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KARVY India, located at Pune is one of the leading consultancies in the city of Pune. It was
the researcher’s privilege that she could complete hers summer internship there and learn
about their recruitment process.
When the required number and kind of manpower is determined by the firm, the role of
management is to find places where they require that manpower and how many out of them
are available. The management also finds the different ways of attracting the probable human
resource towards the organization before the process of selecting them for the job. This entire
process is known as recruitment. Recruitment is not employment, but it is a part of
employment. Recruitment is also not selection, but an activity carried out before selection of
candidates takes place. To speak in the technical context, the process of recruitment is carried
out before the function of selection and comprises of only finding the sources of probable
employees, developing those sources and arousing interest in them to apply for the job
vacancies in the firm.

Objectives of the study:

The researcher before proceeding for the research and the related activities, kept in mind the
following objectives. These objectives guided for the study throughout and laid a foundation
for the same.
1. To critically analyze the recruitment process adopted at KARVY India.
2. To find the criteria on which recruitment is based in the organization.
3. To study the training and development program imparted by the firm.
4. To find out the new technologies adopted by the firm in the recruitment process.
5. To learn how to handle different job portals.

Need of the study:

The study undertaken by the researcher is important not only to the researcher, but also to the
organization. The organization can be in a position to know its strengths and fail points after
the completion of the study. The importance to both is thus explained as below:
1. Importance to the researcher
 The researcher will be able to study the recruitment process in detail which is the most
important aspect a person seeking to make career in HR should learn and understand.
 A company may have all the best resources and the latest technology, but its success
depends only on the right structure of manpower working for it. Recruitment helps the
firm find these pearls who will take the firm to prosperity.
2. Importance to the organization
 Through this study, the firm will recognize its flaws in the recruitment process.
 It will also help the firm to understand where it is lacking behind in technological
advances which they can improve over.
 The study will also let the firm know about the factors affecting recruitment which
were out of their consideration.
Scope of the conducted study:
The study was confined to geographical and topical scope as below:
 Geographical scope: The study was confined to the firm KARVY India.
 Topical scope: The study covered only the process of recruitment adopted by KARVY

Research Methodology:
The researcher adopted the following research methodology to complete the entire study:

Research design
The type of research is descriptive and descriptive research design is used for the same. It is
descriptive because the prevailing recruitment process carried out in the firm is studied in
depth. It is a study designed to depict the employees and the process in an accurate way. It
does not provide answer to questions about how/when/why the steps occurred in the process.
The information is collected without changing the environment. The research is also analytical
and qualitative. It is analytical as the different parameters are analyzed and there is evaluation
of facts and information relative to the research being conducted. It is qualitative because the
parameters could not be put in terms of numbers.

Sample design
As KARVY India was a consultancy firm and the population of employees was only 16 in all,
the following sample design was chosen:
 Census:
All 16 employees of KARVY India have been surveyed
 Sample Unit:
Employees of KARVY India is the sample unit.
 Sampling Area:
Banner, located in Pune is the area of sampling.

Collection of data:
The data required for the study was collected through primary and secondary sources as
1. Primary data:
Structured and detailed questionnaires were presented to the managerial staff at
KARVY India, Baner. Some questionnaires were also presented to the employees
working there to collect their views and opinions about their recruitment process.
Further discussions were done with the HR Manager of KARVY India regarding the
recruitment process and policies of the firm to have an in-depth knowledge of the
2. Secondary data:
The secondary data was gathered by visiting through the company website, different
job portals, previous records of the firm and other websites.
Data Analysis
The data gathered through different sources is analyzed using analytical tools of SPSS software. MS
EXCEL is also used to analyze a part of the data. After analyzing, the data is presented in tabular
and graphical format and then interpreted.

Statistical Methods used

Recruitment is the process of identifying and filling the vacancies in the
company. It is identifying the potential employees for the role.

The process of Recruitment is as follows:

1. JA (Job Analysis) which includes Job Description and Job Specification.

1. KSA (Knowledge, Skills and abilities) required for the position.
2. Sourcing.
2. Selecting few candidates amongst many for the position (Segregating).
3. Screening & Selection.
3. Taking interviews and selecting a candidate for the vacant position.

There are three different types of recruitment needs in an organization as shown below,



RACHANA C [January 2019]

Recruitment & selection is a process that enables us to manage and lead people in our
organization. It is helps to know the capacity of the organisation to take part in few key
events. It also helps in understanding the workforce sources in an organization, in order
to understand the competitive advantages. Although all employees won’t engage, it is
proved that most of the employees utilise this methods and process. Managers usually
won’t encourage employees for discussion and the problem arises here. Employees are
blamed for the failures in the process, instead of knowing the weakness in the
techniques, methodology, practices and the process which has errors. All the errors are
not because of the methods, few are due to the human errors and decisions. It actually
depends on the new candidate hired, their potentiality and their effectiveness in aiming
for the organizational goal. Reduces Labour Turnover & Better Employee Morale are
effective results of R & S process. Ineffective recruitment is loss to both candidate and
the organization, as it is waste of time and money (The employee might leave the
organization). Recruitment process involves valid practices in reality. Generally,
Managers wait for the feedback from their sub-ordinates (Line Managers) to have an
idea about incubation period and procedures to find out the mistakes and rectify it. Most
of the firm do not consider labour turnover. Selection process follows traditional
methods which consist of interviewing, testing, assessment, application forms,
references and few more. Selection process has both its merits and demerits. The best
Selection technique is the one which has effective reliability and validity.

It explores the utilization of Fidelity Bank for the R & S process for convergence for
exploring its effects of organization. When a survey was conducted many enlisted
factors came out and uncovered choice criteria was out, which made an impact on the
capital of the organization and also on association executive. As many difficulties
solved by the association executive, the R & S criteria become stronger and better,
utilising all resources in the organization.

Recruitment is the process of identifying and searching potential workers and enhancing
their skills and empowering their employments. Determination is the key factor, through
which the organization classify their employees. They select the candidate who has meet
the organizational goals with all conditions applied without any restrictions. Hence it is
suggested to follow all kinds of recruitment strategies for selecting the best candidates
for the vacant positions and also to enhancing the performance.


The key factor that drives the Human Resources is R & S process, which has inspired
many associates. For better conclusive results, productive recruitment and selection are


The Ultimate aim of R & S is to accomplish the objective of human asset administrative
work, which is fundamentally set up on execution of association in the organization.
This is to differentiate between recruitment process and selection practices followed in
an organization for business development. Many difficulties occur on this process and
they are distinguished as boundaries of recruitment and laborers of selection, which
consists of improper occupation investigation, low level of competency representatives,
poor HR assets, bad enrolment techniques and poor choice of workers, lack of offices
and infrastructure, and absence of expertise guidance. The R & S process reflect
necessary activities of followed in the organization.

POOJA KHANNA [June 2014]

There is a statement, “One wrong choice and the entire firm will end up in inefficiency”.
R & S is the process to understand the ability of the organization, as it the main key for
business development and achievement. The process of R & S is performed depending
on the convictions. All the candidates, Managers & General Representatives can
identify and resolve their problems and maintain their standards without affecting their


[October 2014]

As Human Capital sources are providing best outcomes and esteemed resources which
are cherished, the business associates have starting focusing on it from the past decades,
in addition to recruitment and selection. There should be a list of accessible HR, which
helps in making better decisions for the associates leading them as the upper hands
while selecting.

FANGLING HU [November 2014]

HR abilities, information and insights are rapidly improving themselves in their fields,
with advance learning for improving the economy also well. In which, authoritative key
assets play a prominent role, for example, capital. Recruitment being the first stage of
improvement, which focuses on showcasing the abilities of the candidate and
identifying the potential out of them, keep in mind that the candidate should continue
long term relationship with the organization. And also improve his skills accordingly.
Therefore, one should know the complete usage of the procedure, methods and
techniques along with recruitment framework. It becomes an essential part in building
the organization goals.

J. NEELAKANTA GUGESH, S. SHEELA RANI [July to December 2013]

The Recruitment process is to make better arrangements and better plans for their
business. It enables them to make choices and provide opportunities to evaluate the
process. The process is to search for the candidate from a group of people, one
candidate is chosen, who acquires all the skills and knowledge and who can a perfect
suit fit for role to perform the assigned task in given time effectively. “It’s the way of
finding candidates to submit the work assigned, which involves skills” is the formal
definition of recruitment. The process
starts when the organization is in search of fresh or new candidates for the role and it
ends when the candidate submits the documents. One amongst many candidates is
chosen from the pool of candidate. Only those candidates are chosen whose profile
matches with the requirements of the firm. The candidate’s profile should be attractive
enough to select and it should seek the attention of the competitors.

The entire process of Advertisement is providing information to the candidates, getting

their details and resumes, screening the applications, arranging an interview, talking
(informing the candidate about the interview), testing them based on the workforce


If the organization has to enhance its authoritative results, the firm has to improve its
recruitment and selection procedures. To enhance this feature, so as to be updated and
active in R & S process, an examination paper was been set up with a name-
“Recruitment & Selection”. It will also provide information and also to light up the
people about this process and its procedure in the Real World. The ultimate goal to
affect the authoritative results positively, by changing the enrolment techniques and
selection representatives for better recruitment decision following the principle


Training is essential for enhancement and development of the skills the candidate.
Therefore, continuous Training & Development process should take part in the
organization and it should be measured, so as to check if organizational objectives are


The correct of managing the R & S is the key source of success as well as for keeping
hopes on organizational activities and also to maintain the relationship with the
candidates and other organizations. It creates a powerful impact on the organizational


The SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) selection practices of recruitment has been
indicated to enhance and improve the administrative practices in these sectors, which
suggest suitable human assets and methods for the completion of the process. This helps
to achieve the maintain the tends in SME’s through R & S process, which act as a major
element in making it possible and successful. The director honestly considers this for the
survival, achievement and development of SME’s.

JACKSON [2010]

The corporate blueprint of managing the staff and the method of approaching the HR
concepts should satisfy the objectives of the execution and it should also fulfil the
additional repayment process as well.
The Quality and work show off indicates the HRM Approaches followed by them in an
organization to satisfy the collision of staffing and managing.


