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Proposal Report Submitted to Ollessos technical training institute for completion of final year
project in partial fulfilment of the diploma in Mechanical Engineering plant option at Ollessos
technical training institute.
We,Felix kiplimo and Hillary Rono, hereby declare that apart from references, this Plastic
Shredder report done at Ollessos technical training institute and presented to the department
of Mechanical Engineering is the outcome of our investigation.
FELIX KIPLIMO 3511-AE-18 ……………………
SAMUEL DIANA NGUSYE 3137-AE-18 ……………………


This attachment report has been submitted with our approval as Mechanical
engineering department supervisors.
MR. TEDDY ………………. ………………….
FIGURES ............................................................................................................................. ............................ 5
1. CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................... ........ 6
1.1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION...................................................................................................... 6
1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT.................................................................................................................. 7
1.3 OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................... 9
1.3.1 Main objective ...................................................................................................................... 9
1.3.2 Specific Objectives .............................................................................................................. 10
1.4 JUSTIFICATION/RELEVANCE OF THE STUDY................................................................................ 10
2 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................. 13
2.1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................... 13
2.2 DEVELOPMENT OF PLASTIC SHREDDER...................................................................................... 14
2.3 TYPES OF PLASTIC SHREDDERS. .................................................................................................. 15
2.4 PAPER GRINDER .......................................................................................................................... 16
2.4.1 Working principle ................................................................................................................ 16
2.4.2 Advantages of grinders ....................................................................................................... 16
2.5 GRANULATOR.............................................................................................................................. 16
2.5.1 Occurrences in the crushing chamber ................................................................................ 18
2.5.2 Advantages of granulators .................................................................................................. 18
2.6 HAMMER MILLS .......................................................................................................................... 19
2.6.1 Working principles .............................................................................................................. 19
2.6.2 Advantages of hammer mills .............................................................................................. 20
2.7 CHIPPERS..................................................................................................................................... 20
2.7.1 Working Principle ................................................................................................................ 21
2.7.2 Advantages of Chippers ...................................................................................................... 21
2.7.3 Advantages of plastic shredders. ........................................................................................ 22
2.7.4 Disadvantage of plastic shredders. ..................................................................................... 22
2.8 LITERATURE SEARCH ................................................................................................................... 22
2.9 KNOWLEDGE GAP ....................................................................................................................... 24
3 CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY...................................................................................................... 25
3.1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................... 25
3.2 PARTS OF PLASTIC SHREDDER MACHINE.................................................................................... 26
3.2.1 Determining the cross-sectional area of the hopper. ......................................................... 27
3.2.2 Determining the volume of the hopper. ............................................................................. 27
3.2.3 Determining the weight of the PET bottle the hopper can accommodate. ....................... 27
3.2.4 Hopper ................................................................................................................................ 28
3.3 WEIGHT CONSIDERATIONS IN DESIGN ....................................................................................... 29
3.4 Shaft ............................................................................................................................................ 30
3.5 POWER SOURCE.......................................................................................................................... 32
3.6 POWER TRANSMISSION .............................................................................................................. 33
3.6.1 Chain belts and sprockets ................................................................................................... 33
3.6.2 Keys and keyways ............................................................................................................... 35
3.7 DESIGN ........................................................................................................................................ 37
3.8 BILL OF MATERIALS ..................................................................................................................... 39
3.9 GANTT CHART ............................................................................................................................. 39
3.10 BUDGET....................................................................................................................................... 40
4 CHAPTER FOUR: PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING................................................................. 42
4.1 EXPEXTED RESULTS ..................................................................................................................... 42
5 REFERENCES........................................................................................................................................ 43
Figure 1.1 plastic recycling process [6] ........................................................................................................ 7
Figure 1.2 plastic pollution in a dumpsite [10] ............................................................................................. 8
Figure 1.3 PLASTIC SHREDDER [16] .................................................................................................... 10
Figure 1.4 shredded plastic [18]................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 1.5 pavement cabros made from plastic [22] .................................................................................. 12
Figure 2.1 The Cuba shredder drive transmission [24] .............................................................................. 13
Figure 2.2 plastic gear roll [25] .................................................................................................................. 13
Figure 2.3 chain drives [26] ....................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 2.4 Adolf Ehinger's paper shredder [30] ......................................................................................... 15
Figure 2.5 A grinder [34] ........................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 2.6 Granulator [38] ......................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 2.7 Schematic diagram of a granulator [39] ................................................................................... 17
Figure 2.8 Crushing chamber of a granulator [45] ..................................................................................... 18
Figure 2.9 A hammer mill [46] .................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 2.10 Schematic diagram of a hammer mill [47] ............................................................................. 19
Figure 2.11 A chipper shredder [52] .......................................................................................................... 20
Figure 2.12 Lianda plastic bottle crusher, worth appr. KSh 385,000 [55] ................................................. 22
Figure 3.1 A shredder hopper [67] ............................................................................................................. 26
Figure 3.2 two stroke engine [69] .............................................................................................................. 33
Figure 3.3: design assembly ....................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 3.4: rotating blades ......................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 3.5: fixed blades.............................................................................................................................. 38
Figure 3.6: bill of materials ........................................................................................................................ 39
Figure 3.7: aantts chart ............................................................................................................................... 39
Plastic Recycling process is a key step in the conservation of the environment in the present days.
It has acquired force over the course of the years since plastic pollution poses dangers to the climate
and the well-being of humans. As a result, the measure of materials that can be recycled or reused
additionally has increased. The analysis done on the rate of population growth in our country,
Kenya has shown that there is so much plastic wastes disposal into the environment. In Nairobi,
an estimated 2400tons of solid waste is generated every day, 20 percent which is in plastic form.
Poor waste management, coupled with rising urban pressure, have heightened the risks of
environmental degradation in the city. Of the waste generated by the city, only 45 percent is
recycled, reused or transformed into a form which can yield an economic or ecological benefit, a
far cry from the 80 percent targets sets by the national environment management authority
(NEMA) [1].

