Executive Order Template

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Republic of the Philippines

Province of _________________
City / Municipality: ________________________________


Series of 2022


(4Ps) IN THE CITY/ MUNICIPALITY OF __________________.

WHEREAS, The Constitution, Article 2, Section 9 provides that: “The State shall promote a just and
dynamic social order that will ensure the prosperity and independence of the nation and free the
people from poverty through policies that provide adequate social services, promote full employment,
a rising standard of living, and an improved quality of life for all”;

WREREAS, The enactment of Republic Act 11310 (RA 11310), an Act institutionalizing the Pantawid
Pamilyang Pilipino Program in April 2019 has strengthened the program as the national government's
poverty reduction strategy and a human capital investment program that provides conditional cash
transfer to poor households for a maximum period of seven (7) years, to improve the health, nutrition
and education aspect of their lives;

WREREAS, Section 19 of RA 11310 mandates the convergence of various national and local
government agencies implementing holistic social protection program and services to complement the
4Ps implementation with the aim of ensuring that the targeted household-beneficiaries are alleviated
from poverty and remain non-poor even after the prescribed maximum period for the conditional cash
grant. Such convergence shall focus on the enhancement of operational efficiency and strengthening
of inter-agency partnership. The government shall monitor the performance of these agencies to
ensure the sustainability and positive impact of its pro-poor programs;

WREREAS, Section 45 of the IRR of RA 11310 states that the Provincial and Local Advisory Councils
shall be established with the LGU to further strengthen the implementation of the Program at the
Local Level;

WHEREAS, the reconstitution of the Local Advisory Council (LAC) and intensifying its roles and
functions as members of grievance and Family Development Session (FDS) team is a vital part of the
means and methods to have a better and a more efficient and effective implementation of 4Ps and
uplift the level of well-being of its beneficiaries to self-sufficiency;

WHEREAS, the City/Municipal Government has entered into an agreement with the DSWD on
____________________ to formally bind themselves for the implementation of the 4Ps;

WHEREAS, there is a need to reconstitute/ reinstitutionalize the LAC to effectively implement the 4Ps
and uplift the level of well-being of all resident-beneficiaries of this city/municipality.

NOW, THEREFORE, I __________(NAME OF LOCAL CHIEF EXECUTIVE)___________ ,by virtue

of the powers and authority vested in me by law as Local Chief Executive of the City/Municipality of
_______________ hereby promulgate the following Executive Order:

Section 1: Creation of Council - The council shall be reinstitutionalized and shall be called the Local
Advisory Council (LAC).

Section 2: Function- the LAC shall be tasked to oversee and overall implementation of 4Ps in the
City/Municipality and it shall be stipulated in the signed Memorandum of Agreements
(MOA) and eSIAs.

Specifically, the Council shall have the following functions:

a. Take the lead and facilitate the passage of Local Ordinance supporting the program
implementation of 4Ps to improve the condition of its poor constituents;

b. Include in the Annual Investment Plan and/or Local Poverty Reduction Action Plan
activities to complement the implementation of 4Ps;

c. Provide complementary services and monitor availability of the required supply side
and services to ensure that beneficiaries are able to comply with the program
conditions and their eventual exit from the program such as livelihood assistance,
scholarship programs, etc.;

d. Provide services to address the gaps/result of the DSWD conducted Social Welfare
and Development Indicators to program beneficiaries;

e. Convene, preside or designate a permanent representative in the regular Local

Advisory Council meetings;

f. Institutionalize the Local Action Team at the barangay level to address concerns at 
the ground level; 

g. Adopt the implementation of the Kilos Unlad Seven Year Social Case Management
Strategy such as but not limited to the following functions: 

1. Participate and attend as represented by the LCE or the C/MSWDO in case of

conferences of identified household beneficiaries for program exit and transfer; 
2. Ensure implementation of a Local Transition Plan (LTP) and all other
agreements for the benefit of the 4Pshousehold beneficiaries. The LTP details
specific programs and services or set of interventions focus on transitioning the
4Ps households to self-sufficiency level of well-being and towards eventual exit
from the program;
3. Establish an operational system that includes mechanisms and processes to
effectively engage and monitor households who exited/graduated from the
4. Ensure regular funding for post service interventions to sustain the gains of
household and included in the local development planning process;
5. Effectively engage partners and other stakeholders to mobilize the needed
resources to sustain households and prevent them from sliding back to the
poverty level;

h. Conduct regular monitoring and provide technical assistance to field staff and 
parent leaders to ensure effective program implementation;
i. Designate permanent counterpart LGU Links to assist the DSWD hired 
City/Municipal Links in the implementation of all Pantawid Pamilya activities in the 
local level;

j. Provide the Pantawid Pamilya members with transportation and security assistance 
to enable them to claim their cash grants from the designated Land Bank Servicing 
Branches and other conduit institutions;

k. Provide office space and other logistical support to the Pantawid Pamilya LGU
Team  such as but not limited to office supplies, equipment and other paraphernalia
for the  period of program implementation; and

l. Provision of post service interventions to Pantawid Pamilya exiting beneficiaries and

households under Client  Status 14- No Eligible Children (0-18 y/o) for  Compliance
Verification System  Monitoring certified by Regional Program Management Office
(RPMO) and Client Status 3- Graduated due to Improved Level of Well-being to
sustain their self-sufficiency level of well-being and ensure monitoring of such
households in order to prevent them from sliding back to lower level of  well-being;

In addition to its functions, the Local Advisory Council (LAC) shall also serve as:
I. Local Grievance Council, with the following functions:

a. Craft and approve local ordinances to address emerging issues and concerns
related to the pantawid implementation eg. Ordinances to gambling, pawning,
unauthorized collection of fees among beneficiaries;

b. Provide Technical Assistance or appropriate intervention to 4Ps Grievances

referred by the City/Municipal Action Teams (CMATs); and

c. Refer to the Provincial Advisory Committee all concerns needing higher level
interventions or resolutions.

II. Family Development Session (FDS) Team, with the following functions:

a. Prepare a map of subject-matter experts in the locality who shall be assigned as

resource persons per FDS topic as planned;

b. Plot monthly schedule and topic per sessions of all the parent groups in the
pantawid areas in the area, with consideration on the date amenable to the
schedule of the partner beneficiaries and their identified needs;  

c. Address issues and concerns particularly in providing interventions to non-

compliant beneficiaries particularly in FDS; 

d. Meet regularly for planning and follow-through actions;

e. Create and maintain an updated inventory and profile of the FDS team members;

f. Ensure the provision of logistical requirements for the conduct of FDS.

Section 3: Composition – the Local Advisory Council shall be composed of the following Heads of
Agencies to be chaired by the Local Chief Executive:

Name Position Agency




Section 4: Meetings. The Local Advisory Council of ______________ shall meet quarterly every
____________schedule_______________ of the year on a regular basis.
Section 5: Secretariat. The Secretariat shall be composed of the DSWD-City/Municipal Operations
Office. The Secretariat shall be in charge of all administrative and clerical tasks including, but not
limited to, the preparation of communication letters and agenda folders. It shall also keep and file all
the records pertinent documents of the Committee.

Section 6: Funding Support. An amount shall be allocated from the fund of the LGU for the
implementation of the program and to be utilized during the regular and/or special meetings of the
City/ Municipal Advisory Committee which includes snacks, meeting venues and other logistical

Section 7: Effectivity. This order shall take effect immediately upon its approval.

Issued this _____ day of _____ 2022 at __________________.


________Name of LCE________

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