Patrones de Hefter Chile - Doussoulin 2020

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Prevalence of Spasticity and Postural Patterns in the Upper Extremity Post


Article  in  Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases · November 2020

DOI: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2020.105253


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8 authors, including:

Arlette Doussoulin José Luis Bacco

Universidad de La Frontera Instituto Teletón Valparaíso


Paulina Belén Sepúlveda C. Gajardo

University of São Paulo Universidad de La Frontera


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Prevalence of Spasticity and Postural Patterns in the Upper
Extremity Post Stroke

 lveda,§ G. Carvallo,{
A. Doussoulin,* C. Rivas,† J. Bacco,‡ P. Sepu
C. Gajardo,# A. Soto,k ** and R. Rivas,**,††

Introduction: A high number of patients with stroke develop upper extremity spas-
ticity, causing abnormal postures and patterns. These alterations limit the use of
arm in functional activities and affect social participation. Aim: To determine the
prevalence of spasticity and postural patterns of the upper extremity post stroke.
Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive design was used with a prospec-
tive follow-up. The sample included 136 patients. The study included 3 measuring
times; at 10 days (T1), applying a record with sociodemographic-clinical data, the
evaluation of muscle tone in the elbow and wrist and the postural patterns of the
UE, and at 3 months (T2) and 12 months (T3) post stroke, re-evaluating tone and
patterns. Prevalence was calculated through the one-sample chi-squared (x2) test
followed by inspection of the standardized residuals (z) in each cell. The Kappa
coefficient evaluated the degree of agreement in elbow and wrist tone. Results: The
prevalence of spasticity in the elbow was 37.5% at T1, 57.4% at T2, and 57.4% at T3.
At each time there was a high degree of agreement between elbow and wrist tone.
Patients developed increased elbow tone between T1 and T2, with maintained tone
between T2 and T3. Postural pattern III was the most prevalent according to
Hefter’s classification. Conclusion: The prevalence of spasticity in the elbow and
wrist increases between 10 days and 3 months post stroke, and is maintained
between 3 and 12 months. The onset of spasticity occurs in almost half of patients
during the first 10 days post stroke. Postural pattern III according to Hefter’s classi-
fication presented the greatest prevalence in the spastic UE.
Key Words: Muscle spasticity—Postural patterns—Prevalence—Stroke—Upper
© 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Spasticity is one of the clinical manifestations of upper
motor neuron syndrome (UMNS), resulting from deterio-
From the *Physiotherapist, Associate Professor, Departamento de rated function and inducing alterations in rheological
Pediatría y Cirugía Infantil - Universidad de La Frontera Temuco,
muscle properties such as fibrosis, rigidity, and atrophy.1
Hochstetter 405, Temuco, Chile; †Physiotherapist MV Clinical
Temuco, Chile; ‡Rehabilitation Physician, Instituto Telet
on − Valpar- Its onset is highly variable and can occur during the
aíso; §Physiotherapist, Departamento Ciencias Preclínicas − Universi- first weeks or even a year after a stroke.2 Its prevalence is
dad de La Frontera, Temuco; {Physiotherapist, Hospital Dr. Hern an considered to range from 4% to 43%, with an incidence of
Henríquez Aravena, Temuco, Chile; #Physiotherapist, Centro Habili- disability of 2% to 13%.3
dades Clínicas, Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile;
Clinically, spasticity varies in degree: from focal
kNeurologist, Hospital Dr. Hernan Henríquez Aravena, Temuco,
Chile; **Departamento de Especialidades Medicas, Universidad de La involvement of some muscle groups to a global manifesta-
Frontera, Temuco, Chile; and ††Neurologist, Clínica Alemana de tion. Thus, the spastic case is typically expressed in the
Temuco, Chile. upper and lower extremities through characteristic pat-
Received July 31, 2020; accepted August 15, 2020. terns, affecting mainly the elbow (79%), wrist (66%) and
Corresponding author. E-mail:
ankle (66%).4
1052-3057/$ - see front matter
© 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Scientific evidence suggests that spasticity in the upper extremity (UE) is associated with reduced function and

Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, Vol. 29, No. 00 (), 2020: 105253 1

lower levels of independence.5 This situation is also iden- Inclusion criteria

tified in the clinical practice, affecting the rehabilitation
process.6  Aged between 18 and 90 years
Although the classic position of the UE is described with  No prior history of motor disability
shoulder adducted with internal rotation, flexed elbow,  Diagnosis of first ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke con-
flexed wrist and closed fist.7 This is not the only pattern of firmed by computed tomography (CT) and/or mag-
spasticity that can manifest in the upper extremity. netic resonance imaging (MRI).
Starting from a differentiated analysis of the position  Voluntary agreement to participate in the study by
and movement of the arms, a method to identify homoge- signing the informed consent, personally or through a
nous sub-groups of patients with stroke could be the basis relative.
for a common terminology, facilitating the exchange of
information between clinicians and allowing for a poten- Exclusion criteria
tial increase in the effectiveness of interventions.8
 Musculoskeletal pathology in the affected UE.
The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence
 Medical contraindication (e.g. decompensated: heart
of spasticity and postural patterns of the UE after a stroke.
failure, diabetes mellitus, severe chronic pulmonary
disease and end-stage renal disease).
Materials and methods  History of prior stroke.
A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted with Procedure
a prospective follow-up.
Identification and recruitment and of the sample was
performed during the first 10 days of hospitalization (T1).
Potential participants were initially assessed by a neurolo-
Non-probability sampling was used, initially recruiting gist belonging to one of the participating health centers,
186 patients, of whom 45 were excluded for not meeting who verified the inclusion criteria, confirmed demo-
the inclusion criteria, leaving 141 to participate in the first graphic data and clinical aspects referring to comorbid-
assessment period (T1). The final sample, i.e., those with ities such as hypertension, cardiopathies and diabetes and
all three evaluations, was composed of 136 patients due verified the type, extent and severity of the stroke. The
to the loss of 5 subjects between T1 and T2 (Fig. 1). severity of the neurological deficit was evaluated using

Fig. 1. Flow chart of the study.


the NIHSS (National Institute of Health Stroke Scale), which when applied to the UE17 and its high interobserver reli-
contains of 42 points, with an increase in score indicating ability.18 For this study the 6 original values of the MAS
greater neurological involvement. The final score was cat- were regrouped into 4: normal (value 0), mild spasticity
egorized as: no deficit (0), mild deficit 1-4, moderate defi- (values 1 and +1), moderate spasticity (values 2 and 3),
cit 5-15 and severe deficit > 15 points.9 and severe spasticity (value 4). This classification has been
The extent and severity of the damage was evaluated used in other studies about spasticity.19
through ASPECTS (the Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Motor damage in the UE was assessed by asking the
Score), which is a quantitative topographic scale (0 to 10 patient to execute the movement, “place your affected
points) that assesses acute ischemic changes in the terri- hand above your head”, categorized as normal if the com-
tory of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) at the level of plete movement was achieved, as hemiparesis if the
the basal ganglia and above the basal ganglia through cra- movement was begun but not concluded, and as hemiple-
nial CT in patients with a recent stroke.10 For the present gia if the movement was not performed.
study, the scores derived from the CT were added accord- The postural patterns of the UE were assessed through
ing to four categories of damage in the MCA: severe (0-4), clinical observation using the classification of patterns
moderate,5−7 mild,8−9 and no damage.10,11 proposed by Hefter.8 The description of these patterns
The damaged area of the brain was identified using the appears in Fig. 2.
four subtypes from the classification of the Oxfordshire This study was conducted in 2018 and 2019, with prior
Community Stroke Project (OCSP): lacunar infarct approval from the Ethics Committee of the Servicio de
(LACI), total anterior circulation infarct (TACI), partial Salud Araucanía Sur (SSAS). It was also registered at Clin-
anterior circulation infarct (PACI), and posterior circula- (NCT0358883).
tion infarct (POCI). This classification provides fast, sim-
ple and prognostically valuable information.12 In
addition, it can predict the size and location of the lesion
in 75% of patients.13 The prevalence of spasticity was estimated as the per-
During this period (T1), and 3 months (T2) and 12 centage of patients with at least mild muscle tone accord-
months (T3) after the onset of the stroke,14 a previously ing to the MAS, thus excluding normal tone and
trained physiotherapist from each health center assessed flaccidity. Cohen’s kappa coefficient (1960) was used to
muscle tone in the elbow and wrist, motor damage and evaluate the degree of agreement in muscle tone between
postural patterns. the elbow and wrist at each time period.33 The prevalence
Muscle tone was categorized as flaccid, normal or spas- of UE patterns was calculated using the one-sample x2
tic. To determine the degree of spasticity the Modified test followed by inspection of the standardized residuals
Ashworth Scale (MAS) was used,15,16 given its utility (z) in each cell.20 The positive and negative residuals with

