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CALCULUS NUS UENO UTMOST PAC mw ety a) Nico BTS MLO) ELPA wa Con) 1. You first need to understand what quantity is to be optimized. 2. Draw a picture (if it helps) with all the given and the unknowns labeling all variables. 3. Write the formula or equation for the quantity to optmize and any relationship between the different variables. 4. Reduce the number of variables to one only in the formula or equation obtained in step 3. 5. Find the first derivative and the critical points which are points that make the first derivative equal to zero or where the first derivative in undefined 6. Within the domain, test the endpoints and critical points to determine the value of the variable that optimizes the quantity in question and any other variables that answer the questions to the problem. To find out if an extremum is a minimum or a maximum, we either use the sign of the second derivative at the extremum or the signs of the first derivative to the left and to the right of the extremum. Ses a ee eS ee dR eee Ree Men ee Dole Pmt ed Nico BTS MLO) ELPA wa Con) Solution to Problems 1 Letx be the first number and y be the second number, such that the product and the sum of the two numbers. Sum: , quantity to be optimized has two variables Product: x - y = 10, given relationship between the two variables Solve the above for y 10 y x ‘ 100 Substitute y by — in the sum x 2a s(yaxt i =x 10 with domain x > 0 , the quantity to be x x optimized contains one variable only Find the first derivative of S 2 ry 2-10 SO a Zeros of derivative x=V10 andx=-V 10 , Zeros of the first derivative are critical points Selectx positive:x=V10 — isacrtical point of S_, Select critical points in the domain The domain of S_ does not have endpoints and S may therefore have a minimum at the critical point. Calculate the second derivative of S » 20 S"(@)= _, Thesign of the second derivative gives the concavity which in turn tells x whether we have a minimum or a maximum Nico BTS MLO) ELPA wa Con) Sincex>0 , $"(V10) _ is positive (concave up) which confirms that Shas a minimum at x=V10 The two positive numbers x andy whose product is equal to 10 and their sum is minimum are: x=V10 = 3.16 10 The graph below is that of the quantity to optimize S=x+— that has a minimum value x atx = 3.16 (3116, 6.32)

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