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PART-I Whi a A) ich ofthe following ant-lbercular eves CAUSES red-orange asso Absence of bow B) Streptomycin C Ethambutel Ye AA) Haemorrhane oma abdominal diene ater abo ence B) Intussusception C) Paras HS Unwanted but una [pent he unavoidable harmacedyamis EC of drug et A) Hyperse: sitivity B) Side fies, _€) Toxic ot Which of th AY Staple ns Be rumen it at peptic ulcer die us B) Cory hasterium C) Helisobscte POT When the Je tmoun of amped exc wo ters the comaton called: A) Oligohy i Ami wi iigotvacs >) Amalonils — -gistrati i Nia eee ‘Any ofthe above In Identical twit ssi eae sof is Beene tan ain ns chorion, the sil nee = wo (C) More than tw wo ‘Sports person enhance: s mental and physical capabilities by ta) A e nd physical capabilities by eae steroids B) Caffein ©) Whisky. 'D) High calorie food salient feature of A) Written with ink ae wesinents “6 “ ae is ) jear and concise - ‘ounter signed by doctor. 1D) Choulg not have over-writing 1 ability of the human body to defend itse}f agains pathogen conic agent? A) Resistance B) Tolerance Seay 8) Adaptation Fifth disease is also known as? : 8) Mumps B) Erythe ©) Measles D) Rubella In.which part of the fallopian ion takes place: ‘A)Infundibulum = B) C) Isthmus D) Interstitial part Who is known as the fathggg A¥gptie Sursery: aye é en ©) Louis Pasteur) Solman Waksman jorld Met A) July 11 Merober 10, C) April 7 D) June 5 ‘Shoulder yanaged by: ‘Ay Li B) Leopold manoeuvre ) Me ynocUyTE D) Burn Marshall manoeuvre A normal hYknan cell has 4 {hromosomes: Ay23 “Bye 9% D) 48 One of the major plications due to mumps in males is Oy Weakness 1B) Sterility, ©) Earache D) Meningitis «= pressure is defined & “ Pulse Presrprence bAtwer systolic and diastolic pressure, 2 = airference between ati ‘and venous pressure Dine difrerence betwee? standing and supine blood pressure D) None of the above Jan for assisted mobility’ - im aim of nursing oar? F ; a Thema a a ac ‘) Promote independene® staring exercises ard activities th A)and BY DB) None of these remafsnno-D] Page 2 of 8 eee 20 ai. 22. 23. 24, 2s, 26, a. 28, 29, 30. 31 32. 33. Be cent would essed patient The role of nurse ina comprehensive management plan for deprs essentially include: 'A) Prescribing antidepressant medications " B), Evaluation of medical condition and course of discs Spavioural theraP, Providing psychological support through cognitive 1D) Ordering the investigations for patieats —" if Al ofthe following are preventable hospital acquired infeetions red urinary tact infor ‘A) Ventilator associated pneumonia nae aa toxicity ©) Cannula associated thrombophlebitis —-D) Drug associat im Out ofthe following, which is not a direct cause of bed! sores Ht apaticnt game position Rees ie) piers ae in eicular pat Beene avin: pean ” Out of the following, which is not a major intracellular electrolyte osphate A)Sodium. ——_B) Potassium ©) Magnesium =D) Phosplorous? Hypervolemia ean result because of all of the following exceP, A) Early renal failure + B) Congestive heart failure jiarrhoea + 1D) Excessive sodium ingestion ‘Nursing medication errors most commonly abserved in hospitals 'A) Errors related to wrong dosage and infusion rate s related to wrong identification of patient C) Errors related to wrong route of drug administration 1D) Errors related to wrong drug being administered ‘Most of the medication errors occur because of am up stage: |A) Prescribing B) Transcribing C) Di ‘DyAdministering, ‘Which term is used to denote normal hear rata» Pag ct A) Tachycardia —-B) Sinus rhythm. jcaidia —-—-«D) systole Recording of vital signs of patient by m ssionals is required 'A) To keep patient happy the progress and detect anyadverse event, ) To fill the medical records data for research |A fever is indicated when bod) ise$ over oral temperature of