these last few weeks, [people ] who can do
things such as [start fires], and [find fuel], and [purify water], and [cook outdoors], and
[locate safe food], and [fix wounds] will become [centers] for [gatherings] of the
[remnants]. There are sets describing some [new nations14 (of survivors)] who will
[cluster] around a [tall, strict, white haired (but young, apparently hair turns white
overnight during experiences) woman] who decides that she [refuses to be defeated],
and [sets up shop/rebuilds town] along the edge of a [recently solidified mud mass] that
[comes to rest] against [local hills]. This [young white haired woman] acts as one
[center], and the data describes several thousands of such people. Most are within sets
describing the [flight (from local) danger]. It varies considerably. So we have data sets
indicating that [winds] will [drag] whole [towns down roads], but in some instances, a
few [people (favored by universe)] will act as [anchors] and [stabilize] the [situations].
This [stabilization] is frequently associated with the [prepared], and [mentally flexible]
sub sets. There are also repeated sets for [frozen minds] that will [lead to death] over the
[first trying/testing years (following the global coastal event)].

13 Fitting with the hypothesis that the shift of the Antarctic ice sheet is involved.
14 The word 'nations' has a connotation of large tribe, and not necessarily the nation states we think of today.

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There are sets for [new peoples] who will [emerge] from [ancient traditions]. The data
sets provide supporting sets for [horse peoples] who will [move as mounted tribes]
across the [new landscapes]. These people will be [reinventing] an [inheritance] as
[nomads]. In these instances it reads a bunch more like 'mad max' on horses than say
'plains indians', or 'nomadic mongolian tribes'. Other sets point to the [coastal
scavenging tribes] previously discussed in recent Shape reports. New sets are describing
groups who will ['mine' (the collapsed cities)]. All of this language would suggest that,
in the normal course of events, it would take hundreds if not thousands of years for such
radical transformations to emerge. The data sets here would argue that it is a case of
[massive] and [separating (one world from the last)] levels of [trauma] that will
[precipitate] the emergence of such [radical transformative change].

What about planet and climate changes?

The Terra entity has large numbers of new sets growing in support of the [solar system
changes/expansion] set. The primary supporting sets of [new world/radical changes] is
itself supported by [expansion (enlargement of previous behavior)] that is, in its turn,
supported by [multiple generations]. The details in this area suggest that we, omni-
humanity, are living on a planet that is having [growth pains], in a [solar system] that is
also [exhibiting growth phenomena]. The detail sets include language around the idea of
an [expanding solar system] which is receiving its impetus to expand from the [sun].

The Terra entity has new sets pointing to [rapid (shockingly so) melt] of [glacial
masses], while at the same time there are [growing seeds] of the [new glacial masses].
The data points towards [next year?] when [solar excitement] will [tip the balance] {ed
note: antartica heavily represented here} on [glacial melting]. This is indicated to [cause
sea level changes]15 as well as to [destroy] the [last of the (old) climate patterns].

As modelspace is progressed through 2013, the Terra entity growth in [weather/climate

changes] is very significant, even within the larger, dominating [global coastal event]
sub set. The data includes descriptors for [new patterns] that will [begin (over this next

15 Note that other areas of the Terra entity are suggesting that 'primary' or 'new' water will also be involved.

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year)], however these [emergent climate patterns] are *not [permanent], but rather are a
[transitory phase] of the [terra equilibrium search]. In these patterns, wholly [new jet
stream currents] will be [transporting vast (rivers of) rain]. While the data shows that
[drought] will [persist], even [enlarging], and [deepening], there will also be areas where
[rainfall] will [start], but effectively not [cease/abate]. Some of these [rain soaked]
regions will create [new lakes/inland seas], while others, described as [formerly
green/lush], and (currently) [browned/burnt/dry], will be [scoured] by the [rains],
creating [new 'bad lands'].

When modelspace is progressed out to the extreme limit of the longer term data16, we
have a small detail set view indicating that the [shift] from [increasing heat] to [sudden,
continuing cold] will be just coming into [awareness]. Note that it is difficult to apply
the 'visibility' quotient to these sets, as the data forecasts the [loss (of) broadcast
capability] during this period. There are indications that the primary 'culprit' will be the
upcoming [solar excitation]. However, we also have sub sets going to the idea that [not
foreseen earth expansion] will cause [software problems] within [satellites] and their
[controllers] contributing to the [inability] to [correct (upcoming) faults].

The very long term data is sparse17, but what is there suggests that the [cold] returns to
the planet after [3/three years] of [nearly unbearable heat]. The [heat] is indicated to
[pollute the skies] with [continuing fires]. Note that as modelspace is progressed beyond
2013, the [fires] have gained considerable [radioactive] support from many sub sets that
could be pointing to [planetary nuclear plant meltdowns]. The data in the [fires] sub set
seems to be suggesting that the [fires] will [restart], or [aggravate] the [radioactive air
pollution] problems.

Further data sets within the Terra entity are pointing toward the [new lands] that will be
[emerging] from [under seas] as a partial cause of the [climate shifts] over these next
[3/three decades]. The data sets accrue in patterns with details painting a picture of
[recovery from devastating circumstances] for [continents] in both hemispheres.
However, the descriptors of the [changes] affecting the northern and southern
hemispheres are quite a bit different. As the aspect/attribute sets accrue during
16 Longer term data is from 4 months out to 19 months with a 19 month error range.
17 Since late 2011 our data gathering has been picking up immediacy data types far in excess of previous patterns. The shift
in language continues to present challenges to our processing.

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modelspace movement, the separation between 'hemisphere' focused values becomes
more distinct. In the details, the ambiguity of language rules18, thus, in the interpretation,
the flow of the patterns frequently prove to be more revealing than the descriptors within
the details. In this instance, the hemisphere separation suggests that a [new polar (glacial
masses)] will be [forming], but note that this is NOT a crustal shift, nor even a 'pole'
shift in most senses of the phrase. The data sets do not hold any clues in the Terra entity
as to a magnetic pole reversal, but within the ambiguity of the language, that does
appear to be proximate cause of the [glacial masses reforming] over these next few
years. Noteworthy is the absence of data sets within the Populace/USofA, or GlobalPop
entities referencing any magnetic shift as any event of consequence. This may merely be
indicating that, given the rest of the [sheeit] that universe is shoveling our way, the
population finds a sudden reversal of magnetic directions one of the more minor
problems. Yes, there are all manner of other problems associated or forecast to
accompany a magnetic pole shift, but our data does not indicate that any of the potential
problems are/were much of a concern, in spite of those sets that can be inferred to
suggest a magnetic pole movement of some [distance] will occur over the next decade19.

There are a number of data sets that grow from early 2013 onward that suggest that
[diaspora (populations on the move)] will be a [continuing phenomena] as humanity
reacts to the [earth changes] over these next few decades. These changes are not only
associated with the [global coastal event], but within the sets are references to both
[plains] and [mountains] that are [inland] which will be [transformed] by the [climate
changes]. The [new glaciers (polar?)] are indicated to be NOT where we have Arctic,
and to a lesser degree Antarctic glacier masses today. The data shows that the [southern
pole (antarctica)] will become (at least partially) [ice free], as will [vast arctic tracts].
Further, in the [arctic] focused sets are indicators that the very long term direction would
have the [north magnetic pole] and its associated [glacial masses] much more affective
of [central Eurasia], and [northern europe], than as we have it today. The data is sketchy,
and not to be relied upon, but it would seem to suggest that as the [planetary expansion]
of the [southern hemisphere] continues over these next [four decades], that the [north
pole ellipse (of cold)] will be [drawn toward] the [central Eurasian land mass]. This is
indicated within the data as the [southern hemisphere] is shown gaining [new lands] that
will [distort] the [[ shape (of the planet)]. These [new lands (90East?)] data sets point to

18 Most of our words are not defined to precision, ergo, 'every thing is relative' 'cold' has different meanings under
different sets and circumstances.
19 The movement is large, stepped, and takes a number of years to 'settle down'.

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[planetary (shape) distortions] that will [pull] the [southern pole] a bit [off] of
[antarctica], and in toward the [southern ocean (new land masses)] between Australia,
and South America.

