Ensayo Sobre Leyes de Los Sistemas

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2022 II
Systems Laws
(dynamic of systems)

In the evolutionary process of the study of system dynamics, characteristic behaviors of

moving systems have been discovered, especially when they are studied by applying Chaos
Theory. We call these characteristic behaviors “laws of system dynamics”. That is, laws that
predict the behavior of moving systems, not exactly but probably.

Traditionally, laws were associated with determinism and the irreversibility of time. In
nonlinear systems, the laws become fundamentally probabilistic, they express what is
possible and not what is true.

1. Law of fragmentation
If we divide a system into its component parts, it loses dynamics.

Example: “An orchestra in which each of the musicians rehearses separately, even
under the command of the best conductor, will never sound as good when reunited as
one that has been playing together for a long time, where musicals get to know and
understand each other without speaking. ”.

2. Law of pressures
The more pressure is put on a system, the more pressure is in reverse. We are more
used to pushing to get something, than to waiting the necessary time to get the natural
response. And the more effort is made, the more effort is needed to reach the same

Example: “When in a negotiation one of the parties becomes excessively firm on a

point, and is not willing to give up even an iota of its position, it can lead the other
party to take the same position, out of pride, out of competitiveness, or by need to
show their share of power. Thus, a situation that could have been resolved through
cooperation is brought to a standstill. A measure of employee strength of a company
that takes a long time to complete is a difficult type of situation to resolve. Those who
are taking the measure of force feel that they cannot abandon their position or go back
until they get results.”

3. Law of apparent improvements

When we put pressure on a system, it improves and then gets worse. A symptomatic
solution, typical form of pressure, will give apparent results, but will make the
underlying problem worse.

Example: “Generating public jobs to reduce unemployment in a municipality (or

province, state, or country) in principle improves the situation. In the medium term, if
this political decision is not accompanied by substantive measures, the municipality

generates such a deficit that it cannot continue paying salaries, nor ensuring basic
services for the population”.

4. Law of delays
There is a time (t) between the decision and the result. This time (t) is the delay that
occurs until the expected result is achieved. If we do not know how to understand and
wait for this delay to occur, we take the wrong measures, due to excessive pressure on
the system.

Example: “A company conducts a satisfaction survey among its customers, and finds
that, among other factors, the biggest complaints are due to the poor telephone service
it receives in the customer service department. Then hire a customer service
consulting company to train the operators, and design a system that reduces response
times. One month after implementation, a new survey is made. To his surprise, the
results are still poor. What does he do then? Put pressure on the consultant for better
results, or change the consultant, or change the operators. However, a more careful
analysis of the situation would show that:
a) Improvements take time to implement, especially when they involve changes
in attitude.
b) The client requires some time to notice these changes, and not think that it is
something casual, and that once they treated him well, but that from now on
the attention has improved.

5. Law of delays
A positive cycle will be followed by a negative cycle (reactivation - recession) then
another positive one, and so on. The greater the slope of the ascending curve, the
greater the slope of the descending curve and vice versa.

Example: "Seasonal products, stocks, economic cycles, fashions."

6. Law of the limit to growth

Every system has at least one limit to growth. Nothing grows forever. The infinite
growth produced by a single reinforcing process can exist only in the field of theory.
In the real world, growth always stops, sooner or later. The faster the growth, the
sooner the limit arises.

Example: "If we seek to increase the demand for a product by increasing investment
in advertising, pressure is generated that will increase the slope of the curve, thus
reaching the limit to growth more quickly."

7. Lever law
If we eliminate the most important or most powerful limit, the system will gain more
than proportional dynamism.

Example: “There may be several reasons why a product does not sell, but just as a fire
is not attacked by spraying water indiscriminately throughout the fire, the appropriate
solutions go through some main points, which depend on each occasion in particular.
(Bad quality, poor service, delivery delays)”.

Feedback processes

Elementary graphical tool for system dynamics. These diagrams help us understand the
evolution of an event in a circular way, as opposed to traditional linear thinking. Within the
feedback processes, we can identify two generic types of processes; reinforcing processes and
compensating processes.
I. Reinforcement processes: It implies a growing force, either positive or negative, that
is, each movement generates more movement.

II. Compensatory processes: Forces that try to bring the system to equilibrium, in the
manner of a thermostat that regulates changes in temperature.

III. Procesos combinados: Ley del límite al crecimiento, nada crece para siempre, y los
procesos reforzadores aislados no existen. El límite al crecimiento está representado
por un proceso compensador aplicado sobre un proceso reforzador.


Aracil, J., & Gordillo, F. (1998). Dinámica de sistemas. Alianza.

Las tres Grandes Leyes que rigen todos los Sistemas. (s/f). Asescoaching.org.

Recuperado el 13 de septiembre de 2022, de



v. (2013, septiembre 3). Leyes básicas de sistemas. Optiplex.


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