A) 98.6degreeE BY ©) 97.8degrecF —-D) ‘100degree F Ina patient, the fluid bal 'A) Monitoring of wei ) Input output ‘Theme for this 3° day (2022) is A) A Voiggto, jest in Nursing and respect rights to secure global health, B) A Voice ead A vision for future healthcare C) A Voice to — Nursing the World to Health ‘D) None of the above ‘The nurses day is’ celebrated to commemorate A) ‘Foundation day of Imerational Couneil of Nursing B) Anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s bith. ©) Anniversary of Mother Teresa's birth Dy Anniversary of day of opening fist scientific mursing school “The definition of health given by WHO includes all of the following dimensi A) Mental B) Physical © Veation DSO ‘All of the following diseases can be affected by lifestyle behaviour exe ‘Ry Cardiovasculardisease —B)Cancer tension Dy Tipe Di Health promotion activities that can be regulary practiced by nurses include Diabetes cated by B) Physical examination of patient \DYAIl of the above 'A) Motivating patients for healthy ifestyle behaviours 8} Regular psychological counselling of patient C) Counselling of fomnity members of these remd/snno-D/ Page 3 of 8 2 sé of ct a 36. Thew e urinary ouy f ¢ A {put of patient is icator of ‘ €) Severity atria tt ineton indicator oF evel of consciousness x, of kidney function. ) Status of ms The fluid ana clecitolyte balance sy assessed by te balance in a patient cun be easily Pressure B) Pulse raweC) Urine output » py Ail ofthe above ® absolutely mandatory in which of the following patient care activity ©) Phyasan on Sinsation By Perineal cae after child 3 Weel 'D) Recording vitals A) 05-1 ee utpat is anywhere between © 1.05.9 eeitont B) 0.1-0.5 mi/ke/hour 40, Wide ee D) 1.5-5,0 mUkg/hour A) Vio lowing isnot a micro-nutrient 41, Amongst f B) Zine ©) Proteins. D) Vitamin C Nes, the category that should be minimally consumed for healthy body are: amuraed fats 'B) Polyunsaturated fats B20 Amongst the folto 1D) None of these ‘oon i ste ltmtogy \hich is the correct measurement ofurgagy output 43¢ The most _B) Obecup “¢) 300m! D) I quart ay a enn leit deficiency in India is }) Zine ©) Vi 44 ) D) Iron ‘The recommended ante-natal visits fora pregnant recat Se aii elicingcainhs snot ween Med and one at term. B) Oncea month ©) Once in two months D) Every two weeks 45, Feeding colostrum to new-bom is 1 Myce Cy ° A) [cis good in taste B) Ij ve . 7 ©) It isa tradition in India D), per 0 beanie ae ites, 46, Scurvy is caused due to defigigiy o A) Vitamin A By) vit C) Vitamin & ren ‘tamin C, » Vi 47. Vitamin'D deficiency ) Vitamin D ee spn SPs D) Mouth ulcers 48. Pulsc oximeter j ensure x Onygs lood BY Pulse rate OBO A)and B) — D) None ofthese 49, Range of icts \ Yhove each muscle and joint €)Arnof mow ‘of movement of limbs 8) Arvofmersmentoffeiat |. Forg patie with severe hearing isability, the nurse should # #Patine patient and speak clearly and distinel, sou and use exaggerating mouth movemenss C) Keep silent ; 3 Communicate with family only 1 ferrollisusedtO | ee en * iemal rotation of hip when patient tf in recumbent position a rotation of hip when patent isin recumbent postion nal Prevent er of hip when paint isin standing postion in il o. ae er oinen of ip When Paes standing position " ition in which wast drop is 8 cons nd digits do not work es of . Flexor ™ veemist and digits do not work "B) Extensor muscles of wrist and digits do mot work do not work BD air US and SB remaystno-D/ Page 4 of 8 2, 75, 76. 71. 78. 79, 80. 8. 