The [new land masses], as they are described in the data, especially in the southern
hemisphere, are [vast regions] of [cracks] in the [sub sea floor], and [millions (yes,
millions)] of [newly active vents (and) volcanoes]. These [new land masses] may one
day be habitable spaces, but any anticipated land booms are a few centuries premature.
The data sets have growth in the supporting sets for [new lands] in the form of [splits]
and [cracks] that are described as [abruptly creating (new) islands] in the [midst of
earthquakes]. The data sets within the [ruptures], and [new lands] sets include specific
references for a [series/group] of [earthquakes] that will [shred] the ['flap' (of earth)
skin] connecting [Africa] to the [middle east]. The data sets point toward [new oceans],
and [new flows (between the Indian ocean, and the Mediterranean sea] that will affect
not only human activities, but also [weather], [ocean mixing], [global sea life
interchange], as well as [create (new) sea routes]. The [earthquakes] that [tear parts of
Africa loose] are also supported by sets that include [extensive earthquake damage]
including [land alterations] across [europe].

Other areas of the [earth changes] are suggesting that a further [fracturing] of the
[burma/myanmar delta plate] will create a number of [new islands in the region]. These
[new islands] are as a result of the [cracking (off) of peninsulas]. These sets indicate that
the results will cause real problems for the populations of the regions as [infrastructure]
needs will be [radically changed].

The details that accrue with the [fracturing] set paint a picture of a seriously affected
planet. These details describe the [equatorial bulge enlarging]. This in turn creates new
ocean levels around the planet, as a continuing phenomena for at least the next 3/three
decades. Further the expansion alters the [ocean flows] so significantly according to the
detail sets as to [present (a new) earth (when seen from space)]. There are some
suggestions that the [continental shelf] will [rupture], separating the [Anadyr plateau
(eastern siberia)] from [Alaska]. There are descriptors for [Alaska] suffering a number of
[tears] that [produce new islands]. Further, [Alaska] is described as [gaining new lands]
as the [rupture] of the [continental shelf] produces a new [trench] that [fills with

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volcanoes]. And, as if that is not problem enough, the data sets accruing under [methane
(blue frozen gas) ] under the [ocean], do not augur well for the [(new) far north] as the
[new jet streams] are going to [circle the gasses]. This is good for the rest of the planet
over the coming decades as it will tend to gather these into [the new glacial masses], but
the [local populations] of the [new far north], including [birds], and [herds]. There are
also a number of sets indicating that [underground installations] all along [Alaska] and
[north west Canada] will be [affected], many to the point of [fatalities (due to polluted
air sources)]. This [blue gas] is also showing in the details as impacting [air travel], and
[ocean transportation]. Other problems for [Alaska, Canada, and siberia] include
[compression effects] such as the [expellation holes], and [ripples (appearing)] in the
[tundra]. Further issues for much of the area of what is now within the [arctic circle] will
include first the [giant melt] as the [tundra thaws], then the [drying] in some areas, that
will, according to the data sets, [ignite (deep in dry peat)] some time in late Fall of 2013.
This [fire] is shown to continue to burn for [decades], and to [mark] the [far north jet
stream] as well as to [color (grey/black)] a [ring] around the [new north pole region] (as
seen from space). There are several effects of the [planetary expansion] that are
indicated to impact the area of [Greenland down through Iceland, the faroe islands, the
shetlands, and into scotland and ireland]. These sets are pointing toward a further
[separation] between [Greenland and Iceland] that will cause a number of [seeming
continuous (water) events] to hit [Iceland, faroe islands, shetlands, and scotland and
ireland] from the (former) [north west]. This is indicated to occur as [Greenland]
undergoes a [cracking/fracturing/fissuring].

The region from [ireland] across in a broad arc through to the Kola Peninsula (Russia),
including [finland, sweden, northern germany, denmark, and england and scotland] is
described as being affected by the [spreading/cracking] to the extent that [numeric
relationships (are) destroyed]. The [numeric relationship] sub set contains all the [facts]
about the [measurements] of the [islands/peninsulas], and the [distances] between them.
These [measurements] include the [dimensions], as well as the [altitude], and [angular
relationships]. This last may be indicating that the [spreads/cracks] are not even such
that the [separating distance] between [france] and [england] increases noticeably in the
south, while less so in the north.

As a more or less predictable consequence of the [planetary expansion], the data sets are
forecasting that even as far as the [current arctic circle coasts] will have [excessive

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flooding], though it may likely take until [December 2013] before the process of [bad
tides] becomes recognizable for what it is, a [long term water level change/distortion].
Many of the inhabitable areas around the current [arctic circle] share the [rugged coast
line] features that distinguish these areas from the more gently sloping, equatorial
beaches. This feature will be both [enhanced] as [new islands (tear themselves)] from
[existing land mass], and a [saving grace] for the [population] in that [inundations] are
described as [minimal]. In other areas such as the coasts of [north eastern north
america], and [pacific north west (south of Alaska)] the [inundation] levels are forecast
as being [severe (at times)] over these next [2/two decades]. The data sets suggest that a
[precursor flooding event] will hit the [pacific coast lines] as a [tsunami] in 2013. The
data set has some indications for [January], but not enough to be certain that this is more
than a reflection of an increase in discussion about the potential for [tsunami] along the
[west coast] of north america. There are many more sets that accreted as modelspace is
taken through [summer and fall (northern hemisphere) 2013]. In these cases the data sets
gain values that are positive for [increasing water levels].

As modelspace reaches about mid July of 2013, a series of detail sets reflect the
[emergence] of an [Asian wrestler] as a [serious hero]. This fellow of [broad stature] and
[deep roots], apparently will act as a [guide] and lead several [thousands of people] to
[safety] after a [disaster] occurs that is local to California, but may well be part of the
[global coastal event] {ed note: everything in 2013 is very deeply obscured by
immediacy data sets that overwhelm the ability to track other data types}. This
[wrestler] is described as being [old] and [gnarled], but [strong enough] to [aid several
thousands] in [fording rivers] where [(there used to be) bridges]. This last suggests
earthquakes as the culprit or proximate cause of the need for a hero, but as there are so
many earthquake references in 2013 data, it is not possible to assign a probability that
this is the actual cause of this incident. What makes this particular [emergent hero] most
notable is that the data sets are indicating that [his face (and actions)] may well be one of
the last [nationally seen incidents] for many decades. This is apparently due to
[satellites] going wonky (technical term for not cooperating with humans).

The data sets are clear that the [wrestler hero fellow] does [cooperate] with [humans] as
he is described as [taming the rowdy] with [gentleness (that has gravity/heft beyond
death)]. He then [organizes] the [thousands] by [way of few words] to [build bridges (of
rubble)] to [rescue injured], and [evacuate (from the danger)]. In this data set are

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descriptors of a [dead reporter] who is [found beneath debris (of a sign?)]. The [dead
reporter] is [offering up (technical gear)] that [produces virgin/pristine/pure images]
from the [scene] as [humanity cares for itself] under the guidance of the [old wrestler].
The data sets indicate that [people (passing)] are going to be seen to [stop], and [say
words] into the [camera gear] as they [hope communications] will [happen]. The
[images] are described as [setting millions to lacrimonious wailing], and to [go on for
hours (as the thousands pass by)].

The descriptor sets for the [evacuations (shown on damaged teevee)] are filled with
[hills], and [near by hills], as well as other words for [uneven ground] in the area that is
affected. These sets also include language describing a [dazed populace] that is
[dragging itself] out of a [horrific experience] to find [no assistance]. It is this last set
that contains most of the descriptions of the [old Asian wrestler hero] and his actions in
[putting people to work (caring for others and the general welfare)]. The [continuing
dangers] are referenced in repeated sets that show a [terrible few weeks] in which the
[ONLY/singular] thing keeping it together for these [traumatized people] is the [old
man] calmly providing answers and [focus] for [minds] that are [at risk of shattering]
under the [assault of circumstances]. The data sets are also explicit in that the [old
wrestler] is able to [recruit] the [children] to [organizing the adults] by way of
[perseverance even in dangers], and a [refusal to accept complaint]. It is imagined from
the descriptors that our [wrestler hero] is used to [leadership], and indeed there are
indications that he [is now (a wealthy man)], but also that from the [instant] he is [called
upon], that was his [last thought of wealth]. In this man's honor, we here at hph refer to
him as [master liu], a famous taoist of the 5 bushel league who reportedly obtained
enlightenment, and decided to become a Bodhisattva (one who sticks around to help out
the rest of us).