It is very important to observe the HRM principles and strategies for effective Human
Resources Management.


Fulfilling the HR needs and activities by developing competitive advantage in the
organization. And also assist the employee in the organization to reach the targets.
Potential enough to accept the changes and survive in the Global Markets, meeting the
HRM objectives. The main focus of R & S process is to enhance and increase employee
career development opportunities and activities.
MARK D WINSTON PhD [October 2008]

The powerful relationship between hierarchical achievements and administration is

clearly mention by the hypothetical reason which incorporates n number of elements
(including the characteristics of pioneers) and their advancement for improving those
characteristics. Proof plays a vital role in Administrative hypothesis, as it leads the
investigation with its significance and its components related to the process, which in
turn guides us to achieve the pioneer’s authoritative goals. There are different
variables with plays active role in building the framework and enhancing the skills
and techniques used, in addition to the expert suggestion for better and best


Along with training Employee commitment is very essential for the success of the
As a part of this development program, they follow many HRM Strategies and
Approaches. It also effects the employee turnover ratio of the firm.


It focuses on the HRM concepts, which are classified as hard and soft approaches.
The Hard part of HRM approach focuses on managers, tasks, outcomes and
development, whereas the Soft HRM approaches focuses on the quality,
performance, work environment, employee rights, negotiation, time flexibility and
some other factors.

The HR practices leads to knowledge transfer. They consider 4 major functions of

HRM, they are: Planning, Management, Appraisal and Rewards.


The researcher faced the following limitations during the study:

1. The findings and interpretation depend on the quality of responses provided by the
2. The data collected confidently cannot be stated to be error less due to bias of the selected

Service Industry

Service sector according to U.S. Census Bureau, is a sector which produce goods which are
intangible known as Services, in spite of goods, which includes various services such as
warehouse and transportation facilities, security and investment service, information services,
entertainment, arts and recreation, management of waste, healthcare and social assisting, and
professional services. Many countries focus on the service sector for their economies more than
agricultural and industrial economies. The third tier of the 3-sector economy is the Service sector
also known as the Tertiary sector. United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and China are the
top countries which emphasis on service sector.
With around 15.53 trillion USD, United States is the largest service sector provider. Around 196
countries are associated with service sector. More than 80% of GDP is from the service sector in
30 countries. It increases the GDP of the most countries by providing jobs, public services and
inputs for the economy. It also improves the performance of Trade and provides export
opportunities in traditional and new methods. Service sector consist of trade (wholesale and
retail), computer software development services, medicine services, non-profit economic
activities, consumer services, engineering services, banking services, communications and
government services which includes defense and administration of justice.
Technology in the Service Industry

It plays a vital role in innovation of data frameworks, which means forming segments in the
organizations work. It helps in segmenting and to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the
organization by incrementing the speed and reducing the quantity. It also helps in cost
minimization to achieve the goal of the organization. It helps to the company’s position and its
The Future of Service Industry
This sector provides around 60 percent of GDP and it is the most steadily growing industry. It
plays an essential role in the country’s economic growth. From the past two decades relationship
between the economic growth and the Service sector has become stronger as it reflected on the
GDP and has increased its value.
Indian Economy

India’s economy has economic market which is developing and it is the fifth- largest economy in
the world by nominal GDP and the 3rd largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). The major
source of living is agriculture by which people earn and its around Two-thirds of the people. And
another major source by which people earn for their living is service sector. India Economy was
reformed with globalization and international economic integration. Information Technology was
developed first in India by Sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee. India is the best exporter of IT. The Indian
IT industry is export dominate and constitute around 79 percent total revenue of the Service
Service sector in India

Since Independence, i.e., around 60 years, India Service sector has contributed around 60 percent
of lion’s share to the country, but its employees only 25 percent labour force. Because major
population is employed with agriculture and manufacturing. There are various activities in this
sector and they are as follows:
Retail, Hotels and Health care,
Banks, Real Estates and Education,
Social works and Recreation,
Media and Communications,
Electricity, Gas and Water Supply,
Computer Services.

Service sector Contributing to Indian Economy

There are few companies which has invested for the development of the service sector and they
are as follows:
During April 2000 and June 2019, with US$ 74.94 billion India was the largest recipient of FDI.
There might be an increase of US$ 234.4 billion and US$ 12.9 billion respectively in the coming
years in Leisure & Business travel & tourism.
By 2020, the India’s earning by medical tourism may cross to $ 9 billion.
Many mergers and acquisitions are going to take place between Indian healthcare companies and
foreign companies for new markets and growth.
Increase in incentives by two percent under Service Exports from India Scheme (2015-2020).
To remove the trade barriers to the services, Government has started working in 2017.
There was a growth of Five time more in ports traffic during 2014-2018, when observed to 2010-
Telecommunication infrastructure and services were increased. It was around Rs.60,000 crores
during 2014-2019.
Around 18 projects were sanctioned by the Ministry of Tourism, which was around Rs. 1,456
crores under the Swadesh Darshan and PRASHAD Schemes.
Around Rs. 82.51 crores were generated as total revenue in November 2019 by Statue of Unity
(Statue of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel), which was inaugurated in October 2018.
During 2017-2018 highest revenue was generated by the Indian IT firm which is around US$ 167
By 2025, digital economy of India will be around $ 1 trillion.
Between 2015 and 2020 Management Market in India is expected be grown by 17% C.A.G.R.
Healthcare Industry will reach at US$ 132 billion by 2023.
Indian IT industry is assumed to raise $ 14.3 billion by 2023 with an increase of 8%.
GST (Goods and Service Tax) has been implemented and because of which the tax burden has
reduced on goods and it will reduce the services price in long run.
IT Service sector in India

In India, Information Technology contains of 2 major components i.e., IT Services & Business
Processes outsourcing also known as BPO. The Information Technology sector has raised the
GDP from 1.2% (1998) to 7.7% (2019).
Tata Group along with Burroughs, the 1st software export zone launched the IT sector first in
Mumbai, India in 1967. During 1980, around 80% of the software export of the country was from
S.E.E.P.Z (Software Export Zone). They established their first IT in 1973 in Mumbai.
The Information Technology provides around $155 billion in the gross value and it grows
between 10-15% per annum. Low-cost labor arbitrage is our main advantage so far, which
requires a skill to convert least-cost least value add Service providers to least- cost highest value
add partners. Information Technology companies can extend their services to find solution for
financial customers around the global. Few Services which are under them are Insurance,
Financial risk management, underwriting and natural disaster modelling. Major hubs of IT are in:

Current Scenario of IT Service sector

IT industry is evolving rapidly with various developments to change the standard of the Indian
Businesses. IT sector contains software management, online services, Consultancies, Software
development & BPO (Business processes outsourcing). This industry is potential enough to face
the challenges and accept the changes. There are many factors which influences IT industry and
they are as follows:
Recession in other countries (Demand -supply gap).
Tax Structure and issues.
Poor Infrastructure.
Restricted preferential access to local firms or organizations.
Cost variation between countries.

Recent Scenario of IT Service sector

One of the Article states, Amongst the two industries in the country, Information Technology
stands in number One position as of today. During 2016-17, IT Service
sector was expected to grow 12-14 percent in India. This information is provided as per
NASSCOM (National Associations of Software and Services Companies) in India. In the year
2018, India has beaten USA in software developers, in which India had 52 lakhs developers
whereas USA had 42 lakhs developers. IT industry provides employment to many in India. There
are some more benefits of IT industry and they are FDI and exports. 54.17 percent Gross Value
has been included at present price in 2018-19 from Indian Service sector. The exports are
expected to increase during November 2019 and February 2020. This sector is the key player for
Indian economic growth.
Key Players in IT Service sector

Oracle Financial Services
HCL Technologies
Tech Mahindra

Healthcare and Tourism services in India

We have been allocated with world-class medical amenities, skillful doctors, medical technicians
& pharmaceuticals which has contributed over $ 110 billion and which can increase up to $ 280
billion by 2020. Technology has improved and we have digital communication and interfaces,
diagnostic medicine for all-over global services.
And Tourism is known for the historical significance of the place and its natural beauty in India.
Compared to China, India contributes $ 47 billion to the country’s GDP (whereas China’s
contribution is $ 115 billion). And hence India has all possibilities to increase its tourism service
sector in next decades.
Customer experience is the key to success in both these sectors, as they can increase their
revenues and it will determine the growth in future. Government has taken few
initiatives like Visa, improving the Infrastructure facilities, safety connectivity and others.
Space services in India

India has created a new record by launching many satellites into space in the recent times. India
has gained world’s attention by launching satellite in February recently. This mission was cost
effective when compared to others.
Indian space services have multiple launch technologies and has advantages when compared to
other countries globally in space transportation industry. It has proven and expertise itself. Indians
have 100 percent track record and many other countries are looking forward for the technology
and launch facilities that we use, which describes India has great potential. To build both military
and non-military space applications Government has been actively working and proving its
abilities and capacity. To strengthen the competencies participation is the key and also to ensure
the flow of funds or capital.
Logistics and Transportation

India’s domestic and international transportation and logistics is due to the non- artificial coastline
& huge river networks, which provides a competitive edge. They are classified as:

Ports and ports service,

Warehousing, trans-shipment service,
Inland waterway for freight & passenger,
Expressway and
Dedicated freight corridor.
By 2023, it is expected that Indian logistics service sector will grow up to $ 360 billion. India
should focus on large scale investments will sustain for a longer period of time and by providing
all the potentials for the development of the service sector. If the infrastructure is created initially,
later all multiplier effects will be allocated automatically by linkages. For example, The
development of service industries in Pune and the Mumbai-Pune expressway.
Other Services in India

Media and Entertainment, which includes gaming, animation and dubbing.

Education, which includes online platform like MOOC, Udemy, etc.
Sport, which includes I.P.L, I.F.L, and Sport Management.
Legal or Paralegal service.
Management of Risk, and
Advisory function.

