Story of Narrative Text Revi

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Story Of Narrative Text

Name: M Revi Daerobi

Class: X RPL 1

TEMA: Fabel

(Im sorry miss,I chose the theme by choosing it myself,it’s not the same miss,because I
didn’t enter at ptm miss,because im sick,sorry miss)


The morning has come, the roosters are crowing and the birds are chirping in the spring today, the light breeze makes the
trees dance, this morning in a house there is a mouse and a cat who are hostile to each other, every day they are enemies
and chase each other. to this day they were all evicted from the house by the owner of the house named William Kimber.

When they were evicted they felt sad, because they only had the house to live in, at that time they thought of finding a way
to get them a new place to live, when they thought of a countainer car with a painting and writing on its body that reads
(Ape Strong Together) they thought "if Ape strong because together , why can't we?", they looked at each other and said
"let's work together to find a place to live?", they agreed and shook hands that now there is no more hostility.

It was noon when they left for the city by foot, it was a very long and tiring journey of about 4 hours on foot, they finally
arrived in the city, because it was a very long journey they felt hungry and decided to find food in the alleys and trash cans.
They decided to look for food by separating, when the cat looked for food in the trash and the alley, was not there at all, he
was so hungry that his evil thoughts came out, he thought "Ahh why is it so hard to find food, but the mouse is there what
if I just eat him aghh" with that hunger the cat decided to eat the mouse by tricking the mouse that there was food in him,
the cat immediately approached the mouse but the mouse wasn't there, the cat said "Heyyy mouse, where are you I've got
the food" while walking, the cat tripped over a brick, in his anger he kicked the brick, but didn't. it was thought that there
was a mouse under the stone that had died because of a brick when it found food, the cat felt he said "no no no no way
aghhhhhhhhh" he took the corpse and decided to bury it

after burying it, he decided to return to william kimber's house and hoped that william kimber would want to put him back
in, with the rainy weather and strong winds the cat returned home on foot, on the road he was soaked and was sad he
sang a song * Loonly Akon* he sings "Lonly, im mr lonly, i have no body, for my own, im so lonly, i mr lonly, i have no body,
for my own", after a long journey finally Sikucing arrived at William kimber's house and meowing at the door "meowgf",
william kimber opened the door and saw the cat with a sad face, drenched and hungry, he decided to let him back into his
house, william kimber immediately got him a towel and food for the cat, even the cat ate the food voraciously and cried
because he remembered the rat…… It's over

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