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NAME: Cory Standridge GRADE: 10th

SUBJECT: English II WEEK OF: March 16-20
STANDARDS: I1.1,I3.3, I3.4, I4, RI6, RI10.1, W1, W4.1a


DO NOW/ANTICIPATORY SET: Journal “Next Unit” Journal “News” Journal “Paper”

This is designed to engage the We’ll be finishing Where do you get What’s the longest
students’ attention at the up with the 1920s your news? paper you’ve ever
beginning of class. Called the and Great Gatsby TV/Internet/Phone had to write? How
over the next Do you think did you do on it?
“hook” or the “bell ringer”, it
week. As such, getting news from
serves as a focus for the day’s
what would you Snapchat is
activities. like to see for our better/worse than
Next Unit? Why from a
do you say this? newspaper?

OBJECTIVE AND PURPOSE: Essential Essential Essential Question:

The objective should state Question: Question: What are the
WHAT the student will learn. How do I organize How do I create an requirements and
The purpose should state my research into a annotated rubric for a
cohesive essay? bibliography based research paper?
WHY the student needs to
on my research?
learn the content.

DIRECT INSTRUCTION: Progress Reports Subject/Verb Subject/Verb

This is the section where you Teacher will Agreement Sheet Agreement Sheet
explicitly delineate how you distribute and Teacher will Teacher will review
discuss progress review students students

will model the lesson’s reports based on understanding of understanding of

objectives for your students. students’ grades. Subject/Verb Subject/Verb
Agreement. Agreement.

GUIDED PRACTICE: Research Source Annotated Research Source

Under your supervision, the Notes Graphic Bibliography Notes / Graphic
students are given a chance to Organizer Teacher will have Organizer
practice and apply the skills Students will be students create an Teacher will
given back their annotated distribute Source
you taught them through
source notes and bibliography on Notes back to
direct instruction.
will complete the word using their students.
MONITOR AND ADJUST: same graphic research source
Upon presenting information organizer on notes as the guide. Inquiry Essay Mad
and allowing students to Wednesday for Lib
practice the new learning, the their own Teacher will Students will use
teacher will monitor students research. monitor students their own research
to determine who needs ability to format source notes to
re-teaching and adjust the Teacher will their citations complete a Mad
lesson accordingly. monitor students correctly. Lib essay
completion of assignment based
graphic organizer. on their own

INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: Essay Mad Lib Annotated Inquiry Paper

Through independent Students will Bibliography Rough Draft
assignments, your students complete a fill in Students will type Students will type
will demonstrate whether or the blank “mad lib” their annotated and turn in the
style essay bibliographies and rough draft of their
not they absorbed the
assignment where submit to Edmodo research paper for
lesson’s learning goals. This is
they’ll fill in the a Quiz grade.
information based

the time to pull groups for on their side of the

Tier 1 intervention. argument.

CLOSURE: Turn in Research Turn in Annotated Turn in Rough

In the closure section, outline Source Notes and Bibliography on Draft of research
how you will wrap up the Essay Mad Lib Edmodo before paper on Edmodo.
lesson by giving the lesson before leaving leaving class.
concepts further meaning for
your students.

ASSIGN HOMEWORK: Research Paper Rough Draft of ALL make up work

Through homework Rough Draft due Research Paper due next Thursday.
assignments the lesson on Friday! due on Friday.
objectives and content will be

RESOURCES: Journals Journals Journals

Here, you determine what Progress Reports Subject/Verb Subject/Verb
materials and supplies are Research Source Agreement Agreement
required to help your students Notes Annotated Research Source
Essay Mad Lib Bibliography Notes
achieve the stated lesson
DLE Laptops DLE Laptops Mad Lib
DLE Laptops

CHECK FOR Graphic Organizer Students will use Research Paper

UNDERSTANDING: will have students to Rubric:
Here, include the higher order collect their create an Effectively
questions you will use to thoughts based on: annotated addresses all parts
hook, thesis, topic bibliography in of the task to
Microsoft Word demonstrate an

determine your students’ sentences, and 1. Set up Your indepth

understanding of the material. supporting details. Word Document understanding of
Go to the text(s) 
Essay Mad Lib: Ribbon>Layout Thorough analysis
The students will >Margins>Normal based on explicit
“fill in” an essay 2. Set the Font and implicit
based on the Times New Roman meanings from the
information from 12pt. text(s) to support
their graphic 3. Go to paragraph claims, opinions,
organizer. and choose 2.0 for and ideas 
double spaced Substantial and
The two articles lines direct reference to
will look at 4. Choose the the main ideas and
changing the location and your relevant details of
school day to start sources. the text(s) using an
later versus a four 5. Complete the effective
day school week. annotated combination of
bibliography on details, examples,
Word quotes, and/or
6. Go to facts  Strong
references, choose organizational
MLA Citation structure and focus
7. Indent the on the task with
second line logically grouped
8. Choose a ideas, including an
Hanging Indent effective
9. Go to “Insert introduction,
Citation” and Add development, and
New Source conclusion  Skillful
use of transitions
to link ideas within
10. Complete the categories of
“Manage Sources” textual and
box supporting
11. Place all information 
citations in Effective use of
alphabetical order. precise language
12. Write the and domain-
annotation specific vocabulary
13. Turn into drawn from the
Edmodo before text(s)  Few
leaving class. errors, if any, are
present in
grammar, usage,
capitalization, and
punctuation; errors
present do not
interfere with

After the lesson, reflect on
what went well and what you
will change next time.

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