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Module 7

Effects of Waste to People’s Health

and the Environment

Most Essential Learning Competency: Explain

how different types of waste affect people’s health
and the environment (S11ES-Ii-j-20)
To the Learners

Welcome to the last module of the Earth Science Unit I!

I am sure you are excited to finish this module as it concludes the First Quarter. This module
will help you understand how different types of waste affect people’s health and the environment.
The learning material will help improve your skills in analyzation, making inferences, and
applying ideas - all of which is to make you equipped with the 21st century skills!
To learn best this module, practice good time management by setting a time frame for this
material without any distractions. Choose your best place and time to study. Taking notes is also
Enjoy while learning!

The Author

You will explain how different types of waste affect people’s health and the environment.
Specifically, this module will help you to:
 identify the possible hazards associated with improper waste disposal;
 explain the effect of the different sources of waste to people’s health and the
environment; and
 propose ways to reduce the volume of municipal waste in Caloocan.
Let’s begin your journey. I am sure you are now ready and excited to answer the Pretest.
Put on a smile and keep positive that you will learn. You can do it. Good luck!

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer that best completes the statement.
B 1. Blockage of drainages and waterways by solid wastes directly result in _______.
A. acid rain C. algal bloom
B. flooding D. ozone layer
D 2. How can gaseous wastes contribute to global warming?
A. These cause eutrophication
B. These cause soil sterilization.
C. These end up in waterways that pollute water resources
D. These cause the depletion of the ozone layer. The ozone layer is important because
it protects us from the harmful rays of the sun.
B 3. What is the effect of leachate on soil and on water?
A. It causes events such as smog and acid rain.
B. It causes soil sterilization and water pollution.
C. Waste breaks down in landfills to form methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
D. It happens when excess nutrients such as nitrates and phosphorus go into water
B 4. Which does NOT result when solid waste from humans affect marine life?
A. It can cause algal blooms.
B. Waste breaks down in landfills to form methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
C. When plastics dumped into the marine water, they might be ingested by aquatic
D. Excess excrement from poultry and other livestock can cause eutrophication of
bodies of water.
D 5. Which situation does NOT imply of reducing waste?
A. Segregation of waste.
B. Implement the use of compost bin.
C. Recycling some household items which can be re-used.
D. Open burning of solid waste “pagsisiga” to diminish volume of it.

Looking Back
Crossword Puzzle
Direction: Complete the crossword by filling in the type of waste that fits each clue.

Brief Introduction
Different types of waste are generated on a regular basis. Wastes can be in the form of
solid, liquid, and gas.
What could happen if solid wastes end up in waterways? What is being produced when
waste from these seeps through the soil and water? What would result when run-offs from farms
reach coasts, rivers, and lakes? How about when gas exhausts from automobiles and factories
combined with rain?
Several effects on the environment are caused by the different types of wastes that are
generated by human activities. The increase in the population of the world causes an increase
in the amount of wastes generated. Large amounts of wastes need to be properly disposed of
every day. If these wastes are not properly managed and disposed, they will have negative effects
not only in the environment, but also in the health of the people.
Well, let us find out while you are reading this material. I hope you will enjoy the journey
as you go through this module. Let’s get ready!

Making Predictions
Payatas, is one of the many garbage
dumpsites in Metro Manila. In July 2000, a
landslide of garbage killed two hundred
eighteen people living in the dumpsite. What
are the dangers in a dumpsite?

Figure 1: Payatas dumpsite

Activity 1.1 Possible Hazards of Waste
Critical Thinking Skill: Interpreting and Describing Pictures
Objective: Explain the possible hazards associated with improper waste disposal.
Direction: Analyze the situations based on the pictures and describe the possible hazards in

1. What happens when solid wastes end up in bodies of

water? What is its effect to the aquatic animals living in it?
It'll automatically pollute the marine body and all its inhabitants.
Figure 2 shows a pollution in Manila Bay. May 2008.
2. What happens when solid wastes end up in waterways?
What might be the effect/s to the nearby surrounding and
flora and fauna?

Waterways will get clogged and its inhabitants will be harmed.
Figure 3: Mariblo Creek-Dario Creek (San Francisco del Monte River, San Juan River, Metro
Manila). May 15, 2016.

3. Liquid wastes from solid wastes and chemicals produce

leachate (a liquid that has dissolved or entrained environmentally
harmful substances). What are the hazards when it seeps
through the soil and water?
The soil would absorb the improper nutrients while the
Answer: ____________________________________________
water will grow stale and toxic.

