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Short Qz1 (9/10)

List of existing projects and the number of beneficiaries per project.


Mr. Cruz, the IT Manager, has developed a 10 year IT plan. This plan will be used as a reference in
building the IT department. What type of information did Mr. Cruz develop?

Report showing the completed, on-going and not yet started projects.

What statutory information is expected from a school?

Number of enrollees, graduates and dropout rate

Available stocks in every

warehouse Operational

Marketing techniques of school branches and providing incentives to the best performing branch.

In a cigarette manufacturing, which of the following information is statutory?

The sales tax collected.

List of volunteers in every

barangay. Operational

The requires the operational

information. Line Manager

Mr. Reyes is the Strategic Manager of the company. In the management meeting, he needs to
present the .
Improvement plan of the company

Short Qz2 (8/10)

TRUE OR FALSE. Cost-benefit analysis ensures that an information system is developed at minimum
cost. F

Given the goal, “Processed data at the fastest time within the working hours.”
The goal is quantified.
At the end of the feasibility analysis:
a document consisting of an executive summary on the feasibility of the project is submitted to the
management which requested the study.

TRA Global Software was contracted to develop the procurement process of the XYZ Corporation.
Arlene is the assigned Systems Analyst of the proposed project. The proposed system will interface at
different department of the organization (Procurement, Accounting, Finance and Administrative) Which
of the following is NOT a characteristics of a goal of the project that Arlene need to consider?
Agreeable to the lead department (Procurement)

may include increased sales due to improved customer services or to managers

having better information on which to base decisions.
Intangible benefits

In the analysis a system of the proposed system, The time spent by XYZ Corporation office staff to
perform a task
is an indirect cost

TRUE or FALSE. The “cost of database migration service” is an intangible cost.


TRUE or FALSE. The “the cost of a hi-end server for application software” a tangible cost.

In evaluating alternative solutions, the methods must be technically, operationally and feasible.

PRELIM (25/30)

In a cigarette manufacturing, which of the following information is statutory?

The sales tax collected.

Systems Analyst used DFD as a tool in designing a system. DFD stands for .
Data Flow Diagram

Which is the most important attribute of a systems analyst?

very good flow charting and modelling language

Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. Which of the following is NOT a major
responsibility of a systems analyst?
Propose information technology solution through an information system that solves the requirements of
an organization
Identify whether the type of information is Strategic, Tactical, Operational or Statutory: List of volunteers
in every barangay.

Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer: Which of the following describes DFD?
All of the choices

Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer:

What is the most important and difficult task of a Systems Analyst?
Interview the end user of the system

Identify whether the type of information is Strategic, Tactical, Operational or Statutory: List of existing
projects and the number of beneficiaries per project.

This is needed to find economic feasibility of proposed

solution. Cost-Benefit Analysis

John is estimating the cost and benefit of the proposed procurement system. At what stage of the
software development cycle is this activity?
Feasibility Analysis

Identify whether the type of information is Strategic, Tactical, Operational or Statutory: Available stocks
in the every warehouse.

Write the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. This system is unstructured and difficult to
obtain precise information.
None of the choices

Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer:

Middle Managers use:

Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer: Data gathering for system analysis can
be done in .
Several interviews and group discussion

When designing a system, the following are good sources of information EXCEPT .
None of choices

In the feasibility analysis stage of the SDLC, which of the following activity comes next after setting the
Find alternative methods of meeting the goals
This tool uses a simple stick figure. The simple stick figure is used to represent an actor and is given a
name that characterizes the role that the actor is playing.
Use Case

TRUE or FALSE. The “cost of delay in data processing” is an intangible cost.


TRUE OR FALSE. Cost-benefit analysis ensures that an information system is developed at minimum cost.

At the end of the feasibility analysis,

a document consisting of an executive summary on the feasibility of the project is submitted to the
management which requested the study.

Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer: Large detailed reports are highly
The statement is TRUE.

Write the letter that corresponds to the correct answer

Processing the college entrance exam in a university every year is an example of
Batch Processing

Aldrin is the Sr. Programmer of TRA Global Software Company. He received the list of modules to
be fixed. He is now debugging the system. The software development is in .
System evaluation

Refer to the diagram below and identify the stages of the software development life cycle. (NOTE
*Feasibility Analysis, **system implementation, ***system evaluation

Which of the following is NOT included in the SRS document?

Programming Codes

George is the Systems Analyst of the TRA Global Software Corporation, the company was contracted
to develop a hotel information system. George is assigned to conduct an information gathering.
Which of the following should George not avoid during the information gathering stage?
Discuss the proposed system.

Marketing techniques of school branches and providing incentives to the best performing branch.

Develop a long questionnaire to capture all the issues and concerns on the system.
UML stands for
Unified Modelling Language

Which of the following is NOT a recommended technique during interview?

All of the choices

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