Case Digest Sec. 4 and 5

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CASE DIGEST PAPER FOR CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 2 CASE TITLE: Citiaco ‘Py’ Guinoguing yc. The Honored Cour of Appeal and, The People of the. ship Pilippine GR No» 128959 DATE: _Gepfember__30, ons PONENTE: Uwtice Danke 0. Tiga FACTS: Limit to 5 IMPORTANT facts related to Constitutional Law it ehtione ic Cien ‘Poy’ Guingguing , editar~ pu Pot 2. “Fw pebinoet seeks To mality hic conviction of the crime of libel 3. The _péitioner conknds Tot The Goel ’c Finking conctitbee ‘infringement of hic “tonctituthonal right to frerdom of edn - RULING: No+ The government cannct_inkerfere in the affair of the peer The Constitution provider frat 0 low shall be passed cbridging He freedom OF Sprech, of exprecion, or of She. Ore - Tn Yu cae ob bor, partiinaton in Ye affair ond operation of the publicabin 0 _manogement therof ic on dovinus Ynralering the prtecked ond guaranteed _ —— press _freedon Thereire, the _govecoment conmt inkertuer the affair of Ye prt FOUND ALREADY IN THE BOOK OF DEAN NAVAL PAGE: "1 PARAGRAPH a CASE DIGEST PAPER FOR CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 2 CASE TITLE: Joile 2: Salonga vc. Hon. Errani Cray Pato, Presiding, Judge of the Court of Fitch Lnctance ef Rizal Dratdn Xt (Quezon Cty), Hon: Uilge PodoMo Orta Prana day, ovr Tet Uh Ba Bran Xt (Guam Gly); doh, 4 Sok BE, DATE: _Feoryary_ 12, 1986 PONENTE: jute Hugo Gutiere2 dr FACTS: Limit to 5 IMPORTANT facts related to Constitutional Law 1. The eltionee seeks to ullify the convickion of svovercion again him: 2. the pounce _of Sa tone contends That there ir no establiched Prima facie toe, oopinst Vim to jwhity the contention of ‘ne fespondent « 3. reso the filing of an it fe tion of peltinae rare ere ISSUE: Whetace OF Wt _folitical_ditcuccion ic within tne protection of tne freedom A_seech RULING: Ys: Political diccuscon ix within the protection of the freedom of sprech- Acgording, to re Canditytion, 0 low aril lve passed abridging fredon of speech To ne cow oh \oar, mete political discussion even among trae_ormned the present oderiviclrater cannot le condrved as suoversive activities or an evidence of Twortoecig ‘in. subvertve organization Therefore, political diccusion is within ne Protection of the freedom of Speech FOUND ALREADY IN THE BOOK OF DEAN NAVA ei U PAGE: Ig PARAGRAPH 1 CASE DIGEST PAPER FOR CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 2 CASE TITLE: Liwayway Publrig, Te ond UC Autpmotit Co., Inc. _¥S- Presidential Commission on Good Government, Hon- Ramon _k. Diaa, Depaty Winicher, Yon: Mary Concegtion Bouticta Commissioner DATE: _April_Is, 98 PONENTE: Suctice Claudio Jechankee, FACTS: Limit to 5 IMPORTANT facts related to Constitutional Law 1. the gebkinnss wre tata 0 Amati corguration etgaged in te businece of Qubdliceation - 9 a week. ir ute of sequectration itswd by the Pees HE ar: wader Poe e Ua 3. * “inulin ot Gen Hed yb Morne become pride 4. hat Ti : fund won hake tal Pooe i in tranagement a publication: ISSUE: ot _Yhe_gover inert ¥ ae RULING: No the government conn infer fore In Hy affair of the press You _tonctitution provides tral yo low call be pasced abrid fi We _pees « Ty Yn cast oh loo, Porlicipation In ye affair and operation of the publication or Management Ses Yneeot ic on dovious threalgning te prolected and Quoranted press Srechom: Svwrefore, ie government cannot inlurfere the affair