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Computers & Industrial Engineering 167 (2022) 108000

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The link between information and digital technologies of industry 4.0 and
agile supply chain: Mapping current research and establishing new
research avenues
Diéssica Oliveira-Dias *, Juan M. Maqueira-Marín , José Moyano-Fuentes
Dept. of Business Organization, Marketing and Sociology, University of Jaen, EPS Linares, Linares (Jaen) 23700, Spain


Keywords: The use of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) Information and Digital Technologies (IDT) has given rise to new opportunities and
Agile Supply Chain challenges for designing and managing agile supply chains. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the role and
Industry 4.0 implications of IDT of I4.0 for the Agile Supply Chain (ASC) strategy through a systematic literature review of
Information and Digital Technologies
123 identified papers. The literature has been classified into three research lines based on the Technology Life
Supply Chain Agility
Supply Chain Agility 4.0 model
Cycle: (1) Mature IDT of I4.0 and ASC; (2) Emerging IDT of I4.0 and ASC, and (3) A generic approach to the role
and implications of IDT of I4.0 and ASC. This categorization gives an in-depth analysis of the relationship be­
tween the IDT of I4.0 and Agile Supply Chain and helps to clarify the way that the research has evolved. Among
other findings, the results show that there is a prominent relationship between different types of IDT of I4.0 and
ASC. These technologies can support the ASC by improving abilities to sense and respond to market changes and
customer demands. The paper also discusses the gaps found in the literature, presents an ASC 4.0 model enabled
by IDT of I4.0, and proposes new opportunities for future research.

1. Introduction technological advances that allow the automated collection and analysis
of enormous quantities of data and enable real-time supply chain partner
In today’s dynamic and turbulent environments, supply chains must integration (Calatayud et al., 2019; Ivanov et al., 2019). In this regard,
be able to reduce product development cycles, rapidly introduce new IDT of I4.0 is defined as a set of technologies that can support the digital
products, and respond swiftly to volatile demand and diverse customer transition and facilitate the implementation of Industry 4.0 standards
requirements (Calatayud et al., 2019; Gligor et al., 2015; Swafford et al., (Chauhan & Singh, 2020; Ghobakhloo, 2020). The technologies in this
2008; Tarafdar & Qrunfleh, 2017; Yusuf et al., 2004). As a result, it is set evolve over time in a dynamic process in line with the Technology
considered essential that the supply chain satisfies these demands Life Cycle (TLC) (Kim, 2003; Taylor & Taylor, 2012). And these tech­
quickly for a firm’s competitive advantage to be improved (Gligor et al., nologies impact the supply chain. For example, the use of IDT of I4.0
2013; Gunasekaran et al., 2017a; Swafford et al., 2008). In this sense, an such as e-business technologies or advanced manufacturing technolo­
Agile Supply Chain (ASC) is a supply chain strategy focused on the gies allows the digitalization of a variety of processes throughout the
abilities ability to understand and rapidly respond to market changes supply chain (Birasnav & Bienstock, 2019; Ghobakhloo, 2020). Besides,
and customer demands (Christopher, 2000). the adoption of other IDT of I4.0 such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Big
Furthermore, the use of information technology is generally accepted Data and Cloud Computing can be useful for making more accurate
to be one of the ways to deploy the aforementioned strategy and achieve decisions and improving supply chain integration (Calatayud et al.,
supply chain agility. However, the advent of Industry 4.0 (I4.0), driven 2019; Mandal, 2018; Novais, Maqueira and Ortiz-Bas, 2019; Pagliosa
by the emergence of advanced Information and Digital Technologies et al., 2021). More specifically, several examples highlight the impor­
(IDT) (Ghobakhloo, 2020; Hofmann & Rüsch, 2017), implies the tance of studying the relationship between IDT of I4.0 and ASC. Amazon
appearance of new opportunities, principles, and challenges in supply is using Big Data analytics to apply predictive forecasting to pre-ship
chain management (Azzi et al., 2019; Ivanov et al., 2019). The adoption products to distribution centers close to final customers before they
of I4.0 technologies, referred to as IDT of I4.0, offers substantial place an order (Ardito et al., 2019; Lee, 2017). The goal is to anticipate

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (D. Oliveira-Dias), (J.M. Maqueira-Marín), (J. Moyano-Fuentes).
Received 2 October 2020; Received in revised form 31 January 2022; Accepted 1 February 2022
Available online 5 February 2022
0360-8352/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
D. Oliveira-Dias et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 167 (2022) 108000

demand by increasing the availability of products and, consequently, to garnered considerable attention from researchers and practitioners (e.g.,
make the company’s supply chains more agile. Walmart, for example, Alicke et al., 2016; DHL, 2019; Dubey et al., 2019; Sheel and Nath,
has been working on proof of concept projects to introduce blockchain 2019), resulting in a substantial body of literature. However, whereas
to trace products such as mangoes, leafy greens, chicken, and pork. As a previous contributions have analyzed specific technologies and their
result, the company has been able to reduce the time needed to trace the impact on ASC, previous literature reviews on I4.0 technologies and
origin of the products from days to seconds (Hyperledger, 2019). In the supply chain management have focused on specific supply chain char­
case of the fashion industry, Zara is a company that stands out for the acteristics such as integration and sustainability (see Table 1). There­
agility of its supply chain. One of the keys to its agility is the imple­ fore, there is a lack of joined-up comprehensive approach that integrates
mentation of RFID-based technologies across the supply chain, which and analyzes the effects of all the IDT of I4.0 that have been covered in
gives the company a high degree of control over the goods and promotes the context of an ASC.
the omnichannel strategy (Inditex, 2020). Another example is the lo­ To address this gap, the main objective of this study is to identify the
gistics company Aramex. By using IoT devices and Big Data analytics, role and implications of IDT of Industry 4.0 on the ASC strategy through
the company obtains details about its operations, such as driver routes, an extensive literature review. It also seeks to establish a literature
to enhance delivery performance (Alberti-Alhtaybat et al., 2019). classification that detects the main research lines and identifies existing
In this sense, IDT of I4.0 would mainly contribute to enhancing gaps and paths for future research. The Systematic Literature Review
supply chain agility by enabling the acquisition of real-time information, (SLR) technique (Denyer & Tranfield, 2009; Tranfield et al., 2003) is
supporting information-sharing, and coordinating responses between used to achieve this research objective. Further, this study constructs an
supply chain members. ASC 4.0 model based on the existing IDT of I4.0 literature to illustrate
Therefore, given the multiple applications offered by the IDT of I4.0 the relationships between IDT and ASC speed flows, and proposes in­
and the considerable importance of the ASC strategy for achieving dicators for performance measurement.
competitive advantage, the way that the two can be integrated has This paper has been organized into six sections. After this

Table 1
Comparison of related literature reviews.
Authors and Time Literature review Selected Key concepts Supply Chain Research Purpose
year Horizon methodology Papers Characteristics

Chauhan and 2011 - Oct Systematic 334 I4.0 and SCM Supply Chains (generic To provide an overview of the Industry
Singh (2020) 2018 literature review approach) 4.0 concept in the context of SCM and
identify areas for future research.
da Silva et al. Not explicitly Literature review Not Technology transfer, Supply Chain of To contextualize Technology Transfer in
(2019) indicated (using Methodi explicitly Supply Chain, and I4.0 Industrial 4.0 scenario the context of SC oriented to I4.0.
Ordinatio) indicated
Abdirad and 2014–2018 Systematic 56 I4.0 and SCM Modern supply chains To provide an overview of the key topics
Krishnan literature review of I4.0 and SCM.
Dallasega et al. 2012–2017 Systematic 39 Construction Supply Construction supply To analyze the extent to which I4.0
(2018) literature review Chain, proximity, and chain concepts can optimize proximity
I4.0 between actors in the construction
supply chain.
Birkel and Müller 2011–2019 Systematic 55 I4.0, SCM, and Triple Sustainable supply To summarize the literature on I4.0 in
(2021) literature review bottom line chains the context of the triple bottom line and
Garay-Rondero 1989 – 2019 Systematic 170 Digital Supply Chain Traditional supply To present a conceptual model of the
et al. (2020) literature review chain and Digitalized new Digital Supply Chains.
Supply Chains
Manavalan and 2009 – 2018 Literature review Not IoT and Sustainable Sustainable Supply To review the role of IoT in sustainable
Jayakrishna explicitly Supply Chain Chain supply chain and provide a framework
(2019) indicated for assessing the preparedness of SC for
I4.0 transformation.
Núñez-Merino 1996 – 2019 Systematic 78 I4.0 and Lean Supply Lean Supply Chain To provide an overview of relationships
et al. (2020) literature review Chain (LSC) between Information and Digital
Technologies of I4.0 and LSC and areas
for future research.
Tiwari (2021) 2011 – May Systematic 59 I4.0 and Supply Chain Integrated Supply To explore the relationship between I4.0
2020 literature review integration Chain and SC integration.
Bag et al. (2018) 1998 – 2017 Systematic 53 I4.0 and Sustainable Sustainable Supply To identify the I4.0 enablers of supply
literature review Supply Chain Chain chain sustainability and propose
research areas for future studies.
Spieske and 2015 – Feb Systematic 62 SC resilience and I4.0 Resilient Supply Chain To explore the link between I4.0 and
Birkel (2021) 2021 literature review supply chain resilience and propose a
Gunasekaran 2004 – 2014 Literature review 100 IT, adaptation, Logistics and SCM To analyze the linkage between IT,
et al. (2017a) alignment, and agility supply chain, and competitive
in the Supply Chain advantage.
Humdan et al. 1999 – 2018 Systematic 56 Supply chain agility Agile Supply Chain To develop a supply chain agility
(2020) literature review definition and identify enablers and
performance implications.
Sharma et al., 1999 – 2016 Systematic 118 Supply chain agility Agile Supply Chain To explore the concept and definition of
2017) literature review supply chain agility and classify existing
studies on the field.
Gunasekaran Not explicitly Literature review Not Agile manufacturing Agile manufacturing To investigate agile manufacturing
et al. (2019) indicated explicitly Supply Chain enablers and practices.

