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Republic of the Philippines

Tarlac State University

College of Education
A.Y. 2020-2021



What are the implications of online distance learning education for their studies or
Teacher 1: (Mr.James Tyrone N. Lambino)
Distance education is a very compelling topic with profound implications. In line with the
implications of online distance learning education, one is its flexibility. It doesn’t matter where
the students are or what resources they acquire as long as they can attend their respective
classes. The other one is that, even as students, this modality has helped them become
independent in terms of exploring learning platforms and developing different skills and
acquisitions that could help them face the real world.
Teacher 2: (Ms.Jholene Villa luna)
As a teacher, I could perceive that the online method of teaching increases educational
productivity, lessons and modules are easily distributed to the students and, it also requires
lesser time and energy which is to our advantage.
Student 1: (Ms.Mia Janelle Toh)
Good evening Ms.Lambino,Online distance learning has had both positive and negative
implications on my studies. Some positive implications online learning had for my study habits
is that I learned to manage my time better and have more self control. Being at home all the time
and not under the watchful eyes of professors, I am surrounded by the distractions and the
temptation to eat, sleep, play, or engage in activities not relevant to my education. Admittedly, it
is difficult not to simply grab my phone while in class or play games instead of finishing
schoolwork. Fortunately, I was able to resist these temptations and managed to maintain my
grades despite the sudden change in setting to a more relaxed and unsupervised one.
On the other hand, I think I have also gotten lazier, or maybe I simply lost motivation as
distance learning dragged on. Despite the more relaxed environment, there's just something
about in-person classes that online learning can never have. Physically seeing and hearing your
instructors in person makes learning more engaging I believe, and when we see our instructors
everyday, we'd feel more comfortable asking them questions as well. I now feel like I work for
good grades but not so much for actually learning skills I need. The option to self study is
always there, but for some reason I don't have that eagerness. I know I'm not the student I was
Republic of the Philippines
Tarlac State University
College of Education
A.Y. 2020-2021

before the pandemic started, but I'm of course hoping to return to my old self, aiming not just
for good grades but actually gaining knowledge.
Student 2: (Nikki Angela Uy)
It has been challenging for me to switch to online learning during my college journey. A new
arrangement calls for higher learning motivation and self-control. Face-to-face conversation and
social life are just two effects of online learning. Lack of focus was my biggest obstacle to
learning and listening throughout this time. Additionally, because each student has unique
learning requirements, teachers cannot readily identify the emotions and doubts of their
students. In conclusion, learning online is not a quick process; it takes time to train our minds to
Student 3: (Shaine Cabusao)
I began using this type of learning system in college, but it's difficult for me because I don't
have any equipment or devices to use in my studies. I took computer science when I was in my
first year, and that's the biggest problem that I face, lack of devices. Sometimes I cannot follow
in our lecture or laboratory because I didn't see the actual discussion, and I cannot do it on my
own, but I fight that no matter what the problem is, there's a solution. Unfortunately, I didn't
take it anymore, and the apps that I need in coding are not working. I just finished my whole
year in ccs, then I shifted to another course. I share my story or journey not to say that I didn't
learn. Actually, I learned a lot of lessons, but I decided to pursue my goal. That's why I changed
my course. Now I'm happy with my course. I just want to say if you truly want to learn, pay
attention, don't get distracted and don't blame the new normal education for your failure to learn.
Instead, ask yourself if you took action before blaming the learning difference.
Republic of the Philippines
Tarlac State University
College of Education
A.Y. 2020-2021

Teacher 1: (Mr.James Tyrone N. Lambino)

Teacher 2: (Ms.Jholene Villa luna)

Republic of the Philippines
Tarlac State University
College of Education
A.Y. 2020-2021

Student 1: (Mia Janelle Toh)

Student 2: (Nikki Angela Uy)

Student 3: (Shaine Cabusao)

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