Timeline of Russia & Ukraine Conflict

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Timeline of

My election only proves that the citizens

are tired of the experienced politicians
who over the past 28 years created a

Conflicts Between
country of opportunities - opportunities
to steal, bribe and loot.
- Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Ukraine and Russia President Vladimir Putin of Russia is angered

by the drift of Ukraine towards western forc-
es such as the United States and NATO. His
Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a
army is currently illegally occupying most of
These two countries have had intense conflict former comedian, is elected
the main areas of Ukraine and are committing
for over 100 years now– and it isn’t slowing as president of Ukraine with a
war crimes against the innocent people occu-
down. Recently events have picked up again, promise to restore Donbas to
pying the areas.
but what caused these issues in the first place? the country.
2019 2021-2022

1 2 3 4 5 6/7
8 9

1918-1922 1932-1933 1991 2014

Ukraine declares Millions of Ukrai- Ukraine becomes inde- Protests in Ukraine lead to the overthrow of
independence nians die from a pendent as The Soviet President Viktor Yanukovych for being friendly
from the Soviet famine caused by Union is terminated. to Russian interests. A trade agreement with
Union after years Stalin’s policy of Ukraine transitions to a the E.U. is seen as a first attempt to join the
of war in and collectivization market economy and it group. Russia annexes the Crimean Penin-
around the area. (transition from acquires a large stock of sula. Two secessionist regions later break off
The Ukrainian Sovi- private to collec- nuclear weapons pre- from Ukraine. The war continues in the east-
et Socialist Repub- tive production) in viously owned by The ern Ukrainian region known as Donbas- and
lic is founded in a time known as Soviet Union. spreads West.
1921; Ukraine is Holodomor.
then absorbed by 1939-1944 1994 2014-2015
the Soviet Union in The Soviet Union annexes West- The Minsk Accords, a series
Ukraine surrenders nuclear arsenal un-
1922. ern Ukraine. Nazi Germany of cease-fire agreements, are
der the Budapest Memorandum, which
and many Axis powers occupy includes a commitment from Moscow signed by Russia, Ukraine,
Ukraine during WWII, continuing to respect the nation as sovereign. France and Germany.
devastation in the area. Source: New York Times
By: Payton Moulder

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