of the pre FOUND ALREADY IN THE BOOK OF DEAN NAVAL PAGE: _18 PARAGRAPH ! CASE DIGEST PAPER FOR CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 2 CASE TITLE: WW_R€ Evil Ctmiliane) P Surado EX Rel- Philippine Long Pitan, ___ echon,_ Company (Pui), per ike Hel Hic Vice-Prevdurl, We-Vicenle R-_Someon AW. No. %-4- 07 6 DATE: _Apol_&, 1945 PONENTE: Justice Andtes_de la Roca Narvaco FACTS: Limit to 5 IMPORTANT facts related to Constitutional Law 1 est sushhety Cache foe Mtoe Coverite to seck 40 aucertin the truth thie it jew a da have some ta < Me Pair ond 6 say ipa frat Knowledge with the Cour, ard) share gatiue och evden at may be _aruilabde Jura chai in u fies a Nai. on ick | rnon dnc (From: suis Uctoloer_[on2 to aren 941% Bs 4 *Manifec! ‘of Var He ow TS of the, queuing on Hog. a wing cited na vials him ac of the pias or over hic ce a O \outnalit- 4. 5. ISSUE: _Whelhwe_or not the Court hac odmivictratin prvision over Emi) Jurado ae _o member of fre rece or over hic work ar a “ypurnalis « RULING: Yes Cow} hay adminiredve Supecviion ia ; p10 chal be, pasted riding ot Arcdom of speech To te co ot bur, Jurado demaatrolt gran irtspondtility, on indiferrence to foclwl accuracy ond ne Injuey thal te sit come to, fe name_ond ee of whom he wrote court, dincdly fending as Sy do to degrade the adwinicration of “yshice a the jwdaes en i ign Anus Svoreme Cour\ hac jurisdiction ous onyone for Offensive utterances aoginst ibs dignity, honor or reputation FOUND ALREADY IN THE BOOK OF DEAN NAVAL PAGE: K PARAGRAPH a CASE DI PAPER FOR CONSTIT UTIONAL LAW 2 CASE TITLE: Artur Ws Tolentino _Vs- The Getedosy of Finance ond the Commissioner af Internal Yevonwt, G-R- No- INS$EC DATE: _Odvber_90,_ 1996 PONENTE: Juice Jose Mende. FACTS: Limit to 5 IMPORTANT facts related to Constitutional Law 1. Vhhioners suits for artiorad and pdtitvition, challenging fre conditytionality of A= No» ‘Tu or Bipanted Value-Added Tox Law, 09 varipus_groun Summarized in he, Cesoluton of ly &, aay of this Cour}, in_ which Chi “grees freedom and (elgions Woerly vas roiced- nat peint media became subject to the VAT with respect to all aspects of tacie Operations. 3. jong Noth aft toe a Issue: Wnelhur_or nol thmocition of Joye vidates freedom of Dus. RULING: _No- Jevpuitin of Taver dots oot vidal feedom_Of fous “Fevcle eon 44 We Cowan, clr at ola hal psd bridging To thy ome gh har, he pret it ool immune frum non: discriminafory tater tmpored to laucinea from the, on ch the general rules. To_similar way, ofver business Aransactions_\hidn exempt VAL ale J it: ow, Ane Inpacihin of faves to Philgging Pex Tnfifule, Toc, deal doce not wiolakes recs Siredom- FOUND ALREADY IN THE BOOK OF DEAN NAVAL PAGE: _‘¢ PARAGRAPH CASE DIGEST PAPER FOR CONSTIT UTIONAL LAW 2 CASE TITLE: Yok, eh. ol. WG. National tntetigena, Pur, ef al. O2 SCRA Siu DATE: _Lepkereer 2g, (4 PONENTE: Ushee Efren 1. Plana FACTS: Limit to § IMPORTANT facts related to Constitutional Law 1, Setitieness on Mord, 14g deck yeahibit_the_cectondonts frye _itwit sulbpoenas of or Wea of a ingle es. saeco RULING: Ye Press Tic kaa “hide > Sune a ihe Goat, h toler ‘hal 0 10 law ell be pasred ooridging Hoe freedom __oyecch Jot tog ae ic a ete. a intetion a He_mili in — Caring, martial a haa chilling iG even_00 Future victing. tha ct : ial Low _b' militory onowlts to _geior_terraint and fo cefise such ‘nvifodtion ar press « pepe ee ale wt PAGE: ____ PARAGRAPI CASE DIGEST PAPER FOR CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 