The global recycling rate in 2015 was 19.5% while 24.5% was incinerated and the remaining 56%
disposed off to landfill [2], since the beginning of plastic production in the 20th century, until 2015,
the world has produced 6.3 billion tons of plastic waste, only 9% of which has been recycled, and
only 1% has been recycled more than once [2]. Recycling is necessary because all plastics are
nonbiodegradable and thus builds up in the environment [3] [4] where it can cause harm. For
example, approximately 8 million tons of waste plastic enter the earths ocean every year, causing
damage to the aquatic ecosystem and forming large ocean garbage patches [5].

There are several benefits of plastic waste recycling that the world can gain when plastics are
reused rather than disposing them in undesirable places. One of the advantages is the protection of
human life by decreasing carbon dioxide and other harmful gases in the atmosphere, which can
occur during incineration or combustion of the wastes.

In recycling plastic, the waste undergoes five different stages; sorting of plastic waste into plastic
type, washing of sorted plastics to remove impurities, shredding plastics and extruding by melting
the shredded pellets into sizes used for different plastic products. Out of these five stages, only
shredding and extruding stages that must involve a form of machinery.
A plastic shredder machine is basically a machine that shreds plastics. Materials that can be
shredded include; water bottles, PVC, plastic containers, polythene bags and other plastic
components. Plastic shredder is an indispensable piece of any Plastic Recycling Plant.

Figure 1.1 plastic recycling process [6]


Plastics have been of great importance in the day to day lives. However, there still exist a very great
drawback in their continuous application more so in the industrial sector. The fact remains that it’s
very hard to carry out engineering processes like manufacturing without the application of plastics.
This is because plastic materials are the most important and frequently applied in packaging sector.
About 40% of plastic materials worldwide are used to stock and package finished
products from different factories. Plastic had a significant contribution in creating a sustainable,
proper, hygienic, cost-effective, energy-efficient, and environmentally friendly packaging system

In today’s practices, most of the plastic wastes go to landfills. This method of plastic waste disposal is
very cumbersome and very less efficient. When the landfills reach to the maximum capacity, there is
normally a very higher chance of experiencing a waste landslide. A good example is the one that
occurred in Istanbul Umraniye District in 1993 that killed 30 people [8]. This was due to methane
explosion that emanated from methane accumulation from plastic bottles in the landfill.

