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For a time he was director of the physics

populous. The Spanish and Portuguese states of America are mainly

in the 10th century, and recalls its former situation in the

has been more or less skimmed. It varies consequently very

Tuscany against Algiers, in which he displayed such courage and

colour if the thickness is great. This curious phenomenon

Livy and Tacitus; his digressions on the various countries he

he admits that in some respects the development of the two

written by Longfellow on ``The fiftieth birthday of

authority from the legislature to make ordinances or by-laws

military station of Nasirabad, with a population of 22,494.

which enabled the grain, fruit and wine of the Guadiana

geographer, Abu-r-Raihan Muhammad al-Biruni (see

umbels. The plant is a native of the Mediterranean region,

date of either birth or baptism. He was the son of William

arc, and except in the molten state it is not susceptible

small waves, none of which may be sufficiently distinct to

less extensively in the other portions of the state. Cotton

insect fertilizers being mostly wanting at great heights.

genus Heteropleuron are divided among the three subgenera

Highest. Lowest. Difference

Ten MSS. exist, of which the chief are (1-2) Copenhagen,

Lot, the nephew of the patriarch Abraham, and must have been

boreal regions. Where the temperature allowed, vegetable

A. B. Coolidge, Josias Simler et les origines de l'alpinisme

by Richard Coeur de Lion in 1191. In 1229 it was placed

but in her twentieth year she was affianced, at the instigation

was held (Brown v. Foot, 1892, 66 L.T. 649) that a master

to different European powers have still to be brought under

Frequent and honourable mention of Alava is made in Napier's

Cambridge. Alleyn finally carried his point and the College

29-30; A. Perez, Relaciones (Geneva, 1654), pp. 86-88.

river, he reached the Pacific Ocean, being the first white

Pre-contact material is such as continued to exist in any

In the case of ammeters intended for very small currents, the

Naples and the neighbourhood of Rome. He is represented

Paris, had carried to the pope of Avignon the ``role'' of

for his son, and while the premier, Dr Vladan Dyorevich,

(70 B.C.) the list of judices was composed, in addition

actions. Obliged, however, to flee to Pella in Macedonia, he

to be appointed censor of all plays brought on the stage.

and more personal part in the preparation (with the Baptist

England, and principally by the Stationers' Company, are

of Goa. Albuquerque, finding himself unable to hold the town

Nor is motility by means of cilia known in the group. In the

brigade at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir, and remained in command

and in 1815 the Bergamasque valleys, while the Milanese had

a sharer, associate, complicare, to fold together; the

have the same unlimited growth as the main axis. There is

of the state to which the vessel belonged giving such

mean ``dwellers in the plain''; but in the historical period

the present republics of Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador) was

province are cotton, corn, sesame and wool, which are largely

students of pedagogy. The school is perhaps best described

whose motives are presently found reproduced in monochrome

1890 . . . -- 1905 . . 4,954

groups. In most birds, the hind-gut is relatively very

crop. The well-known paper of Lawes, Gilbert and Pugh (1861),

Glaisher's ascents.

was their addressee, which is confirmed by St Simon and Duclos,

Discovery into the Interior of Africa (1838); Passages in

Nicholas, who seemed of a fairly robust constitution. Even

is poetry locked in its own land. This presence of the pure,

sand mosaics on deserts, and perpetuated in the only sculptures

Persia and his administration of Brusa were his only thorough

simpler substances, constructive metabolism. (See PHYSIOLOGY.)

the president to accredit ambassadors to the great powers.

cases. Only on this hypothesis can be explained forms like

fur-trader. Fort Chipewyan was long known in Hudson's Bay

gradual disappearance of tenants in villeinage--the villeins

length with the length of the neck and thoracic regions in

lectures on zoology, by invitation from J. A. Lowell, at the

people wear silk robes presented by the emperor as a mark of

difficult to deal with. Every effort should be made to

are abundant in the United States National Museum in

great questions raised in R. v. Keyn (the ``Franconia,''

nell' Antichita 1891); W. Brockedon, Illustrations of the

Byzantium and a native of neighbouring Hierapolis (q.v.),

Suffolk Horse Society, the Clydesdale Horse Society, the

Frederick I. Barbarossa, was instrumental in procuring his

any previous consultation ``acclaimed'' one of their number as

in each are indicated by abbreviations, namely:--

the municipality is evident (see Modern Gity above).

folio. When Accursius was employed in this work, it is

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