2 CASE TITLE: #06 0p Brondcarting Crp: Vc. _OOMELEG, GR No oovgu E:_Jomigry de, so00 NTE: dwtice Arlemnin Villacivor Rangariban_ Jr. FACTS: it to S IMPORTANT facts related to Constitutional Law 1. Yebhoner le a Tilting bored media onct enlertainment comany. Th petitioner on tolling eit and nations Mr ai t ISSUE: Wheler_or_not Ate CON exif city vlales she feedom if Expiestion . RULING: No- Tt does_nct_vidlale Secon of _frtide ty of tre Constitution thales Hat, No law. hal) be passed Abridajng he freedom of specdn of exprection, oF Int pres, or the right of fe peonle peaceably to accembly ond pebtion tre goveroment for redre of grievances Tote ce ol oar, tre Vodding of ait pol ond natimwide ceporting, of elchion vawltr ore means of accuring jodivi ul sde-fulfilment, of atlaining the truth, Of _seoadny participation by ty oxonle in social and tolitical decision making and F_maintaininn tne ldlane belwen ctability and chanae: Neefore, APS cond ex suey doe mi viclale the freedom of expreétion.. FOUND ALREADY IN THE BOOK OF DEAN NAVAL PAGE: __4 PARAGRAPH CASE DI ‘ST PAPER FOR CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 2 TITLE: Ewilio MR: Ocmetia ye the Commigion on Elections, GR: No toad a1 DATE: Mardy, 1948 PONENTE: Justia lo Catral_Werdora FACTS: Limit to 5 IMPORTANT facts related to Constitutional Law 4. a pebtionis were Emilio WR. Osmena and Pablo P- (oc as candidates’ winic Olfice in tne forfncoming eleckons. Ormetiaa cl Dedlent ot Pligring, while Caraa iC a governor of Cebu Provieedeebing fe electign’: Bs ets mae a _re- Kaminatinn qa jhe. stay se ty probing tie Mat mia trom seing or ging fa ce fete Le Ma ey gy ge Fai f a redo, deco." ISSUE: wool Section WW) of PA RULING: Yeo. Section U6) of BA lobia 10s Conctihwhipnal “Selon Lol Aide > othe Canthlvbion tales tru, Yo law ctl, pach abridging tne eoccoly tv retdom of us or tne Fi Aiserb ont pebthen fe government for tedcess of geve gricvances Alo te tat ol oor, Gohin OS of BA (ue probing ie vss mein fie Sling or guing free of drarge poidl tpae or irtione for_compaign or other political x dos nat i bu}_ork Fime_ond manner odlwstising, Hows, dors oot vole te, fieedan of opeech, expression ond or the pres Trerelore Section Ub) of Rh Gute War _vonhifuchional- TT FOUND ALREADY IN THE BOOK OF DEAN NAVAL PAGE: __%t PARAGRAPH [0 CASE DIGEST PAPER FOR CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 2 CASE TITLE: Werlnda sacl, Addin Kgwtin, et. ol It Lan ae = 4 Specks Cir Seevice Commigsya, ard tre Secstbory of Education Cultuce ana D4y SCRA bus DATE: _Yoverloer_ W147 PONENTE: Swstict Arkemio Pangoriloan FACTS: Limit to 5 IMPORTANT facts related to Constitutional Law + Witiona owe Werlinda Jacinto on Susan Agutin, ove public Mtacvet From. Varibus CASE DIGEST PAPER FOR CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 2 CASE TITLE: Gregorio Aitgay ws Juan Buin, G-R- No- LACHSA DATE: _Morch_), 1497 PONENTE: _Jwict vue ?