Other instances within the details show a large number of [shifts] of the [populations]
due to [emerging circumstances (as results of planetary expansion)]. Many, perhaps even
most are described in far less than successful language. The data patterns are pointing
toward a [devastating impact] on the [population] within the [industrialized world] of
[inadequate knowledge], and [weakened constitutions]. In many of the descriptor sets,
the outcome of [forced (by events) evacuations] appears as [multiple tens of miles long
road side mortuaries]. Other sets point to [lack of motorized transport] as a [significant
cause (of death)] here in north america during and immediately after the [global coastal

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event (and some of the precursors as well)]. Other problems stem from [polluted water]
and [bad/tainted foods] which will be [consumed out of ignorance], and that these will
lead to [poisonings] in the [early second death wave (amongst refugees)]. Further
problems with [exposure] will also complicate [early days] following the [forced
evacuation]. Among the very early stage two problems that will aggravate an already
bad situation will be [crashing mental states (due to drug withdrawal -both legal and
extra-legal drugs)]. The data sets suggest that this will have a greatly out of proportional
impact. We can state this as we have had instances of [mind addled 'survivors'] showing
up in the data sets since 2004. These ['survivors'] are described as [barely able to cope],
and [stand around drooling/peeing on themselves]. Many of the references we have had
building since 2004 now make sense in light of the 'symptoms' of [sudden SSRI ('anti-
depressant chemicals') withdrawal].

The [death toll] of the [survivors] from the [global coastal event/planetary expansion
episode] is described as being [exacerbated/aggravated] by the [poor judgment (from
minds impaired by chemicals in diet/air/drugs)], and from [failing bodies (weakened by
modern chemical exposure)].

These areas of [trauma] are also supported by [thunder noise (from the earth)] that will
apparently be a part of the [planetary expansion]. This noise is indicated to be so loud as
to [shock the bones], and [un-seat (the) minds (of the fragile)]. The [refugees] from the
[planetary expansion episode] are shown as being [debilitated] to the degree that [5/five
of 6/six] are [at risk (of dying in the process)].

As part of the [planetary expansion episode], the data sets are indicating that a great deal
of [danger] will arise from the [volcanoes] that will become active within this process.
Not merely from [earthquakes], and [magma], and [smoke], and [poisonings (from
gasses)], but also from [acids (raining down)]20, and [lahars (mud slides/long run out
slides from melted glaciers carrying debris)]. In the (current) far north beyond 40
degrees latitude, the [volcanoes] are not showing as being [immediate] to the [ruptures
(of the plates)], but rather to be associated with [years of disruptions] following this
[breaking free (of continents)]. The descriptions of the [volcano] impacts suggests
something of a cycle of intensity ramping up, and fading over the next 14/fourteen years.

20 Sub ocean volcanoes boiling all kinds of chemicals through salt water into the air to produce really nasty acids.

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The [volcanic threat] to humans is extensively cross linked over to the [excessive
flooding] sub sets. The indications are of a 'pulsing' that will cause the [flooding]
episodes planet wide to be [concurrent] with [volcanic outpouring]. There are repeated
sets within both the populace entities and the Terra entity going to the effect that
[volcanoes] will have with [mud]. Apparently the [volcanoes] will be [spewing] so much
material that [mud] some [thousands of miles away] will become a problem as it is
described as [splattering (from the sky)] in [quantities] sufficient to [cover houses], and
[entomb cows] and [blanket forests].

Within many of the [volcano] sub sets are cross links over to the GlobalPop, and
Populace/USofA entities. These entities have termination sets that include details about
the [long lines (of fleeing people)], and the [disappearance (of government)]. While it is
hard to describe something by its absence, we do have descriptors for [confusion (among
the refugees/survivors)] about [lack of help/government assistance]. Further sets include
a large portion that go to the idea of [refugees (making their way) toward (old centers of)
government] as they [seek relief]. Most of the supporting sets for the [abandonment] that
the [refugees] will be [feeling] is involved with [government] and its [lack of presence]
during and after the event. This [mind set] is so [dominating] that the data sets describe
it at several stages of the process of [adjusting to reality]. In most of the language, there
is a clear [refusal], or [denial], that [government] is ['not doing everything it can']. This
[denial of reality] is repeatedly encountered in the data sets as modelspace is moved
through the next year. It seems to fade as a direct result of the [deaths] of those people
[burdened with the past]. These [additional deaths] happen some what rapidly as the
[attitude] that [government will rescue us] is showing as [preventing effective actions]
that will be necessary for [personal, long term, health].

The [volcanoes] are also described within the Terra entity as creating [new lands] on and
within existing [continents]. These are described as basically [expellation] of [new
materials (muds/elements)] that will [transform] the [old landscape]. In many of these
sets the data includes [cities] that will be [mudded over]. In some of these cases, the
[cities] are several [hundreds of miles] away from [volcanoes], and are described as
being [painted] with [layers] of [mud/rain] that will become [too much (for buildings) to
bear] and [collapses (of infrastructure)] will result.

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Many of the [volcano] related [earth changes] are restricted to the [American
hemisphere] just due to the nature of the planet. Most of Eurasia will not experience
[volcanic forced evacuation], however, it will be prevalent from the western edge of the
[pacific rim of fire] going east ward. These set include some that could be inferred to
suggest that [Siberian volcanoes] will produce [new lands] at a high rate due to the [new
expansion joints] that will appear in the far western Pacific basin.

Within both north and south america, and less so in central america, the [population
evacuations] will encounter [complications] in their [movements] that will be [imposed]
by [volcanoes]. Some of these [difficulties] will be [imposed] by [volcanoes] that [shift
waters]. The [shifted waters] will include [new lakes], and [new rivers], and several
[new inland seas21]. These new [water barriers] are further connected, by extensive cross
links, over to the SpaceGoatFarts entity where they are terminating in sets related to the
['colonists']. This may be the result of the planet producing [virgin water/minerals] as a
'side effect' of its [expansion].

This is not to say that Europe is totally left out of the [volcano] picture, as the data
points to [new volcanoes] as well as [Iceland volcanoes] causing problems in the
[(current) far north europe]. The problems are described as primarily of a form of
[pollution] from [ash]. However, there are ancillary effects in the form of [altered
weather patterns] that will be [devastating] to [food production], and [transportation].
There are some suggestions of [underground tunnels] being used to [convey goods] as
the [above ground conditions] are [too dangerous].

Other, less obvious, [earth changes] are forecast to [impact animal life] as the [magnetic
pulsing (from the sun)] kicks up over the next few years. The impacts on [animal], and
[plant life] includes [disorientation], and [disruption] of [migratory patterns] to the
[degree] that these [shifts of animal behavior] will [affect humans]. Problems with [herd
animals] that will be [exhibiting (behavior)] that will be akin to [obsessive compulsive
disorder] will vex [herdsmen] across the [planet]. Further, [animals (both domestic and
wild)] are indicated to be [under genetic stress] that will [populate (the planet)], over
these next few [decades], with [all manner (of strange) mutations]. This will not be
21 Some of great depth, as new barriers to old flows will 'dam' large, inland areas.

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restricted to animals and is indicated to affect the [human genome] as well.
Hmmmm...maybe why all the flurry of [genetic theft] by them inter-dimensional
buggers over these last few decades of 'alien abductions', which if you note, is almost a
non existent phenomenon currently.

All of the descriptor sets within modelspace have attached multiple dimensional arrays
of values that carry along such information as how long (duration), or how impacting
(intensity) the sets are likely to be; further they bring along temporal indicators of all
kinds. Within the [earth changes] sets, those going to [genetic impacts (on animals,
plants, humans)], have the longest impact values, and the highest level of intensity
values. In the [mutations] sub set, the supporting set referencing [plants] has the highest
level of immediate values in both categories. Within the area of [human mutations],
these sets have the longest temporal indicators where the language is going to [100/one
hundred generations = about 2000+ years]. According to the data sets, all forms of
[mutations] here on terra will be very [visibly accelerating] over the [next 5/five] years.
This is indicated to cause huge problems for plant eaters, as that whole family of life is
showing [propensity (for) total mutation].

Curiously, or perhaps not, knowing humans, the data sets indicate that as the largest of
the [earth changes] manifest over this next decade, that a significant portion of the
[human population] will decide to [go walk-about]. These [walkers] are described, for
the most part, as [older], and as [observers]. This portion of the [mobile/transitory
population] is described as [willingly, even 'cheerfully' on the 'road']. There are a very
large number of cross links between this area of the Terra entity and both populace
entities in which we have termination in (what we will call) [the walkers]. This [walk-
about population], again, for the most part [older segment of survivors of the global
coastal event], is also indicated to serve as a form of [defacto/existent 'sneaker' net] for
both [vital information], and ['current' news]. The data sets within the cross linked
details contain forecasts for the evolution of [the walkers] into a form of [community
service group], as well as a [new expression (of maturity/mentor status)], and a host of
other, new, meanings that will accrue over these next [4/four + decades]. The data sets
are indicating that the [shift] of the [ages] will not only [transform] the [planet under our
feet], and the [solar system] in which it resides, but also will provide [new paths/roads]
for [human expression]. One of these, [the walkers], is extremely well populated at the
modelspace level. If we had but time....ah, well...sigh of a frustrated linguist at the end

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of the world as we know it....
The sets that support [the walkers (as new form of social expression)] contain a variety,
and diversity of forms. As may be expected, [the walkers] will be a [culturally
influenced] phenomenon. However, the data sets point to a time when [old
people/mentors (thin of flesh, compressed by time, hard (as old leather)] will be able to
[walk the earth] in [total freedom (from molestation)] from any [rational human]. To a
linguist these sets are fascinating in their diversity of support. The new and developing
(over these next decades for certain, but maybe centuries?) nuances about the phase [the
walkers] is absorbing. From the descriptions of the [rigors] of the [path (of the walkers)]
to the indications of the changes in our [planetary social order], these sets are huge, and
spreading as they grow. There are areas where the idea comes across as a blend of [old
person sent out onto the ice to die and not take up resources (more or less voluntarily)],
all the way over to [traveling universities of thought dropping by for a chat, and to
deliver the news of the year]. There are sub sets indicating that [walkers 'enclaves'] will
become something of a [governing body (in a strange way)] in which [tens of thousands
(of walkers)] will [participate in decision making]. This area is extensively cross linked
over to the SpaceGoatFarts entity where the termination point is within (primarily) the
[alien wars], and [unknown energies from space].