D. Oliveira-Dias et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 167 (2022) 108000

introduction, the second section offers a review of related studies. The RQ: What is the state of knowledge of IDT of I4.0 use in the ASC
third section describes the methodology. Section four sets out the ob­ context?
tained results and future research lines. Section five presents the pro­ This general question is divided into the following specific questions:
posed model and, lastly, section six provides the conclusions of the RQ1. What literature exists on IDT of I4.0 and ASC and how can it be
paper. classified?
RQ2. What role and implications do IDT of I4.0 have for ASC?
2. Related reviews RQ3. What future research directions can be identified based upon
the gaps detected?
Previous literature reviews in the field have provided an overview of
the I4.0 concept in the context of supply chain management (Abdirad & 3.2. (ii) identification of studies
Krishnan, 2021; Chauhan & Singh, 2020). More specifically, some re­
views have focused on the link between I4.0 and some specific supply This step involves searching for and locating studies to answer the
chain features such as integration (Tiwari, 2021), sustainability (Bag proposed questions. The literature searches were conducted in relevant
et al., 2018), and resilience (Spieske & Birkel, 2021). Another review scientific databases in the area, Web of Science (WOS), Scopus, and
highlights the relationship between I4.0 technologies and the Lean EBSCOhost. Search keyword selection was based on the key concepts.
Supply Chain (LSC) strategy (Núñez-Merino, et al., 2020). In a similar Previous literature reviews in the field were consulted to identify which
analysis to the latter, this study focuses on a different but related supply search keywords were used in similar studies of IDT of I4.0 (Núñez-
chain strategy: the ASC. In this sense, LSC and ASC are highly relevant Merino et al., 2020; Pagliosa et al., 2021) and ASC (Gligor et al., 2019;
strategies for achieving supply chain responsiveness (Qrunfleh & Tar­ Gligor & Holcomb, 2012). Finally, the study’s authors agreed on the
afdar, 2013). However, whereas in LSC the focus is on waste elimination final group of search keywords used. Simple operators were used to
and providing a medium-term response to changes in demand, ASC is combine the search keywords and generate the search strings, including
more oriented toward a quick, short-term reaction to market changes truncated characters (e.g., *, “exact phrase”) and Boolean operators (e.
and customer requirements (Moyano-Fuentes et al., 2019). g., AND, OR). The search string also had to be adapted to each of the
Furthermore, in the previous literature, some reviews have focused databases, as their syntaxes differ. The search keywords used are given
on the study of supply chain agility definitions and enablers (Gunase­ in Table 2. Two groups of words were used to locate the literature on
karan et al. 2017a; Humdan et al., 2020; Sharma et al., 2017). However, ASC. The first was related to “agility” and included words such as agile,
the study developed by Gunasekaran et al. (2017a) is a non-systematic rapid response, and quick response, and the second to “supply chain”.
review that focuses on the manufacturing function and only mentions The word “logistics” was included in the second group to identify studies
the role of information technology briefly. The works of Humdan et al. dealing with transportation, storage, and/or distribution issues on the
(2020) and Sharma et al. (2017) focus on ASC and likewise do not external level. Regarding IDT of I4.0 keyword selection, although one
analyze the role of technology in depth. research stream of the literature on Industry 4.0 considers that only
Therefore, by analyzing the different literature reviews (see Table 1), emerging IDT are part of this phenomenon (e.g., Culot et al., 2020),
a clear gap is identified between the role of IDT and the ASC strategy. So, there is a second stream of literature that considers that Industry 4.0
the current literature review presents the following differentiating fea­ comprises a wide-ranging group of IDT, including mature IDT, applied
tures with respect to previous literature reviews: jointly and intensively to the industry (Dalenogare et al., 2018; Frank
et al., 2019; Ghobakhloo, 2020; Núñez-Merino et al., 2020). The present
- It bridges the gap between IDT of I4.0 and ASC by providing a work follows this second stream. Therefore, a broader set of keywords
comprehensive overview of the roles and applications of mature and comprising both specific IDT and more general concepts has been used
emerging IDT of I4.0 in the ASC context. to identify the different IDT regardless of the phase of the life cycle in
- It provides an overview of IDT applications and identifies the asso­ which they are found. It was determined that the defined sets of search
ciation with the sense and respond capabilities of the ASC as well as keywords should appear in the following fields: title, abstract, or article
their impact on the speed of supply chain flows. keywords, depending on the possibilities offered by the different data­
- It identifies gaps and promising ideas for future research on IDT of bases. As a result of this phase, 876 works were identified in WOS, 1114
I4.0 and ASC. in Scopus, and 275 in EBSCOhost (see Fig. 2).
- It offers an ASC 4.0 model based on the existing IDT of I4.0 literature
and suggests indicators for performance measurement.

3. Methodology Table 2
Search keywords and search string.
The Systematic Literature Review (SLR) methodology (Denyer &
Concept Search string
Tranfield, 2009; Tranfield et al., 2003) has been used to achieve the
ASC (agile OR agility OR “quick response” OR “rapid response”) AND
research objective. The five steps for SLR proposed by Denyer & Tran­
(“supply chain*” OR logistic*)
field (2009) have been followed: (i) Formulation of the research ques­ AND
tion(s); (ii) Identification of studies; (iii) Selection and evaluation of IDT of (“information system*” OR “information technolog*” OR “information
studies; (iv) Analysis and synthesis, and (v) Reporting of results and I4.0 and communication* technolog*” OR “digital technolog*” OR ict OR
discussion. The following gives a description of how these five steps “technological innovation” OR “internet of things” OR iot OR cloud OR
web OR e-business OR e-commerce OR “enterprise resource planning”
have been carried out in the specific framework of this work.
OR erp OR “material* requirement* planning” OR mrp OR “electronic
data interchange” OR edi OR “radio-frequency identification” OR rfid
3.1. (i) Formulation of the research question(s) OR “business intelligence” OR software OR “artificial intelligence” OR
“big data” OR “industr* 4.0” OR “business to business” OR b2b OR
“business to consumer” OR b2c OR e-procurement OR “vendor
The research question(s) must reflect the study’s scope and purpose
managed inventory” OR vmi OR “customer relationship management”
(Denyer & Tranfield, 2009; Tranfield et al., 2003). The work is based on OR crm OR “cyber physical system*” OR blockchain OR “augmented
two main concepts, IDT of I4.0 and ASC, and the study objective is the reality” OR “virtual reality” OR “additive manufacturing” OR robotic*
intersection between these two fields. In relation to these fields, the OR “3D print*” OR cybersecurity OR “industrial simulation” OR
following question has been defined as a general research question to “warehouse management system” OR “transportation management
guide the present study:

D. Oliveira-Dias et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 167 (2022) 108000

Fig. 1. Proposed framework for the literature classification. Source: Own elaboration.

3.3. (iii) selection and evaluation of studies introduction, growth, maturity, and eventual decline of a technology
(Kim, 2003; Taylor & Taylor, 2012). Technologies are identified as
After the search phase, inclusion and exclusion criteria were deter­ mature when their usage spreads (maturity stage), emerging when they
mined for the selection and evaluation of the works. The first inclusion reach the marketplace (introduction and growth stages), and obsolete
criterion applied was the publication period of the works. This was when they enter into a state of decline (decline stage) (Kim 2003; Taylor
limited to 1999 - December 2019. The starting year for the search cor­ and Taylor 2012). The works were grouped into research sublines ac­
responds to the first publications on the ASC strategy, Mason-Jones & cording to the specific technology or groups of technologies used to
Towill (1999) and Naylor et al. (1999). Apart from this, only works analyze the role and implications of IDT of I4.0 in ASC in greater depth.
written in English were considered in article, early access article or re­ The Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies (Gartner, 2016) and
view format, and published in research areas related to the study subject the previous literature on I4.0 technologies (Ghobakhloo, 2020; Núñez-
area (e.g., business management/economics, engineering, computer/ Merino et al., 2020) have been used to determine where each of the
information science). Duplicates of articles that were retrieved in the technologies is located in the TLC. Thus, a two-level literature classifi­
search results for the different databases were also excluded. The cation framework was defined, as shown in Fig. 1, with each research
reference database used for the results was WOS and all duplicate line and subline containing papers dealing with IDT of I4.0 and ASC
studies in subsequent searches were removed. from different perspectives. Since the process of technology evolution is
The next step was to discard any articles published in journals not a dynamic process in which technologies move on from one TLC stage to
indexed in Journal Citation Reports (JCR) and/or SCImago Journal another with the passage of time, the classification made in this article
Rank (SJR). The selected articles’ titles, abstracts, and keywords were should be considered a snapshot of the research characteristics at a
then analyzed to ensure that they were relevant to the research ques­ specific moment in time.
tions. During this step, works were removed that were clearly unrelated It should be noted that researchers reached a consensus on the coding
to the topic under study (-402 papers). Following this, the works were and classification, thus ensuring inter-coder reliability and reducing the
read through in full and those not related to the research issue (false bias associated with a single researcher (Thomé et al., 2016).
positives) were removed. Other works were discarded that considered
Agile solely from an internal focus, i.e., without considering the supply 3.5. (v) reporting of results and discussion
chain. The search yielded a final selection of 123 papers (see Fig. 2).
The last step consists of reporting the findings of the literature
3.4. (iv) analysis and synthesis analysis and synthesis. The results of this step are presented in the
following section. Fig. 2 illustrates the methodological procedure fol­
The following step was to review, codify, and analyze the papers in lowed in this study and described in a flow diagram in this section. The
the final selection. A database was created in Excel to code the content of diagram shows the flow of information through the different phases of
the articles. For this, information was collected on the relationships the SLR and gives the number of records identified, included, and
between the key concepts, the purpose, and the contributions of each of excluded and the reasons for their exclusion, as recommended by best
the documents, as well as complementary information such as the title, practice for conducting an SLR in operations management (Thomé et al.,
author, journal, year of publication, methodology, and sector. A 2016), in supply chain management (Durach et al., 2017), and in In­
framework was developed from the prior literature on the Technology formation Systems research (Okoli & Schabram, 2011).
Life Cycle (TLC) (Kim, 2003; Taylor & Taylor, 2012) and I4.0 technol­
ogies (Ghobakhloo, 2020; Núñez-Merino et al., 2020) and was used as 4. Results
the classification grouping criterion for the identification of the main
research lines. In the process of grouping papers, both the use of pre­ As commented, performing the five SLR steps identified 123 articles
viously used classification taxonomies and the observation of common that contribute to explaining the link between IDT of I4.0 and ASC. So,
patterns among the analyzed papers in Excel database codification are papers can be classified into two proposed research lines with the
considered good practice in the methods of research analysis and syn­ application of the grouping criteria: Mature IDT of I4.0 and ASC (RL1),
thesis (Novais, Maqueira and Bruque, 2019). The TLC shows how and Emerging IDT of I4.0 and ASC (RL2). It should be noted that no
technology evolves over time. This evolution represents the articles were found that specifically deal with obsolete technologies.

D. Oliveira-Dias et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 167 (2022) 108000

Fig. 2. Summary of the Systematic Literature Review. Source: Own elaboration.

