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Assignment: Writers for a day...

Trimester: III
Date: 08-23-2022
Full name: Génesis López

by Langston Hughes
Column A Column B
Hold fast to dreams Aférrate a los sueños
For if dreams die Porque si los sueños mueren
Life is a broken-winged bird La vida es un pájaro con alas rotas
That cannot fly. Qué no puede volar
Hold fast to dreams Aférrate a los sueños
For when dreams go Porque si los sueños se van
Life is a barren field La vida es un campo estéril
Frozen with snow. Congelado por la nieve

The Story of An Hour
de Kate Chopin
Column A Column B

Alguien estaba tratando de abrir la puerta

Someone was opening the front door with a principal con la llave, fue Brently Mallard
latchkey. It was Brently Mallard who entered, a quien entro, un poco manchado por el viaje,
little travel-stained, composedly carrying his grip- llevando tranquilamente su saco de agarre y
sack and umbrella. He had been far from the scene su paraguas. Él había estado lejos de la
of the accident, and did not even know there had escena del accidente, y ni siquiera sabía que
been one. He stood amazed at Josephine's piercing había habido uno. Quedó sorprendido por el
cry; at Richards' quick motion to screen him from grito desgarrador de Josephine: el
the view of his wife. movimiento rápido de Richard para
apartarlo de la mirada de su esposa.

Relationship between both literary texts

In these literary works we can see how the authors express their feelings openly with the
readers. From my point of view I feel that what the authors wanted to convey was understood
correctly by their audience, in the poem he motivates people to fulfill their dreams no matter
what, he says that without dreams and goals life loses meaning and purpose. The words used
were the right ones to convey that message, and in the story the author wants to express Luisa's
freedom after the death of her husband, she begins to realize that with his death she has the
freedom to live her own life, this helps other women who have gone through the same thing, it
makes them contemplate another perspective.
What is similar in the messages is that both seek to motivate the audience to be better people
and live happily.

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