These few areas offer immense contribution to the Indian service sectors in the growth of Indian
Some Challenges faced by the Service sector in India

Resolving massive customer complaints on services

Notifying customers of data breaches (misuse of data)
Lack of a well-design customer service support model
Matching with the demands of the customer
Utilization of the omnichannel
Outdated methods
Poor customer service
Lack of verification methods and techniques
Incorrect product and service descriptions
Unorganised streamlined process
Mismatching customers & customer service agents
Failure to access customer information
Uncertainty about the future
Financial Management
Regulation and Compliance
Knowing when to implement changes
To maintain the reputation
Exploding the data
Recruiting the right talent for the right position.

Few solutions to the challenges faced by the Service sector in India

Co-ordination of business throughout the world.
Improving the infrastructure
Decrease the GST rates and reduce GST issues
Collect Feedback from customers and enhance the services
Keep yourself upgrading with new technologies and its usage
Advanced system usage and learn different techniques and methods
Training and Monitoring the staff
Data mining and data security
Time Management
Adopt changes in the market
Follow the instructions and rule of the Government
Reach out the customer on time when needed
Maintaining the demand and supply ratio
Brand image, promotions and active participation
Increasing the e-visa counters
Medical tourist packages should be provided
Facilitating imports for hospitals
Long-term partnership with companies around worldwide
Increase exports and decrease imports
Reduce the port charges.

Indian Service sector Future Prospect

Service sector in India, when compared to other sectors has the highest employment elasticity.
And hence it as capacity and capabilities to provide jobs and it also has potential to grow, in order
to generate revenue. By 2020, India is aiming to develop the skills in people, in order to achieve
the target of the job creation. Skill India program has been initiated by the Government to
enhance the skills of 400 million people. This program aims in allocating funds and also to
develop the skills of private sector employees.
The Make in India program is similar to the above-mentioned program which helps in improving
the manufacturing sector and also will affect our portfolio of the Service sector positively. There
is another program called The Start-up India, which promotes
both manufacturing as well as service sectors of our country. This program is based on
innovative ideas and innovative products.
Market Size of Service Sectors

Market Size

India China Mexico Brazil UK US

Gross value addedEmployment

“Success is a journey not a destination” If we look for examples to prove this quote then we
find many but there is none like that of KARVY. Back in the year 1981,five people created
history by establishing KARVY AND COMPANY which is today known as KARVY,the
largest financial service provider of India. SUCCESS SUTRAS OF KARVY -: The success
story of Karvy id driven by 8 success sutras adopted by it namely-
 Trust
 Integrity
 Dedication
 Commitment
 Enterprise
 Hard work and Team-play
 Learning and Innovation
 Empathy and Humility
One fateful evening in the summer of 1982, 5 young men who worked for a renowned
chartered accountancy firm decided that it was time they struck out on their own to create an
enterprise that would someday become an iconic name in the financial services space.

They came from ordinary middle class backgrounds. They had two assets; one was their
education and the other an unquenchable desire to succeed. They had a lot stacked against
them: the environment was not conducive to entrepreneurship; technology was not fully
supportive, financial markets were largely unregulated, they were based out of Hyderabad
while most key players in the financial world were in Mumbai or other metros and the wolf
was at the door. The odds seemed insurmountable.

These remarkable young men’s “Never say die” approach held them in good stead over the
years. They stuck to their dreams, burnt the midnight oil, embraced technology and made it
work for them and through sheer dint of determination, eventually overcame all obstacles.
First came the registry business, followed by broking, and the rest became a lesson for every
young individual to emulate.

The Karvy Group is today a well diversified conglomerate. Its businesses straddle the entire
financial services spectrum as well as data processing and managing segments. Since most of
its financial services were retail focused, the need to build scale and skill in the transaction
processing domain became imperative. Also during stressed environment in the financial
services segment, the non financial businesses bring in a lot of stability to the group’s

Karvy’s financial services business is ranked among the top-5 in the country across its
business segments. The Group services over 70 million individual investors in various
capacities, and provides investor services to over 600 corporate houses, comprising the best of
Corporate India.

The Group offers stock broking, depository participant, distribution of financial products
(including mutual funds, bonds and fixed deposits), commodities broking, personal finance
advisory services, merchant banking & corporate finance, wealth management, NBFC (loans
to individuals, micro and small businesses), Data management, Forex & currencies, Registrar
& Transfer agents, Data Analytics, Market Research among others.

Karvy prides itself on remaining customer centric as all times through a combination of
leading edge technology, Professional management and a wide network of offices across

Karvy is committed to its quest as an Equal Opportunity Employer and believes in the rights
for differently-abled persons. We have over 12% employees who are challenged in some form
in one of our prominent businesses.

Karvy’s business entities address a heterogeneous swathe of population from the super rich, to
the nouveau riche, the ubiquitous middle class, the lower classes (the SEC E3 according to
the new Social Economic Classification), urban and the rural folks. All of whom either make a
living through large business (corporate world), SMEs, professional services, traders, farmers,
labour, blue and white collar jobs and the government.

Another key feature of Karvy has been its ability to offer leading edge advice based on
incisive ideas that are strongly rooted in high quality research on every conceivable aspect of
investments be it equities, forex, commodities, bonds, fixed returns, debt instruments or any
other investment grade asset class.

The customer has always been at the centre of every Karvy initiative.

Scalability. Flexibility. Adaptability

The Karvy Group is a premier integrated financial services provider, ranked among the top-5
in the country across its business segments. The Group services over 70 million individual
investors in various capacities, and provides investor services to over 600 corporate houses.
Karvy Group established its presence through a wide network of over 450 branches, (or 900
offices) covering in excess of 400 cities and towns.

Karvy covers the entire spectrum of financial services, viz stock broking, depository
participant, distribution of financial products (including mutual funds, bonds and fixed
deposits), commodities broking, personal finance advisory services, merchant banking &
corporate finance, wealth management, NBFC,  among others.

The Group is professionally managed and ranks among the best in technology, operations and
research across the financial industry.  The Karvy Group has evolved over the last
three decades and today it assumes many avatars. Broadly the group pursues two lines of
businesses and can be graphically represented as follows:

Financial Services

 Stock Broking
 Depository Participants
 Wealth Management
 Commodities Broking
 Currency Derivatives
 Non-banking Financial Services
 Distribution of Financial Products
 Business Partners & Associates
 Investment Banking
 Realty Services
 Portfolio Management Services
 Insurance Repository
 The Finapolis
 Forex & Currencies

Non-Financial Services

 Data Management Services

o E-Governance
o Banking Services
o KYC Registration
o IT & Allied Services
o E-commerce Services
o Customer Support Services
o GST Suvidha Providers
 International Business
 Data Analytics
 Market Research
 Renewable Energy / Solar
 HR & Recruitment Services
 Manufacturing & Assembling of Mobile Handsets & Computer Peripherals

The Karvy Group is today a well diversified conglomerate. Its businesses straddle the entire
financial services spectrum as well as a host of non-financial services. Recently, the Group
has diversified into data analytics, market research and alternate energy (solar).


KARVY is a leading financial services company in india. We help you to manage the
uncertainties in business in the
financial services industry..


You have your unique priorities. Tell us what is most important to you and we will guide you
to align your priorities to the best solution.


Our equity advisors will help you time the market better with their expert guidance and ensure
that you make smart decisions.

Stock markets are considered unpredictable, but they reflect the mood of the economy. Over
the years, investment in equities is considered to be the best long-term wealth maximization
option. The gap between unpredictability and a safety anchor in the market is bridged by the
in-depth knowledge of market functioning and changing trends, planning with foresight and
choosing one’s options with care. From that perspective, our equity broking and advisory
services are beyond just a medium for buying and selling stocks and shares. Instead, we
provide services which are multi-dimensional and multi-focused in its scope.

Karvy can boast of the largest-owned network among financial-services companies in India.
This has ensured that wherever a potential customer is located, it is never too far from a Karvy
office. Given the wide network, there are a number of trading terminals that provide retail
stock-broking facilities. Our services have increasingly offered customer-oriented
convenience which we provide to a spectrum of investors—high net-worth or otherwise—
with equal dedication and competence.
We offer online trading on both key platforms—National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock
Exchange. More importantly, we make trading safe to the maximum possible extent by
accounting for several risk factors and planning accordingly. We have created a very robust
trading platform that facilitates customers to trade online not only in equities, but also buy
fixed deposits, mutual funds, commodities, currencies and also participate in a public issue.
Our online platform enables customers to view their portfolio online and also access our
various research reports and views on stocks. It also provides them with a facility to
communicate with our research/advisory teams online.
We are assisted by our in-depth research, constant feedback and sound advisory capabilities..
Our highly skilled research team—comprising technical analysts and fundamental specialists
—secure result-oriented information on market trends, market analysis and market

This crucial information is provided as a constant feedback to our customers, through daily
reports delivered twice —the Morning moves, which predicts the market scenario for the day;
the Daily Wrap up, the final report for the day, where the market and the report itself is

We cover a wide range of sectors and companies which are categorised as large cap, mid cap
and small cap. We also provide periodic macroeconomic reports. Above all, we also offer
special portfolio analysis packages and provide customized advisory services to help you
make the right financial moves to specifically suit your portfolio.


Chairman, Karvy Group
Mr. C. Parthasarathy is the Chairman and Managing Director of the diversified financial
services Karvy group. C Parthasarathy (CP as he is better known in the Industry), has the
uncanny knack of staying ahead of the curve and the foresight to spot opportunities that seem
invisible on the horizon for the others. Karvy’s entire history is a case study of turning
adversity into opportunity. CP is a chartered accountant by qualification, whose
entrepreneurial energy drove him to co-found Karvy in 1983 with a less-than-modest capital
of Rs 150,000.

Over the years CP’s vision and leadership skills have helped the group navigate through the
turbulent times with a strong sense of purpose and clarity of thought. CP is one of the pioneers
of financial inclusion. Under his leadership Karvy has won numerous industry awards and
accolades. He also is an independent Director in many listed companies.

Managing Director
Mr. M Yugandhar, Managing Director is a founder member of the KARVY Group. He is a
Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and has varied experience
in the field of financial services spanning over 30 odd years.

Yugandhar has helped position and build a strong brand for the group in the registry and other
financial services businesses. The registry business of Karvy is one of its flagship businesses
and with the collaboration with Computershare has grown to become the largest registrar in
India for over two decades. Yugandhar has played a key role in building strong relationships
with public sector banks and other PSUs which has helped Karvy win some important
mandates from some of India’s renowned companies.