Fig. 2. Postural patterns of spastic UE, Hefter’s classification of patterns.8


Table 1. Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics. Table 2. Patient distributions according to the patterns evalu-
ated and x2 test results and the analyses of the standardized
Characteristics %
residuals (z).
Sex Female 51 37.5
Male 85 62.5 Pattern taxonomies x2 % n z
Age ranges 25 to 44 years 15 11.0 UE Hefter (N = 136) 152.81***
45 to 64 years 54 39.7 Pattern I 3.4 5 3.98***
65 and over 67 49.3 Pattern II 9.4 14 2.17*
Residence Urban 104 76.5 Pattern III 52.3 73 10.67***
Rural 32 23.5 Pattern IV 19.5 24 0.84
Type of stroke Ischemic 105 77.2 Pattern V 3.4 5 3.98***
Hemorrhagic 31 22.8 Other 12.1 15 1.37
NIHSS Score 0: Normal 12 8.8
*p < 0.05. **p < 0.01. ***p < 0.001.
Score 1 to 4: Slight 75 55.1
Score 5 to 15: Moderate 40 29.4
Score 16 to 20: Severe 9 6.6 In relation to the type of stroke, post hoc spasticity tests
HBP Yes 103 75.7 at T1 indicated that 36.2% of subjects with ischemic stroke
No 33 24.3 presented normal tone and 58.1% of the subjects with
ASPECTS Moderate damage 35 25.7 hemorrhagic stroke presented mild spasticity. At T2, only
MCA (5−7 points) the difference in the normal category was significant
Slight damage 44 32.4 (45.7% in ischemic stroke vs. 19.4% in hemorrhagic
MCA (8−9 points)
stroke). These results indicate that, in relative terms, the
No damage MCA (10 point) 25 18.4
patients with ischemic stroke tend to have normal tone
Not applicable 32 23.5
OCSP TACI 17 12.5 and the subjects with hemorrhagic stroke mild spasticity.
PACI 77 56.6 No statistically significant differences were observed
LACI 11 8.1 between to spasticity and stroke severity (NIHSS) and age.
POCI 31 22.8 The analyses of prevalence suggest that spasticity in the
Motor damage Hemiplegia UE 47 34.6 elbow was 37.5% at T1 and 57.4% at T2 and T3. Similar
Hemiparesis UE 67 49.3 percentages were observed in the wrist: 36.8% at T1 and
No change 22 16.2 57.4% at both T2 and T3. These results indicate that the
Note: NIHSS: National Institute Health Stroke Scale; HBP: High prevalence of spasticity in both joints increased from T1 to
blood pressure; ASPECTS: Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score; T2 but remained the same from T2 to T3. Among the 114
OCSP: Oxfordshire Community Stroke Project classification; TACI: patients with motor damage, for 44.7% spasticity in the
total anterior circulation infarct; PACI: partial anterior circulation elbow set in during T1 (i.e., the first 10 days), for 23.7%
infarct; LACI: lacunar infarct; POCI: posterior circulation infarct;
between T1 and T2 and for 0.9% between T2 and T3. A
UE: upper extremity; f: frequency; %: percentage.
total of 30.7% of these patients lacked spasticity in the
p < 0.05 were interpreted, respectively, as high prevalence elbow at all three times. The results were very similar for
(predominant occurrence or above random) and low spasticity in the wrist.
prevalence (unusual occurrence or below random). The Table 2 provides the distribution of patients according
SPSS 25 program was used for the statistical analysis. to the taxonomies of spastic patterns and the results of the
corresponding one-sample x2 tests and the analyses of
the standardized residues. All the distributions were sig-
nificantly different from the expected random distribu-
In relation to the sample, Table 1 describes the main tion. With respect to Hefter’s patterns, a high prevalence
results referring to the sociodemographic and clinical of Pattern III was observed and low prevalence of Patterns
characteristics: 62.5% were men, 49.3% were aged 65 years I, II, and V.
or more, and 76.5% of the subjects lived in an urban area.
Ischemic stroke is worthy of note with 77.2% in the clin-
ical characterization. Hypertension stands out as the most
relevant comorbidity with 75.7%. The assessment of neu- In this study a high prevalence of spasticity in the UE
rological deficit using the NIHSS presented categorization was detected at the three measurement times. A predomi-
in the mild range of 55.1%, moderate 29.4% and severe nant postural pattern in the study population was also
6.6%. A total of 58.1% of the subjects presented moderate clearly identified.
to mild damage to the MCA (according to the ASPECTS) The onset of spasticity for almost half of the patients
and 56.6% presented PACI according to the OCSP. With with motor damage began in the first 10 days after the
respect to motor damage, 83.9% presented hemiparesis or stroke. This finding agrees the results reported in the stud-
hemiplegia in the UE. ies by Wissel (2015) and Sommerfeld (2004),5,21 but differs