- Laurel FACTS: Limit to 5 IMPORTANT facts related to Constitutional Law 1, the _pebtiner filed 9 wat of _poohibitinn against cespendurt Quin, the Direche eh Hu Yor, crigining Hoe after from ring and selling pochnge howpe Aspe ord Jot. tucharichc Conf so b 0 2. Are poitioner envokes frat cuch Lsswanct ond swing At owtrerined By Act goed Ly tu Phil. legislate, contemiatrs religious purpose for Ye bere ht of o Rc eect ra Cd A ee ie 3. To voy ina, the Diecche & Pats onoured in te dailies f Varia Inet be ond i 0c moray ion in _Yne. hy of Manila of the onal Et ic organiud by tae Roman Cothglie Church ISSUE: _\Whefhye or rot +e _avthaviaed chon _iscue is declared jevetid for yioloting he principle of Separation of Church and tale. RULING: So. By tha violation tp tre principle of _stparation_of Church ond Stok. Jre_terctijvtion provides rut re patie mony ef property ctw ever be Barepriakd. applied or well diectly_or isireell idly en Vanes t inch tem —9E telgion, oF frr_te_we, benefit, or cupgyrt of any priest Sue minigher at_olte religious acer w dignitary ac such, except when such priest, peeavher, sriniver, of diwfitary is _acigned fo tre armed fora er fo any penal inctihrtion orphanage, © kepresarium. Inte coe ol loo te ecwanet of tre _partngy vdomps in_quertion was not wee ony Sctorion hecrsination ‘te_only_purpue_ we “to odwerti. thir were_not sate cre et 4 Wes STECE: Yel fonenl CabeAt Churth. Wor wore roney derived fron the col of the stomps gin fo al churn. force, tu outhorine stomp iswe_\r_not_o violation to te penciple of spoon of Chuty ond Stale: FOUND ALREADY IN THE BOOK OF DEAN NAVAL. PAGE: PARAGRAPH CASE DIGEST PAPER FOR CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 2 CASE TITLE: Ak\ordro Estrada vs. Scedad 5. Esonihe, 44% SCRA A-N. Nos Poh WuSt DATE: _August_4, 100 PONENTE: _Jwhce _Reynaty Puno FACTS: Limit to 5 IMPORTANT facts related to Constitutional Law 1, Esecihe ic the Couct Inberoredor A PIC prance acy of Lo Pirie Caby. 3. Ecotttor \e A cow jetta diner F149, he has (deen living with Builanio, a man who Mol Wer Yon Ooh with Wis i oa asics 0 year bene ghe_enred ihe fw judiciary while jo ic still legally marrizd to another woman. 4. ae admitted he_dooe- mentioned allegations lout denies ony abilify tor the ech Sorovanis Wings and Waldn Tower Society ond hur Con\uaal arrangement S_apgrond ond is in conformity with her religious clicks issue: Whee Or nok tne “ak cold penalize reetondent for swch coruaal arvat\ogment- RULING: No- The Stale cannot penalize fespmen| for such Congal Orangement- ‘we Corcition provides thud the fie evercict, and enioymerl cf tcligious precion ond _wurtip, witout discrimination or pebren, stull firett Ve allowed. Wn Yar, Sokdads Cohabitation wi bond was i mit with toe“ Declarmtion of Pedaing tailntulnes’ in accordting with her teligion. Such_cobabitation had locen_congnted Loy wemioter of Uehoydn's wilnesces . the fale Cong woh penalize vepordent for dre ic aeKcciog her tight te freedom oF religion: A distinction loehueen pubic 0h us morality dhould be Kegt in_ind. The jurdicton of the Court eens oly to piblic and vecular momnlity. Thus, Hie atale_conoot penalize the repondent fer dn conjugal arrangement Sinct_it constituec an _eemption ty the law bared on ler Night o_freedam eligion FOUND ALREADY IN THE BOOK OF DEAN NAVAL PAGE: PARAGRAPH CASE DIGEST PAPER FOR CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 2 CASE TITLE: e\i German, e+ al _ys- Gen: Gantiong Parangan and Yui: Licbelp lorivsa, GR- No- L-Wshay DATE: Morn a, {486 PONENTE: Swtice_Venicio_tscalin FACTS: Limit to 5 IMPORTANT facts related to Constitutional Law 1. Petitioner art feli German, Ramon Redrnea, and s¢ wlhees compel of bwinesrnen " ines Ong ct, Gide Chuetl odfivining Melacafiong grands. - Webbonces an drifts, wordwd with coted clenched isk and showed Oxt5- government = They ete loarted +40 enter oe ch} decided to eave out was warned nol to ener We chad 1 We tau - 0 y 3. Rehan contended