Karvy under his guidance has helped create the equity cult and substantially built retail
investor wealth. He is an Independent Director on the board of several reputed companies.

Mr. M S Ramakrishna, Director, founder member of KARVY GROUP, he is the orchestrator
of technology initiatives such as the call center in the service of the customer.

Mr. Ramakrishna was a member of the Hyderabad Stock Exchange and has more than 30
years of experience in the financial services arena. He has helped KARVY diversify into the
field of medical transcription leveraging on the company’s core competency of transaction

He is an Independent Director on the board of several reputed companies.


Managing Director, Karvy Data Management
Mr. V Mahesh, is the Managing Director of Karvy Data Management and has work
experience spanning over 2 decades with in depth exposure to operations on most financial
services businesses. Commencing his professional stint with the Registry business where he
has to his credit managing over 300 IPOs and other forms of offerings, he was amongst the
first few to work closely on the Book Building process initiated by SEBI in 1995. After
initially working with MCS as an Assistant Vice President, he moved to Karvy. He was also
responsible to initiate the process of setting up the Depository participant business in Karvy
and was responsible for both the operations and the marketing of the business. He has been
nominated by the NSDL to various committees which addressed key changes to the overall
processes and policies for the Demat business.
Nurturing the passion for understanding and interpreting technology and processes, he was
responsible to create and set up the centralized broking platform, centralized back office
operations for all financial products and creating a network of over 500 branches covering
over 300 locations for Karvy. He is also instrumental in creating and launching the Online
platform of Karvy Stock Broking Limited.

He is a Post Graduate in Commerce from University of Madras (M.Com). and also completed
Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications.

CEO, Distribution & Allied Businesses
Mr. Ramapriyan is working with Karvy for over 2 decades, He has strength of sorts in the
distribution of Financial products including Equity, Bonds, Fixed Deposits and Auto Finance.
He has successfully marketed several financial products for large number of corporate of
various sizes. He is also responsible for managing the Pan India Network of brokers and sub-
brokers. He has been instrumental in Karvy’s success in distribution of debt products.

Group Head, HR
Mr. Deepak Gupta brings with him over 20 years of experience in HR, spanning financial
services, ITes and manufacturing. Prior to joining Karvy, he was Chief People Officer,
Human Resources, with Bajaj Finance Limited, a Rahul Bajaj Group Company, based at
Pune. He has also had a successful career with a few prominent corporate, including SREI,
Enam, CRISIL, CEAT Financial Services and Reliance Industries.

Deepak holds a Master’s degree in Human Resources Development from Jamnalal Bajaj
Institute of Management and a diploma in Business Management and Industrial Relations.

Group Head, Finance
Mr. G. Krishna Hari holds a Bachelors degree in Commerce and is associate member of the
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). He has over 27 years of experience in the
areas of finance and accounts functions encompassing fund raising, financial reporting,
management accounting, working capital management, taxation, budgeting and forecasting
and financial due diligence reviews for mergers & acquisitions and investment proposals.

He has been associated with the Karvy Group for the past 15 years and is currently designated
as the Vice President- Finance & Accounts at Karvy Stock Broking Limited. Prior to joining
Karvy, he was the head of finance & accounts division in Asia Pacific Investment Trust
Limited, Hyderabad (Formerly Nagarjuna Investment Trust Limited) an NBFC Company.


Over the last 35 years Karvy has won many awards and accolades for most business verticals.
However, according to us these are not our most important rewards and an acknowledgement
of our services. For us it is the smile of gratitude from a customer or client that gives us
immense pleasure and a reason to outperform ourselves.


Karvy Fintech has been lauded the title of ‘Great Place to Work.’ On being certified as a great
place to work, Karvy Fintech excelled in the five major elements; Credibility, Respect,
Fairness, Pride and Camaraderie, the collaboration of which builds great organizations to
work at.


Vantage, a bimonthly magazine by Karvy Private Wealth has won a coveted Award by
Kamizake B2B Media as the “Best External Publication of the Year” at Corporate
Communication & PR Summit & Awards function held in Delhi on 9th January 2019.


Karvy Comtrade Limited has bagged the award of Leading Commodity Research House from
Multi Commodity Exchange of India for second consecutive year at The Leela, Mumbai on
26th April 2019. The award was received by Mr. Ramesh Varakhedkar, Vice President –
Karvy Comtrade Ltd.


Karvy Comtrade Ltd. bagged the award of “Best Financial Service Provider” from
ASSOCHAM in the 11th International Gold Summit at Hotel Shangrila Eros, New Delhi on
19th September 2018. The award was received by Mr. Pradip Kumar Singh, Regional Head,
Commodities, Delhi and NCR and Mr. Anurag Pandey, KSBL Currency Derivatives Segment.

To recognise the important role Karvy Comtrade played in agricultural trades and to celebrate
their contribution towards catalysing growth in farm incomes, NCDEX announces winners

Karvy Comtrade Ltd has always been a pioneer in agri and related businesses at NCDEX,
bagged the trophy which was handed over by Cabinet Minister for Consumer affairs, Food
and Public Distribution Mr. Ram Vilas Paswan and Union Minister of State Mr. Arjun Ram


Karvy Comtrade Limited has bagged the award of Leading Commodity Research House from
Multi Commodity Exchange of India at The Leela, Mumbai on 4th May 2018. The award was
received by Mr. Ramesh Varakhedkar, Vice President – Karvy Comtrade Ltd., Mr. Veeresh
Hiremath, Head – Commodity Research.


Recruitment is simply a process in which prospective candidates or job seekers are attracted
and motivated to apply for the job openings available in different organizations.
It refers to the overall process of attracting the candidates to apply for job, screening and
scrutinizing their resumes, conducting preliminary and final interviews and selecting the
individual for the vacancy.
Recruitment simply means to give a detailed and well defined job description as well as job
specification in the job openings so that the company can attract maximum candidates who
have the perfect set of skills and qualifications in them.

Objectives of Recruitment:
The main goals of recruitment for any firm are as follows:
1. To attract top talent in terms of knowledge, skills, attitude, personality and
communication. [1]
2. Gaining competitive advantage in the market by hiring and retaining bright and
efficient individuals. [1]
3. Company growth [1]
- Recruitment will allow a company to acquire skills, talent, and knowledge
and experience which the company was lacking in the past.
4. To forecast the manpower requirement of the organization.
5. To enable the firm to advertise itself and attract talented individuals.
6. To review the list of objectives of the organization and try to achieve them by
promoting the firm in the minds of people.
Process of Recruitment:
Manpower requisition
Finding sources of

Selecting the best

Searching for

Screening the CVs

Face to face

Select Reject

Medical process
The recruitment at Karvy undergoes through the following steps:
1. Manpower planning
 Manpower means the workers or employees (human labour) required for the
organization. Manpower planning is to decide in detail the number of people required
for the functioning of the organization, the tasks they need to perform, their
designation in the firm, and so on. In short, it gives the requirement of human resource
to be hired.
 For manpower planning, first the additional and replacement requirement is finalized.
Then the approval for how many candidates can be recruited is given by the top
authorities and the total vacancies are identified. After this, action is taken as to which
vacancies to be filled in which quarter of the financial year. This planning is done at
the beginning of the year by all the organizations.
2. Manpower requisition form (MRF)
 This form includes in detail description regarding the vacancy like the designation,
expectations from the candidate, skills to be possessed, job description, educational
details, questions to be asked while screening candidates and so on. It is always
prepared by a technical person at a higher position in the firm. If the manpower
recruitment of the firm has to be outsourced, the firm has to provide the MRF to the
consultancy or other concerned party for the purpose of finding the candidates.
3. Job description
 Job description is always prepared from the candidates’ point of view. The basic
elements included in it are designation, location of the job, skills required, salary
offered, experience required (if any), educational qualification, etc.
4. Find out sources of recruitment and choose the best source
 The recruitment sources have a general and broad classification as internal and
external. Depending on the requirement of the job, the recruiter and the management
decides as to which source to opt for. The internal sources of recruitment include
promotion, transfer, employee referrals, job enlargement, job rotation, re-employment
of retired persons and giving employment to deceased family member. The external
sources include job portals, labour contractors, job fairs, newspaper and other print
advertisements and so on.
5. Searching the prospective candidates
 The recruiter finds the probable candidates through any of the internal or external
sources. KARVY India uses job portals and employee and candidate referrals on a
large scale for internal as well as external recruitment. Job posting, mass mailing and
bulk SMS are also used on a medium scale and social networking sites are used on a
small scale.
6. Screening the CVs and shortlisting the best suitable candidates matching the job
 After finding the prospective candidates, their resumes are screened and candidates are
shortlisted for the interview. Sometimes, telephonic interactions are also conducted for
shortlisting purpose.
7. Preliminary interview (Most of the times telephonic)
 This is to find the basic criteria of the candidates. The recruiter judges the
communication skills, confidence and on the spot answering ability of the candidate.
Telephonic interviews may sometimes be unproductive as fake persons can answer the
call and create confusion which leads to misjudging.
8. Face to face interview
 The candidate appears before the recruiter for the first time in this stage. The
interviewer judges the interviewee on the basis of confidence, communication skills,
aptitude, logical and analytical skills, technical knowledge, consistency, experience,
domain knowledge, innovative ability and resume presentation. If the candidate clears
the first round of interview, he/she is selected for the final interview.
9. Final interview
 In this interview, the top authorities take participation in the recruitment process. The
domain knowledge, willingness towards the job, and experience of the candidate is
focused in this stage.
(These steps are carried out only after the candidate gets selected, thus it can be said
that they are a part of selection process)
10. Salary discussion
 If the candidate is selected in the final interview, he/she is called for salary discussion.
If the salary offered and salary expected matches, the candidate accepts the job. If it
does not match, both negotiate with each other and come to a decision.

