Muscle Cramps

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Muscle Cramps
Reliable and validated outcome measures and new treatments are needed.
By Hans D. Katzberg, MD, MSc, FRCPC and Hamid Sadeghian, MD, FRCPC

What Is a Muscle Cramp? limb syndromes) and peripheral processes, including tetany,
A muscle cramp is a hyperexcit- myokymia, myotonia, neuromyotonia (focal muscle stiff-
able neurologic phenomena of ness), or myalgia.6
excessive, involuntary muscle The origin and propagation of neurogenic muscle cramps
contractions.1,2 It is important localizes to peripheral and central targets (Figure 1), including
to distinguish between myogen- the neuromuscular junction, where mechanical disruption
ic and neurogenic muscle cramps, because each has unique and electrolyte disturbances can influence hyperexcitability
pathophysiology and management.3 The conventional defi- and cramp generation. Injury to peripheral nerve components
nition of a muscle cramp is a painful contraction of a muscle including the motor neuron cell bodies or the motor axons
or muscle group, relieved by contraction of antagonist can result in ephaptic transmission and development of mus-
muscles.4 Colloquially, muscle cramps are known by a num- cle cramps. Dysfunctional intramuscular small fiber sensory
ber of different terms depending on the country, including afferents (eg, mechanoreceptors and spindles) are also pro-
charley horse in the US, chopper in England, and corky in posed to be involved in cramp generation.7-10 Centrally, persis-
Australia.5 Care must be taken to avoid confusing muscle tent inward currents mediated by GABAergic transmitters at
cramps with other phenomena including central hyperexcit- the spinal level can amplify incoming sensory input and lead
ability (eg, dystonia, spasticity, seizures, and stiff person/stiff to the propagation and amplification of cramp potentials.11

Figure 1: Pathophysiology Underlying Neurogenic Muscle Cramps.



Disruption of chloride, sodium, and potassium channels and ment and morphologic features.16 Needle EMG can identify
inadequate amino acids concentrations (eg, taurine) disrupt electric activity that often accompanies muscle cramps
membrane currents to generate muscle cramps.12,13 (eg, fasciculations) or distinguish between other peripheral
The pathophysiology of myogenic muscle cramps, in con- hyperexcitable phenomena (eg, myokymia, myotonia, or
trast, is usually the result of disrupted energy production neuromyotonia). Low-frequency (1-5 Hz) repetitive nerve
in muscle cells and occurs most commonly in metabolic stimulation can, on occasion, generate varying levels of post-
myopathies associated with disorders of glycogen, lipid, or cramp discharges and clinical or subclinical cramp potentials
mitochondrial metabolism.14 Metabolic myopathies cause (Figure 2).17 Higher frequency stimulation paradigms in the
deficient ATP levels.14 Because muscle relaxation is an ade- foot using the tibial nerve and intrinsic tibial innervated foot
nosine triphosphate (ATP)-dependent active process, actin muscles have been developed to induce and study muscle
and myosin chains do not disengage, causing an electrically cramps; however, this is usually used in research rather
silent cramp (ie, contracture). The metabolic defect may than clinical practice.18 Cramp frequency is often used to
also cause accumulation of potentially toxic metabolites quantify severity because individuals affected by cramps can
that further aggravate ATP deficientcy. Myopathic cramps usually count distinct episodes and distinguish these from
are also a potential symptom of myopathies linked to postcramp soreness. Cramp intensity and location can also
muscle membrane or intramuscular structural dysfunction be considered to quantify severity. A patient-based reliable
in acquired and hereditary myopathies (eg, muscular dystro- scale to further assess muscle cramps is an unmet need.
phy, congenital myopathies, and inflammatory myopathy).15
Causes of Muscle Cramps and Investigations
Assessment of Muscle Cramps Table 1 outlines physiologic and pathologic processes
Most often, a muscle cramp is confirmed with clinical that can lead to muscle cramps, which are nearly ubiquitous
history. Although cramps are not usually induced during throughout the lifespan, occurring rarely before age 8, more
motor examination or electrophysiologic tests, muscle commonly in certain physiologic states (eg, pregnancy), and
cramps can rarely be seen incidentally during these assess- frequently in people more than age 65.19,20 When no underly-
ments. If a cramp occurs in a muscle during needle EMG, ing cause is found, the term idiopathic muscle cramps is used.
the electrically silent nature of myogenic cramps or the When idiopathic cramps occur in patients more than age
characteristic high frequency (≤150 Hz) of involuntary 65—primarily nocturnally in the calves—the term nocturnal
cramp potentials in neurogenic muscle cramps may be seen leg cramps of the elderly (NLCE) has been used.21 Physiologic
along with classic EMG neurogenic or myopathic recruit- stressors are a common precipitant to muscle cramps. The