The sets that begin the lexical structure we have named [the walkers] start to show up in
late 2013. T he indications are that this whole new [social strata/human activity pattern]
emerges as a result of [universe/earth changes] forcing a [pattern (of more or less)
permanent relocation]. This [permanent relocation] sub set is filled with a 'first one
thing, then another' kind of [pattern of disasters]. These are shown as [putting people (on
the move)], and then [keeping them on the move]. As may be expected, those humans
and animals forced by [earth changes] to [shift their homes] will be [stressed] and [set
upon by circumstances] such that high death rates will occur. The other side of this
effect is that those who do survive will be [tough as old leather], and [flexible as wet
rope]. This area of the data is forecasting changes to the language such that [local
expressions] will arise that will [compare truth (values)], to (various body parts, but
primarily) [the feet (of the walkers)]. The data sets provide these future
language/expression forecasts in a vague sort of way, as we cannot know the form it will
take, however, the sense of the expressions will be along the lines of “as true as a
walker's sole”. Also note that there are other sets going to homonymics such as 'soul'.
The concept is also forecast as an expression of 'testing', as in “true as pinching a

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walkers' leg” (inferring that the 'truth' to the claim of 'walker-dom' is visible in the 'flesh
of the leg' supporting the claim).

As modelspace is progressed from 2012 into early 2013, the [expansion episode] that
will produce the [earth changes] of the next few decades gains supporting sets that are
describing a [surface compression] that will not only be partially responsible for the
[expellation vents/tubes], but is also to be the cause for [all manner (of strange animal
behavior)]. The growth of lexical sets as modelspace is moved through 2013 suggests
that [snakes, gophers, scorpions, spiders, rats] and all manner of [burrowing critters] will
be [periodically exploding (from the) earth], as [local compression waves (travel
through)]. The [compression waves] are described as being [days long] events, that will
also [affect humans negatively]. There are further descriptor sets for [waves] being
[impressed (into the) soft (surface) earth]. These aspect/attribute sets even go so far as to
paint a picture of [waves (through) forests] such that [trees (alternate) leaning (into) each
other]. These [new (compression wave) hills] are a very distinct sub set that is associated
with all the continents, but is primarily a [plains] effect.

A further, distinct, and large, [planet spanning] data set goes to the [howling/shrieking
winds]. These [noisy winds] have yet to make a serious appearance as they are a sub set
of the [shifting jet streams] that will be forced as a side effect of the [plate cracking
(global coastal event)]. These ['shriekers'] are described as [originating] at the [new
poles] as the [high energy particles] incoming there will have an [incline] that [facilitates
whirling winds]. These [polar whirling winds] are not only a central [axis] for the [new
glacial masses], but are also described as being [responsible] for the [new jet stream
patterns]. As a result of the [jet stream patterns altering], as well as [extra-planetary
pressures] on the [atmosphere], the data suggests that the [jet streams] will [shred
themselves (on) mountain peaks] such that [howling currents] are propelled for
[hundreds of miles (across the surface of the planet)]. These [shrieking winds] are
associated mostly with geographic references for [eastern slopes] of [mountain ranges].
Note that these new [wind patterns] that emerge as the [jet streams] respond to
[pressures from space] are indicated to [significantly alter the [face of the planet] as seen
from space. This is primarily due to new [glacial flows] that will [descend (along with)
the shrieking winds].

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Not that [extreme cold] and [new glaciers] will be the extent of the problems brought by
the [climate changes]. There are sets for [fires] in various supporting positions in all the
entities. This is true even of the Markets entity, with particular attention being paid to the
many [Chicago] geographic links, and the several other links indicating that a [fire] will
[shockingly erupt] on [live teevee], and be the [main subject] for the rest of that week.

While the many [fire] references within the Terra entity are 'natural' in causes, we also
have [fires] in the Populace/USofA entity that cross link over to the [markets] sub set of
the Markets entity, suggesting that [fire], both [actual] and [emotional] will be the
dominating sets this [Fall (northern hemisphere)]. The [fires] sub sets within the
populace entities are NOT all described as [natural] or [accidental], and the imagery
from the details suggest that the-powers-that-be are planning yet another planetary
[theft], and that the [cover/blanket (for sheeple eyes)] will be a [fire] of rather [shocking

The accretion patterns for the [fire] sub sets in both the Terra entity and the
SpaceGoatFarts entity are very similarly 'paced'. This seeming synchronization as
modelspace is progressed through 2012/2013 is also seen at several of the supporting set
layers. These supporting layers contain details that would suggest that [fires] may result
in large areas as a result of the [combination] of [drought] and [volcanic expulsions].
Other areas, more in the SpaceGoatFarts entity, are also showing that [fires] in large
tracts will not be [natural], and may even be a [deliberate tactic] to [remove pests
(including humans)] prior to the [arrival].

NOTE: Within the [earth changes] set, within the Terra entity, and within the extensive
cross links over to the populace entities, there is a huge, nearly overwhelming amount of
what we call 'immediacy data'. While this data type brings in some very interesting
details (reference the 'blondes on boats' section from late 2011), it can also be very
difficult to 'wade through' in seeking meaning amongst the vast amounts of more trivial
details. This is the case now. There is so much immediacy data, that as modelspace is
moved through November of 2012, the ratio of immediacy data type to the other types
(shorter and longer term) either individually or collectively changes daily in favor of the
immediacy type. Stated another way just to attempt to clarify the situation, it is as
though we have so much 'rain' (immediacy data) that our 'salt water' (shorter term and

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longer term) is diluted within the pond more and more with each minute until the ratio of
salt to rain water changes. Then, seeking the salt becomes something of a hunt for
individual molecules. Further, since our work is an aggravation of the collective, relying
on data that is diluted to this extent is necessarily risky.

The above being noted, it would appear, that the beginning of the impacts of the [plate
cracking/global coastal event] might be associated with this large growth spurt of [earth
changes] data that peaks near the end of March. Beyond a very few, and slim temporal
markers, the data is overwhelmingly shifted into immediacy data. At the meta-data level,
this is a form of referential integrity check, in that it is expected that the nature of
language would shift dramatically during such times as these. Further, at the meta-data
level, the fall off of the data flows in 2013 that are still showing for a [cessation (of
transnational internet communications)] also make sense given the reliance of the
internet on [sub sea cables]. Further, the forecast for accompanying solar [pulses] that
will [damage satellites] will also be impacting of the [planetary communications
network]. Now, the really nasty/scary part of this is that we have had this
[darkness/silence] forecast in the data since the early days of the SpaceGoatFarts entity
in 2005. It was during those formative years of the SpaceGoatFarts entity that the data
sets for the [planetary silence] was intimately linked to the meme of [alien wars].

What about the SpaceGoatFarts [alien wars] and [extra-solar-

system invasion]?
The SpaceGoatFarts22 entity continues to have growth in the [alien wars] sub set. This
set is gaining new supporting sub sets as well as new sets supporting older areas within
the larger meme. In the latter case there are new supporting sets that are also of a higher
visibility sum, indicating (maybe) that we will see more discussion of these themes
within the msm = mainstream whore-to-tptb-press.
The more visible sets include new data supporting [secrets revealed (as food riots get
ugly and 'federal' installations are assaulted by starving mobs], and [deep
(holes/bunkers) yield tasty information (and tens of thousand of tons of foods)] to
[starving refugees]. Note that these sets are specifically focused on the 'greater DC area'
that includes the 'colony states' of Maryland and Virginia.

