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Below are the Steps of 

Enterprise Structure Settings and configuration 

1. Define Company
2. Define Company Code
3. Assign Company Code to Company
4. Define Business Area
5. Define Functional Area
6. Define Credit Control Area
7. Assign Company Code to Credit Control Area
Step 1.1:- Define Company 6 characters
SAP Menu Path: - SPRO –> IMG –> Enterprise Structure –> Definition –> Financial
Accounting –> Define Company
Transaction Code: - OX15

New entries
Company: 3366lg
Company name: LG group of companies
City: Washington
Country: US
Language: English
Currency: USD
Save or Control S
Create request
Short description: FI configuration for LG group of companies
Click on save & enter

 Step 1.2:-  Define Company Code 4 characters

 SAP Menu Path :- SPRO –> IMG –> Enterprise Structure –> Definition –> Financial
Accounting –> Edit, Copy, Delete, Check Company Code

Double click on Edit Company code data OX02

Click new entries
Company code= 3366
Company name= lg electronics inc
City: New York
Country: US
Currency: USD
Language: Eng.
Another screen
Title = company
Country: US
Enter then enter on request message
TCS India Company code
TCS USA Company code
Country boundary cross then also gives new company code.
TATA Company
TATA Steel company code
TATA IT company code
TATA Chemicals company code
Company currency and company code currency can be different. Company in US
company code in India. US home country of country code and system considers foreign
country. Home currency –foreign currency.

Step1.3:- Assign Company Code to Company

Sap Menu Path :- SPRO –> IMG –> Enterprise Structure –> Assignment –> Financial
Accounting –> Assign Company Code to Company
Transaction Code:- OX16

Click on position
Company code = 3366 click on enter
Company = 3366lg click save & enter
 Step 1.4:- Define Business Area Transaction Code: - OX03

 SAP Menu Path :- SPRO –> IMG –> Enterprise Structure –> Definition –> Financial
Accounting –> Define Business Area–>New entries–>
Business Area : 3366 336a : new york
Description: Washington 336b: California
Save & enter

 Branches of business are mostly geographically area.

It’s for internal analysis of profit & loss for management or internal reporting not legally
 Based on Business Area created geographically area of activity is 100 crore
California 30 crore
Washington 20 crores
New York -20 crore

 Line of activity:
1. Textile
2. Paper mill
3. Chemicals
For each line of activities & each geographical area financial statements are required to
find the profit.
Each line 0f activity is created as profit centers.
When we create profit centers we get P&L and Balance sheet.
 Business areas can’t be assigned to company code.
For example TATA Company has two company codes TATA steel & TATA
Consultancy in Hyderabad. If Hyderabad is assigned to Tata steel company
code then it can’t be assigned to Tata consultancy company code as other
company code transactions can’t be posted.
Even there is no screen available to assign BA to CC.
While posting every business transaction, the user has to enter BA and CC.
Step 2: Fiscal year variant

2.1 Define Fiscal year variant

Fiscal year variant contains the number of posting periods in a fiscal year and the
number of special periods. You can define up to 16 posting periods in a fiscal year in
the controlling component CO. You need to specify the fiscal year variant for each
company code.

Fiscal Year is usually a period of twelve months for which, an organization regularly
generates reports. The fiscal year may correspond exactly to the calendar year, but this
is not mandatory.

A fiscal year is divided into periods; each period is defined by number of days in a
month. You must first define the periods which in turn defines a fiscal year/variant for
your organization.

When the fiscal variant is pre-defined there can be different scenarios:

 Fiscal Year of organization is same as Calendar Year

 Organization follows a Non-Calendar Fiscal Year

 Use this table as an example to understand the different fiscal variant codes and
the corresponding periods:

Period V3 V6 K1

(April to (July to June) Same as

March) Calendar Year

Monthly Same as Same as Same as

current month current month current month

Q1 April, May, July, August, January,

June September February,

Q2 July, August, October, April, May,

September November, June

Q3 October, January, July, August,

November, February, September
December March

Q4 January, April, May, October,

February, June November,
March December

H1 April to July to January to

September December June

H2 October to January to July to

March June December
Period V3 V6 K1

(April to (July to June) Same as

March) Calendar Year

Yearly April to March July to June January to

Fiscal Year is also known as accounting year or financial accounting year.
1 month = 1 period
When you post the transactions in SAP R/3 system then the transactions are assigned
and updated to a particular posting period.

