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NAME: Arabella Azures

GRADE&SECTION: 12- Confucius

What Is In?
Activity 5: Write It Up!
Recall your answers on the previous activity, let us see if you can apply the concepts you have
written about each word in writing. Go back and scan the reading text, “The Digital Divide: The
Challenge of Technology and Equity” on page 4 and 5 and do the next activity.

1. Write an outline of the text read.

Information technology has influenced the way many of us live and work today. We use
the internet to look and apply for jobs, shops, conduct research, make airline
reservations, and explore areas of interest.

I. Information Technology
A. Internet
1. To communicate instantaneously with friends and business associates around
the world.
2. To look and apply for jobs, and to conduct research papers.
B. Technologies
1. Computers
2. Telephones
II. Internet Access
A. Populations who have access to the internet based on income
1. 80 percent of households with an income over $75,000 have internet access.
2. 20 percent of households with income under $15,000.
B. Populations who have access to the internet based on education
1. 80 percent of college graduates use the internet
2. 40 percent of high school’s completers
C. Populations who have access to the internet based on household type
1. 72 percent of household with two parents have internet access
2. 40 percent of female, single parent households do.
III. Disparities
A. Salaries
1. Women about 20 percent of these jobs and receiving fewer
2. 30 percent of the Bachelor’s degrees in computers and information science.
3. Women and members of the most oppressed ethnic group are not eligible for the
jobs with the highest salaries at graduation.
B. Schools
1. 98 percent of schools in the country are wired with at least one internet
2. Number of classrooms with internet connection differs by the income levels of
IV. Conclusion
A. The Internet and computers are the equipment of everyone within the world, it's a giant
impact to those that cannot afford the telephone/computers and internet access for his or
her daily lives. The Internet and technologies are an element of an individual's life. Most

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of the people within the world cannot access to the web and a few of them don't have a
technology, if this can be the necessities to urge a correct treatment to figure or schools
does it mean 45 percent of individuals who doesn't have internet and technology are
didn't graduate and have a more robust work. As of now technology and the internet has
become the educational tools altogether courses taken by the scholars. If it is employed
in culturally relevant ways, all students can take pleasure in its proper use.

2. Identify the thesis statement used in the text.

Answer: Information technology has influenced the way many of us live and work today.
We use the internet to look and apply for jobs, shops, conduct research, make airline
reservations, and explore areas of interest. We use email and the internet to
communicate instantaneously with friends and business associates around the world.
Computers are commonplace in homes and the workplace.

3. In 5 sentences, summarize the text read.

Answer: Information technology has influenced the way many of us live and work today.
We use the internet to look and apply for jobs, shops, conduct research, make airline
reservations, and explore areas of interest. The digital divide between the populations
who have access to the internet and information technology tools and those who don't is
based on income, race, education, household type, and geographic location, but the gap
between groups is narrowing. Over 80 percent of college graduates use the internet as
compared with 40 percent of high school completers and 13 percent of high school
dropouts. Seventy-two percent of household with two percent have internet access; 40
percent of female, single parent household do. Ninety-eight percent of schools in the
country are wired with at least one internet connection. The number of classrooms with
Internet connection differs by the income level of student. Using the percentage of
students who are eligible for free lunches at school to determine income level, we see
that the higher percentage of the school with more affluent students have wired
classrooms than those with high concentrations of low-income students.

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