hed tte Lean will never teslcict any perio oF Peomas from_eokering ond wor pga) fe. chuerin- issue: Whee or oot te stat 4p Freely exerciee one's religion ic highly Youlked Inthe chem of constitutional values « RULING: Yes. The right to Fredy eetciee ores relgion it_hugly ranked in fresher, of _conctitytional yalues- Tne Constbtion provides Yrt no law chal be mak pechibiting the fre oercise &_religion- Hoe _case_at boar, there_j and e165 i ri teyecl for and deferenct to cucln preferred rights, including tre freedom to worstiig Arie wih feo cgion od ee papel colt No fo sancti oY 00 =e oR vdgment hic right har precedence and primacy. Howrefor, the right 40 freely eroreise o's reigion ic highly rarked in the. sdnernt_of _conctitutignal Values - FOUND ALREADY IN THE BOOK OF DEAN NAVAL PAGE: PARAGRAPH ‘CASE DIGEST PAPER FOR CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 2 CASE TITLE: Peli Gertogn, hol VW Gun. Santi Poros ond Vo} Asatelo Uariosa , 6-8 Nob btiay DATE: _Worch_2¢, 1958 PONENTE: ushc, Venicig _Escolin FACTS: Limit to 5 IMPORTANT facts related to Constitutional Law 1. Pei ore Peli Samon Pedrosa ond Compaed issue: Wheline or wot religions freedom is erhited to te highest peiorily amor Iunan_rigats: RULING: Yes. Religious Letedon is ectitled 4o the highecl priorily among, ‘wena rights. Ye Constitution ge provides rat nol to law hell be made prohibiting he free _wercise of religion Yo We coe at Wor, religious freedom ic ve mic} fundamental and thus entitled fo ‘ie lnidect priority among human eights, involving as it does Ye _relahiondrip of man ty bic Create: ki yt decply-held failln thut_atfords Sdlact_ond comfort Without Yrat fail, man's very exiclence | devoid of weaning , locrefl of significance: Haus, religious freedorn ic entifleA to the. hnighest_peiority among human Tiants FOUND ALREADY IN THE BOOK OF DEAN NAVAL, PAGE: PARAGRAPH CASE DIGEST PAPER FOR CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 2 CASE TITLE: Poi_Gonman, e- als Gon Santiago Purangan and Way. Yoabtlo Lavinsa, GR» No: L- osi2g DATE: Mord ao, \9g6 PONENTE: Jwshce Yenicio_Eicoltn FACTS: Limit to 5 IMPORTANT facts related to Constitutional Law 1. Yertioncer are Veli German, Ramon Pedra and d¢ offecs Compared vf wingcsmen, ict Noyes Cont Med ¢ oni AKON 2 b me jovecti if Ne re Occidid to “eave but wos warned oot to enter fre church in the fuluact « . Retitionees conkended that ne Conttitvton will never redticl any peeson or pessoas from eeering and wordnigging at The chu. 4. Veipondonts Woarted oe _accersly from Heed te foe ground that <1: sduve Chapel was localed within the Molacanarg secudty ore ISSUE: _Whelner ot not _ditallowtng gelitionees’ ottty to Wt: Jude Chapel 0 violation of reir religion freedom: RULING: No- Usollowing petrtioners’ entry to dude Crage\ it not a vinlation A Youie religious freedom: {re Comtitution provides tral no law shall be made pevhiibiting tre free exrcice A_Wigin: Jy tne case ot Loar, the reskriction jrnomd is ectipliched in the jntered of vativnal security. Pelitioners ore not deniéd or restrained of thei freedom of Yoeliel_or choice of foeir religion bat _only im tre mone by which they had +e ete = the_righ ligiows freedom oh Hoe exercise thereot puss be done in gud faith Vnerefor, disallowing gebtionerc’ eatry to J. Jude Chapel i not a violation of their religions Lreehom. FOUND ALREADY IN THE BOOK OF DEAN NAVAL. PAGE: PARAGRAPH

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