2.1 Define Fiscal year variant Transaction Code: OB29

Path: SPRO –> IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Financial Accounting Global Settings –
> Fiscal Year –> Maintain Fiscal year variant.
No actions required just identify which FYV you want for your company code.

Step 1) Enter T Code “OB29” in the SAP command field and enter.
For India:

Step 2) Select position button and update V3 fiscal year variant. Press enter to

Step 3) Select V3 fiscal variant key and double click on periods folder.

Step 4) Now check calendar month, calendar day, period and year shift. You can
use this FYV in SAP or you can create new variant as per your requirements.
How to create new fiscal year variant in SAP
Step 1) Go back to main screen, on change view “Fiscal year variants”: overview
screen click on new entries button to create new fiscal year variant key as per
organizational requirements.

Step 2) On new entries screen, update the following details.

 FV: – Enter the 2 digits alphanumeric key that identifies the fiscal year variant in SAP.
 Description: – Update the descriptive text of FYV – April – March, 4 Spl periods.
 Number of posting periods:- Update 12 as our fiscal contains 12 normal posting
 Number of special periods: – Update 4 as our fiscal year consists 4 special posting
Click on save button to save the configured details.

Now select your request number, press enter to save in your request.

Step 3) Select fiscal variant key T3 and double click on periods folder.

Step 4) On change view periods overview screen, click on new entries button for
maintaining periods details (Calendar month, calendar date, periods, year shift).

Step 5) Now update the following details.

Mon D Peri Ye
th ay od ar

1 31 10 -1

2 28 11 -1

3 31 12 -1

4 30 1 0

5 31 2 0

6 30 3 0

7 31 4 0

8 31 5 0

9 30 6 0

10 31 7 0

11 30 8 0

12 31 9 0
Note: For 4th month i.e. April we have updated period as 1, for 5th month as 2,
so that SAP system take fiscal year as April – March.

Click on save button and save the configured fiscal year details.

Why to deselect year dependent and calendar check box?

 If you select year dependent check box than the SAP system will ask for which
calendar year the conversion is applicable. If you specify 2015, than conversion is
applicable for only that particular year and we need to define conversion for every
year. By deselecting this year-dependent check box the conversion is applicable for all
 If you select calendar check box, than the SAP system takes January as period 1,
February as period 2 and so on. Here our requirement is April should be period 1, May
should be period 2 and so on. So we need to deselect the calendar check box.

Successfully we have created new fiscal year variant in SAP FICO.

In SAP Fiscal year can be defined as year independent and year

 Year Dependent: In this, periods can vary from year to year.
 Year Independent: In this one can make the same number and
dates for periods each year.

All Calendar Year Fiscal Year Variants in SAP are denoted usually as K1, K2,
K3, and K4. All Non-Calendar Year Fiscal Year variants - Fiscal year may or
may not correspond to the calendar year are denoted by V3, V6, and V9.
In SAP K4 is the standard Calendar year variant and V3 is the standard non
Calendar year variant.

Fiscal Year Variant

Fiscal Year Variant in SAP is a fiscal year that can be defined as a time
period used to make the financial statements within an organization.  This
Fiscal Year Variant holds the total 16 numbers of posting periods in which 12
normal posting periods and 4 special periods. For a fiscal year, one can only
define 16 posting periods in every one year within CO (Controlling
Component) by a start date and end date. Special periods are special so
one can use them for year-end activities. T. Code – OB29 is used for the Fiscal
Year Variant.

It’s mandatory to assign one Company code to one FYV

You can define your own FYV

Important: posting in special periods are automatically entered in last day

and last month of normal posting period. That’s why posting period is
mandatory while posting. All posting with selection of posting periods 13, 14,
15 & 16 will automatically updated in last day of the 12th posting period.

In case of v3 India

March 2018….

April 2019, May 2019, June 2019, July 2019 entry in July 2019
with Posting period 16 indicates it’s a special posting for last financial fiscal
year i.e. 2018 but if the same posting with posting period 4 systems will
take it as posting for (4th normal posting period for the fiscal year 2019 to

These 16 posting periods are for purpose of GL accounting BUT in some

cases normal GL posting periods are less than 12 months or more than 12.

Example: its 2017

In India financial statements are made for April to March.

Start of a company 1st January 2017. We have an option to close books of

accounts till 31st march 2017. Prepare financial statements of 3 months. This
facility is given for one time.