22 For those new to SpaceGoatFarts, this is the area for all things [officialdom denies], and those that are [really unknown],
and [totally batshit odd stuff].

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To refresh the memory about these sets, we note that they describe a situation in which
[drastic occurrences]23 have [wiped out food supplies]. This in turn triggers, first
protests, here in the USA, then [riots] that are described more like [pitched battles/civil
war] at times in the details. Coincident with these occurrences are a series of
[earthquakes] and [volcanic eruptions], that participate by causing [underground
disruptions] such that [2/two large government underground installations] are [exposed]
to the [rioters]. The [rumors] then spread throughout the [starving populations] of the
[region] that there are [hoards of foods]...and the [assault] is on. By the way, this is
pretty much the same scenario that is described for the [secrets revealed] from the
[vatican] when the [populations of Rome] are also [starving], and rumors spread of
[secret hoards of foods for fat ass-bugger priests].
The new data sets in support of [food assaults] on [deep underground bunkers] continue
to grow at a steady rate. These sets are pointing toward a period that (may be) post
[global coastal event]. Within these data sets accruing from the shorter term (out to the
fourth month), and longer term (fourth month out to 20th month) data types, are new
lexical sets that provide great amounts of details, which end up in [confusion] for all
concerned. These sets would seem to be suggesting that [all telecommunications] and all
[long distance transportation systems ] have [failed]. Further, the [just in time delivery
systems], including [foods], and [energy], but also including [medicines], and
[psychiatric chemicals (aka= ssri drugs)] have been [impacted] for at least [2/two
months] PRIOR to the [global coastal event] such that the [populations of the dense
corridors] are [jittery], [malnourished (existing condition aggravated)], [hungry], and
[barely controlled]. Then, according to the data sets, the [global coastal event] begins
(bearing in mind this is a multiple month event), and the [minions (enforcers of the
policies of tptb, aka 'law enforcement'] are [gone]...which is to say, [no where to be
Our data sets show that, following the beginning of the [global coastal event], the
[LEO/military/mercenaries] are [withdrawn], and a state of [governmental 'absence']
exists. It is in this period, that the [underground bases] are [liberated], at first for [foods],
and then for the [vast arms caches], and [other strategic weapons] that are also being
[stored underground].

23 Economic collapse, false flag attacks on the citizenry by government, space alien intrusions around the planet, strange
'invisible', massive things floating in the sky the way bricks don't, and other bizarreness accompanying earth changes
and batshit break-away civilization.

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The [liberation] of the [knowledge bases/documents] supporting sets begin appearing
shortly after modelspace is moved through November, 2012, but they really gain new
sub sets in early 2013. Due to the overwhelming amount of immediacy data types, it is
difficult to follow the appearances of the shorter and longer term sets as modelspace is
progressed forward. However, by the end of March of 2013, the growth in these sets has
reached a new level in [visibility], which suggests that the [msm – mainstream media =
whore-press] is in [major vilify mode], therefore the interpretation is for the
[disruptions] that precipitate the [secrets revealed] to have occurred (most likely) within
the first quarter of 2013. As an interesting sub set {ed note: to us since we are up here in
PNW, north American continent}, the data sets are forecasting that the [secrets revealed]
from the [liberated documents] will include [alien/ancient civilization secrets] that are
focused on this area. The data suggests that to a [greater extent] than other areas, the
Alaska down to Oregon region will, for some reason not yet clear in the data, be a [key
or pivotal] area for the-powers-that-be, and their minions. Hmmmm...not sounding too
good for us guys. However, the [new attention] to this region will be [short lived], as the
[shadow government/corportocracy] fellows are indicated to have [more immediate
concerns] rise up, and [bitch slap]24 them.

Additional [problems] within the [secrets revealed] sub set for [officialdom] has to do
with the [new attention] that will be [focused (by release of documents)], on [humanity
(as a genetic 'subject')]. The idea coming across is that the [release (onto the net)] of
[documents 'discovered'] during [hunts for food (food riots)] will be so [revealing (of
actual human history)] as to contribute to the [ruination (of) religion]. The data shows
that the [faith based (judaism, christism mohammedism, mormonism) religions] will (at
first) [surge] in [attendance] during the first few [confusing weeks following 'the
release'], then as the [actuality] of [human reality] sets into [minds], the
[edifice/organization] of [churches] will [crumble] from [internal rot], and
[abandonment (by the population)]. Noteworthy among the [death of religion due to
leaks of real history of humans from shadow government] data sets are those showing
that [scientology] will 'enjoy' something of a modern day [frenzy] as the [validity (of
space alien interference in human genome/history] becomes ['officially' endorsed (due to
liberated documents)]. However, even this [flush] of [attention] is described as [rapidly
fading] as the ['church' of scientology] becomes [inundated (with a) flood (of) mentally

24 Do not wish to be too specific here. The phrase is specifically chosen to bring recall when the visibility of the upcoming
incident hits the msm whore-press.

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ill supplicants]. The idea is that within a brief [two months25] of the [release of liberated
documents], the [global scientology network] has had its [attendance profiles
overwhelmed] by [troublesome crazy bastards]. Hmmmmm...maybe should join now
and avoid the rush as that is certainly my profile.

There are continuing gains in the sub sets of [alien wars], sub set [extra-solar-system
invasion]. In these sets, we still have growth around the idea of [coastal scavenging
populations] which will have to [duck and cover] when [space alien patrols] or
[government vehicles] are [over flying]. Further, there are sets that describe a continuing
series of [skirmishes] between the [coastal scavenging populations] and the ['colonists']
that have [invaded]. These descriptions point to a [boundary/border war] of sorts were
the [local boys and girls] are having to [recover civilization] while [struggling against
invaders]. There are also sets indicating that [remnants (of) officialdom] will also be a
source of [intermittent irritation] for the [locals].
There are some sets that point to [water battles], and [aquatic alliances] forming as a
[response] to the [space alien invaders]. The data suggests here that 'this time is
different' MAY be the outcome of the [contact] between the [advanced civilization] and
the [primitive tribes (us humans)].

As a related aside, there are many thinkers in the social studies areas who proffer that
'first contact' between advanced civilization and the more privatize inevitably leads to
the destruction of the more backward social order. While this thinking has been
supported by events here on earth, the examples most frequently cited are those in which
a deliberate effort was underway in the background *(usually orchestrated by the
catholic church) to destroy the more primitive group.

Our data sets do not provide a sense of that. Rather the data seem to point to the [space
alien colonists] not attempting to [destroy humanity] simply as they do not really
consider us a [threat]. The details suggest that we are more or less in the category of
[interesting life forms, potentially annoying (like badgers and such)]. The idea coming
across is of a [superior civilization] that has moved to the [interstellar transportation]
phase of life, and is [very sophisticated] in their [employment] of all manner of [life-
machine technologies].
25 It is promising to be a really intense and busy time once the damn dam breaks.

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But, as an aside, the data sets also contain indicators that [human to colonists]
interactions will not always favor the [colonists]. The data points to the [life-machine
minions] being nearly [invulnerable] to [bullets], but [stupidly curious] about, and
[incapable of (understanding)], or [extracting (themselves)] from [rope (and other)
snares]. Further, the data would suggest that the [colonists] are [so advanced] as to be
able to [move planets], but, apparently as a direct consequence of a [well ordered social
structure], and [tens of thousands of years of 'dominance'], these [colonists] are really
clueless about [personally directed violence]. The data sets suggest that the [colonists]
are [aware of], and [appreciate] the [danger] to themselves from [large predators]. The
[coastal scavenging communities] are indicated to plan several traps that take advantage
of both the [danger] from predators such as wolves, but also the [inherent fear] of these
critters. The more curious component of the details is that the [colonists] seem to be
incapable of anticipating the [human response]. This is described in the detail sets as
[continuing puzzlement (over the latest 'incident')] in which [humans act out]. It is my
thinking that the data may, just may, be describing a situation in which [humans] are [not
credited] with [intelligence] {ed note: always has been my position}, and as such the
[colonists] are [unable] to [comprehend the actual nature of these occurrences]. To refine
the point a bit, the sense from the detail layers comes across as though describing how
the US military would react if it were to find itself 'under organized attack' from bacteria
in which the microbes were totally overlooked as being the force that steals the tank and
shells the HQ. When the dust clears, and the US military rushes out to find the tank, they
'see' it as being 'empty' since the microbes are beneath their notice (and since the US
military did not know that bacteria can drive tanks). Thus the US military would start off
hunting for 'invisible' enemies their 'own size' when all is merely a failure of
imagination that limits the view of reality.

