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Accused issued check to AAAA for the purchase of diesel fuel. ( post dated check - Bank)

At first, the accused religiously pay his obligation, he either redeem his check or order AAAAAA
to deposit the check

Freddie agrees to supply diesel fuel to the accused since he trusted the accused since they are
friends and also a friend of his brother.

This transaction continue for several months, the said diesel fuel was used for the trucking
business of the accused.

On Sept. 19, 2021 CBS check no1111 became due and demandable, AAAAAA contact the
accused for its payment, but the accused refused to pay its obligation (amount Php.15,530).

Since the accused was his friend, AAAAAA gave him a grace period to make good of his check.
Nevertheless, the accused adamantly refused to comply with his obligation.

On Sept. 26, 2021, CBS check 2222 became due and demandable with the amount of
Php.11,530 pesos, AAAA tried to reach out with the accused for the payment of his obligation
but the accused can no longer be communicated.

Moreover, CBS check No.33333 dated October 2, 2021 with the amount of Php. 13,530 and CBS
check No.4444444 dated on October 28,2021 with the amount of Php. 14,325 became due and
demandable, AAAAAA tried to communicate with the accused for the payment of all his
obligation with the TOTAL AMOUNT of Php. 54,915 pesos, but the accused refused to fulfill his
obligation and can no longer be heard.

On February 4, 2021, the wife of AAAAA deposited all the said check on BDO CBS check No.
11111- 22222- 333333 and 44444 numbered respectively was dishonored for the reason of
Account closed (closed acount).
Furthermore, AAAAA told the accused that all the check he issued was dishonored by the bank,
the accused ask AAAAA if he could pay his obligation on monthly installments for the amount of
Php.5,000 pesos. The accused paid the first installment but after that he again refused to pay
the remaining balance and can no longer be heard.

On April 14, 2022, BBBBBB bring the matter to the office of the Punong Barangay of, Roxas city,
but no settlement was reached because the accused failed to appear.

On may 25, 2022, the Office of the Punong Barangay of, Roxas City issued to the accused and to
appear on May 26, 2022 to answer to the complaint against him, nevertheless, no settlement
was reached since the accused failed to appear and told them that he is going to Iloilo.

On June 9, 2022, the Office of the Punong Barangay of, Roxas City issued another summons to
the accused to appear on May 10, 2022 mediation/conciliation before the said office, again no
settlement happened since the accused failed to appear.

On June 30, 2022, the Office of the Lupong Tagapamayapa of, Roxas City issued a certification
to file action, because the mediation of the dispute between the parties failed to reach a

On July 26, 2022, freddie seek the assistance of ATTY. ZZZZZ for the filing of the appropriate
legal action against the accused.

On July 28, 2022 a deman dletter was personally served by ATTY. YYYYYY to the accused on his
restaurant at, Roxas City, the accused personally received the said letter but refused to sign the

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