April 2017 to 31st March 2018 i.e. (12 months)

April 2018 to 31st March 2019. (12 months)

Different scenario:
Start of business 1st Jan2017. We can prepare the financial statements from
close march 2018. 15 months. This facility is given to companies for one


Sometimes in special scenario 366 posting periods (every day is considered

as one posting period) that’s necessary for Special Purpose ledgers.

Tcode SM12 to unlock user. Delete all lock entries. Then OB37 to assign cc to FYV
Vid 2:18

2.1 Assign Company code to Fiscal year variant Transaction Code: OB37
Click on position-ccode 3366 -enter-FYV K4-click save

3. Chart of Accounts
3.1 Define Chart of Accounts
SAP Path: SPRO -> IMG –> Financial accounting –> General ledger Accounting –> GL
Accounts –> Master Data–> Preparations –> Edit Chart of Accounts list
Transaction Code: OB13
Click on new entries-CoA 3366-

3366 (ccode US) parent CCode 3377(IN) 3388(UK)

ABC CoA country specific ABC CoA ctry sp
K4 V3

3377 needs to maintain K4 financial statements too for parent CoA in US according to
multiple FV fiscal CO. Indian user will be using XYZ CoA while ABC CoA will
be updated automatically. Link CoA country specific to Operational CoA.

3. Charts of Accounts
3.1 Define Edit Charts of Accounts OB13

Company cod.1
a. same FYV
b. Same nature of business
c. Lying in same country

Company code.2
a. same FYV
b. Same nature of business
c. Lying in same factory
A company code can have two CoA i.e. compulsory Operational CoA and Country
specific CoA

Group CoA. All operating CoA data from different Company codes’ operational CoA
consolidates. Financial statements from different Company codes links in one group CoA.
Group CoA. All operating CoA data from different Company codes’ operational CoA
consolidates. Financial statements from different Company codes links in one group CoA.

3.2 Assign company code to Charts of Accounts OB62

3.3 account groups OBD4

Step 4:- Define Retained Earnings Account 
SAP Path : SPRO -> IMG –> Financial accounting –> General ledger Accounting –> GL
Accounts –> Master Data–> Preparations –> Define Retained Earnings Account 
Transaction Code:-OB53
 Step 2 :- Define Functional Area
 SAP Menu Path :– SPRO –> IMG –> Enterprise Structure –> Definition –> Financial
Accounting –> Define Functional Area
 Step 6:- Define Credit Control Area
 SAP Menu Path :- SPRO –> IMG –> Enterprise Structure –> Definition –> Financial
Accounting –> Define Credit Control Area
Transaction Code:- OB45

 Step 7:- Assign Company Code to Credit Control Area

Sap Menu Path :- SPRO –> IMG –> Enterprise Structure –> Assignment –> Financial
Accounting –> Assign Company Code to Credit Control Area
Financial Accounting Global Settings Configuration Steps  
 Step 1:- Define Fiscal year
 Step 2:-  Assign Company Code to Fiscal Year Variant
 Step 3:- Define variant for the opening Posting period
 Step 4:-  Define Variant for the open and close posting period
 Step 5:-  Assign Variant to Company code
 Step 6:- Define Field status variant
 Step 7:-  Assign Company code to Field Status Variants
 Step 8:- Define Posting Keys
 Step 9:- Define Document types
 Step 10:- Define Document Number Range
 Step 11:- Define Tolerance group for Users
Step 1:- Define Fiscal year variant Transaction Code: OB29

SAP Path: SPRO –> IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Financial Accounting Global
Settings –> Fiscal Year –> Maintain Fiscal year variant
No actions required just identify which FYV you want for your company code.
 Step 2:- Assign Company Code to Fiscal Year Variant
SAP Path :- SPRO –> IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Financial Accounting Global
Settings –> Fiscal Year –> Assign Company Code to Fiscal Year variant
Transaction Code:- OB37
Step 3 :- Define variants for opening Posting period
SAP Path :– SPRO –> IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Financial Accounting Global
Settings –> Documents –> Posting Period –> Define variants for opening Posting period
Transaction Code :- OBBO
 Step 4 :- Define Variant for open and close posting periods
SAP Path :- SPRO –> IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Financial Accounting Global
Settings –> Documents –> Posting Period –> open and close posting periods
Transaction Code :- OB52

open and close posting periods

Click on position
Posting period : 3366
Account: + for all account types
From Account to Account if necessary
From period _to _ as if necessary.
from period 1 it will be from 1 to 1.
For period 3 to 6 its 3_6.
1 to 12 opens all 12 normal periods.
13 to 13 means open special period 13.
Special periods are opened after the end of financial year only.
In real time scenario only one variant is present in your system to work with according
to your company code.
Click on save
 Step 5 :- Assign Variants to Company code
SAP Path :- SPRO –> IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Financial Accounting Global
Settings –> Documents –> Posting Period –> Assign Variants to Company code
Transaction Code:- OBBP

