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Form No: FA/OHS/HC

Effective Date: 01-03-2017

Date of Audit: Members Present:
Acceptable ONot Acceptable N/A Not Applicable
SI. Check-Point Action Taken
P/O/ N/A
1S- (SORTING) (छँटाई)
1 Unwanted things lying on Table, Shelf-etc.
2 Things are not kept which are not in use.

3 No spare component, tools, files, papers etc. are lying unnecessarily.

4 Things which can-not be used are removed.

5 All notice boards and displays of information are arranged properly
2S- (SETINORDER) (क्रम में लगाएं)
6 Specified place for keeping components, tools and files.
7 Everyone is keeping things at decided place.
8 Arrangement of rest room is good.
Spare Parts, Tools, Tyres,Front Bumper, Furniture, Computer, Printer etc.
9 are kept properly.
10 The identification system of the entire above is good.
3S-(SHINING) (चमकदार)
11 Whether there is scrap, dust, oil leakage, water leakage.
12 Cleaning of machine is good.
13 Whether dirt, dust, cobweb, oil spillage in the room/workplace.
14 Whether scrap bin /dustbin are over flowing.
4S-(STANDERDIZE) (प्रमाण के अनुसार करना)
15 Places for keeping component, tools, gauge and file are specified.

16 Places for keeping component, tools, gauge and files are neat & tidy.

17 Whether the work area is dirty.

18 Whether the machine and gauges are dirty.
Whether the machines are being inspected and maintained in good
19 condition.

20 Indications are easy to see or not.

5S- (SUSTAIN/SELF DISCIPLINE) (को बनाए रखने)
21 All workers are using required PPE.
22 PPE used are being worn properly.
23 People are smoking /spitting at workplace.
24 Dustbins for waste materials are kept in place.
25 Everyone is keeping things at decided place.

Doc No. FA/SMS/5S/CA/01 Rev:00 Effective dt. 01.03.2017

(House Keeping)

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