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Performance Review

Reviewer: Nguyễn Thành Hưng Reviewer’s Team: Creator

Reviewee: Nguyễn Thành Hưng Reviewee’s Team: Creator
Performance Period: Year-end 2021

A. Performance Competencies
Depending on position, some competencies may be more relevant than others.

5 Exceptional: Performance is consistently superior and significantly exceeds position requirements.

4 Highly Effective: Performance frequently exceeds position requirements.

N/A New/Not Applicable

3 Proficient: Performance consistently meets position requirements.

Performance meets some, but not all position requirements.

4 Highly Effective
2 Inconsistent:

1 Unsatisfactory
2 Inconsistent
5 Exceptional
Performance consistently fails to meet minimum position requirements; employee

3 Proficient
1 Unsatisfactory:
lacks skills required or fails to utilize necessary skills.
N/A New or Not Employee has not been in position long enough to have demonstrated the essential
Applicable: elements of the position and will be reviewed at a later agreed upon date.
1. Wow our artisans and customers
Brief explanation: As a photographer, I'm trying to create the best images of product from our artisans, so
that the customers will have the clearest view of the product.
2. Move with urgency
Brief explanation: we work as a team so if the team need to be fast, I'm always ready to move with the team.
3. Deliver results with passion
Brief explanation: My passion is about photography, so I'm happy to create the nice pictures.
4. Aim high and find a way
Brief explanation: I'm always willing to chance and flexible to get the best results.
5. Disagree and Commit
Brief explanation:
6. Think systematically
Brief explanation:
7. Company-wide perspective
Brief explanation:
8. Simplify to succeed
Brief explanation:
9. Find and develop the best
Brief explanation: Working in Chus is also my good opportunity to learn, so I'm always to find and develope
the best

B. Other comments
If you have additional comment on the performance of the reviewee, please provide in the space below.

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