VID 3:55
 Step 6:- Define Field status variants
SAP Path :- SPRO –> IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Financial Accounting Global
Settings –> Documents –> Line Item –> Controls –> Define Field status variants 
Transaction Code :- OBC4
Step 7 :- Assign Company code to Field Status Variants 
SAP Path :- SPRO –> IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Financial Accounting Global
Settings –> Documents –> Line Item –> Controls –>   Assign Company code to Field
Status Variants
Transaction Code :- OBC5
Step 8 :- Define Posting Keys
SAP Path :- SPRO –> IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Financial Accounting Global
Settings –> Documents –> Line Item –> Controls –>   Define Posting Keys
Transaction Code:- OB41
 Step 9:- Define Document types
SAP Path :- SPRO –> IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Financial Accounting Global
Settings –> Documents –> Document Header –> Define Document types
Transaction Code : OBA7
GL A/C postings: expenses ND REVENUES
Step 10 :- Define Document Number Range
SAP Path :– SPRO –> IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Financial Accounting Global
Settings –> Documents –> Document Header –>Document Number Range –>
Define Document Number Range
Transaction Code:- OBA7
Step 11:- Define Tolerance group for Users
SAP Path :- SPRO –> IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Financial Accounting Global
Settings –> Documents –> Line Item –> Controls –>   Define Tolerance group for
Transaction Code: OBA4
General Ledger Accounting Configuration Steps
General Ledger Accounting:- General ledger accounting is the complete record of all
business transactions. 
GL Accounting Configuration Steps:-
 Step-1:- Define Chart of Accounts
 Step-2:-Assign Company Code to Chart of Accounts
 Step 3:- Define Account Groups
 Step 4:- Define Retained Earning Account
 Step 5:- Creation of GL Master Records
 Step 6:- Define Tolerance Group for GL Account
Step 1:- Define Chart of Accounts
SAP Path :- SPRO -> IMG –> Financial accounting –> General ledger Accounting –>
GL Accounts –> Master Data–> Preparations –> Edit Chart of Accounts list
Transaction Code :- OB13

Step-2 :-Assign Company Code to Chart of Accounts

SPRO -> IMG –> Financial accounting –> General ledger Accounting –> GL Accounts –
> Master Data–> Preparations –> Assign Company Code to Chart of Accounts
Transaction Code :- OB62

Step 3 :- Define Account Groups

SAP Path :- SPRO -> IMG –> Financial accounting –> General ledger Accounting –>
GL Accounts –> Master Data–> Preparations –> Define Account Groups
Transaction Code:- OBD4

Step 4:- Define Retained Earnings Account 

SAP Path : SPRO -> IMG –> Financial accounting –> General ledger Accounting –> GL
Accounts –> Master Data–> Preparations –> Define Retained Earnings Account 
Transaction Code:-OB53
Step 5:- Creation of GL Master Records
SAP Path :- SPRO -> IMG –> Financial accounting –> General ledger Accounting –>
GL Accounts –> Master Data–> Preparations –> GL Account Creation and Processing –
> Edit G/L Account 
Transaction Code:-  FS00

Step 6:- Define Tolerance Group for GL Account

SAP Path :- SPRO -> IMG –> Financial accounting –> General ledger Accounting –>
Business transactions –> Open Item Clearing –> Clearing Differences –> Define
Tolerance Groups for GL Accounts
Transaction Code:- OBA0
Vid 5;05

What is Accrual concept of accounting?