Finally, a third research line (RL3) was formulated to include papers that address more than one type of IDT of I4.0 meant that it was possible for a
cannot be classified in any specific TLC stage. Thus, the three research single paper to be simultaneously classified into one or more groups.
lines are: Fig. 3 shows the final classification framework.
Table 3 shows the analyzed papers according to the classification
• Mature IDT of I4.0 and ASC (RL1): The first main research line in­ framework (Fig. 3). The data show that the “Mature IDT of I4.0 and ASC”
cludes studies that analyze the support of advanced and mature in­ group stands out as the main Research Line with 63 papers (47% of the
formation and digital technologies in ASC contexts. papers). This research line was categorized into four specifics types of
• Emerging IDT of I4.0 and ASC (RL2): This research line includes IDT of I4.0: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID); Enterprise Resource
papers that analyze emerging and most advanced information and Planning (ERP); Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT), and E-
digital technologies in ASC contexts. Business web technologies. The “Emerging IDT of I4.0 and ASC”
• Generic approach to the role and implications of IDT of I4.0 and ASC Research Line comprises 32 papers, approximately 23.9% of the total.
(RL3): This research line includes studies in which IDT of I4.0 have This line includes papers that address six types of IDT of I4.0: Artificial
been observed from a generic perspective. Intelligence (AI); Internet of Things (IoT); Cloud Computing; Big Data;
Additive Manufacturing, and Blockchain. A generic approach to the role
The three research lines were further divided into various research and implications of IDT of I4.0 and ASC is the third Research Line with
sublines according to the specific type of IDT of I4.0 addressed in RL1 39 papers (29.1%).
and RL2 and specific themes in RL3. The fact that each paper could

D. Oliveira-Dias et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 167 (2022) 108000

Fig. 3. Final literature classification framework. Source: Own elaboration.

4.1. Descriptive analysis loading and unloading of materials (Azevedo & Carvalho, 2012).
Therefore, the use of RFID systems enables supply chain partners to
This section gives a descriptive analysis of the articles included in the manage information and material flows more quickly and flexibly
review. First, the chronological evolution of the literature published in throughout the supply chain, allowing them to cooperatively react to
the three Research Lines was analyzed. Fig. 4 shows the distribution of consumer requirements (Azevedo & Carvalho, 2012; Chan et al., 2015;
these articles by year of publication (absolute and cumulative fre­ Hwang & Rho, 2016). One example is the implementation of smart
quencies of the number of papers by research line). Although the shelves that can detect RFID tags, thus enabling the monitoring and the
number of publications has not evolved steadily over the years, interest faster replenishment of products (Zhu et al., 2012). The literature has
in the area has been observed to have risen gradually, especially in the also addressed RFID as a foundation for more complex systems to
last 3 years (37.4% of the works). The first papers in RL1 were published develop agile decision-making systems (Aggarwal & Lim, 2013; Cheung
in 2000. Publications in RL2 and RL3 began in 2006, and 2019 is the et al., 2012; Yan et al., 2014). In this sense, some RFID-based decision-
year with the highest number of publications to date in RL2, demon­ making systems have been developed to improve agility in reverse lo­
strating the current interest in this research line. gistics (Aggarwal & Lim, 2013) and supply chain configuration and
Second, by methodology used, it can be observed that the majority of integration, which are indispensable for managing an ASC strategy
papers in RL1, RL2, and RL3 are quantitative-based studies. These pa­ (Cheung et al., 2012; Yan et al., 2014). However, the literature also
pers employ survey research or are modeling-based studies. There are indicates that companies have primarily been using RFID systems to
also studies in the three Research Lines that apply conceptual, qualita­ improve their internal operations, rather than improving interdepen­
tive, or mixed approaches (quantitative and qualitative approaches). dent processes involving supply chain partners. Therefore, the imple­
Table 4 presents the methodology-based classification of the selected mentation of RFID in intercompany networks is still at an early stage
research papers by Research Line. (Hwang & Rho, 2016). Nonetheless, the fact that many companies have
already implemented RFID internally is also a good starting point for
expanding its use in the supply chain.
4.2. Analysis of literature classification ERP systems in ASC. ERP’s role in ASC on the inter-
This section gives the literature classification and the results of the organizational level has been the object of several studies. On the one
analysis. Each research line is presented with its research sublines. hand, ERP can be seen as a system that allows integration with sub­
sidiaries and enables real-time visibility of end-customer demand in
4.2.1. Mature IDT in ASC manufacturing operations (Al-Nimer, 2019; Auramo et al., 2005). On
In this research line, the following IDT of I4.0 in ASC contexts have the other hand, other studies indicate that traditional ERP systems may
been studied: (1) RFID; (2) ERP systems; (3) AMT, and (4) E-Business not provide the necessary agility to support ASC practices (Almahamid
web technologies. & Hourani, 2015; Chiarini & Vagnoni, 2017; Seethamraju, 2014;
Sharma & Shah, 2015), due to their time-phased requirements logic that RFID in ASC. As Agile supply chains depend on timely, accu­ appears to be incapable of responding to the volatile nature of markets
rate, and precise information, RFID technologies are useful tools that can (Seethamraju, 2014).
provide real-time automated data collection across the supply chain In this regard, more advanced solutions such as ERP II systems are
(Butcher, 2007; Cheng, 2007; Shahin et al., 2016). RFID technologies presented and analyzed in the literature (Ponis & Spanos, 2009). Unlike
embedded in Business to Business (B2B) processes can increase in­ traditional ERP systems, ERP II enables greater integration between
ventory visibility and information transparency (Cheng, 2007; Nabelsi & supply chain partners and also enhances the functionality of core ERP
Gagnon, 2016; Shahin et al., 2016) and speed up processes such as the

D. Oliveira-Dias et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 167 (2022) 108000

Table 3 Table 3 (continued )

Literature classification. RL IDT of I4.0 Papers
RL IDT of I4.0 Papers
Mandal (2018); Mandal (2019b);
RL1 - Mature RFID Azevedo & Carvalho (2012); Pool et al. (2018); Radke & Tseng
(63 papers) Aggarwal & Lim (2013); Butcher (2015); Sangari & Razmi (2015);
(2007); Chan et al. (2015); Cheng Wamba & Akter (2019); Wamba
(2007); Cheung et al. (2012); et al. (2020); Yan et al. (2014)
Hwang & Rho (2016); Nabelsi & Additive Manuf. Kurpjuweit et al. (2019); Li et al.
Gagnon (2016); Shahin et al. (2019)
(2016); Yan et al. (2014); Zhu Blockchain Kurpjuweit et al. (2019); Sheel &
et al. (2012) Nath (2019)
ERP Almahamid & Hourani (2015); Al- RL3 - Generic Capabilities generated by Bargshady et al. (2016); Bi et al.
Nimer (2019); Auramo et al. approach(39 IDT of I4.0 (2013); Chen (2019); Chen &
(2005); Banerjee (2015); Chiarini papers) Chiang (2011); Dehgani &
& Vagnoni (2017); Ivanov & Teich Navimipour (2019); Far et al.
(2012); Ponis & Spanos (2009); (2017); García-Alcaraz et al.
Seethamraju (2014); Sharma & (2019); Malekifar et al., (2014);
Shah (2015) Mandal (2019a); Motadel et al.
AMT Boughzala et al. (2014); Chae (2011); Ngai et al. (2011);
et al. (2007); Dallasega et al. Qrunfleh & Tarafdar (2014);
(2019); Dotoli et al. (2006); Forget Samizadeh et al. (2019); Yang
et al. (2008); Ghobakhloo & Azar (2014)
(2018a); Huang et al. (2000); Drivers and barriers of the Bi et al. (2013); Brusset (2016);
Montreuil et al. (2000); relationship between IDT DeGroote & Marx (2013); Ding
Panichayakorn & Jermsittiparsert of I4.0 and ASC et al. (2012); García-Alcaraz et al.
(2019); Setia et al. (2008); (2017); Ghobakhloo & Azar
Shamsuzzoha & Helo (2010); (2018b); Gunasekaran et al.
Wallace et al. (2006) (2017a); Gunasekaran et al.
E-Business web Ahn et al. (2012); Almahamid & (2019); Liu et al. (2013); Kabra &
technologies Hourani (2015); Ameri & Dutta Ramesh (2016); Kumar et al.
(2008); Ameri & McArthur (2017); Malekifar et al. (2014);
(2013); Ameri & McArthur Mavengere (2013); Mathiyalakan
(2014); Ameri & Patil (2012); (2006); Minami et al. (2012);
Auramo et al. (2005); Bicocchi Patel et al. (2017); Paulraj & Chen
et al. (2019); Cândido et al. (2007); Qrunfleh et al. (2012);
(2009); Giannakis & Louis (2016); Rahimi et al. (2019); Russell &
Helo et al. (2006); Holmqvist & Swanson (2019); Samdantsoodol
Pessi (2006); Huang et al. (2000); et al. (2017); Scholten et al.
Iskanius & Helaakoski (2009); (2010); Swafford et al. (2008);
Ivanov & Teich (2012); Janssen & Tan et al. (2017); Tarafdar &
Feenstra (2010); Kovács & Kot Qrunfleh (2017); Vagnoni &
(2017); Kovács (2017); Kristianto Khoddami (2016); Vickery et al.
et al. (2011); Liu & Yan (2006); Lo (2010);
et al. (2008); Moynihan & Dai
(2011); Mustafid et al. (2018);
Nallusamy et al. (2015); Oh et at. modules (Ponis & Spanos, 2009).
(2019); Pavlou & Vlachopoulou The literature also indicates that traditional ERP systems need to be
(2008); Radke & Tseng (2015);
integrated with other technologies to achieve agile goals (Almahamid &
Rasouli (2019); Ribeiro et al.
(2009); Seethamraju (2014); Hourani, 2015; Banerjee, 2015; Ivanov & Teich, 2012; Sharma & Shah,
Shamsuzzoha & Helo (2010); 2015). Thus, the integration of ERP and e-business technologies can
Sharma & Shah (2015); improve communication between partners and reduces gaps in real-time
Schonsleben (2000); Tolone information (Almahamid & Hourani, 2015; Sharma & Shah, 2015).
(2000); Tuominen et al. (2008);
White et al. (2005); Xu et al.
Furthermore, technological compatibility between the design system
(2003); Yan et al. (2014); Yusuf (CAD/CAM) and ERP systems implies greater agility by meeting change
et al. (2004) requirements through better coordination between the design and
RL2 - Emerging AI Aggarwal & Lim (2013); Ameri & manufacturing departments (Banerjee, 2015). Moreover, ERP modules
(32 papers) Patil (2012); Cheung et al. (2012);
provided in a Cloud environment and their integration with other Cloud
Chibani et al. (2018); Forget et al.
(2008); Giannakis & Louis (2016); Computing services can help small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs)
Jain et al. (2008); Panichayakorn achieve ASC on smaller IT budgets (Sharma & Shah, 2015). Some papers
& Jermsittiparsert (2019); also address the intra-organizational aspects of ERP use and link it to a
Srinivasan (2007); Wallace et al. certain extent with AMT functionalities (e.g., Al-Nimer, 2019; Almaha­
(2006); Yu et al. (2018)
IoT Alberti-Alhtaybat et al. (2019);
mid & Hourani, 2015; Chiarini & Vagnoni, 2017). In these papers, ERP
Bicocchi et al. (2019); Yan et al. systems are seen as tools that deliver opportunities to increase man­
(2014); Yerpude & Singhal (2017) agement control. However, alone they may not be able to drive im­
Cloud Computing Azevedo et al. (2012); Liu et al. provements in supply chain agility (Almahamid & Hourani, 2015;
(2018); Radke & Tseng (2015);
Chiarini & Vagnoni, 2017).
Schniederjans et al. (2016);
Sharma & Shah (2015); Yan et al.
(2014); Yu et al. (2018) AMT in ASC. AMT refers to a set of technologies utilized in
Big Data Alberti-Alhtaybat et al. (2019); manufacturing activities. They include technologies for design such as
Choi (2018); Dubey et al. (2019);
Computer-Aided application tools (e.g., Computer-Aided Design - CAD,
Giannakis & Louis (2016);
Gunasekaran et al. (2017b); Computer-Aided Manufacturing – CAM and Computer-Aided Engineer­
ing - CAE), collaborative production management systems (e.g., flexible
manufacturing systems, Advanced Planning and Scheduling - APS

