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[2] MSW-005

No. of Printed Pages : 8 MSW-005
Mention the guidelines for agency practice.

2. Explain the educational, administrative and

(MSW) helping functions of the supervisor. 20

Term-End Examination Or

December, 2021 Discuss the areas of social work practice in

child care setting.

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100 3. Answer any two of the following questions in

about 300 words each :

Note : (i) Answer all the five questions.

(a) Discuss the competencies that are required

(ii) All questions carry equal marks. of a social work student. 10

(iii) Answer to question nos. 1 and 2 should (b) Enlist the basic communication and

not exceed 600 words each. helping skills in social work. 10

(c) Highlight the modes of supervision. 10

1. Highlight the central themes in social work
(d) Explain the nature of field work in NGOs.
practicum. 20

P. T. O.
[3] MSW-005 [4] MSW-005

4. Answer any four of the following questions in 5. Write short notes on any five of the following in

about 150 words each : about 100 words each :

(a) What are the core elements in corporate (a) Social Development 4
social responsibility in India ? 5
(b) National Conference on Charities 4
(b) What is correctional social work ? 5
(c) Social work as a profession 4
(c) What qualities are necessary to help

supervisors become effective field (d) Communication skills for social workers 4

instructors ? 5
(e) Roles of a supervisor in open and distance
(d) How can students prepare themselves for learning 4
field work placements ? 5
(f) Strategies of supervision 4
(e) Mention the salient features of field

practicum structure in social work (g) Types of evaluation research 4

education overseas. 5
(h) Field work practice with communities 4

(f) Highlight the approaches to social work

practicum. 5

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[7] MSW-005 [8] MSW-005


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