Main purpose of accounting system is to find the business results. Periodically how
much profit you earned that’s the purpose of accounting system. Every month we want
to find the profit. How do we find the profit every month? By comparing the revenues of
the month with the expenses of the month. To find whether we incurred profit or loss?
There are some expenses in the current month but paid in the next month.
For example
September rent is paid on 1st October.
October rent is paid on 1st November.
Let’s assume the salaries of October are paid on 1st of November.
November salaries are paid on 1st of December.
Let’s assume that we are preparing P&L A/C as of 1 st October 2017.
As of 31st October 2017
1. we have incurred salaries
2. we have incurred rent but,
As of 31st October 2017we didn’t pay.
So when we are paying these expenses on 1 st November what exactly does it mean? , if
we account them on 1st November the expenses of October are becoming expenses of
November. So in that case if you prepare the P&L A/C for the October it doesn’t show
the correct picture of the profit, because the expenses of October are accounted in the
month of November.
That’s why as of 31st of October
For these expenses that are incurred but not paid we post some entries. Those entries
are called accrual entries.
Given below
On 31st of October I’m preparing P&L A/C & Balance Sheet. There are some expenses
that are incurred but not paid. For example Rent, Salaries and Commission to be paid
on 1st of next financial period or month, and then we post some entries. In order to
recognize these expenses of the month of October we post some entries on 31 st
October. These entries are called accrual entries. But did you paid them? No. There is
no concept of cash here. They are debited to Outstanding Expenses A/C. if you
prepare O/S Expenses A/C …..These three line items of Rent, salaries & commission
Accounts are posted to credit side. They are pending fo payment. They will be in red
cooler indicating open line items. Not paid. (Liabilities)
On 1.11.2017 they are paid and cleared. We debit O/S A/C to Cash-Rent and
Commission accounts.
Vid 5:20 repeat

If the path is given……………… we can find the transaction code

Example to find T.Code for definition of tolerance group for GL A/Cs.
Execute the path for definition of tolerance groups
SPRO-Financial A/C-GL A/C-Business transaction-Open item clearing-clearing
Define tolerance groups for GL A/C:
SPRO-F A/C-GL A/C-Business transactions –Open item clearing –clearing
Go to menu
Additional information- Again Additional info-display key-IMG activity-
Keep the curser.
( missing points : if the difference in the GL A/C open item is more than the upper item
then the difference in the GL A/C is transferred to Balance Sheet, if its credit balance it
will be transferred to Liabilities side. If its debit balance it will be transferred to Assets.

How to unlock your screen?

When the message “the data is locked by user …….and can be displayed only” is
shown by the system.
Procedure: Click yes on the message. Got to the transaction code sm12. User name =
enter the name of the user by whom its locked. Go to the menu lock entry list.

Go to lock entry. Again go to lock entry delete all.

This doesn’t happen in real time.

Step 11:- Define Tolerance group for Users

SAP Path :- SPRO –> IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Financial Accounting Global
Settings –> Documents –> Line Item –> Controls –>   Define Tolerance group for
Transaction Code: OBA4
6;14 vid

Business Area Finace Statements:

By selecting this indicator The system allows the user to generate the business area
finance statements accofding to BA.

Propose FY: By selecting this indicator the system sytem automaticlly defaults the
current FY at time of displaying the documents.

Define default value date:

By selecting this indiator the system automatically defaults the current date (system
date) as value date.

Negative posting permeted:

By selecting this indicator we can use the reversal function to rectify wrong postings.


Basr amount 1000 dollars Goods sold i.e. cost production + profit. No sody knows what
is your cost production and profit so its base price. Now on the base price we are
charging sales tax 10%. SO ADD SALESTAX @10%.
Basic price=$1ooo

Sales tax @10%=$100


Total invoice =$1100


invoice amount sent to customer if he makes the payment in 20 days we will give him
3% cash ciscout . the customer payemt arrived on 20th day. Now we have to give cash
ciscout. We give give cash discount either on Base price or on invoice price.
Remember we always give Cash Discount to customer on Base Price because out of
this 1100 invoice amount 100 dollars is not your revenue. This is the sales tax collection
on behaf of Sales Tax department . means next month you have to deposit this $100 to
STax department. Only $1000 is going to your pocket.

By selting this indicator discount is calculated on the Basic Price only. Because sales
tax is not contained in the Base Amount. Base Amount means the amount on which the
discount is calculated.