D. Oliveira-Dias et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 167 (2022) 108000

Fig. 4. Absolute and cumulative frequencies of the number of papers by research line. Source: Own elaboration.

systems, Computer Integrated Manufacturing systems - CIM), material business technologies for building and configuring agile supply chains
requirement planning (MRP I), industrial simulation, and advanced ro­ through optimization tools (e.g., Holmqvist & Pessi, 2006; Kovács,
botics solutions. Although their greatest effect is internal, they also have 2017; Kristianto et al., 2011; Pavlou & Vlachopoulou, 2008; Radke &
a knock-on effect on the supply chain level by ensuring compliance with Tseng, 2015; Sharma & Shah, 2015) and, more specifically, systems that
deadlines, quality, and volume of planned manufacturing. AMT such as support digital manufacturing markets with mechanisms to rapidly
CAD/CAM/CAE can be used to achieve ASC objectives by reducing the locate, evaluate, and select suppliers (Ameri & Dutta, 2008; Ameri &
time to market of new products or speeding up re-adjustments of the McArthur, 2013, 2014; Ameri & Patil, 2012). Furthermore, in the
assembly line (Ghobakhloo & Azar, 2018a; Huang et al., 2000). Flexible fashion industry, e-business systems can accelerate the information flow
manufacturing systems and CIM systems enhance agility and ability for by offering solutions for sharing information across the supply chain
collaboration in manufacturing processes by connecting geographically about customers’ orders, bills of materials, and other specifications (Lo
separated companies (Chae et al., 2007; Dotoli et al., 2006; Montreuil et al., 2008).
et al., 2000). Furthermore, the use of industrial simulation contributes to Additionally, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), which is
information gathering and finding better solutions for decision-making currently widely used in e-business technologies, improves supply chain
in a more agile way by simulating change production scenarios and agility by speeding up the formation and evaluation of supply chains at a
the potential impact of actions (Boughzala et al., 2014; Dallasega et al., lower cost (Bicocchi et al., 2019; Cândido et al., 2009; Janssen &
2019; Huang et al., 2000; Shamsuzzoha & Helo, 2010; Wallace et al., Feenstra, 2010; Moynihan & Dai, 2011; Ribeiro et al., 2009).
Another advanced manufacturing solution is APS systems (Forget 4.2.2. Emerging IDT in ASC
et al., 2008; Setia et al., 2008). Unlike other planning systems (e.g., The following IDT of I4.0 have been identified in the ASC context in
Manufacturing Resource Planning Systems or MRP II), APS systems this research topic: (1) Artificial Intelligence (AI); (2) Internet of Things
allow customers to be sorted by importance (Setia et al., 2008). More­ (IoT); (3) Cloud Computing; (4) Big Data; (5) Additive Manufacturing,
over, APS systems consider finite capacity constraints and lead times can and (6) Blockchain.
be calculated dynamically, which facilitates real-time analysis for
planning, scheduling, and optimization decisions (Forget et al., 2008; Artificial Intelligence in ASC. AI applications in ASC contexts
Setia et al., 2008). So, due to its superior fit, APS can enhance agility in can be used to improve support systems for decision-making throughout
manufacturing processes and customer response (Forget et al., 2008; the supply chain (SC) and, more specifically, to support inventory
Setia et al., 2008). management, e-procurement activities, and the automation of various
processes (e.g., manufacturing activities, customer support). For this, E-Business web technologies in ASC. E-Business web technolo­ the literature employs a series of solutions, such as agent-based
gies are key tools in ASC contexts and play a critical role in the hori­ modeling (Aggarwal & Lim, 2013), multi-agent system (Ameri & Patil,
zontal/vertical integration of the supply chain (Tolone, 2000; Tuominen 2012; Giannakis & Louis, 2016; Jain et al., 2008), network case-based
et al., 2008; Yusuf et al., 2004). The use of e-business technologies offers reasoning (Cheung et al., 2012), multi-behavior agent model (Forget
an opportunity to enable synchronous (for example, through the inte­ et al., 2008), stochastic learning algorithm (Wallace et al., 2006), and
gration of companies) and asynchronous (for example, via tools such as genetic algorithm approaches (Chibani et al., 2018; Yu et al., 2018).
discussion forums, document attachments, document sharing, and email For decision-making activities, AI automatically establishes the most
messaging) coordination in the supply chain (Tolone, 2000; Xu et al., favorable options in certain scenarios, thus supporting management
2003), a pre-requisite for developing an ASC. E-Business technology decisions (Aggarwal & Lim, 2013; Cheung et al., 2012; Forget et al.,
adoption also improves information quality and transparency and sup­ 2008; Giannakis & Louis, 2016; Jain et al., 2008; Srinivasan, 2007). In
ports planning collaboration among stakeholders to achieve ASC goals inventory management, AI systems allow inventory optimization and
(Almahamid & Hourani, 2015; Auramo et al., 2005; Giannakis & Louis, automatic and intelligent ordering when stock reaches the safety level
2016; Lo et al., 2008; Nallusamy et al., 2015; Rasouli, 2019; See­ (Wallace et al., 2006; Yu et al., 2018) In e-procurement activities, AI
thamraju, 2014). improves automation capabilities for connecting buyers and sellers and
In general, these specific types of IDT pursue a higher degree of determining quantities ordered over time (Ameri & Patil, 2012; Chibani
automation and cost-effective management of supply chain processes et al., 2018). Finally, AI is also applied to the automation of processes
such as sales and operations planning, distribution, and customer order such as manufacturing activities or customer service through smart ro­
management processes. The ultimate goal is to shorten lead times and bots and self-service applications (Panichayakorn & Jermsittiparsert,
respond faster to customer demand (Ahn et al., 2012; Huang et al., 2000; 2019).
Mustafid et al., 2018; Seethamraju, 2014).
The literature includes studies of different systems based on e- Internet of Things (IoT) in ASC. In ASC contexts, IoT provides

D. Oliveira-Dias et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 167 (2022) 108000

Table 4 Table 4 (continued )

Methodologies by research line of the papers. Methodology Research Papers Total
Methodology Research Papers Total Line
Samdantsoodol et al. (2017); Samizadeh
Conceptual RL1 Aggarwal & Lim (2013); Ahn et al. 16 et al. (2019); Swafford et al. (2008);
(2012); Cândido et al. (2009); Cheng Tarafdar & Qrunfleh (2017); Vagnoni &
(2007); Liu & Yan (2006); Lo et al. Khoddami (2016); Vickery et al. (2010);
(2008); Montreuil et al. (2000); Yang (2014)
Nallusamy et al. (2015); Ponis & Spanos Mixed RL1 Banerjee (2015); Helo et al. (2006); 5
(2009); Radke & Tseng (2015); Rasouli Janssen & Feenstra (2010); Mustafid
(2019); Schonsleben (2000); Sharma & et al. (2018); Tolone (2000)
Shah (2015); Tuominen et al. (2008); Xu RL2 Kurpjuweit et al. (2019); Schniederjans 2
et al. (2003); Zhu et al. (2012) et al. (2016)
RL2 Aggarwal & Lim (2013); Azevedo et al. 6 RL3 Patel et al. (2017) 1
(2012); Radke & Tseng (2015); Sharma &
Note: Due to the fact that a single paper could be simultaneously classified into
Shah (2015); Srinivasan (2007); Yerpude
& Singhal (2017) one or more research lines, the sum of papers by methodology is greater than the
RL3 Far et al. (2017); Gunasekaran et al. 6 total of paper in this review (1 2 3).
(2017a); Gunasekaran et al. (2019);
Malekifar et al. (2014); Mathiyalakan
real-time information collection for supply chain visibility, localization,
(2006); Mavengere (2013)
Qualitative RL1 Auramo et al. (2005); Azevedo & 8
and tracking capabilities, and can improve information-sharing and
Carvalho (2012); Butcher (2007); collaboration (Alberti-Alhtaybat et al., 2019; Bicocchi et al., 2019; Yan
Holmqvist & Pessi (2006); Nabelsi & et al., 2014; Yerpude & Singhal, 2017). In a manufacturing environment,
Gagnon (2016); Seethamraju (2014); machines equipped with IoT sensors generate constant information
Setia et al. (2008); White et al. (2005)
flows (Bicocchi et al., 2019) enabling the optimization of preventive
RL2 Alberti-Alhtaybat et al. (2019); 2
Gunasekaran et al. (2017b) maintenance. This action, in turn, reduces the risk of machine failure
RL3 Chen & Chiang (2011); Minami et al. 6 and prevents downtime, which guarantees the agility of processes.
(2012); Ngai et al. (2011); Russell & To achieve agility on the supply chain level, IoT should be integrated
Swanson (2019); Scholten et al. (2010); with other technologies such as Cloud Computing and Big Data (Alberti-
Tan et al. (2017)
Quantitative RL1 Almahamid & Hourani (2015); Al-Nimer 34
Alhtaybat et al., 2019; Yan et al., 2014). In this sense, the integration of
(2019); Ameri & Dutta (2008); Ameri & IoT and Cloud Computing architecture can facilitate quick resource
McArthur (2013); Ameri & McArthur sharing and participant collaboration along the entire supply chain (Yan
(2014); Ameri & Patil (2012); Bicocchi et al., 2014). IoT data, utilized for Big Data analytics, are expected to
et al. (2019); Boughzala et al. (2014);
significantly improve the agility of supply chain operations (Alberti-
Chae et al. (2007); Chan et al. (2015);
Cheung et al. (2012); Chiarini & Vagnoni Alhtaybat et al., 2019; Yan et al., 2014). For example, Aramex, a global
(2017); Dallasega et al. (2019); Dotoli logistics player, collects data from IoT devices on processes and opera­
et al. (2006); Forget et al. (2008); tions such as routes and consumption of resources and analyzes the
Ghobakhloo & Azar (2018a); Giannakis & relevant data through Big Data analytics to make better and faster
Louis (2016); Huang et al. (2000); Hwang
& Rho (2016); Iskanius & Helaakoski
strategic decisions (Alberti-Alhtaybat et al., 2019). Furthermore, the use
(2009); Ivanov & Teich (2012); Kovács & of IoT in conjunction with Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) can reduce
Kot (2017); Kovács (2017); Kristianto order times and provide greater transparency (Yerpude & Singhal,
et al. (2011); Moynihan & Dai (2011); Oh 2017), which helps build an ASC.
et at. (2019); Panichayakorn &
Jermsittiparsert (2019); Pavlou &
Vlachopoulou (2008); Ribeiro et al. Cloud Computing in ASC. Cloud Computing provides opportu­
(2009); Shahin et al. (2016); nities for firms to more easily and more quickly integrate data and IT
Shamsuzzoha & Helo (2010); Wallace applications with their partners by enhancing the speed of data trans­
et al. (2006); Yan et al. (2014); Yusuf
actions and enabling real-time data access for all the parties involved in
et al. (2004)
RL2 Ameri & Patil (2012); Bicocchi et al. 22 the supply chain (Azevedo et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2018; Schniederjans
(2019); Cheung et al. (2012); Chibani et al., 2016).
et al. (2018); Choi (2018); Dubey et al. Cloud technologies also allow to scale IT resources up and down and
(2019); Forget et al. (2008); Giannakis & to rapidly employ IT applications, which are crucial enablers of a supply
Louis (2016); Jain et al. (2008); Li et al.
(2019); Liu et al. (2018); Mandal (2018);
chain to quickly respond to market changes (Liu et al., 2018; Sharma &
Mandal (2019b); Panichayakorn & Shah, 2015). Likewise, Cloud Computing infrastructure also provides
Jermsittiparsert (2019); Pool et al. enormous computing capacity that allows complex tasks to be solved at
(2018); Sangari & Razmi (2015); Sheel & high speed (Sharma & Shah, 2015). Besides, Cloud Computing can be
Nath (2019); Wallace et al. (2006);
applied in a manufacturing context, i.e., Cloud Manufacturing (CMfg).
Wamba & Akter (2019); Wamba et al.
(2020); Yan et al. (2014); Yu et al. (2018) When this new manufacturing approach is used in conjunction with the
RL3 Bargshady et al. (2016); Bi et al. (2013); 26 concept of delayed product differentiation or postponement it offers a
Brusset (2016); Chen (2019); DeGroote & promising solution to respond to the dynamicity of market demand by
Marx (2013); Dehgani & Navimipour reducing manufacturing lead times (Yu et al., 2018).
(2019); Ding et al. (2012); García-Alcaraz
et al. (2017); García-Alcaraz et al. (2019);
The literature also indicates that Cloud technology facilitates agility
Ghobakhloo & Azar (2018b); Kabra & in the supply chain by enabling communication between different ac­
Ramesh (2016); Kumar et al. (2017); Liu tors’ ERP systems (Sharma & Shah, 2015). Moreover, Cloud Computing
et al. (2013); Mandal (2019a); Motadel infrastructure is used to support Big Data management (Radke & Tseng,
et al. (2011); Paulraj & Chen (2007);
2015; Yan et al., 2014) and/or IoT technologies (Yan et al., 2014), which
Qrunfleh & Tarafdar (2014); Qrunfleh
et al. (2012); Rahimi et al. (2019); are combined, precisely, to accelerate data management processes
among members of the supply chain and thus achieve supply chain