Figure 4: burning trash in an open dump site in General Santos. March 6, 2013.

Activity 1.2 Effects of Waste to People’s Health and the Environment

Critical Thinking Skill: Identifying Relationships
Objective: Explain the effect of the different sources of waste to people’s health and the
Direction: Arrange the jumbled letters on the right to form the type of waste associated with each
picture. Then, describe how the different sources of waste shown in the pictures could affect the
people and the environment.

A. I_ _
N _D _U_S_T _R_I A
Poor waste management from establishments contributed
to the worsening condition of Boracay’s seas. This resulted
to eutrophication in which a body of water becomes overly
enriched with minerals and nutrients that caused algal

Figure 5: Algal bloom besieges Boracay’s shoreline a day before its closure on April 25, 2018
1. What happens to the oxygen concentration in the body of water?
It got reduced until it was depleted.
2. How is it detrimental to aquatic life?
It won't be a habitable environment for the aquatic organisms anymore.

Gas exhausts from automobiles and factories cause

acid rain when these wastes combine with the rain.

Figure 6: Gas exhaust from factories

3. What is the effect of acid rain to plant, buildings and environment?
Plants ______________________________________________________________________
will get harmed, buildings will have damages and the environment will become more dangerous.

4. Describe the effect of chlorofluorocarbons from gaseous wastes to the ozone

They destroy the ozone in the layer thus allowing holes for the UV rays to get in.
layer. ________________________________________________________________

B. _A_G_ R_ I_CU
_ _L _T _U _RA

Excess excrement from poultry and other livestock can

also cause eutrophication of bodies of water.
5. Relate how eutrophication affect the nearby body of
It'll cause excess algae to populate the water.
water. ___________________________________
Thus, making it more uninhabitable due to the algae.

Figure 7: Photo source from the author

C. M
_ _I N_ I_ N_ G
Overburden material -ground (soil and rock) that's
removed to extract the mineral deposit. Release of
overburden material to the environment as a result of
improper management can cause siltation. The siltation
may be a pollution of water by silt or clay on bodies of water.

Figure 8: A Marion 8200 working to strip overburden at an open cut coal mine. November 18,
6. How does siltation affect flora and fauna?
The plants and animals will be affected via their source of living being polluted.
7. Describe the effect of siltation on the turbidity of water?
It'll be more "thicker" and opaque due to the pollutants of siltation making it dirty.

D. _ I O
_ _M_E_D_I CA

This includes infectious waste and chemical waste

generated by hospitals and other health care institutions.

Figure 9: Hospital waste. August 1, 2012.
8. How is this waste a danger to people and the environment?
The chemicals used and the bacteria associated with the equipment might infect and become
a biohazard.
Activity 1.3 The Dangers in Dump Site
Critical Thinking Skill: Applying Ideas
Objective: Explain the dangers in a dump site.
Direction: Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
On the tragic day of July 2000, a huge mountain of trash in Payatas, Quezon City crashed
on people scavenging and living in the dumpsite. The trash avalanche buried at least two hundred
people in filthy refuse. The tragedy highlighted the dangers of uncontrolled dumping of solid
waste. It also brought the direct impact of the trash thrown out of every home everyday.
9. It is normal to see a pall of acrid smoke constantly rising at the dumpsite. Where
From burning of garbages.
does this gaseous product methane come from? ___________________________
What is its effect to the ozone layer and to the people living nearby?
It'll increase the amount of greenhouse gas while its inhabitants will get lesser oxygen.
10. How does the mound of trash from the dumpsite pose grave health hazards to
The chemicals leaking from it plus it being a
people living in communities around it? ___________________________________
physical hazard will result in its inhabitants being placed at a constant risk.
Let’s move on to the next part. Make sure to be familiarized with the definitions.

 Eutrophication - excessive richness of nutrients that cause algal blooms (dense growth
of plant life), which might be detrimental to animal life because of lack of oxygen.

 Leachate - a liquid produced by precipitation coming in contact with waste and

infiltrating through landfills, seeps through the sides and bottoms of the landfill.
(Cambridge English Corpus,

 Siltation - pollution of water by silt or clay. Siltation can have a negative impact on flora
and fauna. It can cause smothering of filter feeders, as well as an increase in the
turbidity of waters (decrease light penetration).

 Overburden material - ground (soil and rock) that’s removed to extract the mineral
deposit. Release of overburden material to the environment as a result of improper
management can cause siltation (pollution of water by silt or clay) of bodies of water.