Without regard to the speculation as to how and what the [space aliens] may think, the
data sets indicate that the situation with [coastal scavenging populations], and
[skirmishes] with the [colonists] lasts for a number of years. At the very far end of our
longer term sets are some small lexical structures that may suggest that the [colonists]
will [leave], though there is no data to suggest a reason, nor a time frame.

As modelspace is progressed through the next year, the [alien wars] meme is the
aspect/attribute set that has the largest proportional gain within the SpaceGoatFarts

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entity. This growth level, within our MOM (model of modelspace that we use for
referential integrity checks), is very heavily cross linked over to the TPTB entity where
the termination point is within the [fear] sub set. The indications from the rapid growth
of new cross links within MOM, as as well as modelspace, are suggesting that the TPTB
will soon get the wonderful opportunity to face their [fear].

The [alien wars] meme, as modelspace moves into December, begins to gain supporting
sets under the [vibrations (from) space] set. These descriptors are supported at their
primary level by [noise/sound]. This set has details that are suggesting yet another round
of the [giant (unknown) noises from the sky] that had been prevalent last year. In this
case, the data sets may be suggesting that the [noises/sounds] from the [sky] MAY be
associated with [disruption (of air/atmosphere)] by [all forms of life], presumably
tearing down to Disneyland....

The data sets for the [alien wars] have accretion patterns that are suggesting that the [all
forms of life from space] will be [expressing their internal natures] within our [skies]
over this next year. Within the long supporting chain for the [expressing their internal
natures] is a very interesting set that is stating rather clearly that this [space alien
challenge/alien wars] is a 'set-up' from universe to get [humanity] to [shed materialism
(that has) deformed (our purpose)].

The data sets for the [vibrations from the sky] are also filled with supporting sets for
[strange atmospheric phenomena] that will include [bizarre rains]. The data shows that
during these [rains of oddities], the [noises/sounds] from the [sky] will be [resolving], in
various areas, to manifestations of [unknown nature]. This last set has large numbers of
supporting sets going to the idea that [people] will be [disbelieving (of their own eyes)].
As a parallel track within the supporting chain, there are a number of sets going to the
idea that [disbelieving eyes/minds] will [create/account/cause] a [large number (of)
reported incidents/accidents] in which [reality (ain't) what it used to be]. Some of these
[strange incidents] will include [accidental woundings (of humans/animals) mistakenly],
as well as [unresponsive (drooling) disconnect] that will have many [humans] in such a
[state of (mental) distortion/disruption] that they will be [killed (by inaction)]. The
images coming from the detail sets are of people so [stupefied] by [what (their lying
eyes)] are [presenting], that their [brains short circuit].

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Within the [alien wars] sub set, [manifestations of all life forms from sky] set, there are
lexical structures going to the idea of [diseases], and [(unknown) but like a disease] that
will be [employed/used]. Further there are explicit data sets going to the idea of
[beneficial organisms] which will be [discovered/unearthed] by [humans], that will then
be used as [counter measures]. Much of this area in the details sets is expressing duality
in the sense of [thrust/counter-thrust] within the various descriptors. In that way, this
data looks as though describing action within a battle.

Some of the detail sets that we have had for some number of years within this area
continue to gain new supporting sets. This includes the [farmers fight off aliens with
shotguns] set. Within the new growth areas are some sets going to the idea that a
[mistake] will place some [landing life forms] {ed note: curiously, Texas?} within the
[range/territory] of some [tigers]. The data suggests that the [tigers] will [munch-a-
bunch (of space aliens)], and that the locals will acquire a [space ship].....which the
[military] will come and [seize].

Cross links over to both the Pop/USofA entity, and the GlobalPop entity, are terminating
in sets that have {ed note: sometime in 2013?, mid year or later?} groups of [humanity]
in [diaspora (movements of the peoples)] situation with [harassment] from [hostile (non
humans)]. These description are of [civilians], who are also, apparently no longer [non-
combatants]. The data sets, could be interpreted to be indicating a [multiple species,
multiple generational war] is about to become [visible] over our heads...or, possibly, just
possibly, these data sets could be describing the 'roll-out' of the much ballyhooed,
Operation BlueBeam. We cannot tell from the data.

There is a complex supporting structure that originates in the TPTB entity, but
terminates almost totally in the SpaceGoatFarts entity. This structure is one of the more
complex encountered, and is going to the idea that [officialdom] will be [reacting] to
[space aliens? inter-dimensional beings?]. These [reactions] are shown to be impacting,
by the cross links, the Pop/USofA and the GlobalPop entities. Within these 'receiving'
entities, the impacts are being described in language that borders on the bizarre. As an
instance, the data detail layers, heavily influenced by our longer term value sets, are
showing that the [government/officialdom] here in the USA, and within some areas in

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Europe, and Australia, will [react] to [perceived attacks] by [mobilizing large segments
(of the) civilian populations]. Also note that this [act of mobilizing] is described as being
[traumatic], and [inciting violence] between [officialdom and their minions] and the
[populace] affected. The data would suggest that while the [mobilizing] is [promoted
nationally] by the [msm = mainstream media whore-to-tptb-press], it will not be
[ubiquitously applied]. This last set is cross linked internally back to the TPTB entity
where it terminates in the [semiotics (symbols)] sub set. The termination set includes
detail layers suggesting that the TPTB and the officialdom have [bitten the hands] that
feed/defend them once too often, and now, when [they (officialdom)] is [shitting hot fear
stones] and [thinks (tptb) survival (is) at risk], the [exploited masses] are shown to
basically say, 'fuck you'.

This [uncooperative attitude] from the [population] is probably due to the [officialdom
and minions] trying to [seize all foods/weapons/medicines] as well as [herd millions]
into [buses] and [trains]. Further the longer term data sets would suggest that [forced
work brigades] here in the USA will be [rioting] and [revolting] by December, 2013.
Many of these [brigades] are indicated to have been [forced underground] {ed note: is
this what the T(ouch your) S(exual) A(pparatus) group is really about? A 'funnel' of
people with guns to 'encourage' the masses when they are 'mobilized'?.....Hmmmm}
where they will be [housed] in [abhorrent conditions]. It is the [trauma], and the [bad
foods], and the [long captivity underground] that is indicated to [trigger (underground-
city wide) revolts]. However, there are also considerable sets going to above ground
[conflict] between [officialdom/minions] and their [victims], the [uninitiated
population]. From the perspective presented by the detail sets, it would appear that
several causes exist for the [conflicts]. First, the [resentment] {ed note: bespoke emotion
descriptors applied to groups are within the primary (body parts) level of
aspect/attributes.....which means worth paying attention} from [most/many] of the
[masses/sheeple] about being [deliberately veiled (by msm)] about [reality], and then
other sources of [conflict] arise as [disputes] about [effectiveness] of [forced labor
brigades] {ed note: brigade members no doubt} arise. Further areas of
[dispute] and [conflict unresolved] occur as [goods (foods/energy sources)] are
[common-claimed (by military/minions)] in the [name (of ) statutory authorities = aka
officialdom]. The data suggests that many [humans] will [contend] with [officialdom]
over their [policies (relative to meeting the) fears (of the) the-powers-that-be]. This is to
say that [claims of ownership by military units by proxy from 'government'] are
indicated to be [strongly disputed] in most areas where [government] is [incapable of

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overflight]. {ed note: at some point that appears to be most of USA/North America and
EU territory.}.

The [unknown] sub set of the SpaceGoatFarts entity gains considerable growth across all
of 2012 and into 2013. There are sub sets that double in size in mere days in early 2013,
and others that gain emotional intensity values all through the year such that the levels
are nearly an order of magnitude higher by the end of 2013. Many of the [unknown] sub
set descriptors are vague at best. Some details sets provide at least locations {ed note:
lots of antarctica associated woo-woo in 2013...probably as the ice slides off and reveals
the 'ancients'}, while other sets provide some of the flavor, or color commentary on
forecast events. In some sets we have descriptions of such unknown phenomenon as
[giant/huge invisible cloud disturbing shapes]. In other sets we get the impact on humans
in language such as [fear motivating flight at night through woods armed bringing dogs
tents camping gear house abandoned after wall penetrated]. In sets that are internally
cross linked, much of the blame, if not the reality for cause, is placed on [space alien
invaders], and/or [inter-dimensional rift critters]. This last set has specific geographic
location references that place it as a more [urban/sub-urban] occurrence. In this set even
the-powers-that-be are impacted in that the cross links show that their plans are
[disturbed] by [tremors (in the force?)] that bring out [enemies].