82, 334 84, 85. sould the muse assess fist? ape sYchiatry ward, which of the following patients *% awn. aR suffering from chronic schizophrenia who IS withdrawn =} 4 Patient with an acute attack of severe anxiet ty 's in her room all dey j ining of constipation . editte Medan treatment of Coronary artery disease include which of the a ia eee “ardiae catheterizat B) Oral medication admin i ©) Coronary ery bynes Grafing _D) Percutaneous transhuminal Coronary AMEIOBESy Heimlich maneuver is is used to ; A) clear foreign body from airway, 8) remove foreign body from eye ©) remove foreign body from ear 1D) None of these Carpal Tunnel s Sj jyndrome is caused by compression of 2 A) Radial nerve 3) Medial nerve) Uae nerve D) Axillary nerve In case of needle stick injury, the first response of the nurse should be A) Start preparing o report B) Talk to seniors © Wash the site with soap and wate, DD) Check your immunisation status The following articles are essential components of crash cart j A) Defibrillator " B) ©) Material for peripheral intrayenousaccess D) ‘An error in measuring blood pressure may result beet A) The size or position of cuffis wrong B) Patient's arm is positioned above or below the fével qPMfeart ) The sphygmomanometer is pressed too firmly Mgigd brachial artery DyAny of these. * Apical pulse of a patient can be assesse A) Palpating the radial artery ) Palpating the brachial artery ©) Auscuitating the heart 1D) Palpating:the carotid artory Bed side assessment of respiratj Oo professional includes all of the following except: ‘A) Respiratory rhythn/pargm ‘ssessment of any i ‘What should be the ity B) Depth of breathing est, D) Pffort associated with breathing, iediate decision on physician's order of “give one unit of ‘A) Prepare te fect blood unit and clarify the onder with the physician prior to from the head nursc/nursing supervisor cy Chari nit and tronsfuse.the patient ¢ order with physician, prepare the patient and collect blood unit ‘wen should the baseline vital signs be recorded before initiating blood transfusion? it B) Within one how i tes } Y ae ao hal hour D) Within two hours vould check he availability and patency of an intravenous acces line A nye shuld unt toward -B)Aftr bringing Hoa unit to wand yy efor Orne gh blood D) Not eequite to be done aon ved tna prsceevmendation f Duin oat Stoke pain eid all ofthe following excep ification and triage ari eyo levat ie ciel eat jemt (C) Observe the PACE «stroke unit for ongoing assessment and pro 1D) Rapid transfer to 9 ” reat A), rema/snnord/ Page Sof 8 4 oa —_ 86. 88. 89, 0, oO 92. 93. 4. 98, 96. on 98 1090, crit - inj Id be: ‘The First priority in emergency department management of acute burn injury aed A) Cleaning the wounds B) Fluid replacement U iP C) Maintaining airway, breathing and circulation, DD) Starting Medication In clinica situations, which method forhand hygiene isto be profes sanitiser A) Wash with soap and water B) Use alcohol base C)Clean your hands only when it is visibly soiled _D) None of these . For hand hygiene procedire, which parameter/parameters are most important: ‘A) Time'duration of hand washing BB) Technique of hand washings ©) Both A) and B), D) None of these ‘Whiich nursing intervention would best prevent development of deep vein thrgmbosis/pulmonary embolism in a post-surgical patient: oo Hydration and physical movement of patie; B) Psychological counselling of Ps ©) Bed management D) Keeping patient warm —s ‘A patiens of anaemia with haemoglobin of 7am percent bas been advised iron injec preferred therapy by the physician, On being given the prescribed injection by intramuscular Toute, the patient suddenly develops breathlessness, nausea, and hypotgasion. What would be the most probable cause: 'A) Wrong site of injection B) Wrong technig fon “Anaphylaxis, D) Heart attack Normal rectal temperature is typically ‘A) Lesser than oral temperature B) Equal ature ©) greater than oral temperature, D) No relalign tdoral temperature Ifa patient is complaining of orthopnoca, itis best ta make, A) Lie down straight on bed B in upright position, ©) Walk around in the room 1 ahy position ‘The best strategy to prevent eannula site