11. Offer letter

 Once the candidate agrees with the salary offered, a legal offer letter signed by the top
authorities of the company is drawn. It is then given to the candidate. After this point
of receiving the letter, the candidate legally becomes the employee of the organization
and joins the job.
12. Medical tests
 Some companies have statutory compliances of conducting medical tests for
candidates joining them. Medical tests are conducted most probably for government
sector firms, companies like BHEL, ONGC, private sector firms, etc.
13. Orientation and induction
 This is the final step of the process when the candidate joins the firm as an employee.
It is conducted to make the person familiar with the culture, working and employees of
the organization. It gives the person a brief idea of the company and the tasks he/she
has to carry out on the job.
Job Analysis
Net HR
HR plan Shortage

Job vacancies

Recruitment plan

Searching Applicants’
Screen Potential hires
technique pool

To selection

Development Applicants
Sources: Where, Evaluation and
Population Control
How, When?

Process of Recruitment
(Source: Essentials of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations: P. Subba Rao)

Manpower Planning
Human resource planning is the first and the most important step of recruitment. E. W. Vetter
defined Manpower planning as a systematic series of actions through which a firm shifts from
the present position of human resource to the desired or expected position of manpower. It is a
concentric approach in which there is overall planning and decision of all the functions and
activities of human resource. This is done to ensure that the company has sufficient number of
motivated and developed people who can perform duties and task as per the expectations
which will eventually lead to achievement of individual and organizational goals along with
satisfaction of employees.
The manpower planning takes place as follows:
1. For an existing company
 The company recognizes the need for recruitment.
 Each department’s head carries out the planning for their particular department.
 The top authorities then go through these plans and approve the manpower to be
 They then decide as to which vacancies to be filled in which quarter of the year.
 Finally, the action is taken by the department heads and management hand in hand
with each other.
2. For a newly started firm
 The forming company looks at its competitors as to what type of and what number of
manpower they have. They also analyse the different strategies adopted by them.
 They benchmark a particular firm and see how many employees are working there in
each department and accordingly make the plan.
 The company first hires the senior authorities as they have more knowledge and
 Finally, they discuss with these members and work out the final plan of manpower and
implement the same.

Manpower Requisition Form (MRF):

Manpower Requisition Form is a form for planning the required manpower for the firm. It is
only for the internal use of the firm and may also be provided to the consultancy or other
external source which they are using for recruitment process outsourcing. It is prepared by the
top authorities of the organization and consists of:
a. Job title, position title, no. of positions available, experience required, job location, etc.
b. Desired candidate profile
c. Job description – Roles and responsibilities, Skills required
d. Annual CTC range to be offered
e. Personal details, educational details, Additional details
f. List of competitors
g. Sources to be used to search candidates
h. Urgency of position, list of questions to be asked while screening the candidates and
many more
It is duly signed by the HOD, General Manager, and HR of the firm and approved by the

Sources of Recruitment:
When the company is in need of efficient human resource, the major questions arise are:
1. Where will they get this pool of people?
2. How will these people get to know that the firm is requiring them and in search of
The answer to the first question lies in the sources of recruitment. The second question is
answered by the techniques of recruitment used to stimulate the potential candidates.
Generally, people feel that the sources of recruitment and techniques of recruitment are the
same. But there is a differential line between them. The role of the management of the
company is to find out the best sources of recruitment as soon as possible and implement them
for the purpose.
These sources have a broad classification into two main sources. The sources which are
internal are those that are available within the pursuit of the organization and external are
those that lie outside the pursuit of an organization.
Internal Sources

1. Promotion
Organizations consider the present employees in the firm for a higher job profile, if
any vacancy is available for the same. Promotion means an increase or hike in the
designation level, responsibilities, salary package, allowances, incentives and other
2. Transfer
This source involves the vertical movement of the employee from one branch of
organization to another. It does not involve any change in the designation, pay- scale,
incentives or responsibilities.
3. Employee referrals
These candidates are referred and recommended by the present employees of the
organization. It helps the organization to get quality candidates as the employees refer
only those people who they feel will satisfy the needs of the business. The company
offers some incentives to the employees providing this source as the cost of
recruitment is reduced drastically due to their reference.
4. Job enlargement
This means to make a current employee work extra, i.e. an increase in her tasks to be
performed or a change in her job profile. It also includes an increment in the pay and
other allowances. This can be used only when the person has the knowledge about the
other job which is to be handed over to her.
E.g.: An employee is working for HR-Admin. There is a vacancy for Payroll
Executive in the same firm. Instead of hiring a new employee, the same working for
Admin is handed over with the payroll job.
5. Job rotation
Job rotation means to make an employee work for different jobs on a cycle basis.
She/he will be shifted from one job to another as and when the need arises. It is also
helpful to the employee as she/he is able to get experience in different jobs and
enhance the performance for the both.
6. Re-employment of retired persons
Retired persons of the company have an experience as well as loyalty towards the
organization. Some companies prefer to re-hire these people as a token of their loyalty
or sometimes even to avoid inter-personal disputes for promotion. The re- employment
may be on temporary basis for the completion of a specific project or continued till the
company or the person himself wishes.
7. Employment to dependant of deceased employee
Many times, employees in the organization face some accidents and get deceased,
disabled or even lose their lives. Organizations have a view of developing loyalty and
commitment towards the employees as well as their family members. So, they provide
employment to the dependants of such deceased employees to build up their image in
the market as well as get the vacancy filled without spending on it.
External Sources
1. Job portals
Technological innovations are taking place worldwide and the Human resource
domain is also not away from its effect. Job portals are websites where the job seekers
can post their resumes and search for job. Job providers can post their job openings
and find the right candidates for their firm. In short, job portal is a virtual platform
where prospective employees and employers can meet.
2. Campus Recruitment
This is the best source of recruitment where there are openings for freshers because
colleges have an excellent pool of freshers. It helps the businesses recruit cream of the
new blood. The company shortlists the institute on the basis of the quality of students
and past records of placements from that institute. They build good relations with top
institutes before the competitors could grab the opportunity. It is a cost-effective
source as well because sometimes the institutes themselves pay the companies for
getting their students placed.
3. Labour contractors
This source is normally used to acquire non-technical and unskilled labour for ground
level work. The people who have a group of workers contact different companies for
hiring them on wage basis may be for a temporary period or till a project gets
4. Management consultant
Management consultants are companies which outsource the recruitment process for
other companies by charging some fees for the same. When the line managers use this
type of sources, they are set free from the different activities of recruitment. This
facilitates them to focus on other important functions of the firm. These consultancies
are also called as executive search engines and many companies depend on them for
securing highly specialized as well as executive level positions. But there are some
limitations to this source due to which many companies don’t opt for it. These include
a high-cost expenditure, confidential nature of the function, ineffectiveness in
performance and no guarantee of satisfaction level.
5. Employment agency/Public Employment Exchange
This agency is similar to a management consultancy, just the difference being that it
functions only for government jobs. They are specially formed so that the candidates
can get all required information about the vacancies. According to the rules and
regulations of Employment Exchange Act, it is mandatory for all the organizations
both public and private in the country to occupy certain vacancies through this type of
6. Newspaper ad or other print media ad
This is the oldest method of recruitment used by companies to post their
advertisements in newspapers or other print media to attract candidates. It is generally
used for government openings.
7. Free ad posting sites
This is a type of E-recruitment method wherein companies post their job openings on
websites of different companies free of cost. This is a very effective means because
prospects all throughout the globe can be targeted with no monetary resources spent
for the same. Some of the known free as posting sites are,,,,,, Yet5, etc.
8. Walk in interviews
There are some companies which are very busy or changing rapidly. It is very difficult
for them to find time for the different functions of recruitment. So they announce
walk-ins wherein the potential candidates can directly approach for the interviews
without any prior communication or application. The specific date, time and place is
decided by the company. The suitable candidates will then be selected for further
9. Social networking sites
There are many networking sites like LinkedIn and that are also used
for searching suitable candidates for job openings. Facebook is a means to attract
youngsters (freshers) by posting the jobs or creating different pages to inform about
vacancies. LinkedIn can be used more often to search for candidates who are already
working and having experience in particular domain.
10. Head hunting
Head hunting means searching a person for a senior position or a position for which
candidates are rarely available. It is a very difficult job as the company has to convince
a passive job seeker by offering higher pay-scale, extra benefits and allowances and so
on. The company’s request professional firms to do this job and find candidates for
senior executive positions. The head hunters are commonly known as search
consultants. All head hunters are recruiters, but all recruiters are not head hunters. The
major sources of head hunting include LinkedIn, Competitors’ research and analysis
and grabbing an extra-ordinary talent out of them, referrals, etc.
11. Body shopping
There are some professional and technical training firms that create a pool of
manpower in a way that they become eligible for possible employment. The
organizations wanting to hire people directly contact such training firms or the firms
contact the organizations to get the candidates placed. These are body shoppers who
professionally train people and this entire process is known as body shopping. It is
most probably done for computer professionals.

Uses of Recruitment sources

There are many sources available for recruitment, but employers use only those which are
suitable to them. This depends on the type of skills, talent and knowledge required for the jobs
as well the level of jobs available. The following diagram shows the different sources of
recruiting used as per the skills and levels.
Recruiting Sources used by skill and level

(Source: Adopted from Stephen L. Mangum, “Recruitment and Job search: The recruitment
tactics of employers”, Personnel Administrator, p.102)
Factors affecting recruitment
There are internal and external factors that affect recruitment. These are listed as below:

Job Portal:

A job portal, well known as career portal is a website which helps in the process of
recruitment by bringing in touch the employer and the employee. The job seekers can post
their resumes on these job portals and the employers can search for suitable candidates for
their jobs through these portals. The different job portals used at KARVY India were:
 LinkedIn
Many candidates post their resumes and job expectations on these portals. When companies
are looking for candidates, they prefer to go through these portals to find out who can be the
prospects for their job vacancy. This is a cheaper source for employers as compared to other
sources and so many prefer to use it. It also provides the expectations of candidates and so the
company does not have to waste time in interviewing them to understand the same.
Free ad posting sites:

There are different sites used by KARVY India for free ad posting about job openings, training
program and other aspects about their firm. These sites include:
Conceptual framework/ Theoretical framework RECRUITMENT & SELECTION

Recruitment and selection refer to the chain and sequence of activities pertaining to recruitment
and selection of employable candidates and job seekers for an organization. Every enterprise,
business, start-up and entrepreneurial firm has some well-defined employment and recruitment
policies and hiring procedures. The human resources department of large organizations,
businesses, government offices and multilateral organizations are generally vested with the
responsibilities of employee recruitment and selection.

