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IST 4070: Object Oriented Programming





Course Description

IST 4070 Object Oriented Programming

In-depth study of object-oriented programming: definition of objects and classes and methods. Graphic classes and
graphical user interface components. Files and streams
Prerequisites: IST 2040, IST 4010, IST 4020

Credit: 3 Units

Link to University Mission Outcomes

This course is expected to help students develop skills in higher order thinking, global understanding, and
multicultural perspective in the students. It is expected to develop proficiency in literacy, preparation for future
careers in business management and the ability in the learners to serve the community.

Links To School of Science & Technology Mission Outcomes

This course is designed to
 Develop competence in critical thinking, create skills, use of technology, creativity and good communication
 Provide service to the community: Acquire practical working experience through participation and contribution
to positive/good community and societal causes
 Demonstrate preparedness for career and lifelong learning in their chosen disciplines as well as understanding
of the interdisciplinary nature of knowledge.
 Demonstrate the use of qualitative and quantitative research skills in Biomedical, Communication and
Information Technology
 Apply theories, concepts, and principles found in biological and physical sciences, including a thorough
grounding in communication skills in multicultural & global perspectives.
 Demonstrate a thorough understanding of effective, efficient professional and ethical leadership

Link to IST Program Learning Outcomes


 Demonstrate the use of info systems in a business organization.

 Evaluate IT problems in organizations.

 Apply communication and collaboration skills in IT projects.

 Design IT solutions for business organizations.

 Solve IT problems in business organizations.

 Manage information systems within their area of specification.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, the student will be able to :
Identify, Demonstrate and Evaluate IT problems in organizations
Write computer programs in one of the modern languages like Java,
Design and implement programs using OOP analysis and design technique

Teaching Methodology
An application –oriented approach will be used. A wide of business case problems and mathematics will be used to
illustrate the object oriented concepts. A combination of lectures, class discussions and laboratory exercises will be used
in the course.

Course Content and Weekly Schedule

Week Lecture 1 Lecture 2 Lab Extra Work

Week 1 Discussion Topics

Dynamic binding
Message passing
programming and

object oriented

Week 2 Discussion Topics Lab2.1: Simple Java

Memory Concepts Program1 (Welcome1)
Arithmetic Lab 2.2: Simple Java Program
Java program 2(Welcome2)
syntax and
semantics Lab2.3: Test Control
Java Application Structures in Java
program layout
Applet program
If/else single
selection loop
While repetitive
loop structure
For loop structure
Switch multiple
selection loop
repetitive loop

Week 3 Discussion Topics Lab 3.1:Test input and out put

Dialog Windows with Dialog Windows
Simple GUI Lab 3.2: Test Control
Structures with Dialog

Week 4 Discussion Topics Lab4: Test GUI

Event handling
Week 5 Discussion Topics Lab 5: Testing
static methods Classes/Objects/Methods
techniques of
divide and
how the visibility
of declarations is
limited to specific
regions of
what method
overloading is
and how to create

Week 6 Discussion Topics Lab 6.1: Simple Arrays

Array Declaration Lab 6.2 : Passing arrays to
and memory Methods
Parameter passing
Passing arrays to

Week 7 Mid Semester

Week 8 Discussion Topics Lab 8: Test Inheritance
Super-class and

Week 9 Discussion Topics Lab 9: Test Polymorphism

Dynamic method

Week 10-11 Discussion Topics Lab 10.1: Test Mysql

Sequential Files Database using Java Interface
Database Systems Lab 10.2: Test Sequential
Relational Files
database model
Adding, Updating,
Deleting &
external data
using JDBC-