Similarly, on 21st February, 2005 a land slide occurred at the Leuwigajah dumpsite, Bandung in
Indonesia after some rainfalls. This disaster killed 143 people and buried 71 houses [9].

Figure 1.2 plastic pollution in a dumpsite [10]

In the same manner, used plastic bags, sheets that are made of plastics and different sizes of bottles,
different colors and diversified textures are normally seen flown by wind around the environment.
They are then scattered all over the streets, filled in water gutters and therefore posing a very
serious threat to the environment. These therefore keeps the environment dirty and even in terms of
the environmental beauty. These plastics also cause blockages to very many sewer systems [11].

The management of plastic wastes is a very expensive approach. This varies from the management
of landfills, the cost of collection and transportation by use of trucks to the landfills, the cost of
purchasing chemicals to incinerate the plastics etc. [12]

Plastics are also agents of health disorders. This occurs more so when micro plastics enters the
human body through direct exposures. This is either through inhalation or ingestion in the human
body. This leads to arrays of health disorders which may include inflammation, oxidative stress
and the common genotoxicity. These impacts are highly related to negative health outcomes like
cancer and cardiovascular diseases [13].

Plastics also impose a negative effect in the agriculture sector. The fact that they are non-
biodegradable means that they can last in the soils for a very long period of time. They have caused
reduction in soil fertility since they hinder the rate of fertilizer and manure seepage in the soil. This
therefore causes reduction in crop harvests [14]. In the same line, livestock are prone to consuming
plastics materials more so if these materials are flown by wind to the sheds. When these plastics
accumulate in the digestion system of the livestock, they hinder digestion by formation of
indigestible pulps in the system. The normal operation of the body slows down and therefore
rendering the animals emaciated and finally death [15].

The global recycling rate in 2015 was 19.5% while 24.5% was incinerated and the remaining 56%
disposed off to landfill [2], this means that, there is a lot of plastic waste being disposed to the
environment uncontrollably.

By carrying out shredding and thereafter turning these plastics into some more useful materials,
all the above drawbacks will be reduced or even eliminated full. Common useful products include
paving blocks, 3D printer filaments, fencing posts, tiles and furniture.

1.3.1 Main objective
Main objective of this project is to design, fabricate and test an engine powered small-scale plastic
1.3.2 Specific Objectives
1. To design the various parts of plastic shredder.
2. To fabricate and assemble the plastic shredder
3. To test and characterize the plastic shredder

Figure 1.3 PLASTIC SHREDDER [16]


The project aims at shredding plastic into smaller pieces that are easier to handle, manage and even
reuse. Shredding increases the plastic’s surface area in preparation for melting process. This
greatly reduces the net power needed for melting. It also increases the volume of plastic to be
melted per unit time. This will increase the speed of melting. Shredded plastics also increase the
capacity of plastic to be transported hence making their transportation to relevant factories as a
raw material easier [17].
Figure 1.4 shredded plastic [18]

Since plastics are the key cause of pollution in the environment, shredding them as a way of
recycling will contribute in solving this problem. Recycling is an integrated process that begins
with recyclable material collection from locations such as households, drop off points,
construction, and demolishing centers and businesses. Shredding of plastics as a business has
various economic benefits to the society. First of all, it will generate income to the machine
manufacturer, the user and also for those who collect and supply plastic waste to the recycler.
Large scale shredding will also create job opportunities, for example, sorting and grading of
collected plastic waste requires plenty of labor [19].

