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What’s In

1. Leaves
2. Chloroplast
3. Xylem
4. Phloem
5. Chlorophyll
6. Stomata
7. Sunlight

What Is It
1. What do you think is the reason that there are less stomata and thicker cuticle
in upper epidermis?
Since the upper epidermis is exposed to the sun, evaporation will often take place
here. This means the plant loses water, vital for life, in this area the most which is
why there is thicker cuticle here.
2. In which part of a leaf does photosynthesis usually occur? Why?
Mesophyll. This is where the chloroplasts, which contain chlorophyll, are located.
3. What plant tissue is responsible for the transport of water to the plant? What
plant tissue is involved in food distribution to the plant?
The xylem tissue transports water and dissolved minerals to the leaves while the
phloem tissue conducts food from the leaves to all parts of the plant.
4. What is the importance of chlorophyll pigments and where its location in the
It traps light energy from the sun, which is then used to combine carbon dioxide and
water into sugars in the process of photosynthesis. Chlorophyll is located in a plant's
chloroplasts, which are tiny structures in a plant's cells. This is where photosynthesis
takes place.
5. Where does light dependent reaction take place?
Thylakoid Membrane
6. When light energy excites electrons in chlorophyll, how do electrons change?
The energy given to the electron allows it to break free from an atom of the
chlorophyll molecule.
7. How does ATP synthase produce ATP?
ATP synthase forms ATP from Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP) and an inorganic
phosphate (Pi) through oxidative phosphorylation, which is a process in which
enzymes oxidize nutrients to form ATP.
8. What is the major raw material of light dependent reaction?
Water and Light
9. What are the by-products and end products of light dependent reaction of
10. What do you think is the most important event during light independent
reaction of photosynthesis? Why?
The Calvin Cycle. It is the process that plants and algae use to turn carbon dioxide
from the air into sugar, the food autotrophs need to grow. Every living thing on Earth
depends on the Calvin Cycle but plants, in particular, depend on it for energy and

What I Have Learned

Part I
Basis of Comparison Light Dependent Light Independent
Reaction Reaction
a. Location in Chloroplast Thylakoid Stroma
b. Source of Energy Light Energy ATP and NADPH
c. Major Raw Materials Water Carbon Dioxide
d. By-Products Glucose Oxygen
e. End Products ATP and NADPH ADP + Pi + NADPH+

Part II
+ +
6CO2 6H2O C6H12O6 6O2
(carbon dioxide) (water) chlorophyll (glucose) (oxygen)
Reactants Products

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