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Super Market Billing System

Rajarata University of Sri Lanka


M.M.T. Dharshana karunarathna


Diploma in Information Communication Technology

Super Market Billing System
Rajarata University of Sri Lanka

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award

of Diploma in Information Communication Technology of the
Computer Center of the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Mihintale


M.M.T. Dharshana karunarathna


Diploma in Information Communication Technology

This is to certify that the project report entitled “Super Market Billing System for Rajarata
University of Sri Lanka” was successfully completed by M.M.T.Dharshana karunaratna (Index
No. DICT/2020/015) in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Diploma in
Information Communication Technology of the Computer Center of the Rajarata University of
Sri Lanka, Mihintale.


Mr. PS Palliyaguruge
Coordinator -DICT Programme
Date : …………………………
“ I hear by declare that the project report contains no material that has been accepted for the
award of any other degree or diploma in any university or equivalent institution and that to the
best of candidate’s knowledge and belief project report contains no material previously
published or written by another person except where due reference is made in the text of the
project report and I certify that this project report is my independent work and does not
incorporate the work of any other person without due acknowledgement”.

Signature of the Student :- …………………….

Name of the Student :- …………………….

Registration Number :- …………………….

Index Number :-………… ……….

I would firstly like to thank my Supervisor Lecturer Mr. PD Wimalasiri for his time commitments and
guidance throughout this project. The guidance was extremely valuable and has had a significant impact
on the quality of this report.
Secondly, I would like to thank Lecturer, Mr. PS Palliyaguruge for his productive feedback from the
mid-project report. The feedback really opened my eyes to the extensive work required to achieve a good
mark and motivated me to put more time and effort into this project.
I would also like to thank the users involved throughout the development for their participation and the
enthusiasm they showed for this project.
A final thank you goes to the technical support staff at the Computer Center of Rajarata University of Sri
Lanka who were always receptive to my problems and offered their technical expertise to help solve
Table of Contents

Page No.
1.1 1
1.2 4
1.3 8
2.1 12
2.2 13
3.3 15
List of Tables

Page No.
1.1 3
1.2 5
1.3 7
2.1 12
2.2 13
3.3 15
List of Figures
Page No.
Fig. 1.1 3
Fig. 1.2 5
Fig. 1.3 7
Fig. 2.1 12
Fig. 2.2 13
Fig. 3.3 15
Executive Summary

My System is Title: Billing System. Customers visit shops to pay for the items they
need to buy on a daily basis and in order to create the customer’s bill and
determine how many products were sold, a calculation must be made. We
developed this billing system to overcome the issues caused by manual paper-
based billing process. I’m using java programing lavage and NetBeans, MySQL
this system will helps to eliminate human calculations and work, and also it will
deliver periodic reports whenever you need them. This system Develop in 3 month.
this system have many beneficiaries for customer and seller

Chapter One

• My Project is based on a Billing System. Organization is any supermarket or any product

selling place
• why you choose this project? Customers visit shops to pay for the items they need to
buy on a daily basis and in order to create the customer’s bill is very slowly and we cant
count how many sells are about today. This system can count selling product and
preparing bill
• what does the client want to achieve? overcome the issues caused by manual paper-based
billing process.
▪ What is the use of this system?
1. Saves time by reducing paperwork, and enhance customer service.
2. It helps to make the process of adding, removing, and changing bill provisions easier and
3. It is simpler and more accurate to compute bills and convert time-consuming, error-
prone manual effort into an automated system.
4. Increases the system’s adaptability and feasibility, making information retrieval easier.

Project Rationale
the manual paper-based billing process is very slow and old now
beginner in java ,python programing I think I can develop my programing skill and
make a best system using java.
The objectives are as follows;
1. First one is the Administrator. The Administrator is in charge of determining the taxes
and commissions to be applied to the products and has access to the report for every
given product and also the one who will decide the products available for customers. He
can enter the new products in database and view all products in database.
2. Manager and he can also view all product details, sales details and buyer details in the
3. Third one is the Bill Calculating Operator who will calculate the bill and print it

Purpose, Scope and Applicability:

Billing systems help in automating the time-consuming process like invoice generation, products
tracking, other accounting documentation etc. Moreover such software automatically calculate
and helps companies improve performance and reduce errors by automating document
preparation and other routine tasks.


businesses use billing systems to generate and send invoices to their customers or
partners and receive payments. The billing system helps companies improve performance
and reduce errors by automating document preparation and other routine tasks


I think cover in this system

• Admin must be able to add new buyers to the system and delete buyers from the system
• Admin must be able to view and update buyer details
• Admin must be able to add new products to the system
• Admin must be able to remove products from the system
• Admin must be able to update the prices for different commodities
• Admin must be able to view all the product details
And ect…..

Non-Functional Requirements

▪ The system should have a fast response time.

▪ The admin may able to change the password for security purposes and the system should
be secure.
▪ The system should have a little or no down time and it should always be up and running.
▪ The system should be able to quakily recover from failure and carry on operating

And I think I can finish this system on 01/10/2022


Any people is using a supermarket but people are have lot of works, they cant spend lot of time
systems are help us to save our time. Some business have lot of branch and oner cant count his
business profit and bill payment this system can manage and bill payments and his customer


This is my second learning new method and easy ways for making computer fest system is student attendant and payment system for school teachers it is very
simple and very useful in my class. Many time I fallow google and YouTube for learning about
java and system developing.