from that reported by Urban (2010), who found 43% of prevalence, onset time, and postural patterns of spasticity
spasticity at 6 months after the stroke. These results indi- post stroke. Moreover, the percentage of loss to follow-up
cate that the onset of spasticity continues to be highly var- was also very low, and all the patients were evaluated
iable, information that prevents determination of a clinically and through neuroimaging, using scales widely
universal prevalence.22 Some approaches try to explain validated in vascular neurology.11
this wide variability by associating it with the diverse ter- The limitations of the study include the recruitment of
minology and complex phenomenology of spasticity.23 the sample, since two health centers (one public and one
The term has been subject to a huge number of historical private) in the city were included, which do not necessarily
and conceptual zigzags,24 a situation that is limiting when represent the reality of other centers; nevertheless, it is
clinicians and researchers are evaluating and defining important to emphasize that these centers attend 80% of
subjects with spasticity. the stroke admissions in the geographic sector of reference.
The prevalence of spasticity in the elbow and wrist pre- Another aspect to consider is the low percentage of patients
sented similar percentages during the first 3 months after with severe stroke, which could lead to underestimation of
the stroke. That to say, in both joints spasticity increased the prevalence of spasticity; however, this was a character-
between the first 10 days and 3 months post stroke, and istic of the subjects who comprised the study sample.
remained constant between this period and 12 months;
similar results were obtained in recent studies.25,26 Sup- Conclusion
porting these results, a study with electromyography con-
cluded that the increase in muscle tone reaches its The prevalence of spasticity in the elbow and wrist
maximum between the first and third month post stroke.27 increases between 10 days and 3 months post stroke, and
With respect to postural patterns, pattern III presented remains constant between 3 and 12 months. The onset of
the greatest prevalence according to Hefter’s classifica- spasticity occurs in almost half of patients during the first
tion, while two patterns were relatively rare (patterns I 10 days post stroke. Postural pattern III according to
and V). This information differs from the typical pattern Hefter’s classification presented the greatest prevalence.
of spasticity of the UE exhibited in neurology texts (pat- This information is an important input for the func-
tern IV; Wernicke-Mann posture).28 However, the pattern tional prognosis of patients and for the generation of
identified is correlated with the results obtained in future studies that seek to advise on therapeutic strategies
Hefter’s study, 2012.8 The greatest prevalence of pattern that promote the rehabilitation and recovery of the UE.
III, unlike the Wernicke-Mann posture, can be explained
by the extensor muscles tending to be more affected by Declarations of Computing Interest
weakness than the flexors in the UE.29 Contributing to The authors declare that they have no known compet-
this information, Schaefer (2007) identified that the distal ing financial interests or personal relationships that could
muscles of the UE are more affected after UMNS, with have appeared to influence the work reported in this
greater weakness in the wrist and fingers.30 paper.
With respect to type of stroke, although the percentage
of ischemic strokes was greater, a correlation was noted
Grant support
between hemorrhagic strokes and the presence of spastic-
ity. Similar data were reported by other studies.25,31 This Project DIUFRO DI18-0034, Universidad de La Frontera,
information is relevant considering that this type of stroke Chile.
is associated with greater severity and, probably, greater
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