A) Periodic training of healthcare profe B) Use of hand hygiene end aseptic fisertion. C) Skin anti-sepsis 1D) Frequent change of cannulas Immediate nursing care activi wonscious patient include all ofthe following except 'A) Maintaining Airway pgifn B) Maintaining fluid and electro . C) Maintaining nost D) Medication management eee Early indicator in Ypatientis A) Anxiety and B) Fallin oxygen saturation ©) Cyanosis D) Hypertension mn of blood The first esp of « nurse on noticing suspected blood trmfaio A) Inform the pallMat attendants B) Call the doctor 8OR Should be ©) Stop the transfusion, D) Monitor urine ouput ‘The most important intended outcome of using side rails on 1) Preventing patent log B) To provi : Gla inbedingenemarseenéa Dy Toramag nea? dip aet In a patient diagnosed of having an acute anaphylactic attack, would be A) Administer epinephrine, C) Look for causative agent Patient bed would be ‘he Gist nursing care response B) Call the family : D) Check the medication chart ‘The cardinal signs of cardiac anest include all of the fol Te orbit rot ©)Cold clammy skin eactive pupils « %e D) Absence of carotid and Rg, _{hgomect sequence of cardiopulmonary ressitton includes ral ple Aina. behing, cieulaton B) Circulation, breath thing, circulation, D) Hydration, breathing wane remd/snino-D/ Page 7 of 8 53 $4. 55, 39, 60, Sl. 62. 63, 65. 69. 70. n n, il sociated pneumor re et using price prevent valor ose Po ag ‘Reduice exposure to mechanical ventilation : Ao rcenoting say fatally sDAAlbof these: {deal solution for eeplacementofintravas ‘A) Blood transfusion B) Blood substitutes C) soto ‘Most commen cause of postpartum hemorrhage , AA) Bleeding disorders. B) Abruptio placenta C) Placenta previa Which of the following cells of the body are: im almost constant mitosis D) Renal: cells gic) would be i m cular volume or-haemor™asic) Wr sotution nic solution, ) Atonic utes. A) Nerve cells- B) Stomachcells C) Muscle lls ‘The total Lung capacity in a healthy adult male is approximate? 6000 A) 500ml B) 5000 ml ©) 600 ml » me Which am ingisa Je ofan isotonic intravenous solution? tenn ea eames rhe sc WHO deslatd the 2019-2ovel Creams outbreak asia Public Health Emergency of Intemational Concern | Cyon? A) January. 30, 2020 ‘Sanam 13,2020 ,GyFeauary 23,2020 D) January 27, 2020 In which of the following clients is rectal temperature most usuall} indicated? Ao Client who has had a myocardial infarction, B) Client with C) Client who is prone toseizures 1D) Client with neuropath In'meiosis, how many daughter cells are produced? AS B) 6 O4 D) 2 Which hioriione, produced by the ovaries, ilibits the seefegion)bt FSH and LY? ‘A) Progesterone —B) Oestrogen ©) Inpibin > xDYGnRH hated with diabetes A) Proteins. ‘B) Fats ydrates =D) Vitamins ‘The most abundant tissue in the human ‘A) Epithelial tissue BY Connective tis lervous tisstie DD) Muscle tissue Que aSsurance in niarsing is cone S) Adequacy of care B) Practice rai <©/Siandard of practice D) ‘Organizations practice it 2 Je in Sprenge!’s shoulder’ ©) Una D) Tibi Smallpox vaccine yao by? oe ‘A) Louis Paste' auf Eugene =) Edward Jenner D Amoebiasis is tra rough? semen |A) Faeco: }) Vectorbome = Perentral D) Airborne Maximum amolgof vitamin D is found in whieh among the follows, ag the followir A) Liver x a ©) Ege yolk —) Cod liver oi, 3's (dichea, dementia, derrnattsy ate the charactetstie'st whi sabes ‘a) Thiamine 3) Bein ©) Niacin WAH Aeiieny dsordep sea PAE boflavin Surgical operations in which an opening is made throug discharge of waste in to the ileum to enable discharge of Sy se a wall to enaby colon is? a ie wir ect, aga NB through the Which of the following client’s complaint requites i wi ee om analgesics . “ a old elient with fractured feraur compl yg chen wi lsinins of sharp chest pain

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