Macro Human Resources Management Strategy

The HR department charts out the macro or long-term human resources development strategy
of an organization. Keys to this strategy are the processes and initiatives related to recruitment
and selection of new employees; these are carefully intertwined with the long-term corporate
objectives and goals of the organization. Top management also gives valuable input and makes
suggestions about expectations for the skills and qualities new employees need to have.

Defining Job Openings and Available Positions

The first process of any recruitment and selection program is defining the needs and
requirements for new workers and professionals for outlined job positions and openings.
Carefully devised and developed roles, responsibilities, skill sets and qualifications are defined
and the job postings placed in recruitment ads in various media. Large workforce organizations
also work with staffing agencies, HR contractors and online job portals to outsource certain
employee requirements.

Evaluation Period

A rigorous process of evaluation follows the recruitment ads placement phase. Curriculum
vitas (CVs) and resumes of various candidates applying for the jobs are screened, classified
and filtered. Interviews are scheduled with the earmarked candidates. As per specific
organizational policies, written tests may be conducted. Face-to-face interviews are conducted
and job seekers and candidates evaluated on various parameters and organizational metrics.

Selection Process

Reference checks and detailed background checks are carried out to verify facts and matters
presented in resumes and CVs. Follow-ups are done with certain selected candidates to firm up
the hiring process. A thorough evaluation of the defined skill sets and qualifications of short-
listed candidates, their written materials and work samples is done again in a transparent and
objective manner. Additional interviews or final interviews are conducted during this last stage
of recruitment and the hiring decision is finalized.
Induction Process

Once the chosen candidates have been informed of their selection for the job postings, they are
granted offer letters and apprised briefly about their roles and responsibilities. During this
process, the chosen candidates are encouraged to ask questions about organization
philosophies, work culture and employee practices. They are the informed about start dates,
induction programs, compensation packages and other details about their jobs.

It is the process to discover sources of manpower to meet the requirement of staffing schedule
and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate
effective selection of an efficient working force.

Recruitment of candidates is the function preceding the selection, which helps create a pool of
prospective employees for the organisation so that the management can select the right candidate
for the right job from this pool. The main objective of the recruitment process is to expedite the
selection process.

Recruitment is a continuous process whereby the firm attempts to develop a pool of qualified
applicants for the future human resources needs even though specific vacancies do not exist.
Usually, the recruitment process starts when a manger initiates an employee requisition for a
specific vacancy or an anticipated vacancy.

Recruitment refers to the process of searching and appointing prospective candidates in an

organization. An organisation must undertake the recruitment procedure if it wants to appoint the
right people under its employment.


1. Internal Recruitment: vacancies are filled with people from within the organization.

2. Direct Recruitment: candidates are screened and short listed directly from the Institutes, also
called Campus Recruitment.

3. Indirect Recruitment: vacancies are advertised in Newspapers and other media such as
Television, Internet etc.

4. Placement Consultants: Companies place give their manpower requirements to Placement &
Recruitment Consultants who undertake the job of identifying suitable candidates for the
Company. It may include notification to employment exchanges etc.

5. Present Employees: may suggest their friends or acquaintances to fill a particular position.
Selection refers to the task of choosing or picking the suitable candidates by first asking for and
gaining access to useful information about the candidate.

The Indian Private sector Companies may undertake the selection process themselves or outsource
the job to a third party. The Government and public sector may select through such bodies as
Union Public Service Commission, Banking Service Recruitment Boards, etc.

In order to get selected for a position, job seekers have to go through and clear a number of
procedures including written tests, screening, group discussions, interviews, reference check, etc.

Recruitment Needs

 Planned
The needs arising from changes in organization and retirement policy.

 Anticipated
Anticipated needs are those movements in personnel, which an organization can predict by
studying trends in internal and external environment.

 Unexpected
Resignation, deaths, accidents, illness give rise to unexpected needs.


On roll

Off roll


Positions in the organization

Already existing position

New approval position

In the organization generally the positions will occur at time of resignation of the employee,
retirement, expire of the employee, transfer or promotion of the employee
New approval position is the annual operation plan. Introducing new positions into the
IJP is the Internal Job Posting used for only the existing employee in the organization and not for
the new approval position

Sources of recruitment

The generated gaps will be filled by using any of these sources

 Consultancy
 Employee referrals

Consultancy: This source is being used by the company to fill the vacancy; the desire job
description of the position will be given to the consultancy. Depending up on the JD they work out
and gather suitable profiles of the candidates

The obtained profiles will be mailed to the company , ones it get the approval from the company ,
those candidates will be sent to the interview on given schedule time.

Employee Referral: Recruitment method in which the current employees are encouraged and
rewarded for introducing suitable recruits from among the people they know.

The employee of the company has the chance of referring the candidates for the positions. In the
next step they will be sent to the direct interview

IJP (Internal Job Positioning):

This is an internal process for the existing employees, to apply for higher position with in the

 Employees should have min of 18 months experience of related work

 Have chance of applying for next 2 level positions
 Employees should get min of 2-2 rating in the PDR (Performance Development Rating)

Recruitment and selection process (On roll jobs)

Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to
apply for jobs in the organization. Recruitment is the activity that links the employers and the job

The recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to
apply for the jobs in the organization

The recruitment and selection process of CE positions. It includes a series of steps, as mentioned

Line manager
HR manager
Psychometric test
Unit manager

Line Manager: An employee's immediate superior, who oversees and has responsibility for the
employee's work. A line manager at the lowest level of a large organization is a supervisor, but a
manager at any level with direct responsibility for employees' work can be described as a line
The line managers for the CE’s are the TDM’s (Territory Development Manager’s) will take the
interviews to the interviewees, the candidates who get selected in the round will be short listed and
will be moved to the next step

HR Manager: The HR manager responsible for personnel sourcing and hiring, applicant tracking,
skills development and tracking, benefits administration and compliance with associated
government regulations

In this the candidates will be interviewed by the HR manager. The Hr manager will filters the
candidates depending up on the job requirements and priorities
and then short-listed candidates will be sent to the online test

Psychometric Test: It is the field of study concerned with the theory and technique of educational
and psychological measurement, which includes the measurement of knowledge, abilities,
attitudes, and personality traits. The field is primarily concerned with the construction and
validation of measurement instruments, such as questionnaires, tests, and personality assessments.
In this round the candidates will face an online test. This test will be handled by third party and
candidates need to get passing marks. If they are not up to the mark will be rejected and the rest of
them will be moved to the final interview
Unit Manager: Potions within this job family are assigned responsibilities which involve serving
as the administrator and supervisor of a multi-disciplinary team of staff members who are assigned
to work within a specific offender unit or multiple community work centers; directs the operations
of a semi-autonomous unit within a minimum or maximum-sized institution or separate
community work centers.
This is the final stage of the interview conducted by the unit manger who is responsible for every
aspect that takes place in the organization. The candidates who get selected in this round are
ultimately selected in the interview


PSR – Job Description

PSR jobs are off rolled jobs, fall under distribution role.
JD: The primary work is to get orders from the outlets and need to reach the specified target.
Secondary work is to create new accounts i.e. getting orders from new outlets.
They are supposed report directly to their concern CE (Customer Executive)

The Eight Steps of the Call

1. Preparation:

Purpose: To understand your customer’s needs, identify key opportunities, present your ideas
in a clear, compelling way, and be professional

1. Monthly Planning

2. Daily Planning

3. Pre-Call Planning

o Review marketing initiative requirements
o Review solution sheets on a regular basis
o Review CDA performance requirements to look for execution opportunities
o Review deal sheets for pricing
o Set a standard time in your day to conduct your daily planning and do it regularly

2. Greet the customer

Purpose: To show the customer you’re friendly, set the tone for the interaction and set
expectations for the call
1. Identify the decision maker
2. Make the introduction
3. Pre-empt urgent issues
4. Clarify expectations for the call
5. Determine when to present your ideas

o Use the customer’s name to build rapport
o Greet all store personnel in a friendly manner
o If you have another person with you, introduce him or her to the decision maker
and/or contact
o If your usual contacts is unavailable ask permission to begin from whomever is
in charge
o Be respectful of your customer’s customers
3. Store Check:
Purpose: To re- evaluate what you had planned to present, if necessary and to garner
critical information about your customers for the future
1. Walk the store
2. Growth map
3. Re –evaluate your call objectives

o Look for display opportunities and check competitive displays
o Check product rotation
o Check outlets compliance with CDAs
o Monitor our retail price vs. the competitions
o Look for distribution opportunities
o Consider what improvements will increase volume
o Consider what improvements are easiest to attain
o Consider what improvements will most satisfy the customer

4. Merchandising
Purpose: To show your customers that you are willing to work for their business to generate
trust and build rapport and to demonstrate the value of doing business with Pepsi
1. Replenish coolers
2. Remove out of code or damaged product
3. Ensure all stock is rotated
4. Remove foreign/ competitive products
5. Merchandise
6. Clean

o Try to minimize disruption to store operations
o Clean shelves prior to merchandising
o Set up POP material after you merchandise a section

5. Determine the order

Purpose: To formulate an order and gain agreement to it, help the customer grow his or her
business and profitability sand build trust so the customer relies on you to maintain stock levels
1. Determine your current stock
2. Determine your sales
3. Consider out of stocks and promotional product needed
4. Determine on your suggested order
5. Record order on route card

o Present your order in such a way as to gain quick approval
o Look for opportunities to demonstrate the highest level of integrity

6. Presentation

Purpose: To use your knowledge of the customers situation to present ideas that address his or her
specific needs, and to presents the opportunity for sales growth before you begin to sell in your
1. Review what you planned to present
2. Ensure you have all materials needed
o Use skill techniques (listen, probe, tackle objectives)

7. Curbside Debrief

Purpose: To identify what you did well (things you should keep doing) and what you will do
differently next time (things you’d like to start or stop doing in the future)
1. Review the curbside debrief checklist
2. Take notes
3. Discuss your performance with your TDM

o Share your experience with your TDM
o Ask your TDM for coaching on self-identified development needs
o Discuss your experience with your ADR or with salesperson more experienced than

8. Administration

Purpose: To ensure that you follow through with the commitments you make to your customers
and to help you track results and prepare for future sales calls
1. Call administration
2. Daily territory administrative


A PSR are the sale persons, they involved in selling products of our company in return for money.
It is an act of completion of a commercial activity.