Organization of the Report:

Summarizing the remaining chapters of the project report, in effect, giving the reader an
overview of what is to come in the project report.


Chapter One describes the overview of the project. Its includes, ………….

Chapter Two describes the Analysis and Design of the project. Its includes, ………….

Chapter Three describes the Implementation of the project. Its includes, ………….

Chapter Four describes the Results and Discussion of the project. Its includes, ………….

Chapter Five describes the Conclusion and Recommendations of the project. Its includes,

Chapter Two
System Analysis and Design

Information Gathering

Analysis of Existing System

Provides a thorough analysis of the problem domain. Analyses and documents in detail the
functional, non-functional and security requirements for the project. The requirements should be
fully and appropriately documented, actionable, measurable, testable and linked directly to
previously identified business needs. Requirements should also be explicitly linked to specific
system stakeholders.

Existing data processing system, work force, goods and services, existing functions, existing
Hardware and software, issues and challenges of existing system

The existing system of library management system involves lots and lots of paper work. The
system involves ……………………………

Problems of Existing System


The following problems were identified in the existing system;

i. Loss of Data: a considerable amount of paper works are used for the safe keeping of the
details of books borrowed by a registered user.
ii. Time Wasting: User time are wasted as a result of searching for a book that has been
borrowed by a user whose record cannot be traced on the paper records.

iii. Error Prone: The existing system of operation is prone to error.
iv. Tedious: It is tedious because it must take a routine
v. Processing Speed: The processing speed is very low resulting into low output.

Information Requirements

Requirement Gathering
(Expected user requirements)

Feasibility Study
• Economic Feasibility/ Cost-benefit Analysis
Provides an analysis of the cost of the project in terms of time, resources and money.
Weighs the cost of the project against the identified benefits that the project will bring to
the commissioning organization.

• Technical Feasibility

• Operational Feasibility

Mention all the HW/SW tools/technologies required for the project.

This section would address the ‘How’ part. Briefly write down your intended approach towards
tackling above problems. Name any algorithm or third party library you would use, any
particular technique you are going to follow etc.

(Expected cost for the system)

Provides a complete set of designs for the project software. Design diagrams should be annotated
with explanations and textual commentary where appropriate. Should cover the system from all

Description of Proposed System

Software and Hardware Requirements

Advantages of Proposed System

Software Requirements

Software Requirements of the proposed Library Management System are as follows;
i. Operating system- Windows 8 is used as the operating system as it is stable and supports
more features and is more user friendly
ii. Database MYSQL is used as database as it easy to maintain and retrieve records by
simple queries which are in English language which are easy to understand and easy to

Development tools and Programming language- HTML is used to write the whole code and
develop webpages with cascading style sheet, java script for styling work and hypertext pre-
processor (PHP) for sever side scripting.

Hardware Requirements

System Development Approach


Table Design

ER Diagrams
(E-R Diagram, and

Database Design
(Table design)

Data flow Diagrams

Program Design

Pseudo Code

Chapter Three

Screen Design
(Interface of the system)

User training
(How you train end users)

Program Testing
(Describe what data are you used for testing, and how your system is testing)

Chapter Four
Results and Discussion

Test Data and Screen outputs

(Given data and its outputs)

Results and Discussions

(Screen shots of your results and describe those briefly)

Chapter Five

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations


Analyses the success or otherwise of the project. Shows where the project has met its
objectives, and where it has failed to meet its objectives. Makes recommendation for
further development.

(Describe over roll idea of the system and your experience of the system)


Further developments
(Experiencing of your project, explain further enhancement of the developed system)

Mention all the literature or web references here. The references should be properly numbered
and correctly used in the text.

Reference text should be written in quotes and indented and the references marked in [square
brackets]. “Reference material”[1].

The Reference section should be in the following fashion:

❖ Book: Last Name, First Name. “Tide of Book”. City: Publisher, Copyright Date. Page
❖ Magazine/ Newspaper Article: Author's last name, Author's first name. "Title of article,"
Name of magazine/newspaper, date of magazine/newspaper, page number(s).
❖ Internet Web page: Author. “Title of Web page”. Date on the page. Company associated (if
any). Date you last saw the page. URL.
❖ Online Magazine or Newspaper Articles: Author's last name, Author's first name. "Title of
article." Name of magazine, date of magazine, page numbers. Reproduced in Name of
Database. Library where database was accessed, location of library. Date of access.


Alley, M (1998), The Craft of Scientific Writing, (3rd Edition), Springer,

Dawson Christian W (2005), Projects in Computing and Information Systems: A Student's
Guide, Addison-Wesley
Joshua Johanan; Talha Khan; and Ricado Zea ( 2016), Web Developer's Reference Guide, Packt
Publishing Ltd, Livery Place, 35 Livery Street, Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.
Monelli Ayyavaraiah and Arepalli Gopi, (2017), Database Management System, Horizen Books,
A Division of Ignited Minds Edutech (Pvt.) Ltd.
Weaver Philip (2004), Success in Your Project: A guide to student system development projects,
Prentice Hall,

The Annexures section should be used for helpful and supporting material that would otherwise
clutter, or break up the main body of the report (e.g. long lists of data, complex graphics,
correspondence, etc.).

(See Next Page)

Annexure 01
Program Listing
(Your Program Coding attach here)

Annexure 02
(Supporting documents attached here – if Any)


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