Week 12 Project Group Project

Week 13 Group Presentations
Week 14 Final Examination

Class Policy Information for Students

1. Attendance: Students are expected to attend classes regularly in accordance with the current USIU Calendar
attendance policy. Lab attendance is mandatory.
2. Class Conduct: Students are expected to act professionally during class. Respect your instructors and your
fellow students. Be considerate to others. Students are required to attend all classes on time and should not
enter the classroom 15 minutes after the class’ scheduled starting time. If you have to leave the class early,
please inform the instructor before the class begins. Please sit near the door and exit quietly. If you fail to
inform the instructor before you leave, no credit will be given for your class attendance. Please observe the
following class rules when the class is in session:
 Do not talk to your fellow students unless in class work discussions
 Do not read newspaper or magazine
 Do not use your hand phone (please turn off your hand phone and beeper)
 Do not eat or drink in class
 Do not leave the class without permission
Any violation of these class rules will be subject to point reduction (e.g., 1 points for each violation) and
possible dismissal from the class.
3. Course Outline Changes: The material specified in this course outline may be changed by the instructor. If
changes are required, they will be announced in class by the instructor.
4. Illness: A doctor's note is required for any illness causing you to miss an assignment, quiz, test, or exam. At the
discretion of the instructor, you may be allowed to complete the work missed or have the work prorated, (i.e., an
average is given according to your performance throughout the course).
5. Makeup Tests, Exams or Quizzes: All tests/exams/quizzes must be taken at the time scheduled. There will in
general be no makeup tests, exams or quizzes. If you miss a test, exam or quiz, you will in general receive zero
marks. Exceptions may be made for documented medical reasons or extenuating circumstances, but you must
notify your instructor within 24 hours, preferably in advance of the test/quiz/exam. Any evaluations not made up
or prorated will receive a grade of 0. No more than 20% of the course evaluation may be prorated or missed,
otherwise an incomplete or failure will be assessed.
6. A Mid-Semester Examination (20 points)
The mid-term examination will be closed book and closed notes. No make-up examination will be given.
Students missing the midterm exam will have the mid term grading weights shifted to the final.
7. A Comprehensive Final Examination (20 points) The final examination will be closed book and closed
notes. It covers all the chapters with heavier emphasis on those chapters covered after the mid-term
8. Academic Dishonesty
The University Regulations on academic dishonesty will be strictly enforced. Please check the
9. Academic dishonesty & ethics
9.1 Ethics: USIU assumes that all students attending the University will follow a high standard of ethics.
Incidents of cheating or plagiarism will be dealt with in accordance with USIU's Conduct and Attendance Policy
in the calendar and may result in a grade of zero for the assignment, quiz, test, exam, or project for all parties
involved and/or expulsion from the course.
Academic dishonesty is behavior in which a deliberately fraudulent misrepresentation is employed in an
attempt to gain undeserved intellectual credit, either for oneself or for another. It includes, but is not
necessarily limited to, the following types of cases:
9.2 Plagiarism - The representation of someone else's ideas as if they are one's own. Where the
arguments, data, designs, etc., of someone else are being used in a paper, report, oral presentation,
or similar academic project, this fact must be made explicitly clear by citing the appropriate
references. The references must fully indicate the extent to which any parts of the project are not
one's own work. Paraphrasing of someone else's ideas is still using someone else's ideas, and
must be acknowledged.
9.2.1 Unauthorized Collaboration on Out-of-Class Projects - The representation of work as solely one's
own when in fact it is the result of a joint effort or other peoples effort.
9.2.2 . Cheating on In-Class Exams - The covert gathering of information from other students, the use of
unauthorized notes, unauthorized aids, etc.
9.2.3. Unauthorized Advance Access to an Exam - The representation of materials prepared at leisure, as a
result of unauthorized advance access (however obtained), as if it were prepared under the rigors of the exam
setting. This misrepresentation is dishonest in itself even if there are not
compounding factors, such as unauthorized uses of books or notes. Where a candidate for a degree or other
award uses the work of another person or persons without due acknowledgement:

(a)The relevant disciplinary committee may impose a penalty in relation to the seriousness of the
(b)The relevant Examiners may report the candidate to the academic council, where there is prima
facie evidence of an intention to deceive and where sanctions beyond those in (a) might be invoked.

Course Evaluation
There will be at least five assignments, three quizzes, project, one mid-semester and one final examination. Assignments
are due one week after being activated in the E-Learning platform and late submission will attract 25% for every
subsequent lesson.

Distribution of marks
Attendance and Participation 5%
Lab Exercises 10%
Lab Assignments 20%
Project 10%
Quiz 5%
Mid-Semester Examination 20%
Final Semester Examination 30%

Course Text
Java How to Program, by H.M. Deitel, P.J. Deitel, Prentice Hall, 9 th Edition 2010

90-100 A 74-76 C+ 60-61 D-
87-89 A- 70-73 C 0-59 F
84-86 B+ 67-69 C-
80-83 B 64-66 D+
77-79 B- 62-63 D

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