Recycled plastics can be used to make vast useful products. When mixed with a binder material
like sand, shredded plastic can be used to make pavement bricks (cabros). These bricks are light
and are seven times stronger than the concrete bricks [20]. Other useful products from recycled
plastics are tiles. Thermosetting plastic melamine is used to make floor tiles because they are
durable and inexpensive [21]. Other useful products include fence posts, traffic cones, furniture,
Figure 1.5 pavement cabros made from plastic [22]

There is great need to control plastic disposal and shredder machine will play a great role in
conservation of the environment.
Development and changes in shredding machines over the years can be grouped into four
time frames.

The first era of shredders; Most of the first generation, transmission mechanism was driven by
a belt with low noise, but the belt would be pulled and deformed after long working hours. The
surface of the belt teeth was easily worn and the machine running would slip [23].

Figure 2.1 The Cuba shredder drive transmission [24]

The second era of shredders; Plastic gear rolls, since it is difficult to master injection and
shrinking process accurately of the shredder machine, resulting in the low accuracy of the gear
itself. High rotation speeds cause noise. Also, due to the brittle plastic parts and poor toughness,
they are prone to teeth breakage [23].

Figure 2.2 plastic gear roll [25]

The third era shredders; Used metal Sprocket: calm activity, low energy misfortune, productive
cutting, and the ideal coordination of the different segments of the framework accomplish the
convincing highlights [23].

Figure 2.3 chain drives [26]

The fourth era of shredder machine; The drive instrument of shredder machine is the metal gear,
though the metal gear overcame the above drawbacks, it is hard to keep away from the impact of
the metal gear and friction sound [27].


In the year 1908 in the New York, U.S.A., an inventor and entrepreneur, Abbot Augustus Low
invented and patented, the “Waste Paper Receptacle”, which was the first paper shredding
machine. The U.S patent number was 929,960 on 31st August 1909. However, the machine was
never made since there was need for a method that was more compact to achieve proper disposition
of the paper. Nevertheless, Low made a working prototype but didn’t make any other progress,
since he passed away in 1912 [28].

In the year 1935 in Balingen, Germany, Adolf Ehinger who was a toolmaker was inspired by The Pasta
maker, a utensil used in the kitchen and was popular in Germany. Adolf used the concept used in the
hand-cranked pasta maker to make a manual plastic shredder. The machine was then improved and
tweaked and an electrical motor added. In 1936, he patented the invention and was focused in
improving the machine. He was successful during the troubled times of the 1940s during the World
War II period when there was paranoia and secrecy. He sold the product across Germany then expanded
and started selling internationally to governments and embassies. The machine got
a boost in1950s when there was Cold War. He started a company around the invention and it
picked [29].

Figure 2.4 Adolf Ehinger's paper shredder [30]

Plastic shredders started gaining popularity from that time, where they were adopted for use and
utilized by government organizations in destroying private, confidential, or sensitive documents.
It was thus rare to find them being used by other entities other than government institutions until
the mid-1980s. Plastic shredders have since then become more popular among regular institutions
Dave Hakkens started an organization called Precious Plastic Movement in 2013 to help prevent
plastic pollution. The organization has grown to become a global community with hundreds of
people who work towards solving this plastic pollution threat [18]. Contributions made by this
organization include;
i. Providing online design concepts of machines that will contribute to plastic recycling
ii. Useful products in which recycled plastics can be turned into such as plastic furniture and
construction materials
iii. Providing business tools that enable one to make money from recycling
A plastic shredding machine that combined both washing and shredding processes in recycling
of plastics was specifically designed for PET bottles in Okunola et al [32].


Plastic shredders are categorized on the basis of the process they are used for. They include;
1. The grinders- they pulverize/reduce materials.
2. Chippers- they reduce materials to flakes or chips.
3. Granulators- for recycling plastics by reducing them to grains.
4. Hammer-mills- for shattering/break materials into pieces.
5. Shear shredders- cut against cutters on the opposing rotating shaft to reduce size.
6. All-purpose shredders.
2.4.1 Working principle
It takes waste material from its hopper into the crusher room, then crushing and grinding it with
the rotary blades rotating and the stationary blades squeezed. The smaller material will then
pass via the screen mesh, while the larger material will now be crushed again until it is reduced
to a manageable size. The screen mesh has a hole size of 8-14mm [33].