D. Oliveira-Dias et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 167 (2022) 108000 Big Data in ASC. With the advance in the use of IDT and the asymmetries and provides greater visibility and agility in transactions
consequent increase in the availability of information, tools such as Big between supply chain members (Kurpjuweit et al., 2019; Sheel & Nath,
Data are useful for quickly and efficiently handling information in the 2019). Unlike traditional analog contracts, smart Blockchain contracts
entire supply chain. In this regard, a close relation to Big Data, Business can be self-executing. They can operate autonomously and automati­
Intelligence, is also considered an important tool that enhances alertness cally without the need for intermediating institutions (e.g., in automated
capabilities by providing relevant information about the business envi­ payments), thus eliminating delays that would slow down the supply
ronment and supporting supply chain decisions (Pool et al., 2018; San­ chain. When there is digital trust between partners, this logic can reduce
gari & Razmi, 2015). or eliminate payment gaps and so provide supply chain agility (Kurp­
Big Data can also improve supply chain agility by helping managers juweit et al., 2019; Sheel & Nath, 2019).
to sense changes in the environment (Dubey et al., 2019; Mandal, 2019b; Blockchain can improve agility in manufacturing activities by
Wamba et al., 2019; Wamba & Akter, 2019), supporting demand plan­ bringing automation with smart contracts and facilitating the exchange
ning (Alberti-Alhtaybat et al., 2019; Choi, 2018; Gunasekaran et al., of documents between supply chain partners (Kurpjuweit et al., 2019;
2017; Yan et al., 2014), and increasing customer sensitivity (Giannakis Sheel & Nath, 2019). More specifically, Blockchain can support and
& Louis, 2016; Mandal, 2018). improve security and monitoring issues related to additive
Big Data can help to build supply chain visibility by enabling end-to- manufacturing processes such as intellectual property (IP) rights man­
end real-time information about supplier’s inventories in addition to agement, the monitoring of printed parts throughout their lifecycle, and
predicting changes in future product demand (Dubey et al., 2019; data security (Kurpjuweit et al., 2019)
Mandal, 2019b). More specifically, customer feedback on social media Furthermore, Blockchain can facilitate processes such as demand
platforms can complement sales information to support demand plan­ forecasting and inventory management by enabling better traceability of
ning (Choi, 2018). Furthermore, data management offers the opportu­ inventory items and greater accuracy of information flows along the
nity to monitor supply chain activities and sense atypical events as well supply chain, which in turn can lead to better delivery capabilities and
as to identify potential supply chain issues, which is necessary to pro­ increase customer satisfaction (Kurpjuweit et al., 2019; Sheel & Nath,
actively mitigate the risk of errors and disruption (Alberti-Alhtaybat 2019).
et al., 2019; Giannakis & Louis, 2016; Radke & Tseng, 2015). Big Data However, issues such as a lack of understanding of the benefits and
also allow the identification of customer requirement trends and impacts of Blockchain and the lack of qualified specialists are major
consequently, enable products and services to be tailored accordingly barriers that contribute to a low adoption rate (Kurpjuweit et al., 2019;
(Alberti-Alhtaybat et al., 2019; Giannakis & Louis, 2016). In e-com­ Sheel & Nath, 2019).
merce operations, one way to act proactively is to dispatch products to a
location close to the potential customer before the act of purchasing 4.2.3. Generic approach to the role and implications of IDT of I4.0 and
takes place. In this regard, Big Data help to sense supply chain behavior ASC
trends and respond accordingly, which in turn increases supply chain Articles included in this research line are characterized by analyses
agility. of the impact and relationships between IDT of Industry 4.0 and ASC in
general terms, without specifically analyzing any particular type of Additive manufacturing in ASC. The application of Additive technology on its own. Two research sublines were identified in this
Manufacturing or 3D printing in production is expected to shorten lead research line: (1) Capabilities generated by IDT of 4.0, and (2) Drivers,
times and in turn, enable a more agile supply chain (Kurpjuweit et al., and barriers of the relationship between IDT of I4.0 and ASC.
2019; Li et al., 2019). Additive Manufacturing is known to be a rapid
prototyping tool that can reduce the development cycle time by enabling Capabilities generated by IDT of I4.0. The effective use of IDT
new product designs to be quickly printed and evaluated (Kurpjuweit can generate different capabilities that contribute to supply chain agil­
et al., 2019). Moreover, Additive Manufacturing allows higher levels of ity, such as IT integration and IT flexibility (Ngai et al., 2011). In this
product customization (Kurpjuweit et al., 2019). In industries such as sense, it has been found that an organization’s use of IT for sharing,
the aerospace industry, which are characterized by high-value parts, coordinating, and integrating information both between its own de­
Additive Manufacturing can enable the rapid manufacture of spare parts partments and with its supply chain (IT integration) facilitates demand
and increase the efficiency of inventory management (Kurpjuweit et al., forecasting, monitoring of the production process, and collaborative
2019; Li et al., 2019). This technology also leads to the appearance of decision making and improves supply chain agility (Bargshady et al.,
small and geographically distributed factories that produce smaller 2016; Chen, 2019; Chen & Chiang, 2011; Far et al., 2017; García-Alcaraz
batch sizes closer to the service locations, thus reducing delivery times et al., 2019; Malekifar et al., 2014; Ngai et al., 2011; Samizadeh et al.,
(Kurpjuweit et al., 2019; Li et al., 2019). Therefore, the reduction of 2019). Further, in addition to contributing to a smooth flow of infor­
physical flows and the need for fewer components to produce products mation, IT integration also speeds up the physical and financial flows of
can help mitigate problems related to demand unpredictability and the supply chain (Ngai et al., 2011).
result in shorter lead times (Kurpjuweit et al., 2019; Li et al., 2019). In a similar vein, IT flexibility, which refers to the ability of IT sys­
In the ASC context, Additive Manufacturing can complement con­ tems to adapt to changes in the shortest possible time and with the least
ventional manufacturing and it is useful, precisely, for low-to-medium cost and effort, is also referred to as an ASC enabler (Bargshady et al.,
production volumes and high-variety production (Kurpjuweit et al., 2016; Malekifar et al., 2014; Motadel et al., 2011; Ngai et al., 2011;
2019; Li et al., 2019). However, due to the digital nature of Additive Qrunfleh & Tarafdar, 2014). Thus, IT flexibility has a positive impact on
Manufacturing supply chains, there is concern about risks related to the ASC by addressing any sudden market changes and enabling the SC to
inter-organizational adoption of Additive Manufacturing processes (e.g., respond at the most appropriate time. For example, the Spanish com­
vulnerabilities to data theft, potential IP infringements, and an increased pany, Zara, known for its rapid design, production, and worldwide de­
risk of fake products), which can threaten supply chain agility (Kurp­ livery of clothes, uses flexible applications to collect and analyze
juweit et al., 2019). customer data and exchange information between suppliers, which en­
ables the firm to adapt its production to market trends and execute its Blockchain in ASC. Blockchain allows trading partners to share ASC strategy (Ferdows et al., 2004; Qrunfleh & Tarafdar, 2014).
information such as design-related documents and transaction data, as Therefore, both capabilities are important for increasing supply
well as to integrate other supply chain processes more quickly and more chain agility. A supply chain can use different sets of IDT to develop
reliably (Sheel & Nath, 2019). Hence, Blockchain prevents information integration or flexibility according to its needs. It is indisputable that IT