It’s almost impossible for an entrepreneur to run a business without a sales strategy. This in turn
requires somebody, not necessarily the entrepreneur, to have a talent for selling products and
services to businesses or the general public.

A sale is completed by the seller or the provider of the goods or services to an acquisition or
appropriation or request followed by the passing of title (property or ownership) in the item and
the application and due settlement of a price, the obligation for which arises due to the seller's
requirement to pass ownership, being a price, he is happy to part with ownership of or any claim
upon the item. The purchaser, though a party to the sale, does not execute the sale, only the seller
does that. To be precise the sale completes prior to the payment and gives rise to the obligation of
payment. If the seller completes the first two above stages (consent and passing ownership) of the
sale prior to settlement of the price, the sale is still valid and gives rise to an obligation to pay.

Without such a person or team, a business will struggle to remain profitable. In fact, the success of
a business plan is likely to depend on the expertise of sales staff

Increasing sales and market share - it's perhaps the simplest reason for hiring a salesperson, but
one of the most sensible. Once you have established there's a need for your product or service you
need to maximize your possible revenue. A professional salesperson can help you do this

A salesperson is therefore critical to a business. As well as improving sales revenue and increasing
market share, the best salespeople take advantage of opportunities, and suggest new areas into
which a business might successfully move.


The PSR’s are the frontline people who will directly contact the customers. The minimum
qualification they have to maintain is intermediate and he should be needy person. The young people
will suit more to this profile rather than the older one. They will be energetic, with fresh blood and
can work harder.

PSR’s should be familiar with both national and local languages i.e., for an hyderabadi candidate it
is Hindi and Telugu. Since hyderabad is the place where we find many different cultured people,
hence national language helps them to maintain the communication with the customer.

This profile emphasis mostly on Hindi and Telugu rather than English and the candidates should be
as tough handed since they have to work under sun and even late nights in the season time specially,
unless they are hard workers they can’t stick to the job. So they have to work hard at all times.

If the candidate is an experienced person, it will be easy to both candidate and CE to handle the
things. Since an experienced person holds more knowledge compared to a fresher which saves time
and money in turn. It even makes the job easy to perform.
Recruitment and selection (off role jobs)

 Consultancies
 Employee referrals
 HR Manager


It is an individual who possesses special knowledge or skills and provides that expertise to a client
for a fee. Consultants help all sorts of businesses find and implement solutions to a wide variety of
problems, including those related to business startup marketing, manufacturing, strategy,
organization structure, environmental compliance, health and safety, technology, and

Some consultants are self-employed, independent contractors who offer specialized skills in a
certain field; other consultants work for large consulting firms, such as Anderson Consulting or
Gemini Consulting, that offer expertise in a wide range of business areas; and still other
consultants hail from academia.

Company directly contacts the consultancies and specifies how many candidates are required to fill
the gap. Then after the consultancy will work on it and send the profiles of candidates to the
company. Ones after getting the approval by the company they specify the interview schedule for
these candidates who are supposed to come for the interview.

Employee referral

It is an internal recruitment method employed by organizations to identify potential candidates

from their existing employees' social networks an employee referral scheme encourages a
company's existing employees to select and recruit the suitable candidates from their social
As a reward, the employer typically pays the referring employee a referral bonus. Recruiting
candidates using employee referral is widely acknowledged as being the most cost effective and
efficient recruitment method to recruit candidates and as such, employers of all sizes, across all
industries are trying to increases the volumes they recruit through this channel.

HR Manager
A human resources (HR) officer develops, advises on and implements policies relating to the
effective use of personnel within an organization.

The candidates will be directly interviewed by the HR manager. Depending up on the priorities
candidates will get selected.

The importance questions in the interview

Generally, the interview questions depend up on the resume of the candidates

 Regarding experience
 If they having any experience, questions will be about the previous job like as job profile
and more

 Family background
 Quires from resume
 Like as hobbies, and educational details

 Why did he leave the previous organization

 Own a bike or not

In turn the HR Manager will analyze the candidate in the followings sectors too

Ability to Prospect – Do they know how to go about finding qualified potential buyers for the

Product Knowledge – Do they have some industry, or related industry, experience or


Negotiating/Securing the Order – Do they possess the strength to ask for the money and are
they willing to work with the client to establish the needs of the client and make those fit
the corporate structure? We don’t want hard closers. We want people that help their clients

Problem Solving – Are they defensive or do they listen to a problem fully before trying to
achieve resolution?

Reporting – Will they communicate information back to you in a timely manner? Will they
follow your company’s processes and procedures?
Time Management /Flexibility – Are they capable of managing their time in order to get
more sales-time out of every day? Are they willing to be flexible in their scheduling to
accommodate client needs?


Data analysis means the inspection and cleaning of data so that it is transformed into simple and
understandable form and thus used for decision-making. The data collected through questionnaires
is analyzed using SPSS software. The analysis and its interpretations are presented as follows:

Table no. 4.1: Type of recruitment in which employees of KARVY India are
Type of recruitment engaged

Graph no. 4.1: Type of recruitment in which employes of KARVY India areengaged
Interpretation: 68.8% employees are engaged in external recruitment and the rest are engaged in
internal recruitment. It can thus be interpreted that maximum employee of the firm deal with
external recruitment.

Table no. 4.2: Employees having recruitment pool/database with them

Recruitment pool

Graph no. 4.2: Employees having recruitment pool/database with them

Interpretation: All the employees of the firm have a recruitment database with them. Thus, the
firm can provide their clients with suitable candidates in time. The recruitment database improves
their efficiency and saves time and other resources.
Table no. 4.3: Best internal source of recruitment as per the employees of KARVY India
Best internal source of recruitment

Valid 16
Missing 0
Mean 3.375
Std. Deviation 1.0247

Graph no. 4.3: Best internal source of recruitment as per the employees of KARVY India
Interpretation: Out of 16, 7 employees say that employee referrals is the best internal source or
recruitment, 5 employees say that job enlargement is the best source, and the remaining prefer job

rotation, promotion and transfer respectively. Thus, maximum employees say that employee
referral is the best internal source of recruitment followed by job enlargement, job rotation,
promotion and transfer.
Table no. 4.4: Best external source of recruitment according to the employees of KARVY
Best external source of recruitment

Valid 16
N 0
Mean 4.500
Std. Deviation 2.7568

Graph no. 4.4: Best external source of recruitment according to the employees of KARVY India
Interpretation: According to the employees of KARVY India, consultancy is the best external
source of recruitment, followed by job portals, campus hiring and social networking sites. The

employees have focused only on consultancy and job portals as external source of recruitment,
ignoring the other sources.
Table no. 4.5: best job portal according to the employees of KARVY India

Best job portal

Valid 16
Missing 0
Mean 2.313
Std. Deviation .8732

Graph no. 4.5: best job portal according to the employees of KARVY India

Interpretation: As per 56.25% employees of KARVY India, is the best job portal,
25% say that is the best job portal and 18.75% say that is the best job
portal. Maximum employees in the firm prefer as the best source of recruitment.
Table no. 4.6: Prime competencies considered while recruiting a candidate
Interpretation: As per the Principal Component Analysis of the prime competencies considered
while recruiting a candidate, four competencies i.e., Experience, Technical knowledge, Innovative
ability and Communication skills of the candidates have been extracted. Experience is the
competency ranked the highest by employees of KARVY India and Aptitude is given the least

Table no. 4.7: Recent trends used in the organization

Sr. No. Recent trends used in the firm No. of employees Percentage of response
1 Boolean search 0 0
2 Keyword search on job portal 16 100
3 Audio and Video resumes 0 0
4 Social networking sites 16 100
Creating own websites for resume
5 upload 16 100
6 Advanced search on LinkedIn 16 100

Graph no. 4.7: Recent trends used in the organization

Response for recent trends used by the firm

Advanced search on LinkedIn 100

Creating own websites for resume 100

Recent trends

Social networking sites 100

Audio and Video resumes 0

Keyword search 100

Boolean search 0

0% 50% 100%

Percentage of

Interpretation: All the employees of the firm say that the recent trends used by them are keyword
search on job portals, social networking sites, creating own websites for candidates to upload their
resumes and advanced search on LinkedIn. Thus, all the employees use the same recent trends and
no one is taking initiative to use some other trends.
Table no. 4.8: Search on job portals giving reliable results

Search on job portal providing reliable results
Valid 16
N 0
Mean 2.000
Std. Deviation .0000

Graph no. 4.8: Search on job portals giving reliable results

Interpretation: Keyword search on job portal gives maximum reliable results to 100% employees
of the firm. Thus, it is seen that all the employees are satisfied with the keyword search and thus
using it on regular basis.
Table no. 4.9: Source giving maximum job responses to the employees of
Karvy India Statistics
Source giving maximum job responses
Valid 16
Missing 0
Mean 1.375
Std. Deviation .5000

Graph no. 4.9: Source giving maximum job responses to the employees of KARVY India

Interpretation: According to the employees, calling through job portals gives maximum

and some feel that mass mailing or bulk SMS give maximum job responses. The Company uses
many means to attract probable candidates for job openings, but as per the employees calling
through job portals gives the maximum results.
Table no. 4.10: Lead time for sourcing

Lead time for sourcing

Valid 16
Missing 0
Mean 2.125
Std. Deviation .3416

Graph no. 4.10: Lead time for sourcing

Interpretation: Maximum i.e., 87.5% employees of the firm say that a week to 15 days is the lead
time for sourcing for them and the remaining 12.5% say that for them it is 15 days to a month. It
can thus be interpreted that maximum employee complete their task of sourcing within 15 days,
but some exceed it to a month which is quite a long time.
Table no. 4.11: Tests used by employees of KARVY India for recruiting a
Tests used for recruitment