Figure 2.5 A grinder [34]

2.4.2 Advantages of grinders
i. The machine is compact and has ability to standing wear.
ii. It has stability and also has durable blades as well as the blade base
iii. Excellent crushing effect for waste material.
iv. It leads to low pollution and low noise.
v. It is cost effective and the return is high with low input
vi. The operator is always safe and safety is guaranteed during cleaning.
vii. Servicing is easy to the blades as well as the blade base.
viii. It has a long life.
The granulators are primarily utilized in injection and blow molding processes, in this context,
they are used for grinding runners and sprues on press machines [35]. In the inline recycling
process, the machines are therefore used for grinding rejected products which would have been
put into waste [36]. The machine can be integrated with a variety of injection molding machines
and robots thanks to its various hopper and base frame configurations [37].

Figure 2.6 Granulator [38]

The schematic diagram below shows a simple granulator.

Figure 2.7 Schematic diagram of a granulator [39]

The schematic diagram above shows a simple granulator. In operation, the materials enter through
point A which is called the -Material Inlet after which the materials fall into B. The outlet is called
the Hopper. Next, in point C which is called the Crushing Chamber, there is a rotor which is driven
by a v-belt and also the motor rotates at a very high-speed, this high speed helps in shearing and
compression of the material [40]. The process is aided by use of fixed blades. At the end, the
processed materials undergo screening before they are released via D a point called the screen

An additional flywheel, a conveyor belt and a material blower for discharge are normal available,
and this is based on customer’s specification [41].
2.5.1 Occurrences in the crushing chamber
Shearing — This is the cutting of material where a tool like scissors is used, the shearing
efficiency will always depend on the cutting edges sharpness which normally work against each
other for the shearing operation and also enhance the tolerance of the space between them
[42]. Therefore, granulators basically operate by shearing mechanism of material [43].

Tearing — By use of torsional force, materials are pulled by a force such that the materials come
apart. Certain materials like fabric, plastics, soft metals, and tires are the one that are more easily
teared than the rest of materials [43]. Tearing reducers are very good for mixed waste reduction
whereby very small, particles of uniform size is not important [44].

Figure 2.8 Crushing chamber of a granulator [45]

2.5.2 Advantages of granulators

i. It has a staggered rotor that is directly driven.
ii. It has a special knife design therefore adjustment is unnecessary
iii. It has an easy access for maintenance as well as cleaning
iv. It’s slow rotor speed leads to less noise and dust
v. The machine is easily customizable in order to suit different applications

Figure 2.9 A hammer mill [46]

Figure 2.10 Schematic diagram of a hammer mill [47]

2.6.1 Working principles
The selection of materials is done, these are the materials with suitable chemical features as well
as the physical properties. The materials are the ones that are already cut and prepared into the
right size. The materials are the placed in the section called feed above [48].
Depending on the hammer mill design. The materials then move into the crushing chamber where
they are crushed, this is by either by gravity or by use of a controlled meter.
The ganged hammers or chopping knives, normally hits the material for several times. The parts
rotate at a very high speed thereby reducing materials into the desired size [48].
The particles whose diameter match the size of the screen will pass through. If this is not provided,
the hammer will therefore continue to hit these materials to the last required sizes [49].
In operation, within this chamber, the material is hit by a repeated combination of knives/hammer.
This is by the impact and collision that is caused by this operation with the wall of the milling
chamber. In addition, the collisions between particles to particles take a very great part in this
process of size reduction [50].
In a nutshell, the operation of this machine is a pure mechanical process whereby the particles have
been seen to be hit with high-speed knives. Due to this reason, there is need to observe high levels
of safety [51].
2.6.2 Advantages of hammer mills
1. The machine produces a specific grain size without necessarily having a closed circuit.
2. It gives out relatively all sizes during its operation.
3. The machine has a very high reduction ratio.
4. The machine has a very high capacity without consideration if it’s used for
primary, secondary or tertiary grinding.
5. The energy requirements are reasonably considerable.
6. Blunt hammers need not be sharpened for crushing brittle objects.

