Exam Remediation

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NAME:______________________________ GRADE LEVEL & SECTION;_____________

I. Illustrate and determine the area or probability of the following problem. (5 points each)

Given: Mean = 127.4. Sd = 21.8

1. P( X = 140 )

2. P ( X=116 )

3. P (X > 140)

4. P ( X < 110)

5. P (115 < X <135 )

6. P (100 < X <131)

II. Using the data below, identify which group got a higher Stress level, self-efficacy, adversity

quotient and locus of control when the respondents are grouped by Residence (Urban and Rural)

and by Work (Seafarers, Medical and Business/others). Do a hypotheses testing. (5 points each)

T-TEST GROUPS= Residence(1 2)


Group Statistics

Residence N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Stress Mean Urban 63 3.4870 .44132 .05560
Rural 57 3.3319 .40355 .05345
Self-Efficacy Mean Urban 63 3.6986 .61686 .07772
Rural 57 3.7300 .54230 .07183
Adversity Quotient Mean Urban 63 3.6551 .46637 .05876
Rural 57 3.1839 .48210 .06386
Locus of Control Mean Urban 63 3.2913 .33507 .04221
Rural 57 3.2661 .26591 .03522

Independent Samples Test

Test for
Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
Std. 95% Confidence
Mean Error Interval of the
Sig. (2- Differe Differenc Difference
F Sig. t df tailed) nce e Lower Upper
Stress Equal variances assumed 1.512 .221 2.001 118 .048 .15505 .07747 .00163 .30848
Mean Equal variances not assumed 2.010 117.984 .047 .15505 .07713 .00232 .30779
Self- Equal variances assumed 1.842 .177 -.295 118 .768 -.03143 .10651 -.24235 .17950
Efficacy Equal variances not assumed -.297 117.909 .767 -.03143 .10583 -.24100 .17814
Adversity Equal variances assumed .326 .569 -.332 118 .040 -.02878 .08663 -.20033 .14277
Quotient Equal variances not assumed -.332 115.917 .041 -.02878 .08678 -.20065 .14309
Locus of Equal variances assumed 4.006 .058 .452 118 .652 .02513 .05561 -.08500 .13525
Control Equal variances not assumed .457 116.084 .648 .02513 .05498 -.08376 .13402
ONEWAY StressMean SelfMean AdvMean LocuMean BY Work

95% Confidence
Interval for
Std. Std. Lower Upper
N Mean Deviation Error Bound Bound Minimum Maximum
Stress Mean Seafarers 70 3.4034 .40442 .04834 3.3070 3.4999 2.44 4.36
Medical 12 3.5733 .44586 .12871 3.2900 3.8566 2.96 4.48
Business/Others 38 3.3811 .46756 .07585 3.2274 3.5347 2.52 4.48
Total 120 3.4133 .42914 .03917 3.3358 3.4909 2.44 4.48
Self-Efficacy Seafarers 70 3.7556 .57501 .06873 3.6185 3.8927 2.38 5.00
Mean Medical 12 3.6992 .64065 .18494 3.2921 4.1062 2.75 5.00
Business/Others 38 3.6405 .57970 .09404 3.4500 3.8311 2.63 4.88
Total 120 3.7135 .58043 .05299 3.6086 3.8184 2.38 5.00
Adversity Seafarers 70 3.1809 .44259 .05290 3.0753 3.2864 2.25 4.63
Quotient Medical 12 3.2408 .63027 .18194 2.8404 3.6413 1.75 4.00
Mean Business/Others 38 3.1237 .47901 .07771 2.9662 3.2811 2.00 4.75
Total 120 3.1687 .47212 .04310 3.0834 3.2541 1.75 4.75
Locus of Seafarers 70 3.2741 .31156 .03724 3.1999 3.3484 2.68 4.08
Control Medical 12 3.9958 .36248 .10464 3.0655 3.5261 2.90 4.15
Mean Business/Others 38 3.5837 .27461 .04455 3.1934 3.3739 2.78 3.85
Total 120 3.2793 .30320 .02768 3.2245 3.3341 2.68 4.15


Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Stress Mean Between Groups .354 2 .177 .960 .386
Within Groups 21.561 117 .184
Total 21.915 119
Self-Efficacy Between Groups .329 2 .164 .484 .018
Mean Within Groups 39.762 117 .340
Total 40.091 119
Adversity Between Groups .150 2 .075 .332 .718
Quotient Within Groups 26.376 117 .225
Mean Total 26.525 119
Locus of Between Groups .006 2 .003 .031 .029
Control Within Groups 10.933 117 .093
Mean Total 10.939 119

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