With this our basic settings are over . now we have to start GL Accounting.
Accounts Payable Configuration Steps:-
Accounts Payable Overview:- Accounts Payable is a Subsidiary Ledger account.
Accounts payable records and manages accounting data for all vendors. When postings
are made in Accounts Payable simultaneously recorded in the General ledger account.
Steps in Accounts Payable Configuration are as follows
1. Step 1:- Creation of Vendor Account Groups
2. Step 2:- Create number range for vendors account 
3. Step 3:- Assign number range to vendor account groups
4. Step 4:- Define tolerance group for vendor
5. Step 5:- Creation of vendor master
6. Step 6:- Creation of GL as Reconciliation Accounts
7. Step 7:- Document types and no. ranges
8. Step 8:- Vendor Payment Terms
9. Step 9:- Automatic Payment Program
Step 1:- Creation of Vendor Account Groups
SAP Path :SPRO –> Financial accounting –> Accounts Receivable and Accounts
Payable –> Vendor Accounts –>Master data –> preparation for creating vendor master
data –> Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Vendors)
Transaction Code:- OBD3

Step 2 :- Create number ranges for vendors account

SAP Path :- SPRO –> Financial accounting –> Accounts Receivable and Accounts
Payable –> Vendor Accounts –> Master data –> Preparation for creating vendor master
data –> Create number ranges for vendors account
Transaction Code :- XKN1
 Step 3:- Assign Number Range to Vendor Account Groups
SAP Path :SPRO –> Financial accounting –> Accounts receivable and accounts
payable –> Vendor Accounts –>Master data –> preparation for creating vendor master
data –> Assign Number Range to Vendor Account Groups
Transaction Code:- OBAS
Step 4:- Define tolerance group for vendors
SAP Path :SPRO –> Financial accounting –> Accounts receivable and accounts
payable –> Business transactions –> Outgoing payments –> Manual outgoing
payments –> Define Tolerances (Vendors)
Transaction Code:- OBA3
 Step 5:- Creation of Vendor Master
SAP Path :- SAP Menu –> Accounting –> Financial Accounting –> Account payable –>
Master Records –> Maintain Centrally –> Create 
Transaction Code:- XK01
Step 6:- Creation of GL as Reconciliation Accounts ( Sundry Creditors )
SAP Menu Path:- SAP Menu  –> Accounting –> Financial Accounting –> General
Ledger –> Master Records –> Individual Processing  –> Create Centrally
Transaction Code:- FS00
Step 7:-Document types and no. Ranges  ( KZ, KR, KA )
SAP Menu Path:– SPRO –> IMG –>Financial Accounting –>Financial Accounting
Global Setting –>Document–>Document Number ranges –> Define Document
Number Ranges
Transaction Code:- FBN1
Step 8:- Vendor Payment Terms
SAP Menu Path:- IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Accounts Receivable & Accounts
Payable –> Business Transactions –> Outgoing Invoices/Credit Memos –> Maintain
Terms of Payment
Transaction Code :- OBB8
Step 9:- Automatic Payment Program
Menu Path:– IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Accounts Receivable & Payable –>
Business Transactions –> Outgoing Payments –> Automatic Outgoing Payments –
> Payment method/Bank Selection for Payment program
Transaction Code:- FBZP
Accounts Receivable
SAP FICO Accounts Receivable Configuration Steps
 Step 1:- Creation of Customer Account Group
 Step 2:- Create Number Ranges for Customer Accounts
 Step 3:- Assign Number range to Customer Accounts groups
 Step 4:- Define tolerance group for Customer
 Step 5:- Creation of GL Reconciliation Accounts ( Sundry Debtors )
 Step 6:- Creation of Customer master records
 Step 7:- Document types and Number range ( DR, DZ, DA )
 Step 8:- Bill of Exchange
 Step 9:- Dunning
Step 1:- Creation of Customer Account Group:- 
SAP Path :– SPRO –> Financial Accounting –> Accounts Receivable and Accounts
Payable –> Customer Accounts –> Master Data –> Preparation for creating customer
master data –> Define Account Groups with Screen layout ( Customer )
Transaction Code :- OBD2
Step 2 :- Create Number Ranges for  Customer Accounts
SAP Path :– SPRO –> Financial Accounting –> Accounts Receivable and Accounts
Payable –> Customer Accounts –> Master Data –> Preparation for creating customer
master data –> Create Number Ranges for Customer Accounts
Transaction Code : XDN1

Step 3 :- Assign Number range to Customer Accounts groups :-

SAP Path :– SPRO –> Financial Accounting –> Accounts Receivable and Accounts
Payable –> Customer Accounts –> Master Data –> Preparation for creating customer
master data –> Assign Number ranges to Customer Accounts groups
T Code :- SPRO