The data seems to be suggesting that the 'break-away' civilization will become visible to
even the most unaware nebish over the next year as the planet and solar system become
even more excited. The 'break-away' civilization, at a core emotional level, has a point
of view that allows them to [murder/kill] without consideration for consequence. This
attitude of [superiority to 'ordinary' life] arises from their [technological understanding]
of the matterium. Or at least, the version sold to the [rank and file].
Our data sets show that these fellows are going to be a source of problems for regular
humans over these next few years. The data does point to an [accommodation] of sorts
being worked out by various groups, but at their core, these [accords] that will develop
are an attempt to get around this [bred into their system, self defining elitist] attitude.
Universe will provide a few examples of the nature (self-defeating) of this approach as
the [break-away fellows/gals] are about to, according to the SpaceGoatFarts entity,
[encounter reality (in a sliver)]. The longer term sets that are associated with the [sliver
(of ) reality contact] suggest that the 'schooled mind' will take an unnecessarily long
time to realize just what the hell has happened, [the 'reality' contact]. This may be related

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to what the [boys with too much electricity and time = aka Cern LHC] are up to, but
without regard to the source, the impact on the-powers-that-be is described as [comical]
to those on the [outside].....though we 'outsiders' will also be subjected to the impacts of
this [reality touch], we will (apparently) not be aware of the cause, and therefore will be
treating the [symptoms] as [individual], or [separate occurrences]. The imagery implies a
really busy day in which the average commuter has to contend with invisible space alien
weasels, inter-dimensional giraffes on a vision quest, and the first attempt by micro-
beings to steal earth's horde of standing porcelain wealth (aka 'toilets'). In this case the
beset upon commuter will not necessarily conclude that all these elements of his busy
day in fact shared the same source, especially not while in the midst of coping with each
[symptom of 'dis-ease' of the matterium].

Unfortunately, as modelspace is progressed through 2013, the SpaceGoatFarts entity

picks up large data set support for [distress (in planetary systems)] so significant as to
[upset (internal) views (of) reality]. These sub sets are pointing toward [distinct
breakdowns] within the [planetary common consensus view (as sold by the-powers-that-
be)]. This set includes many sub sets of details pointing toward [exchanges] and [chance
meetings] between the [population] and the [break-away civilization]. Not many of these
will 'go well' for the regular humans as the [break-away civilization] has an approach of
[kill you, take what they want, then skee-daddle away in floaty things before too many
people catch sight of what is going on]. The various instances of the expression of this
attitude forecast for late in 2013, and onward (apparently post global coastal event) are
showing that a [culture] of [wariness] will emerge in certain [human populations] that
will lead to [deliberate confrontation] with the [floaty-bastards]. After a few of the
[traps] are sprung26, the [rude attitude] begins to alter. This apparently is a few years
further into the decade.

The SpaceGoatFarts entity has a surprising amount of [ocean] sets. Many of these are
about the misbehavior of the [oceans], while others are about the misbehavior of people
on and under the water. In many of these instances, references to [ beings] other than
[humans] are dominating the sets. This is probably not a good sign. In over 65 percent
of the [ocean] sets we find that the details or supporting layers include sets about or
linked to the [break-away civilization]. In these supporting sets, the general emotional
tone is of a [civilization] under [stress]. These sets have details suggesting that
26 Lots of geographic references to Louisiana, USA, and Sweden and Finland.

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[unknown problems] will be affecting the [break-away civilization] as its [personnel]
will be [fading/weakened] by [unknown causes]. This [bleeding (of vital energies)] will
be quite noticeable to the [break-away civilization] {ed note: apparently the kind of
thing that they thought might happen}, but its cause will not be [easily addressed]. It is
this last area of growth in the sub set for the [break-away civilization under the ocean]
that is indicated to [prompt] a [more open exchange] between them and us, presumably.
The [opening] for this [exchange] is described as being a [crash] that will [kill several],
both within the [crashing vehicle], and some [locals]. The [crash victims] who [survive]
will be [healed (of their malaise)] by [soup and bread] from a [local (female) cook]. The
data accretion patterns point to the [clan] that [rescuers (cook's clan)] of the [crash
victims] as getting a whole lot of shit from [officialdom, the-powers-that-be, the break-
away civilization] and some [unknown (presumably inter-dimensional) critters]. This
area is very high growth in late 2013. Hmmm... my bet it is a dispensary state and the
natural balance of omega acids in hemp soup is the curative.....

Without regard to the [languishing health] of individuals within the [break-away

civilization], the data sets are quite clear that these fellows are just a [hopped up version]
of [the-powers-that-be]. It is in their [control freak] nature that the [break-away
civilization] comes to [irritate the locals]. The supporting aspect/attribute sets for the
[break-away civilization] include [resistance], and [upset], and [losses] that are all cross
linked back over to the [(remnants) of the population]. These patterns, and the longer
term sets that are accompanying the aspects are pointing toward a multiple generational
[conflict] that resembles nothing (in the data) so much as a prototypical [earthers versus
spacers] power struggle. In the projections in the emotional sums of the data sets, the
[earthers] will 'win'. Probably because you can't grow pie fruits in space....

Overall the data sets within the SpaceGoatFarts entity are painting a picture of very great
[complexity] that will be [emerging] over these next few years. This [complexity] of
[vision] will be required to wrap your head around the [manifesting 'universe' view] that
is described by the data sets. This view includes [torn matterium], [open dimensions],
[drifting bodies], [self-manifesting organisms/beings (this is really strange stuff here)],

Other 'really strange stuff' within the data sets, which may or may not be related to the
[the walkers] sets, but is within the [unknown energies from space], and the [mutations]

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sub sets, includes lexical structures that describe a [condition] or [alteration] of [existing
life]. This is apparently not like a [mutation], which affects the next generation, but is
being described as [changing], both the [bodies], and the [perception] of [life (existent)].
This sets would seem to suggest that [animals], [plants], [people], and [strange beings
we can't perceive due to limited senses] will be [altered] by [extra planetary energies].
The [changes] that these [energies from beyond earth] cause are shown to be a real
challenge for all concerned. In many of the detail sets there are indicators that the
[dna/body] will be [receiving the energies], and [experiencing the change], but that the
[mind (of that body)] will [not be prepared]. In the case of [humans], this will cause all
kinds of [strange problems]. Many of the [afflicted] will be [ego based individuals], and
will [think/perceive (the change)] as a [result (of) specialness/deservedness]. This will
cause [ego run amok] behavior. Hmmmm...worse than politicians....a big problem here.
The data sets are centering the problems with the [unknown energies from space] in the
[industrialized world]. Seemingly more [primitive] areas of [civilization] will provide
some form of support for the [afflicted]. These [problems] of [increased awareness] have
a rich set of descriptors including ['visible' chakra emanations], and ['energy' whips
(from the finger tips)], and [energy 'leaking' (from the) whorled (parts of body)27]. In
some cases, [light shows] are described as [radiating (out from) humans (animals)].
There are many sets pointing to an [enlightenment wave] that will be [visible] within the
[animal world]. In some more [unbelievable] instances, the [reports] will be of [animals]
who are able to [express (their former) human identities]. These and other, similar
reports of [intelligent communications] with [animals] is described as [producing] a
[movement] toward [vegan/vegetarianism] that will be so [strong] as to [elicit ridicule]
and [resistance] from [TPTB (the-powers-that-be)], and their [minions/officialdom].

Also showing in the data sets as being an issue for [humans, animals, and plants] is the
[effects (on local space and time)] of the [expansion of the planet]. These sets are
presenting a description that includes [humans] and [animals] who will [die] as
[gravitation waves] ripple around the [earth]. These [gravitation waves] are described a
being [strong] and [disruptive] such that [weakened vessels (arteries/veins)] will
[rupture] and [millions (will) die] from [heart attacks] and [strokes]. While many
[animals] such as [deer/elk] and [dogs/cats] are normally not particularly [vulnerable] to
[stroke], they will be [failing/falling/dying] as the [gravity waves] are described as
[distending to rupture] the [not adequate (blood system)]. This is indicated to be a
significant problem for particular species of [animals] including [giraffes], [elephants],
27 Back of skull, finger tips, toes, elbows, knees, all those areas of body expressing 'spiral' ness. Our 'tubular' body.

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[rhino], [buffalo]. Lesser problems of the same types will impact [whales], [water
buffalo], [hippo], and [large skates (stingrays)]. The [sting-rays/skates] are distinct
enough that they will have a higher visibility within the msm as we go into 2013, and the
data sets are indicating stories about [dead skates] coming to the [surface].