D. Oliveira-Dias et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 167 (2022) 108000

human resources play a major role in this by configuring the appropriate Since CPS are considered to be one of the main concepts of Industry 4.0,
IT applications (Bi et al., 2013; Dehgani & Navimipour, 2019). more studies are necessary in the field of the role that CPS play in supply
chain agility. Researchers are encouraged to exploit these issues by Drivers, and barriers of the relationship between IDT of I4.0 and combining qualitative methods like case studies and quantitative ap­
ASC. A variety of studies have confirmed that the generic use of IDT of proaches. Researchers would then be able to establish roadmaps to guide
I4.0 has a direct and positive impact on ASC (e.g., DeGroote & Marx, managers in the best use of mature and emerging IDT on the supply
2013; García-Alcaraz et al., 2017; Kabra & Ramesh, 2016; Kumar et al., chain level.
2017;Vagnoni & Khoddami, 2016). However, some studies indicate that
the impact of the use of IDT on ASC is indirect, through the development 4.3.2. Research gaps and future research in RL2
across the supply chain of other capabilities related to coordination Despite the recent interest in emerging IDT of I4.0, studies that
processes, such as SC integration, SC collaboration, and SC flexibility (Bi address the benefits and challenges of the adoption of these IDT and
et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2013; Paulraj & Chen, 2007; Samdantsoodol et al., their contribution to ASC are still in their early stages. There is a lack of
2017; Swafford et al., 2008). understanding about the role of other technologies such as virtual or
Therefore, to achieve agility, firms should not only invest in IDT, but augmented reality, advanced and collaborative robots (CObots) and
also in improving other supply chain capabilities. In fact, some findings cybersecurity. Virtual and augmented reality could increase supply
indicate that for IDT to be successfully implemented in the context of chain agility by speeding up warehousing activities and learning about
ASC, the latter needs to be properly configured with the support of inter- logistics processes (e.g., DHL, 2019). The application of advanced and
organizational integration and coordination (Mathiyalakan, 2006; Tan collaborative robots would also improve the agility of manufacturing
et al., 2017; Vickery et al., 2010). Firms must have well-established and logistics processes such as picking and packing. However, some
processes to effectively operate their IDT infrastructure and rapidly associated challenges have to be addressed, such as legal restrictions,
implement the applications required to support agile practices (Ding security, and safety issues.
et al., 2012; Qrunfleh et al., 2012), on the contrary, the use of IDT can There are also very few papers that investigate the role of Blockchain
adversely impact rather than improve supply chain agility (Ding et al., and Additive Manufacturing in increasing the agility of the supply chain.
2012; Mathiyalakan, 2006). It has also been observed that a special However, the benefits and challenges of their adoption on the supply
focus on organizational culture is essential to achieve the effective use of chain level are multiple (e.g., Azzi et al., 2019; Yılmaz, 2020). As the
IDT and coordination in the supply chain (Malekifar et al., 2014; Russell level of adoption of these technologies is generally still low, alternatives
& Swanson, 2019). Hence, managers must create a new mindset in for future research would be qualitative approaches, such as focus
companies, with employees encouraged to learn and trust in the regular groups with experts and case studies. In this sense, researchers could
use of technology (Russell & Swanson, 2019). inform practitioners about the best practices on the internal and supply
In short, some antecedents or drivers such as the willingness to share chain levels. Another alternative is to conduct empirical survey studies
information between supply chain partners and the proper integration of of IT professionals. This would help by giving companies advance notice
supply chain flows are essential to improve supply chain agility (Bi et al., of which process each (or each group of) IDT of I4.0 could be valuable
2013; Minami et al., 2012). Further, supply chains need to be flexible for. In the future, it would also be interesting to investigate the joint
and have the ability to identify and incorporate new relevant effect of three emerging IDT of I4.0 that usually work together in the
knowledge. supply chain to provide agility: IoT, Cloud Computing, and Big Data,
On the other hand, some barriers such as a lack of knowledge or a which have been called base technologies of I4.0 (Frank et al., 2019).
narrow view of technology, resistance to change, a lack of mutual trust Furthermore, new studies could investigate “soft” aspects of the emer­
between partners and a lack of IDT alignment in the supply chain will gent IDT adoption and Human Resources relationship, such as techno­
inhibit the positive outcomes of the IDT adoption on supply chain agility logical change, resistance to change, and need for leadership in the ASC
(Mathiyalakan, 2006; Radke & Tseng, 2015; Russell & Swanson, 2019). context (e.g., Mandal, 2018).

4.3.3. Research gaps and future research in RL3

4.3. Identified gaps and paths for future research Further studies should be conducted in this research line to analyze
how the integration of ASC practices (e.g., virtualization, customer
The previous subsections have analyzed and synthesized the litera­ sensitivity, process integration) and Industry 4.0 principles (e.g.,
ture on IDT of I4.0 and the ASC context to identify the object of study in modularity, interoperability, decentralization) supported by IDT of I4.0
this research area. So, the analysis enables the proposal of lines for can lead to the supply chain digital transition. The analyzed articles have
future research based on the research gaps detected in the main RLs. mostly focused on the way that IDT of I4.0 supports ASC. However, new
studies should deepen the research into the main barriers, enablers, and
4.3.1. Research gaps and future research in RL1 best practices for a digital transition in the supply chain.
The role of mature IDT of I4.0 in enabling ASC is the most addressed Another important current supply chain issue is minimizing the
topic in the literature. However, some questions remain unexplored. consumption of finite resources. In this regard, new studies could
Limited attention has been paid to studying how each mature IDT can investigate the links between the Circular Economy, IDT of I4.0, and
enable specific agile processes and contribute to overcoming the main ASC. Researchers could identify synergies, challenges, and trade-offs
barriers to increasing agility in the supply chain. Also, new studies could related to these topics and provide guidelines for managers to support
be conducted into understanding how mature IDT can impact upstream sustainable, technological, and market-oriented supply chain
and downstream operations and how they affect supply chain agility. management.
Furthermore, in general, few studies focus on understanding how
mature IDT can support the adoption of emerging technologies and how 5. IDT of I4.0 and agile supply chain 4.0 model
they can complement each other or how to balance the trade-offs be­
tween them for the shift to a more agile supply chain (e.g., Maqueira The analysis of the above sections enables the proposal of a repre­
et al., 2019), for example, the integration of ERP systems and Cloud sentative model of the role of IDT of I4.0 in ASC. Fig. 5 presents the
Computing and the joint use of AMT and AI solutions or IoT technolo­ proposed model.
gies. In this sense, the interactions between mature (AMT) and emerging The model in Fig. 5 groups IDT into mature and emerging IDT and
IDT (IoT, AI) are giving rise to smart factories and cyber-physical sys­ shows how each IDT positively impacts the speed of physical (PHY) or
tems (CPS) with automated processes between suppliers and customers. logistics flows, information flows (INF), financial flows (FIN) or cash-

D. Oliveira-Dias et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 167 (2022) 108000


Supports systems for decision-making Improves localiza on and tracking capabili es
Op mizes inventory management Op mizes preven ve maintenance
Automa on of e-procurement ac vi es Improves informa on-sharing and collabora on
Enables smart automa on of customer Provides real- me informa on to improve decision-
Supports collabora on between SC
service making
partners in manufacturing
Enables smart manufacturing Reduces order me
Simulates different produc on scenarios
Enables route op miza on
Facilitates real- me analysis for planning
and scheduling produc on
ARTIFICIAL Provide fast and efficient informa on handling
INTELLIGENCE Enable end-to-end real- me informa on
Inventory control, shipping and Monitor SC ac vi es and detect atypical events
traceability Iden fy customer need trends
AMT IoT An cipate SC trends
Real- me automated data collec on to
support decision-making Support demand and material planning
Real- me informa on-sharing with SC RFID BIG DATA Assist strategic decisions based on history and
partners predic ons
Integra on between SC partners COMPUTING Integra on of data and IT applica ons with partners
Material planning Enables real- me data access for all SC members
Automa c release of customer/work Scales IT resources up and down
ERP Improves ability to rapidly employ IT applica ons
Collabora on between SC partners Accelerates comple on of computer tasks
E-BUS. BLOCKCHAIN Enables communica on between different actors’ ERP
TECHNOLOGIES Performs cloud manufacturing
Enable horizontal/ver cal SC integra on ADDITIVE Supports Big Data analy cs and IoT data management
Provide real- me coordina on MANUFACTURING
Provide asynchronous coordina on Integrates supply chain processes quickly and reliably
Support planning collabora on among Shares informa on between supply chain partners
stakeholders Enables agile produc on of spare parts Establishes smart contracts
Improve loca on, evalua on, and selec on Increases efficiency of spare parts Enables traceability of inventory items
of suppliers inventory Increases accuracy of the informa on flow
Support the forma on and evalua on of SC Enables rapid prototyping throughout the SC
Automated cost-effec ve management of Facilitates higher levels of customiza on Supports and improves security in addi ve
SC processes Enables decentralized manufacturing
manufacturing processes


Provider FOCAL FIRM Customer

network network





Fig. 5. Agile Supply Chain 4.0 model. Source: Prepared by authors.

D. Oliveira-Dias et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 167 (2022) 108000

flow, and service flows (SER). These are the flows that make up a focal the ability to respond aim to reflect the ability of the focal company to
firm’s supply chain and its two-way supplier and customer networks, streamline supply chain processes to cope with demand. Thus, this
both of which could be located in the global context. second group of KPIs provides information about delivery speed capa­
The figure also shows a series of key performance indicators (KPIs) bility (physical flow), automation of alerts or notifications (information
used in the literature to measure the impact of the Agile Supply Chain. flow), resolution of financial incidents (financial flow), and the fre­
These indicators were grouped based on the sense and respond per­ quency of new product/service introduction (service flow) (See Fig. 5 for
spectives and depending on the flow to be analyzed (physical, infor­ a complete list).
mation, financial, or service). Furthermore, the findings presented in the previous section confirm
KPIs related to the ability to sense are used to assess the focal firm’s that IDT of I4.0 can act as an enabler of the ASC by improving the speed
ability to capture relevant information from the business environment of the supply chain flows and, consequently, the ability to sense and
such as inventory management data (physical flow), efficiency of fore­ respond to market changes and customer demands. This can be observed
casting activities (information flow), payment incident rate (financial in Table 5. Based on the results of the analysis, the table gives an
flow), and customer satisfaction (service flow). The indicators related to overview of the applications for each mature and emerging IDT of I4.0. It

Table 5
Applications of IDT of I4.0 and impact on ASC abilities and flows.
IDT of I4.0 Overview of applications ASC abilities ASC flows