Step 4 :- Define tolerance group for Customer :-

SAP Path :– SPRO –> Financial Accounting –> Accounts Receivable and Accounts
Payable –> Business Transactions –> Incoming payments –> Manual incoming
payments –> Define Tolerance ( Customer )
T Code :- OBA3
Step 5 :- Creation of GL Reconciliation Accounts ( Sundry Debtors )
SAP Menu Path:- SAP Menu  –> Accounting –> Financial Accounting –> General
Ledger –> Master Records –> Individual Processing  –> Create Centrally
Transaction Code :- FS00
Step 6 :- Creation of Customer master records
SAP Menu Path :- SAP Menu –> Accounting –> Financial Accounting –> Accounts
Receivable –> Master Records –> Create
T Code:- XD01
Step 7:- Document types and Number range ( DR, DZ, DA )
SAP Menu Path:– SPRO –> IMG –>Financial Accounting –>Financial Accounting
Global Setting –>Document–>Document Number ranges –> Define Document
Number Ranges
Transaction Code:- FBN1

Step 8:- Bill of Exchange:-

SAP Menu Path :- SPRO –> IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Bank Accounting –>
Business Transactions –> Bills of Exchange Transactions –> Bills of exchange
receivable –> Define Alternative recon a/c for bills of exchange
Transaction Code:- OBYN
Step 9:- Dunning:-
SAP Path :– SPRO –> Financial Accounting –> Accounts Receivable and Accounts
Payable –> Business Transactions –>Dunning –> Basic Settings for Dunning –> Define
Dunning Area
Transaction Code :- OB61

Asset Accounting
Asset Accounting Overview:- Asset Accounting is an important module in SAP and
manages an organization’s assets by master records. Asset accounting is a sub-ledger
to the SAP FI module for managing the Asset records.
 SAP Asset Accounting Configuration Steps:-
 Step 1:- Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation/ Depreciation Area
 Step 2:- Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code
 Step 3:- Specify Account Determination
 Step 4:- Create screen Layout Rule
 Step 5:- Define Number range Interval
 Step 6:- Define Asset Classes
 Step 7:- Determine Depreciation area in the Asset Class
 Step 8:- Assignment of General Ledger Accounts
 Step 9:- Specify Intervals and Posting Rules
 Step 10:- Define Screen Layout for Asset master data
 Step 11:- Define Screen Layout for Asset Depreciation Areas
 Step 12:- Define Depreciation Methods
 Step 13:- Maintain Depreciation keys
 Step 14:- Depreciation Run
 Step 15:- Create Asset Master
 Step 1:- Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation/ Depreciation Area
SAP Menu Path :- SPRO –> Financial Accounting –> Asset Accounting –>
Organizational Structure –> Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation/ Depreciation Area
T code:- EC08
Step 2:- Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code
SAP Menu Path :– SPRO –> Financial Accounting –> Asset Accounting –>
Organizational Structure –>Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code
T Code:- OAOB
 Step 3:- Specify Account Determination
SAP Menu Path :- SPRO –> Financial Accounting –> Asset Accounting –>
Organizational Structure –> Asset Classes –> Specify Account Determination
 Step 4:- Create screen Layout Rule.
SAP Menu Path :– SPRO –> Financial Accounting –> Asset Accounting –>
Organizational Structure –> Asset Classes –> Create screen Layout Rule
 Step 5:- Define Number range Interval.
SAP Menu Path :– SPRO –> Financial Accounting –> Asset Accounting –>
Organizational Structure –> Asset Classes –> Define Number range Interval
T Code:- AS08
 Step 6:- Define Asset Classes
SAP Menu Path :– SPRO –> Financial Accounting –> Asset Accounting –>
Organizational Structure –> Asset Classes –> Define Asset Classes
T Code:- OAOA
Step 7:- Determine Depreciation area in the Asset Class
SAP Menu Path :– SPRO –>IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Asset Accounting –>
Valuation –> Determine Depreciation area in the Asset Class
T Code:- OAYZ
 Step 8:- Assignment of General Ledger Accounts
SAP Menu Path :- SPRO –>IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Asset Accounting –>
Integration with General Ledger –> Assign General Ledger Accounts
T Code:- AO90
 Step 9:- Specify Intervals and Posting Rules
SAP Menu Path :- SPRO –>IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Asset Accounting –>
Integration with General Ledger –> Post Depreciation to General Ledger –> Specify
Intervals and Posting Rules
T Code:- OAYR
 Step 10:- Define Screen Layout for Asset Master data.
 SAP Menu Path :- SPRO –>IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Asset Accounting –>
Master Data –> Screen Layout –> Define Screen Layout for Asset Master data
 Step 11:- Define Screen Layout for Asset Depreciation Areas
 SAP Menu Path :– SPRO –>IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Asset Accounting –>
Master Data –> Screen Layout –> Define Screen Layout for Depreciation Areas
T Code:-  AO21
 Step 12:- Define Depreciation Methods
 Define Base methods
 Define Decline Balance Methods
 Define Multi-Level methods
SAP Menu Path :– SPRO –>IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Asset Accounting –
>Depreciation –> Valuation methods –>Depreciation  Key –> Calculation methods –>
Define Base methods
SAP Menu Path :- SPRO –>IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Asset Accounting –
>Depreciation –> Valuation methods –>Depreciation  Key –> Calculation methods –>
Define Decline Balance Methods
SAP Menu Path :- SPRO –>IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Asset Accounting –
>Depreciation –> Valuation methods –>Depreciation  Key –> Calculation methods –>
Define Multi Level methods
 Step 13:- Maintain Depreciation keys.
SAP Menu Path :- SPRO –>IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Asset Accounting –
>Depreciation –> Valuation methods –>Depreciation  Key –> Maintain Depreciation Key
T Code:- AFAMA
 Step 14:- Depreciation Run:-
SAP Menu Path :- SPRO –>IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Fixed Assets –> Periodic
Processing –> Depreciation Run –> Execute
T Code:- AFAB
 Step 15:- Create Asset Master
SAP Menu Path :-  SAP Menu –> Accounting –> Financial Accounting –> Fixed Assets
–> Asset –> Create
T Code:- AS01
 Bank Accounting
Bank Accounting:- Bank account is an important module in SAP fi used to handle
accounting transactions that you process with your bank. Bank Accounting includes the
management of organization Bank Master data and processing of incoming and
outgoing payments.
Bank Accounting Configuration Steps:-
Step 1:- Define House Banks
Step 2:-  Create Bank Key
Step 3:- Electronic Bank Statement Configuration
 Creation of Accounts Symbols
 Assign Accounts to Accounts symbols
 Create Keys for Posting Rules
 Define Posting Rules
 Create Transaction Type
 Assign External Transaction Types to Posting Rules
 Assign Bank Accounts to Transaction Types
Step 4:- Manual Bank Statement
Step 5:- Define Posting Keys  and Posting Rules for Check Deposit
Step 6:- Create and Assign Business Transactions
Step 7:- Define Variants for Check Deposit
Step 1:- Define House Banks
Menu Path :– SPRO –> IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Bank Accounting –> Bank
Accounts –> Define house banks
Transaction Code:- FI12