Figure 2.11 A chipper shredder [52]

As the name suggests, this type of machine produces chips from the plastics being recycled. The
operation of the chippers is similar to the grinders only that the blades that are involved in the
cutting are designed to produce chips [53].
A chipper is a machine that uses a stationary anvil and a chipping knife (or knives) on a flywheel
to treat dense woody material. They operate very well quickly drawing in wood, chipping it, and
blowing it out. These machines can process plastics quicker than a grinder, but they can't handle
succulent material that gets between the knife and the anvil because it clogs the machine [54].
2.7.1 Working Principle
Configure the chipper to minimize movement; it should be close toward the material pile, but also
consider where the expelled chippings will go, the chipper is adjacent to the pile and discharging
the chips underneath the cut fir trees to prevent weeds from sprouting through.
Use some woody bits to drive any residual material into the shredding compartment when you're
at the end of the material; the plastic material should help clear any leaves via the chamber. It's an
idea to leave the machine running for 30 seconds after the last ingredient has been crushed to
guarantee there's nothing remaining in the chamber that could prevent the machine from restarting
or cause it to fly out over startup.
2.7.2 Advantages of Chippers
1. The machine has a very high capacity without consideration if it’s used for primary,
secondary or tertiary grinding.
2. It has a special knife design therefore adjustment is unnecessary
3. It has an easy access for maintenance as well as cleaning
4. It leads to low pollution and low noise.
5. It is cost effective and the return is high with low input

The machine is for cutting and reducing the plastics in to small flakes or pieces in order to make
waste management easier. This project intends to help in recycling plastic waste in domestic area,
households, industries and in areas where plastic waste exists in large quantity.
The machines which are used in recycling plastic waste are very costly thus the need to use cheaper
ways in shredding plastic.
Figure 2.12 Lianda plastic bottle crusher, worth appr. KSh 385,000 [55]

2.7.3 Advantages of plastic shredders.

1. Saves on labor cost since there is reduced labor work. Previously, the plastic waste used to
be shredded manually since the plastic shredders were very expensive for the local
wananchi and low production companies.
2. Portable machine. It can be moved easily from one place to another. The machine can
therefore be placed at different places where the plastic waste is in abundance. For example,
bus stops, market places, stadia, schools or hospitals.
2.7.4 Disadvantage of plastic shredders.
1. Feeding of the plastic waste into the plastic shredder is done manually, thus, this
increases the risk of injury to the operator.
Despite the numerous discussions and contributions held, there still remains major milestones to
be covered to help mitigate the problems caused by plastic pollution especially landfilling. The
major concern is how to handle large volumes and after shredding what happens?


In the past, pollution control has entirely been dependent on collection of plastics and then utilizing
landfilling as the best method of centralizing the plastic wastes. However, as was discussed above, the
landfills have always been affected by waste slides. In the same manner, take for example,
Bomas Area around Kimathi University, plastic collection has entirely been dependent on
dustbins, what have been seen is wind blowing away the plastic materials [56].

Yeshwant M. Sonkhaskar, Amit Choubey, Amritpal Bhamra, Raghav Singhal and Anurag Sahu
designed a hand operated plastic crushing machine that could crush plastics by imposing a rotary
motion by use of a lever [57]. Their main objective was to make a crush for plastic bottled and
which could be readily usable by the public. Crushing the bottles would assist in transportation for
shredding since the waste was made compact [58]. To reduce the amount of energy required to
crush bottles the gearing was designed accordingly [59]. This paved way for evolution of the
plastic shredder.