Sense Respond PHY INF FIN SER

Mature IDT RFID Inventory control, shipping and traceability ● ● ● ●

Real-time automated data collection to support decision-making ● ● ● ● ●
Real-time information-sharing with supply chain partners ● ● ● ●
ERP Integration between supply chain partners ● ● ● ●
Material planning ● ● ●
Automatic release of customer orders and work orders ● ●
Collaboration between supply chain partners ● ● ●
AMT Supports collaboration between supply chain partners in manufacturing ● ● ● ●
Simulates different production scenarios ● ● ● ●
Facilitates real-time analysis for planning and scheduling production ● ● ● ● ●
E-Business web Enable horizontal/vertical supply chain integration ● ● ● ●
technologies Provide real-time (synchronous) coordination ● ● ● ●
Provide asynchronous coordination ● ● ●
Support planning collaboration among stakeholders ● ● ●
Improve location, evaluation, and selection of suppliers ● ●
Support the formation and evaluation of supply chains ● ●
Automated cost-effective management of supply chain processes (orders, ● ● ● ● ● ●
payments, etc)
Emerging AI Supports systems for decision-making ● ● ●
IDT Optimizes inventory management ● ● ●
Automation of e-procurement activities ● ●
Enables smart automation of customer service ● ● ●
Enables smart manufacturing ● ● ● ●
IoT Improves localization and tracking capabilities ● ● ● ●
Optimizes preventive maintenance ● ● ●
Improves information-sharing and collaboration ● ● ● ●
Provides real-time information collection to improve decision- making ● ● ● ● ●
Reduces order time ● ● ●
Enable route optimization ● ● ● ●
Cloud Computing Integration of data and IT applications with partners ● ● ● ●
Enables real-time data access for all the parties involved in the supply chain ● ●
Scales IT resources up and down ● ● ●
Improves the ability to rapidly employ IT applications ● ● ●
Accelerates completion of computer tasks ● ● ● ●
Enables communication between different actors’ ERP systems ● ● ●
Performs cloud manufacturing ● ● ● ●
Supports big data analytics and IoT data management ● ● ●
Big Data Provide fast and efficient information handling ● ● ● ●
Enable end-to-end real-time information ● ● ● ●
Monitor supply chain activities and detect atypical events ● ● ●
Identify customer need trends ● ● ●
Anticipate supply chain trends ● ● ●
Support demand and material planning ● ● ●
Assist strategic decisions based on history and predictions ● ● ● ●
Additive Manufacturing Enables agile production of spare parts ● ● ●
Increases efficiency of spare parts inventory management ● ●
Enables rapid prototyping ● ● ●
Facilitates higher levels of customization ● ● ●
Enables decentralized manufacturing ● ● ●
Blockchain Integrates supply chain processes quickly and reliably ● ● ●
Shares information between supply chain partners ● ●
Establishes smart contracts ● ● ● ●
Enables traceability of inventory items ● ● ●
Increases the accuracy of the information flow throughout the supply chain ● ●
Supports and improves security in additive manufacturing processes ● ● ● ● ●

D. Oliveira-Dias et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 167 (2022) 108000

also shows whether the applications are mainly related to the ASC shows that combining these technologies can provide a variety of novel
ability to sense or the ASC ability to respond, or even to both abilities. In solutions for improving supply chain agility.
this regard, applications related to the ability to sense are those that help It is also important to highlight that several challenges are related to
supply chains to capture data on market changes and communicate them the digital transition of supply chains. Some challenges such as technical
across the supply chain (Calatayud et al., 2019; DeGroote & Marx, complexity, security, and trust issues, and high IDT costs are usually
2013). In contrast, applications associated with the ability to respond highlighted as major concerns in the literature (e.g., Kurpjuweit et al.,
support the development and execution of collaborative plans among 2019; Mathiyalakan, 2006; Scholten et al., 2010). In addition, some of
supply chain partners to accelerate supply chain processes and respond the benefits of adopting emerging technologies can only be capitalized
to changes in the market (Calatayud et al., 2019; DeGroote & Marx, on if the majority of suppliers and customers also adopt the technolo­
2013). The table also shows whether the applications individually gies. In this sense, the lack of alignment could give rise to problems of
generate impacts on the different supply chain flows (physical, infor­ visibility and, consequently, may reduce supply chain agility (Radke &
mation, financial, and service). It is important to stress that this table Tseng, 2015; Tarafdar & Qrunfleh, 2017).
does not aim to be exhaustive but it does, nonetheless, provide reason­
able insights as it covers the foremost examples identified in the 6. Conclusions
According to Table 5, mature I4.0 technologies such as RFID and e- This study develops a framework that classifies the literature on IDT
business web technology have a positive effect on the supply chain’s of I4.0 and ASC (123 papers) according to the Technology Life Cycle.
sense and respond abilities. In the case of mature ERP and AMT tech­ Some IDT of I4.0 have been found to have been more explored than
nologies, the literature mainly deals with applications related to the others. Although the role of mature IDT of I4.0 in supporting the
ability to respond to market changes. In the case of emerging IDT of I4.0, implementation of agile practices in the supply chain has been addressed
Big Data applications support new ways of sensing market changes and more extensively than the role of emerging IDT of I4.0, papers in both
help to respond to customer needs. AI can help to reduce manufacturing research lines have been published intensively in the last years.
lead times and improve responsiveness to changing market needs. The Furthermore, IDT are also addressed in a generic approach to the ca­
literature on IoT and Cloud Computing is incipient but promises in­ pabilities derived from IDT I4.0 and the drivers and barriers of their use
creases to supply chain agility. The use of IoT applications can improve for IDT of I4.0 to impact on ASC, which gives rise to the third research
supply chain visibility and enable faster decision-making. Cloud line analyzed.
Computing is a good support tool for integrating supply chain partners The literature on mature IDT of I4.0 and ASC (RL1) confirms that for
and enabling coordination to respond to customer requirements. Addi­ the main part, IDT such as AMT, RFID, and e-business web technologies
tive Manufacturing also has high potential, especially to improve the play an important role in increasing supply chain agility. These tech­
respond ability and Blockchain has the potential to improve both sense nologies support the execution of basic processes that enable greater
and respond abilities. However, the Additive Manufacturing and supply chain integration and visibility. On the other hand, findings on
Blockchain applications that address supply chain challenges are still in emerging IDT of I4.0 (RL2) expand the variety of solutions to improve
their early stages. ASC with a range of methods and sophisticated approaches. Considering
A reasonable number of applications have been identified regarding these findings, it is impossible to state which emerging technology has
the speed of the physical flow. RFID and AMT stand out in the group of the greatest influence on ASC. Instead, what emerges is that some can
mature IDT due to their potential to improve the connectivity between play different roles. For example, Big Data applications are especially
supply chain partners to manage the storage and transportation of ma­ useful for sensing market changes and Additive Manufacturing can
terials and products by improving inventory control, shipping, trace­ mainly affect the respond ability by improving delivery capabilities or
ability, route optimization, and improving the speed of production. reducing development cycle times. Just as importantly, the combination
Similarly, emerging IDT such as IoT and Additive Manufacturing are the of different types of IDT can provide synergies that improve supply chain
most important technologies to increase the speed of material/product agility. Further, from a generic perspective (RL3), the literature ad­
flow. The literature on information flows shows that the vast majority of dresses the role of IDT capabilities, in addition to the role of supply chain
mature and emerging IDT can help to increase the speed of information capabilities such as supply chain integration and supply chain flexibility.
exchange. The applications are related to the different supply chain The main findings of this work revolve around the following aspects:
processes such as planning, procurement, and production. In the case of
the financial flow, only a few applications emerge from the literature. • Both mature and emerging IDT can enhance supply chain agility by
The most significant example is the use of blockchain to speed up pay­ improving abilities to sense and respond to market changes and
ment processes. Finally, regarding the service flow, all mature and customer demands.
emerging IDT have applications with the ability to add value in terms of • The proper integration of mature and emerging IDT is a key element
delivering a faster service tailored to customer needs. Appendix A pre­ for the development of agile supply chains.
sents a summary of the relationships between each of the mature and • With the support of mature and emerging IDT, supply chains can
emerging IDT and the speed of the supply chain flows according to the increase the speed of physical, information, financial, and service
article included in the SLR. flows.
Another of this paper’s contributions is to show that, in some cases, • The adoption of emerging technologies can lead to positive outcomes
the role of some technologies in isolation does not have an impact on but the challenges and even negative effects should not be
ASC (e.g., traditional ERP), while in other cases it needs to be com­ underestimated.
plemented with other IDT to achieve a powerful impact on ASC (e.g., the • Indicators related to the supply chain flows and sense and respond
joint adoption of IoT, Big Data, and Cloud Computing). The comple­ abilities can be used to evaluate the supply chain’s performance and
mentarity between some mature and emerging IDT of I4.0 can be also steer it toward an ASC 4.0 model.
highlighted. The study indicates that the benefits of ERP systems can be
enhanced with Cloud Computing support as ERP modules provided as
SaaS (software as a service) are more flexible and agile than traditional 6.1. Academic implications
ERP systems. Moreover, by applying different solutions, AI can automate
e-business web technologies. RFID is broadly recognized to be one of the A comparison of the findings of this review with the results of the
enabling technologies that support IoT applications. Furthermore, by impact of IDT of I4.0 on LSC noted by Núñez-Merino et al. (2020)
analyzing the literature on emerging IDT of I4.0 and ASC this study also highlights that, in general terms, IDT of I4.0 have a strong impact on the

