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Alhysa Catapang


Personal Development
Output 2: Comic Story (Creativity, Character)

In the beginning of Adolescence, a boy He found himself a love that he thought

named Juan encountered and discovered to be forever, and they would never be
what love is. separated.

But as he got older, he realized that his Eventually, they broke up due to their
dream was his priority over his love. own priorities and dream to fulfill.

Juan became lonely and in pain for a long In the end, he became successful and
time and face depression but somehow, he was able to find his significant other
started to heal slowly and recovers from after all the countless sufferings he had
the heartbreak. experienced.
Output 3: Enumeration (Critical-Thinking)
Alhysa Catapang
Personal Development

Output 1. Make your own Slogan on Being Happy!

The essay ‘Being Happy’ is very inspirational for

me. It talks about how being happy doesn’t mean
‘’Being you will not face anymore problems. I strongly agree
happy is not with that. Happiness is appreciating the simplest
having a sky things in life. It’s not about comparing your joy and
miseries to others. Happiness is realizing that no
without matter what you do, there is no perfect situation.
Everyone has their own problems and defects. No
storms, or
one is safe from experiencing disappointments but
despite, it shouldn’t discourage you from being happy. You will never be happy
if you keep thinking about all the negative things about you and around you. To
be happy is letting yourself be free to your heart’s desire. It is important to
remember that nobody has it easy but that shouldn’t stop you from being happy.

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