Figure 2: Cramp-Potentials and After-Discharges in Response to Slow Repetitive Nerve Stimulation. Panels A-C indicate increasing
levels of after-cramp discharges, and panel D indicates a continuous cramp potential in response to 1 Hz repetitive nerve stimulation
stimulating the tibial nerve and recording from the abductor hallicus.



TABLE 1. COMMON CAUSES OF MUSCLE CRAMPS spasms.27 Muscle cramps are common in the setting of diabe-
Physiologic Dehydration tes through a variety of mechanisms, the most important of
which are neuropathy and nephropathy.28 Medications can
also cause cramps, including thiazide diuretics statins, beta-
Idiopathic agonists, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (often used for treat-
Nocturnal leg cramps of the elderly ment of myasthenia gravis), cimetidine, steroids, morphine,
Pregnancy penicillamine, some immunosuppressants, cardiotropics, anti-
retrovirals, and psychotropic medications.29
Metabolic Cirrhosis Neurologic conditions in which peripheral nerve is affect-
Hypothyroidism ed are particularly prone to muscle cramps as a positive
Malnutrition (vitamin B, D, Mg2+ deficiencies) motor symptom. This includes motor neuron diseases, such
as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), where muscles cramps
are an early and common symptom that may eventually
Medications Beta-agonists fade as denervation becomes advanced.30 Radiculopathies
Diuretics can not only produce significant weakness, numbness, dys-
Statins esthesia and radicular pain, but can also cause unilateral or
bilateral proximal or distal muscle cramps in the affected
Neuromuscular Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis myotome.31 Axonal neuropathies including hereditary
disorders Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease neuropathies (eg, Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease [CMT]),
Cramp-fasciculation syndrome acquired neuropathies, and idiopathic neuropathies can
be associated with muscle cramps.32 Although traditionally
Acquired neuropathy
muscle cramps have been considered most common in neu-
Radiculopathy ropathies with a high burden of motor or large fiber involve-
Isaac’s syndrome (neuromyotonia) ment, muscle cramps have also been observed with similar
frequency in people with predominantly sensory or small
Metabolic myopathies (McArdle’s)
fiber neuropathies.33,34 Acquired demyelinating neuropathies
Other Parkinson’s disease (eg, acute and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneu-
neurologic Dystonia ropathies [AIDP and CIDP]) are also associated with muscle
conditions cramps. A high proportion of individuals with nonneuro-
Multiple sclerosis
muscular neurologic conditions (eg, stroke, multiple scle-
Stroke rosis, and movement disorders) experience muscle cramps.
Although the mechanism for this association is unclear, it
most common is dehydration, in which electrolyte loss dis- could result from a combination of spinal or cortical dys-
rupts neuromuscular junction function and membrane stabil- function, deconditioning, increased age, or medications.
ity. Other physiologic stressors include unusually prolonged Myopathic cramps are common in metabolic myopathies
or strenuous exercise, particularly in a deconditioned state in (eg, McArdle’s disease, phosphorylase kinase b deficiency,
which muscle tendon shortening is common.22 phosphofructokinase deficiency, phosphoglycerate kinase
Pathologic states that disrupt the homeostatic environ- deficiency, carnitine deficiency, or carnitine palmitoyl trans-
ment or structural integrity of the neuromuscular axis or ferase 2 (CPT 2) deficiency).35 Myopathic cramps are almost
spinal connections also lead to muscle cramps. People with always exertional, presenting with exercise intolerance,
medical conditions in which fluid shifts occur (eg, cirrhosis or myoglobinuria, and exertional cramps. The most common
renal failure) are especially vulnerable to muscle cramps.23,24 disorder of carbohydrate metabolism is McArdle’s disease
For individuals being treated with hemodialysis, muscle (Type V glycogenosis),35 which presents with exercise-
cramps as part of dialysis disequilibrium syndrome are com- induced myalgias and muscle cramps, pain that intensifies
mon, because changes in dialysate, flow rates, and dialysis with exercise, and electrically silent contracture. The most
parameters can cause fluid shifts.25 In people with cirrhosis, common disorders of lipid metabolism are carnitine defi-
prevention with albumin infusion is a long-known strategy to ciency and CPT 2 deficiency, in which symptoms manifest
mitigate this symptom. For individuals who are dehydrated with prolonged exercise (usually after 45 minutes).
or malnourished, muscle cramps may arise from electrolyte
loss or vitamin B or D deficiency.26 People with endocrine dis- Investigations of Muscle Cramps
orders (eg, parathyroid abnormalities) that affect electrolyte Investigation can be directed when muscle cramps are
levels (eg, Ca2+ or PO4+) may also have muscle cramps and particularly bothersome, severe, or frequent. A practical