D. Oliveira-Dias et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 167 (2022) 108000

deployment of both strategies (LSC and ASC). It is also possible to enormous extent and simultaneously boost supply chain agility (Alicke
highlight findings in the literature that some mature IDT such as e- et al., 2016). Therefore, the use of AI, IoT, Cloud Computing, Big Data,
business web technologies, RFID and AMT influence both supply chain 3D printing, and blockchain will influence the achievement of ASC-
flexibility (LSC) (Núñez-Merino et al., 2020) and agility (ASC). This is a related objectives in companies and, at the same time, decrease oper­
major finding and coincides with the prior literature that determines ating costs and inventories, while simultaneously achieving faster
that flexibility is an antecedent of agility (Swafford et al., 2008). How­ physical, information, and service flows in the supply chain.
ever, the literature also shows that other mature IDT such as Bar Code Taking together the previous findings on Lean Supply Chain (Núñez-
Systems are only related to SC flexibility (e.g., Abernathy et al., 2000), Merino et al., 2020) and the findings of this work, companies should
which implies that companies seeking agility in their supply chains intensify their use of mature IDT—especially e-business web technolo­
should replace these specific IDT with others that fulfill a similar func­ gies, RFID, and AMT—in their supply chains to make them flexible and
tion, such as RFID. agile. This is in line with the prior literature, which finds that flexibility
In the case of the emerging IDT and, more specifically, of a set of IDT is an antecedent of agility (Swafford et al., 2008). The main implication
that is being widely adopted by companies, such as Cloud Computing, of this is that if companies were to make intensive use of mature IDT in
Big Data, AI, and IoT, several pieces of the literature show that these their supply chains, they would achieve flexibility in the first instance
technologies impact both of these strategies (Giannakis & Louis, 2016; and that this would be essential for them to achieve agility in the second
Hofmann & Rüsch, 2017). Once again, the main implication of these instance
findings is that the use of these emerging IDT enables both flexibility and Managers will also learn from this work how, from a generic
agility to be achieved, so their deployment throughout the supply chain perspective, IDT of I4.0 enable certain capabilities that are essential to
is highly advisable. In contrast, other emerging IDT such as Virtual achieve ASC. Thus, they facilitate demand forecasting, monitoring of the
Reality and Autonomous Vehicles to date have only been found to be production process, and collaborative decision making (IT integration),
related to flexibility (e.g., Li et al., 2018), whereas the roles of Additive and also enable to address any sudden market changes and the SC to
Manufacturing and Blockchain—addressed in this review—are related respond at the most appropriate time (IT flexibility). In this sense, it will
to agility (ASC) and have not been explored in the area of Lean strategy be important for companies to develop certain capabilities provided by
in the supply chain. In other respects, findings on obsolete IDT, such as IDT of I4.0 to achieve ASC, such as SC integration, SC collaboration, and
in the specific case of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), show that these SC flexibility.
can help to achieve flexibility-related objectives (e.g., Abernathy et al., Table 5 and the ASC 4.0 (Fig. 5) model highlight a group of IDT of
2000) but are not related to SC agility. In short, these findings reveal the I4.0 that can be used to improve supply chain sense and respond abilities
particularities of the role and the effect of the various IDT of I4.0 on the and to improve the speed of supply chain flows. The model would also
two strategies and their main implications. enable managers to identify the most appropriate monitoring indicators
Furthermore, study provides an overview of the extant literature on to be able to set targets based on the past record or to set targets for
this topic that can be used by researchers to quickly locate relevant improvements depending on the type of flow and capacity.
material and future research topics. Furthermore, it is clear from this study that the digital transition to
an ASC 4.0 is in its early stages. However, some technologies such as e-
6.2. Practical implications business web technologies and AMT have been adopted by supply chains
since the 2000 s. Therefore, learning from the adoption of these mature
From a practical point-of-view, this research offers managers an technologies is one way to facilitate the successful implementation of
overview of IDT of I4.0 applications and their impacts on supply chain emerging technologies throughout the supply chain.
agility. So, this work will help managers to identify which IDT of I4.0 Managers can also learn from the experiences of successful cases to
can make their supply chains agile. Thus, managers of companies pur­ benchmark potential applications and the impact of adopting emerging
suing an ASC strategy will be able to adopt certain technologies to technologies to support the ASC strategy. For example, Zara has a global
achieve their goals. Managers must be aware that obsolete IDT of I4.0 supply chain acting both in emerging and developed economies with
such as legacy systems do not provide the supply chain with agility, so support from emerging technologies such as Cloud Computing and Big
they must be replaced by other mature or emerging technologies if they Data and implements a series of activities that allow the development of
want to achieve ASC. They must also understand that RFID, AMT, and e- agile supply chain practices. These practices enable the company to
business web technologies are the mature IDT of I4.0 that can give the produce new designs every week and sell them all around the world. In
supply chain agility. In addition, all these technologies can be used for this sense, this study has gone some way towards enhancing our un­
sense and respond. Managers also need to know that the speed of derstanding of the benefits, potential challenges, and impacts of the
physical supply chain flows can be increased by mature technologies implementation of mature and emerging Industry 4.0 technologies.
such as RFID, ERP, and AMT and that RFID, ERP, AMT, and e-business Managers could use the information in this paper as a starting point for
web technologies accelerate information and service flows. However, developing their initiatives and enhancing the agility and competitive­
the speed of financial flows is improved by only one of the mature ness of their supply chains. If Industry 4.0 enabling technologies (mature
technologies: e-business web technologies. and emerging) and ASC strategy practices are effectively employed,
Managers should also be aware that in the group of emerging IDT of companies will obtain the benefits of the synergy between digitalization
I4.0, AI, IoT, Cloud Computing, Big Data, 3D printing, and blockchain all and market-oriented supply chain management.
provide the supply chain with agility. Three emerging IDT of I4.0 that
are generally shown to achieve agility together deserve special atten­ 6.3. Limitations and further research
tion: IoT, Cloud Computing, and Big Data. These technologies have been
called base technologies of I4.0 by some authors (Frank et al., 2019) as Regarding limitations, it should be noted that, as can be the case with
they are critical for the objectives of effectiveness and efficiency pursued any SLR, our search strategy may have missed or excluded some refer­
by I4.0. All emerging technologies (I4.0, AI, IoT, Cloud Computing, Big ences related to the area (e.g., works not indexed in the three selected
Data, 3D printing, and blockchain) can provide greater speed to the databases, articles that do not contain certain specific keywords).
physical, information, and service flows in the supply chain. However, However, restricting the search to the selected databases could be
the only emerging IDT that influences the speed of financial flows in the considered a minor limitation, as the databases that were used have
supply chain is blockchain. According to a McKinsey study, the appli­ wide coverage in the field. Moreover, the use of various databases re­
cation of emerging IDT of I4.0 on the supply chain level could reduce duces publication bias, while the involvement of a group of researchers
operational costs by 30 percent, decrease lost sales and inventories to an for the choice of search keywords and the selection of articles reduces

D. Oliveira-Dias et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 167 (2022) 108000

the subjectivity of single researcher bias (Thomé et al., 2016). Another Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Writing – review & edit­
limitation might be the subjectivity of the paper classification. However, ing. José Moyano-Fuentes: Conceptualization, Methodology, Valida­
the established SLR steps and previously used classification taxonomies tion, Writing – review & editing.
have been used to mitigate this limitation. In addition, article classifi­
cation was agreed upon by a group of researchers. Declaration of Competing Interest
Future papers with a similar focus to this work could continue to dig
deeper into the role that IDT of I4.0 play in other supply chain strategies. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
It would be especially interesting to analyze the contribution that they interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
make in the resilient supply chain and the Green supply chain. This new the work reported in this paper.
research could use the same methodology (SLR) and the same classifi­
cation criterion (TLC) as the present paper and the previous work by Acknowledgement
Nuñez-Merino et al. (2020) to offer, in conjunction with these two
studies, a full overview of the role that IDT of I4.0 play in supply chain The authors acknowledge the financial support of Spanish Ministry
strategies that can be used as alternatives or to complement one another. of Science, Innovation and Universities (Research Project PID2019-
106577GB-I00 by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), UJA-FEDER
CRediT authorship contribution statement Andalusian Operational Program (Research Project 1261128) and
Diéssica Oliveira-Dias: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investi­ Andalusian Plan for Research, Development and Innovation-PAIDI 2020
gation, Writing – original draft. Juan M. Maqueira-Marín: (Research Project P20-00794).

Appendix A. . Impact of IDT on ASC flows by article


Mature IDT RFID Azevedo & Carvalho (2012) ● ● ●

Aggarwal & Lim (2013) ● ● ●
Butcher (2007) ● ● ●
Chan et al. (2015) ● ● ●
Cheng (2007) ● ● ●
Cheung et al. (2012) ● ● ●
Hwang & Rho (2016) ● ● ●
Nabelsi & Gagnon (2016) ● ● ●
Shahin et al. (2016) ● ● ●
Yan et al. (2014) ● ● ●
Zhu et al. (2012) ● ● ●
ERP Almahamid & Hourani (2015) ●
Al-Nimer (2019) ●
Auramo et al. (2005) ● ●
Banerjee (2015) ●
Chiarini & Vagnoni (2017)
Ivanov & Teich (2012) ●
Ponis & Spanos (2009) ●
Seethamraju (2014) ●
Sharma & Shah (2015) ● ● ●
AMT Boughzala et al. (2014) ● ●
Chae et al. (2007) ● ● ●
Dallasega et al. (2019) ● ● ●
Dotoli et al. (2006) ● ●
Forget et al. (2008) ● ● ●
Ghobakhloo & Azar (2018a) ● ●
Huang et al. (2000) ● ●
Montreuil et al. (2000) ● ● ●
Panichayakorn & Jermsittiparsert (2019) ● ● ●
Setia et al. (2008) ● ● ●
Shamsuzzoha & Helo (2010) ● ● ●
Wallace et al. (2006) ● ●
E-Business web technologies Ahn et al. (2012) ● ●
Almahamid & Hourani (2015) ●
Ameri & Dutta (2008) ● ●
Ameri & McArthur (2013) ● ●
Ameri & McArthur (2014) ● ●
Ameri & Patil (2012) ● ●
Auramo et al. (2005) ● ● ●
Bicocchi et al. (2019) ● ● ●
Cândido et al. (2009) ● ●
Giannakis & Louis (2016) ● ● ●
Helo et al. (2006) ● ● ●
Holmqvist & Pessi (2006) ● ● ● ●
Huang et al. (2000) ●
Iskanius & Helaakoski (2009) ●
Ivanov & Teich (2012) ● ●
Janssen & Feenstra (2010) ● ●
Kovács & Kot (2017) ● ●
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Kovács (2017) ● ●
Kristianto et al. (2011) ● ● ●
Liu & Yan (2006) ● ● ● ●
Lo et al. (2008) ● ●
Moynihan & Dai (2011) ● ●
Mustafid et al. (2018) ● ●
Nallusamy et al. (2015) ●
Oh et at. (2019)
Pavlou & Vlachopoulou (2008) ● ●
Radke & Tseng (2015) ●
Rasouli (2019) ●
Ribeiro et al. (2009) ● ●
Seethamraju (2014) ●
Shamsuzzoha & Helo (2010) ● ●
Sharma & Shah (2015) ● ● ● ●
Schonsleben (2000) ● ●
Tolone (2000) ●
Tuominen et al. (2008) ● ●
White et al. (2005) ● ● ●
Xu et al. (2003) ●
Yan et al. (2014) ● ● ●
Yusuf et al. (2004) ●
Emerging IDT AI Aggarwal & Lim (2013) ● ● ●
Ameri & Patil (2012) ● ●
Cheung et al. (2012) ● ● ●
Chibani et al. (2018) ●
Forget et al. (2008) ● ●
Giannakis & Louis (2016) ● ● ●
Jain et al. (2008) ●
Panichayakorn & Jermsittiparsert (2019) ● ● ●
Srinivasan (2007) ● ●
Wallace et al. (2006) ● ●
Yu et al. (2018) ● ● ●
IoT Alberti-Alhtaybat et al. (2019) ● ● ●
Bicocchi et al. (2019) ● ● ●
Yan et al. (2014) ● ● ●
Yerpude & Singhal (2017) ● ● ●
Cloud Computing Azevedo et al. (2012) ●
Liu et al. (2018) ● ●
Radke & Tseng (2015) ● ●
Schniederjans et al. (2016) ● ●
Sharma & Shah (2015) ● ●
Yan et al. (2014) ● ●
Yu et al. (2018) ● ● ●
Big Data Alberti-Alhtaybat et al. (2019) ●
Choi (2018) ●
Dubey et al. (2019) ● ●
Giannakis & Louis (2016) ● ● ●
Gunasekaran et al. (2017b) ● ●
Mandal (2018) ● ●
Mandal (2019b) ● ●
Pool et al. (2018) ●
Radke & Tseng (2015) ● ●
Sangari & Razmi (2015) ● ●
Wamba & Akter (2019) ● ●
Wamba et al. (2020) ● ●
Yan et al. (2014) ● ●
Additive Manuf. Kurpjuweit et al. (2019) ● ●
Li et al. (2019) ● ●
Blockchain Kurpjuweit et al. (2019) ● ● ●
Sheel & Nath (2019) ● ● ● ●

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