Valid 16
Missing 0
Mean 4.000
Std. Deviation .0000

Graph no. 4.11: Tests used by employees of KARVY India for recruiting a candidate

Interpretation: All the 16 employees in the firm use only personal interview tests for recruitment.
Thus, it is seen that the firm is using a test which can have personal bias and so it is not very
Table no. 4.12: Source used by employees of KARVY India to track candidates

Source used for tracking candidates
Valid 16
Missing 0

Graph no. 4.12: Source used by employees of KARVY India to track candidates

Interpretation: The source used for tracking candidates is MS Excel which is same for all
employees. It can thus be interpreted that the firm is using traditional means for tracking
Table no. 4.13: Different recruitment processes used for different grade employees

Different recruitment processes used for different grade people
Valid 16
Missing 0

Graph no. 4.13: Different recruitment processes used for different grade employees

Interpretation: All the employees of KARVY India use different recruitment processes for jobs
of different grades. Thus, it can be understood that the recruitment process and the steps followed
in it differ according to the position, grade and designation of the job offered.
Table no. 4.14: Percentage of candidates backing out after being offered job

Back out percentage after offering job

Valid 16
N 0

Graph no. 4.14: Percentage of candidates backing out after being offered job

Interpretation: According to the 50% employees of the firm, 10-20% candidates back out after
being offered job. 31.25% employees say that 20-30% candidates back out 12.5% employees say
that more than 30% candidates back out and 6.25% employees say that 5-10% candidates back out.
Thus, it is interpreted that on an average 20% candidates back out after being offered job.
Table no. 4.15: Percentage of employees leaving job within 1-3 months
Employees leaving job within 1-3 months
Valid 16
Missing 0

Graph no. 4.15: Percentage of employees leaving job within 1-3 months

Interpretation: 81.25% employees say that 10-20% employees leave the jobs within 1-3 months
and 6.25% say that less than 10% employees leave the job within 1-3 months. It can thus be seen
that 10-20% employees leave job within 1-3 months.
Table no. 4.16: Percentage of employees leaving job within 3-6 months

Employees leaving job within 3-6 months
Valid 16
Missing 0

Graph no. 4.16: Percentage of employees leaving job within 3-6 months

Interpretation: 75% employees of KARVY India say that 10-20% employees leave job within 3-
6 months and 6.25% employees say that more than 30% employees leave job within 3-6 months.
Employees are thus taking a short time experience and leaving jobs within 3-6 months.
Table no. 4.17: Percentage of employees leaving job within 6-12 months

Employees leaving job within 6-12 months

Valid 16
N Missing 0

Graph no. 4.17: Percentage of employees leaving job within 6-12 months

Interpretation: Maximum employees say that less than 10% employees leave job within a period
of 6-12 months. Thus, it is clear that as the employee spending more than 6 months in a company
slowly starts adopting to its culture and tries to stick to the job.
Table no. 4.18: Technological support for the process of recruiting

Technological support for recruitment

Valid 16
Missing 0
Mean 3.000
Std. Deviation .0000

Graph no. 4.18: Technological support for the process of recruiting

Interpretation: All the 16 employees in the firm take technological support of telephone and
online support. It is thus seen that 100% employees make use of limited means of technology for
Table no. 4.19: Awareness of Video resume among the employees of the firm

Awareness of video resume

Valid 16
Missing 0

Awareness of video resume

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

No 5 31.3 31.3 31.3
Valid Yes 11 68.8 68.8 100.0
Total 16 100.0 100.0

Graph no. 4.19: Awareness of Video resume among the employees of the firm

Interpretation: 68.75% of the employees of the firm are aware of the video resume and very
few i.e., 31.25% are not aware of it. It is thus clear that maximum employees are aware of video
resume, but still the firm is not providing opportunity for the employees to bring it in practice.
1. The process of recruitment is very complicated which starts from Manpower planning
and ends with exit interviews only when the person leaves the organization.
2. Many companies are now opting for Recruitment process outsourcing.
3. Recruitment is not just getting vacancies. The vital job of a recruiter is getting solutions
on Attrition, False commitments, Interpersonal issues with peers and superiors, and so on.
4. The attrition rate of newly recruited candidates is very high in Consultancy and Insurance
5. Many candidates apply for job without having a clear idea of the job profile.
6. The major reason for freshers leaving the job offers is the salary package offered to them.
7. 68.8% employees of KARVY India are engaged in external recruitment and the rest are
engaged in internal recruitment.
8. All the employees of the firm have a recruitment database with them.
9. Out of 16, 7 employees say that employee referrals is the best internal source or
recruitment, 5 employees say that job enlargement is the best source, and the remaining
prefer job rotation, promotion and transfer respectively.
10. According to the employees of KARVY India, consultancy is the best external source of
recruitment, followed by job portals, campus hiring and social networking sites.
11. As per 56.25% employees of KARVY India, is the best job portal, 25% say
that is the best job portal and 18.75% say that is the best
job portal.
12. As per the Principal Component Analysis of the prime competencies considered while
recruiting a candidate, four competencies i.e. Experience, Technical knowledge,
Innovative ability and Communication skills of the candidates have been extracted.
13. All the employees of the firm say that the recent trends used by them are keyword search
on job portals, social networking sites, creating own websites for candidates to upload
their resumes and advanced search on LinkedIn.
14. Keyword search on job portal gives maximum reliable results to 100% employees of the
15. According to the employees, calling through job portals gives maximum responses and
some feel that mass mailing or bulk SMS give maximum job responses.
16. Maximum i.e., 87.5% employees of the firm say that a week to 15 days is the lead time
for sourcing for them and the remaining 12.5% say that for them it is 15 days to a month.
17. All the 16 employees in the firm use only personal interview tests for recruitment.
18. The source used for tracking candidates is MS Excel which is same for all employees.

The recruitment process of KARVY India has some problems. To overcome these problems, the
researcher has suggested the firm with the following ways. These will help the firm to manage
the drawbacks to some extent.
1. KARVY India can rethink and redesign its recruitment process to retain its employees. It
can also provide internal training and on the job training so that new candidates get
acquainted with the activities of the firm.
2. The firm may also concentrate on job rotation, promotion and transfer as an internal
source of recruitment.
3. The employees of the firm can also focus on campus hiring, job fairs, free ad posting sites
and printed ads as a source of external recruitment.
4. KARVY India shall also try out for other job portals like, and
others which they are not using widely.
5. The company may allow its employees use new trends in recruitment so that they
strongly sustain in the competitive market.
6. The company may concentrate on strategies which can make job posting a powerful tool
for getting job responses as it is cost effective as well as requires less manpower efforts.
7. The employees taking a month to source candidates should try ways to minimize their
lead time.
8. The firm shall use tests like aptitude test, psychometric test, some technical tests, etc.
which can be more reliable for choosing talented candidates.
9. KARVY India may use Applicant Tracking System (ATS) for keeping a track of
candidates so that it is more efficient to manage.
10. The firm might try for some attractive workplace conditions and organizational culture
which will help them retain the newly selected and newly joint candidates.
11. The firm may provide satisfying working culture to the employees as well as help them
for handling work pressure which will provide them with employee retention.
12. The company may start using audio and video resume for screening of candidates as they
can provide more insight about the candidate.
13. The firm should bring in practice the concept of video resume and train the employees
regarding the same who are not aware of it.
14. KARVY India can change its protocol of keeping the first month’s salary as a deposit
with the company as it creates a negative feeling in the minds of employees newly joining
the company.

From this study it can be concluded that, recruitment process at KARVY India needs regressive
efforts. If not planned properly, it leads to wastage of resources for both the employer as well as
the candidates. The Manager and employees in KARVY India are satisfied with their recruitment
process but the candidates are not, as it is very lengthy. Another reason for dissatisfaction is the
actual job not matching its description. The internal recruitment should be more focused to
achieve employee retention in the organization. It has also been found that job portals are given
the most importance while searching for candidates for a job. The attrition rate is quite high due
to long working hours of the company and 6 days working culture. The working environment in
the firm is also not warm or welcoming to the newly joint employees. The firm thus has to focus
a lot to retain its employees, attract new talent towards them as well as using latest technology
and systems in the firm.
; August 15, 2015; 1225 Hrs.
 competitive-
advantage/the-importance-of-recruitmentand- selection.html#axzz3irWUpTdl; August
15, 2015; 1227 Hrs.
 P. Subba Rao; Essentials of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations;
Himalaya Publishing House; Edition 5th - 2010

1. In which type of recruitment are you engaged?

a. Internal
b. External

2. Do you have a recruitment pool/database?

a. Yes
b. No

3. Which is the best internal source of recruitment as per you?

a. Promotion
b. Transfer
c. Employee referrals
d. Job enlargement
e. Job rotation
f. Re-employment of retired employees

4. Which is the best external source of recruitment according to you?

a. Job portals
b. Labour Contractors
c. Campus hiring
d. Newspaper advertisements
e. Print media
f. Social networking sites
g. Consultancy
h. Free add posting sites
i. TV/Radio
j. Job fairs
k. Any other, please mention

5. Which is the best job portal according to you?

h. Any other, please mention
6. What is the prime competency you consider while recruiting a candidate? Rate each
competency on the scale of 1 to 9 according to the priority.
a. Communication skills
b. Aptitude
c. Logical and analytical skills
d. Technical knowledge
e. Consistency
f. Experience
g. Domain knowledge
h. Innovative ability
i. Resume presentation

7. Which of the following trends are used by your organization currently?

a. Boolean search
b. Keyword search
c. Audio and Video resumes
d. Social networking sites for attracting probable candidates
e. Creating own websites for candidates to upload their resumes
f. Advanced search on LinkedIn
g. Any other, please specify

8. Which of the following searches on job portals provide you reliable resumes?
a. Boolean search
b. Keyword search

9. From which source do you get maximum job responses?

a. Calling through contacts on job portals
b. Mass mailing or SMS
c. Job posting
d. Direct candidates approaching the firm

10. What is the lead time for sourcing?

a. Less than a week
b. Week to 15 days
c. 15 days to a month
d. More than a month

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