approach is to consider first whether cramps are neuro- Treatment of Muscle Cramps
genic or myogenic. Nerve conduction studies and needle General Principles and Nonprescription Treatments
EMG can be helpful in differentiating neurogenic from Infrequent cramps that do not interfere in someone’s life
myogenic cramps. Serum creatine kinase (CK) levels may rarely need investigation or treatment. There is no evidence
also be helpful as CK is often elevated over,1000 IU per L that recurrent muscle cramps lead to significant long-lasting
in myopathy; however, it should be noted that CK can also damage to muscles, and serious harm from muscle cramps
be elevated, particularly mildly elevated, in neurogenic pro- (eg, tendon ruptures) is rare. If treatment is needed, the avoid-
cesses and situations in which cramps are common (see also ance of the offending agent or appropriate electrolyte and
HyperCKemia in this issue). Evaluation should be directed vitamin replacement to treat the root cause are warranted.
toward potential etiology. Spinal MRI should be ordered There is level B evidence that vitamin B-complex supplemen-
if cervical or lumbosacral radiculopathy is suspected. tation can reduce cramp frequency in people who experi-
Reccomended laboratory tests include a complete blood ence at least 6 cramps per week.37 Care must be taken with a
count (CBC), creatinine and urea, liver enzymes, albumin, multitude of homeopathic medications marketed or used for
extended electrolytes, serum B-vitamin levels including B12 muscle cramps, especially if exact constituents or proportions
and B6 levels, 2-hour glucose tolerance test, hemoglobin in the remedy are unknown. This also includes cannabinoids,
A1C, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), and serum pro- where the limited high-quality evidence available to date has
tein electrophoresis. If appropriate, for advanced work-up not shown a clear treatment effect.38
of neuropathy additional tests include serum immunoelec- In individuals with prominent dehydration (eg, athletes,
trophoresis, antinuclear antibody (ANA), rheumatoid factor malnourished individuals, or members of vulnerable popu-
(RF), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive pro- lations), care must be taken to ensure adequate electro-
tein (CRP), Sjögren’s-syndrome-related antigen A (anti-SSA) lyte-rich solutions, particularly high-salt formulations. In
and B (anti-SSB), and antinuclear cytoplasmic antibodies pregnant women, there is ample evidence that magnesium
(ANCA). If immune motor neuropathy is suspected, anti- replacement is helpful in managing muscle cramps.39 There
ganglioside (GM1) antibody testing should be done. Serum is limited evidence for magnesium outside the setting of
anti-voltage gated potassium channel levels can be helpful pregnancy or magnesium deficiency; however, it may be
when cramp-fasciculation syndrome or Isaac’s syndrome are reasonable to do a limited trial of oral magnesium or lower
suspected.36 Repetitive peripheral nerve stimulation on con- extremity magnesium baths (Epsom salts) as some people
duction nerve studies may show “after-discharges” in cramp- can experience benefit. People with dialysis disequilibrium
fasciculation syndrome and Isaac’s syndrome. syndrome during hemodialysis usually have improvement in
For myogenic cramps, investigations should be tailored to muscle cramps when dialysates and dialysis rates are adjust-
diagnose underlying metabolic myopathies. Forearm ischemic ed to prevent fluid shifts.40 Similarly, when fluid shifts and
exercise testing can be used to diagnose disorders of glycolysis. third-spacing is mitigated in persons with liver cirrhosis with
The normal result is elevated lactate and ammonia (3-4 times albumin infusions or branched chain amino acids, muscle
baseline) levels. In McArdle’s disease and other glycolysis- cramps can be avoided.41 Regular daily stretching exercise
pathway enzyme deficiencies, ammonia rises, but lactate levels and low-impact aerobic exercise have been shown to be
do not. In contrast, in myoadenylate deaminase deficiency, helpful in preventing nocturnal muscle cramps.42
lactate levels rise, but ammonia levels do not. When neither
ammonia nor lactate levels increase, the test is inconclusive Prescription Medications
and indicates muscles were not adequately exercised. In If cramps remain frequent, severe, and disabling, pharma-
myopathies due to lipid metabolism disorders, forearm isch- cologic prescription level intervention should be considered
emic exercise testing results are normal. (Table 2). Given a current lack of a validated and compre-
If the forearm ischemic test result is abnormal (in line with hensive cramp scale, the prescribing clinician and patient are
glycolysis pathway enzymatic deficiencies), then genetic testing encouraged to choose a clear goal in mind when consider-
for McArdle’s disease is in order as the latter is the most com- ing treatment (eg, cramp frequency or intensity reduction)
mon glycolytic pathway enzyme deficiency. If the genetic test until more comprehensive and validated outcome measures
for McArdle’s disease is negative, consider muscle biopsy with become available. Quinine sulphate is the most studied
metabolic analysis. If lipid metabolism disorder is suspected, medication for treatment of muscle cramps. Although there
order genetic testing for CPT2 deficiency, and if negative, again is level 1 evidence that quinine may be effective for treat-
consider muscle biopsy with metabolic assay. ing muscle cramps, there are concerns about hematologic
If cramps are found to be an isolated finding not associ- and cardiac adverse effects, including thrombocytopenia
ated with any identifiable neurogenic, myogenic, or metabolic and QT prolongation in addition to visual disturbances and
source, they can be labelled as idiopathic and treated as such. cinchonism.43-46 Because of those concerns, there is a Food