Within the [alien wars] sub sets are large and well supported sets for [oceans] that have
details about [visible] stories of [inter-dimensional] or [space aliens] and [oceans]. The
flavor of this area of the data is that [humans], at a [planetary] level will be developing a
consensus view of [terra/earth], as being [split]. This [split] set does not go to the
[cracking plates], but rather to [spheres of use/influence] in which the [sub oceans] will
be [soon thought of] in a similar fashion to the [moon], which is to say, [been there,
warned off]. In these sets, the [warning] comes not from the [space aliens] themselves,
but rather from [officialdom]. It will be related to the now failed LOST {ed note: law of
sea treaty of tptb} effort, which was, apparently, a cover for the on-going [battles/war
(for) control (of) earth's oceans]. The newly gained supporting sets for this [warning]
about [sea creatures] from TPTB and officialdom/minions contain specific geographic
references that indicate a [concern] by TPTB about their [safety]. Note, 'their safety', not
yours. TPTB are worried that the [sea/space critters] have a [specific agenda] that will
some how [interfere with], and [disrupt] the [flight to safety] of TPTB.

What about time travelers, or space aliens, or inter-dimensional

angelic beings going to come save us all?

Nope. Aint' gonna happen. We're on our own. Get off your ass. Get it done now while
you have time. Do for others. Universe rewards such behavior.

Conclusion: Next Cycle thinking...

“Novus ordo seclorum” , that phrase that is on the back of the Federal Reserve Note
1/one dollar denomination does not mean 'new world order'. From the latin it translates
as 'new order (of the) ages'. This is a giant hint to all of us from TPTB over all these
years placed in plain sight, but trivialized. Yet here it is, those of us alive now are within
the transition period into the 'new order of the ages'.

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Within mere weeks, we will shift into the end of this Long Count, and into the beginning
of the next age. While the astrologers will tell you that we are already into the 'age of
Aquarius', and thus the Long Count ending is 'mistaken', there is evidence that the ages
referred to by the Maya, and by the secret societies/ancient mystery schools that are
expressing through your 'dollar bill', are NOT the signs of the zodiac. While there are
temporal alignments with zodiac signs, the 'ages', as divisions in time and space, are
much more 'real', than the abstractions of the zodiac.

There is evidence that the ages, so dear to the hearts of long dead Egyptians of the
mysterium, and their modern day descendents of the secret societies (that rule our world
by crime, intimidation, threat, murder, and mayhem), are in fact, distinctly separated
areas of time and space. That which separates these areas can be thought of (by our
limited minds) as different types of energy. The different types of energy are
encountered by our solar system as it trails our sun in its spiral journey through these
differing regions of time/space.

Somewhere in our ancient past, some really smart bastards (humans or not), made note
of the effects of these different regions of space/time on our solar system and its critters,
and thus began ALL of our 'ages' or 'yuga' associated thought. This thought of cycles of
time/space and our passing through them repeatedly due to the spiraling nature of
movement of our sun and solar system28 has come down to us distorted, retold,
rediscovered, distorted again, lost, rediscovered, modified, and then distorted all over
again. None of that will matter much past December 3, 2012 (due to planetary
alignments) as we will once again, discover the cycle by living through it while still
maintaining a quasi memory of the previous cycle peak in our warped social memory.

Have we, are we, experiencing a quirk in the flow of time? If so, it could be evidenced
by our discovery of Gobekli Tepe (ancient storehouse of statuary telling the story of
genetic creation of nearly all life on earth by the Nummo), when, in our vast ignorance,
it is just in time for it to be destroyed by the next solar expulsion. The irony, of course,
is that the creators of this amazing site went to huge levels of trouble to bury it to protect
28 And all other things...please note, spirals are THE model in universe. It has to do with how the energy pulses intersect
each other. Like the spiro-graph toy of the past century.

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it from some previous end of ages (13,000 + years past). Then along come us humans in
this now cycle peak, open it up, and wham, solar expulsion takes out one of the most
unique teaching aids we humans have ever discovered from a previous civilization
(which may not have been human).

In some, admittedly more oblique, references to ancient times within the Jain
cosmology, there are stories of a period 200,000 years ago, when 'humans of color', and
by that they mean blue and green skin, went about, in an orderly fashion, attempting to
preserve knowledge through a shift of ages such as we now experience. It was beings
such as these, in thought, if not skin color, who built and buried Gobekli Tepe.

Beings of thought, and grasp.

We are not such creatures. At least at the species level.

This lack of real far sight collectively is understandable given our individually short
lives, and the machinations of the-powers-that-be, and their collaborators in evil, the
minions to obscure our social memory, and to define society in their twisted image.
Further, it is also very difficult to exercise next cycle thinking. This is due to the
bifurcation of the emotional paths within the concept of the 'end of age', or 'transition to
a new age'. The first, most obvious reaction is ego based, going to personal survival and
that of family, and friends. Only then can contemplation move over toward that of the
continuation of some form of social order. Of course, a contributing problem here is that
the sheer span of the transition into the new age will be greater than a single generation,
thus the problems of memory and knowledge sharing multiply. Which is, at its core, why
we are where we are socially, today.

If the actual history is lost, it is easy to sell self aggrandizing bullshit to the next, and
most ignorant, generation. Again, the basic operating philosophy of all the faith based
religions which are really slightly differently flavored, mind control, thought boxes.
Distort the past by such means as the 'pious forgeries' that provided (and are still
providing) the faked, historical basis for the old and new books of the judaic/christian
mind control sects, and lie your ass off about bizarre, mind twisting, complications upon

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abstractions to the point that a professional class of lie interpreters (aka priests/popes)
will be required to 'guide' the congregation of the willfully ignorant to the slaughter.
Note that we are now there, that is, the slaughter time. In all of the previous age
transitions, the existing power structures, and all twisted mind control organizations and
religions perished. None survived their transitional period intact. None.

Those new power structures that arose around the planet after each previous transition of
ages always, without exception, have arisen from the descendents of the remnants of the
previous age. The societies and structures that they create are also always new, even if
they are purposeful echoes of past structures. We do know that not all transition periods
are equally destructive, and that in some previous, ancient cycles, much more of a
remnant of the social order, and their works survived. As we came into the current, and
now departing age, humanity barely made the transition. It is estimated that barely
2000 /two thousand breeding pairs of humans made it through the transition 12,000 +
years ago, and they are the ancestors of all of today’s vast population on this planet. That
was a rough one.

It is not possible to know just how challenging this transition will be, but there are some
hints from patterns of previous cycles that we have a slightly better go of it this time
through. Further, in humanity's favor, our vast numbers are likely to provide some surety
of continuation of our species, albeit most likely in some changed form29.

The more challenging earth that will actually grow beneath the feat of those making the
transition over these next few decades will draw out from their dna new forms in
response. These new forms will be seen in their children, who seem foreign, even
slightly alien, but likely will be loved in a very unique way just because of the severe
challenges to each and all life on the planet.

Noting that life is expressing itself in a universe of duality, and that contention is a part
of duality reconciling itself to itself, the on-going battles with the-powers-that-be will
likely continue through some period of the transition. They are signaling this with all
their actions to preserve their point of view and power, at the expense of everyone else.

29 Probably smaller, denser, able to cope with higher gravity, and more radiation in environment.

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Indeed, in the vehicle that the-powers-that-be use to communicate with the masses,
Hollywood productions, the actor proxies for the-powers-that-be in the film named after
this year, 2012, are actually arguing their moral claim to do just that, impose ignorance
about the dangers of the transition of ages, in order to have more of a chance to preserve
themselves, the currently rich and powerful into the next age.

The film, 2012, is all about the-powers-that-be having the ability to think, at least
partially, in a next cycle manner. “Novus ordo seclorum” , that phrase that is on the back
of the Federal Reserve Note, tells you just how long they have been planning their
transition into what they think will be their new age, and also, just how long we all have
been financing their venture into the future at our expense.

Now is the time for all humans to learn next cycle thinking...what is required to carry
your life, and knowledge base through to the new age?

We know from past shifts that technology bites the big one. So it likely will not be of
much help.

We know from previous shifts that it is not about 'sustainable' infrastructure, as nothing
human made will be able to sustain itself within the context of a planet expanding into
transition, within a solar system also expanding into transition. So the whole agenda 21
new quasi religion of sustainability will also not carry us forward.

“Novus ordo seclorum” , that phrase that is on the back of the Federal Reserve Note, is
the-powers-that-be telling us all that we are here to carry them into their future on our

“Novus ordo seclorum” tells us that the-powers-that-be are thinking next cycle. Are


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volume 1, issue 1
Sept 30, 2012
This is the last Shape of Things to Come report. Cathy, Igor, and all us fur-faces (me and
the dogs) here at hph thank you for your continued support. We have other projects
planned for the next year, and expect to be able to keep everyone informed about
progress for at least a few more months. Our attentions are now turning to our next cycle
thinking. It is time.

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volume 1, issue 1
Sept 30, 2012

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