Revival of Mil Culture - Sid

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“The only thing harder than getting a new idea into the military mind is to get an old
one out”. (Liddel Hart)
1. Intro. The sum total of the general behavior pattern, attitude, heritage,
tradition and response of the people in a particular society can be termed as culture
of that group of people. For a military outfit it is extremely important to have a team
equipped with an enriched military culture. History is witness to the fact that military
culture has played a key role in the final outcome of many battles. Pakistan army
has a rich mil culture which helped producing quality ldrship. A gradual deterioration
has taken place due to protracted emp of Pakistan Army in SCOs. The SCOs
resulted in formation of new spec outfits with specific tasks. Indians PAO Strat has
also resulted in the org changes and estb of new sat stas/ cantts. These org
changes have adversely affected customs, traditions and culture of Pakistan Army.
There is a dire need to identify the deformation that has taken place and the effort
that is req to remove/ correct it.The cultural environment in the army today,
therefore, needs a clear orientation with more positive impetus for the pursuit of its
desired objective.
1. To highlight factors affecting mil culture and suggest corrective measures for
2. Core Aspects of Military Culture . Some of the strengths of our military
culture are:-
a. Professionalism. Professionalism has always been the hallmark of our
military culture. It includes:-
(1) Discipline.

(2) High standards of training.

(3) Bravery.

(4) Dedication and devotion to duty.

(5) Impartiality and adaptability.


b. Sports. It is an important facet of our military culture, which has

facilitated in maintaining the morale and physical health of all ranks
besides contributing a great deal at national and international level.
c. Mess Life. One of the most imp aspects of mil culture is Mess life.
Mess has always played a very imp role in grooming of offrs. It is a
place where offrs spend their leisure time after day’s work.
3. Factors Affecting Mil Culture
a. Prolonged Emp in SCOs. After 9/11, war on terrorism changed
the outlook of Pakistan Army due to its cmt in SCOs. It definitely had
some positive aspects to its credit but as far as mil culture is concerned
it brought some drastic unwanted changes and deformation.
b. Evolution of Special Units/Outfits. The raising of spec
units/outfits was need of the hr and it vastly improved the cbt potential
of Pakistan Army. These units, like LCBs and ASFC units, were trained,
equipped and sta at spec locs in consonance with their op roles. Due to
their peculiar task, these units were cut off from the routine cantt life;
adversely affecting the mil culture of these outfits.

c. Estb of Sat Stas/Cantts. In the last one decade, Indian Army has
been working on its PAO Strat. This strat has serious consequences for
Pakistan Army and resulted in the const and estb of new fwd cantts/sat
stas. Pakistan Army's NCW entailed mov of tps to fwd locs during the
peace time. This factor has further put tps and offrs away from the main
cantts and mil culture.

d. Socio-Cultural Changes. The impact of media and adv in tech

has adversely affected mil culture and has limited the offrs to their own
self only. BOQ ridden routine has further reduced interaction b/w offrs
and families. Aval of TV and internet etc has taken over the institution
of messes which was a culture in itself.

e. Over Cmt of Offrs. Due to the prevalent shortage of offrs vis-à-

vis cmts has resulted in over cmt of aval offrs. Almost all units are

functioning on MML and multi-tasking has over stretched the routine of

all ranks. Late sitting in office is a normal routine which in turn affects
the morning PT and evening game attendance which have remained a
hallmark of mil culture.

f. E-Office and OAS. E-office and OAS has inc the speed of office
procedures but it has added to the plight of offrs as well. There is
always something pending in the inbox demanding some imed action or

g. Deteriorating Mess Culture. Due to over cmt and stretched routine

mess culture has almost faded away. There is no culture of dining in
the mess which was a mandatory activity almost a decade ago. This
has limited the mutual interaction of snr and jnr offrs and curtailed any
type of grooming such activities were meant for.

4. RECOMS. Fol are the few recoms keeping in view the changes taking place
around us which compel us to be abreast with them and remain dynamic:-

a. Trg of YOs in Units. YOs joining the units in fwd areas should be
kept at bn/regt HQ in the rear areas for few months so that they can get
accustomed with mil culture and basic norms.
b. Circulation of Emp. Efforts be made to bring spec outfits like
LCBs and ASFC units into mainstream mil culture by circulating their
emp in estb cantts.
c. Org of Mil Activities. Comds at sat stas and newly estb cantts to
generate activities focused on revival of mil culture.
d. Events of Mutual Interaction. Tech is part of life and cannot be
subtracted from it. Still mutual interaction shall be encouraged and
ample events be provided to ensure the same.
e. Manning Lvl in Units. MML of units at peace sta may also be inc
so that offrs can have some respite and get back to other mil culture.


When offrs will have sufficient time culture of morning PT and evening
games will be revived.
f. Revival of Mess Life. Dinner nis and informal gatherings be
encouraged to revive mess life.
g. Office Timings. Office timings will have to be fol strictly for revival
of mil culture in Army. E-office and OAS usage must be regulated.
5. Concl. Mil culture is a dynamic phenomenon which undergoes evolution
in consonance with changing envmts. Army is the most well org and responsive inst
in the country which derives vital str from its traditions and culture. After successfully
fighting the menace of terrorism, time has once again brought Pakistan Army to the
center stage of national pol due to CPEC proj and the task to protect it. Which
means that the non-conv emp of Pakistan Army will cont for a foreseeable future.
Hence, we will have to circumvent all odds to revive our traditional mil culture and
keep it alive for generations to come.


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