Checking your Understanding

Most of the waste in landfills are classified as ‘municipal waste’ or waste collected from
residential houses, markets, among others (mostly in urban areas).

Using the Alternate Flow Concept Map, propose ways on how to reduce the volume of
waste by initiating it, in your household, and in your municipality.

In your
• _______ household Raise public awareness
• _____________
Clean Segregate trash
• _____________ Promote an enironmental
• _____________
• _______
• _____________
Avoid littering

Start within you In the community

Post Test
Multiple Choice Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer that best completes the
D 1. How can gaseous wastes contribute to global warming?
A. These cause eutrophication
B. These cause soil sterilization.
C. These end up in waterways that pollute water resources
D. These cause the depletion of the ozone layer. The ozone layer is important
because it protects us from the harmful rays of the sun.

B 2. Blockage of drainages and waterways by solid wastes directly result in _______.

A. acid rain C. algal bloom
B. flooding D. ozone layer depletion

B 3. What is the effect of leachate on soil and on water?

A. It causes events such as smog and acid rain.
B. It causes soil sterilization and water pollution.
C. Waste breaks down in landfills to form methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
D. It happens when excess nutrients such as nitrates and phosphorus go into water

D 4. Which situation does NOT imply of reducing waste?

A. Segregation of waste.
B. Implement the use of compost bin.
C. Recycling some household items which can be re-used.
D. Open burning of solid waste “pagsisiga” to diminish volume of it.

B 5. Which does NOT result when solid waste from humans affect marine life?
A. It can cause algal blooms.
B. Waste breaks down in landfills to form methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
C. When plastics dumped into the marine water, these might be ingested by aquatic
D. Excess excrement from poultry and other livestock can cause eutrophication of
bodies of water.
Reflective Learning Sheet
Ancheta, Ian Raphael D. 11-Descartes
Name: ______________________________________ Yr. and Sec.: __________________

Directions: Write a reflective learning on the Effects of Different Waste to People and
Environment by answering briefly the questions inside the box.

Guide Questions:
1.) What themes, issues and conflicts are represented in the documentary? Why do you think those have been chosen?
-The documentary depicts the grim fact that the media has been deriding for so long- poverty. The film also shows the
street-bound Filipinos struggling for survival amid the hardships and unemployment status they are into. Jay Taruc
made himself experience the life along the streets of Metro Manila by joining these individuals as they find ways to
resolve hunger and earn a living in every matter they could.

2.) Which persons are highlighted as major subjects within the documentary? How and why?
-The poorest of the poor. Because their meals are mostly consistent with rotten meat or to be more colloquial- “batchoy”
was likewise revealed for their dinner. Those who live in the streets tried the best of their luck to rise up from the valley
of poverty by doing desperate things like child labor and even risking their lives to plead for leftovers from sorts of
carinderias and even to some fast food restaurants along the busy highways.

3.)To what extent did the document engage you, interest you and captivate you? Why?
-It made me all the more concerned with the state of the poorest people in our country. Because as far as humans can
go on living, no person deserves to be in a condition like this more so in the modern world where our technology far
surpasses science and society is in a better position.

4.) What kind of professional and personal values did you discover among the presenter and the interviews in the
documentary? To what extent do you identify with these values? Why or why not?
-I found myself focusing on their charitable values and morals that inspires me to do good to poor people like them. I
can only go as far as giving help to them in order to make the world a better place. Because as a fellow homo sapien,
we are entitled to help one another for the good of mankind.

5.) To what extent did the documentary leave you with a sense of involvement, hope, excitement, indifference, despar
- or maybe with a mixture of such feelings? Why?
-The documentary left me aware and heavily concerned about the state of life they live in. I myself haven't lived in
those conditions but their hardship already shows.

6.) What kind of essential areas, topics and perspectives are missing in this documentary (if any)? Why? To what
extent may this be representative for the documentary industry?
-For me, I didn't see anything lacking within this documentary. It perfectly emphasizes how the poor lives and the
hardship they endure just to survive out here in the living world. The only thing lacking right now is the help they
supposedly needed.
ITEM Amount (number, estimated volume/weight)
Plastic Bags 3, 16.5g
Plastic Bottles 2, 19.8g
Plastic Containers 2, 18.50g
Glass Bottles 1, 1.1kg
Milk/Carton 0
Metal Cans 0
Wood 0
Battery 0
Cooking Oil 2, 46.5g
Food Scraps 4, 50g
Dishwashing Detergent 3, 4.22g
Others 0

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