Step 2:-  Create Bank Key

SAP Menu Path:- SAP Menu –> Accounting –> Financial Accounting –> Accounts
Receivable –> Master Records –> Bank –> Create ( Create bank Key )
Transaction Code:- FI01
Step 3:- Electronic Bank Statement Configuration
Sap Menu Path :- SPRO –> IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Bank Accounting –>
Business Transactions –> Payment Transactions –> Electronic Bank Statement –>
Make Global Settings for Electronic Bank Statement
 Creation of Accounts Symbols
 Assign Accounts to Accounts symbols
 Create Keys for Posting Rules
 Define Posting Rules
 Create Transaction Type
 Assign External Transaction Types to Posting Rules
 Assign Bank Accounts to Transaction Types

Step 4:- Manual Bank Statement:-

Sap Menu Path :- SPRO –> IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Bank Accounting –>
Business Transactions –> Payment Transactions –> Manual Bank Statement –> Create
and Assign Business transactions
Step 5:- Define Posting Keys  and Posting Rules for Check Deposit
Sap Menu Path :- SPRO –> IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Bank Accounting –>
Business Transactions –> Check Deposit –> Define Posting Keys  and Posting Rules
for Check Deposit
Step 6:- Create and Assign Business Transactions
Sap Menu Path :- SPRO –> IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Bank Accounting –>
Business Transactions –> Check Deposit –> Create and Assign Business Transactions
Step 7:- Define Variants for Check Deposit
Sap Menu Path :– SPRO –> IMG –> Financial Accounting –> Bank Accounting –>
Business Transactions –> Check Deposit –>  Define Variants for Check Deposit.

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