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타임즈아카데미 엘포트


1 nearly

2 aspect

3 Korean wave

4 take place

5 Gwanghwamun Square

6 Jamsil Sports Complex

7 visitor

8 experience

9 craftwork

10 attend

11 meet-and-greet

12 crash

13 injure

14 broke

15 pop

16 slippery

17 dangerous

18 reopen

19 several

20 die

Score Signature
 타임즈아카데미 엘포트


21 before

22 coffin

23 street

24 rice

25 farm

26 staple food

27 recently

28 popularity

29 due to

30 change

31 eating habit

32 rock climber

33 environmentalist

34 businessman

35 nature

36 natural world

37 company

38 entire

39 fight

40 against
 타임즈아카데미 엘포트


41 climate change

42 scientist

43 found

44 dinosaur

45 name

46 weigh

47 neck

48 insect

49 be related to

50 probably

51 stop

52 examine

53 safe

54 move

55 space

56 stay

57 trustworthy

58 adult

59 police officer

60 mother
 타임즈아카데미 엘포트


61 stranger

62 continue

63 straight

64 sample

65 iconic

66 a lot of

67 attention

68 additionally

69 charm

70 a variety of

71 in addition to

72 especially

73 humor

74 meanwhile

75 debut

76 captivate

77 sundown

78 hardly

79 light pollution

80 stargaze
 타임즈아카데미 엘포트


81 be located in

82 remote

83 distracted

84 brilliant

85 observe

86 due to

87 altitude

88 accomplishment

89 daily

90 routine

91 move

92 energize

93 throughout

94 interact

95 prefer

96 late

97 prepare

98 pancake

99 camping

100 amusement park

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