Medication Dose Adverse Events
Quinine sulfatea 300 mg at bedtime Cinchonism, thrombocytopenia, TTP, palpitations, nausea, blurry vision, bitter taste
Mexiletineb Up to 300 mg 3x/day Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, tremor, palpitation, arrhythmia
Diltiazem 30 mg/day Edema, headache, nausea, dizziness, rash, asthenia, arrhythmia
Levetiracetamb Up to 1500 mg 2x/day Fatigue, headache, insomnia, arthralgia, edema
Carbemazepine Up to 1,600 mg/day Confusion, dizziness, nausea, rash, SIADH, hyponatremia
Phenytoin 300 mg od Confusion, dizziness, nausea, rash
Baclofen Up to 50 mg daily Confusion, dizziness, nausea, flaccid weakness, ataxia, withdrawal
Abbreviations: SIADH syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion; TTP thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura.
a Federal Drug Administration warning against use for treatment of muscle cramps, b Studied in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,
c Studied in cramp-fasciculation syndrome, d No high-quality evidence supporting use in muscle cramps

and Drug Administration (FDA)-advisory against use of Conclusion

quinine for routine treatment of muscle cramps. Quinine, Cramps are an under-recognized treatable painful symptom
however, is still prescribed with special precautions in some that affects a large number of people across normal physiolog-
parts of the world.29,47 An alternatative, mexiletine, with a ic and neuromuscular, neurologic, and medical disease states.
similar mechanism has been studied in persons with ALS. In Clinical judgement should be used to fully evaluate possible
2 independent studies in this population, safety and efficacy treatable causes. A rational treatment plan includes pharmaco-
for reducing severity and frequency of muscle cramps was logic and nonpharmacologic options. Additional research into
seen, which offers an alternative for those with ALS or other a reliable and validated outcome measure and new treatments
neuromuscular conditions with prominent muscle cramps. for muscle cramps are areas of unmet need.  n
Mexiletine is also proven effective for treating nondystrophic
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Hans D. Katzberg, MD, MSc, FRCPC

University Health Network
Division of Neurology
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Hamid Sadeghian MD, FRCPC

University Health Network
Division of Neurology
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

HDK and HS report no disclosures.


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