There are several designed shredders that accommodate the waste and cuts the waste into small
flakes. The Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia designed a plastic shredder
that incorporated a motor as the main source of motion [60]. The waste was introduced to the
machine through the open hopper to the shredding unit. The shredding unit was made of
interlocking S-shaped cutters mounted on a rotating shaft. The motion from the motor was
transmitted by means of a gear box. The gear box mechanism is relatively expensive and operation
is noisy. In our project solved this by using belt drive whose operation is silent and cheap to install
and replace. In their project they adopted a single stage cutting unit from which the plastics were
cut once to final flakes [60].

Saraswati college of engineering in Navi Mumbai designed a plastic shredder that used belts to
transmit motion from the motor to cutter shafts [61] [62]. Two shafts were used to shred with
interlocking cutters. The two shafts had varying speed by installing two different size gears hence
they obtain a velocity ratio of about ten [62].

Division of Product Development at Lund University to built and further developed a plastic shredder
[63]. It was based on open-source blueprints from the Precious Plastic machine series, a nonprofit
project by Dave Hakkens to reduce plastic waste. Its purpose is to shred common plastic waste so that
the shreds can be remelt to create new products by students in the subsequent machines of the series.
The main goals of the project were to build the shredder at minimum cost and to develop an improved
version after testing it. It was built using in-house machines at the school’s workshop and is powered
by a gearmotor build from parts found at a local junkyard. Minor modifications were made of the
original designs to improve handling and assembling of the
machine. The gearmotor and its electronics were also built on a separate platform to create a
modularized unit that is easily detached if desired to be used in other applications. The shredder
worked as intended but caused some difficulties during assembly. The redesign addressed this
issue aswell as increased the rate of cutting action by modifying the knives and counter knives.
Due to lack of time and restricted funds, an actual version of this redesign was never built and
tested [63].

In September 16, 1994, eighty-four-year-old Alton newel was visited by the local chapter of the
American Society of Mechanical Engineers at his Newell Industries plant [64]. They came to
designate a device of Newell’s as ASME’s National Historic Mechanical Engineering Landmark
no. 179. The device was an automobile shredder. This revolutionized shredding and helped to
reduce major pollution problem by removing junked metals from landfills [64].

Before the 1980s, shredders were used almost exclusively by government and military
organizations. As privacy concerns, the threat of identity theft and laws prohibiting burning
garbage in many areas have increased, paper shredders have been adopted across the private sector
- first by businesses, and now, increasingly, by private citizens [65].


Previous plastic shredders are used to shred hard plastics. However, plastic papers such as
polythene bags could not be shredded by those machines. The papers would stick in between the
blades, reducing their ability to shred more intake material. Changing the blade orientation and
adding casing blades to scrap off stuck material will facilitate the ability of the machine to shred
polythene papers.

Plastic shredders are usually limited to areas with electricity access. Introducing an internal
combustion engine will facilitate shredding of plastic wastes even in very remote areas without
Design and fabrication of this plastic shredder is based on the materials that it can shred. These
materials are:
i. Polyethylene Terephthalate (PETE or PET);
ii. High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE);
iii. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC);
iv. Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE);
v. Polypropylene (PP);
vi. Polystyrene or Styrofoam (PS)
The following engineering design approach are adopted in the process;

a. Design concept development

b. Selection of design concept.
c. Design calculations.
d. Design of the selected concept using a computer aided design software
e. Selection of materials.
f. Fabrication of the plastic shredder.
g. Finishing.
h. Testing.
There are different types of plastics shredders that are in engineering application worldwide. The
difference there is may vary due to the fact that client’s taste will always vary, in the same line,
type of plastic to be shredded may redder different machine to be used [66]. As discussed in the
literature review part, the following are the types of plastic shredders that exist.

i. The grinders- they pulverize/reduce materials

ii. Chippers- they reduce materials to flakes or chips
iii. Granulators- for recycling plastics by reducing them to grains
iv. Hammer-mills- for shattering/break materials into pieces.
v. Shear shredders- cut against cutters on the opposing rotating shaft to reduce size.
vi. All-purpose shredders.

The survey above helped us in determining the best machine to adopt to and even borrowing
features from the various shredders that exist.
A plastic shredder machine contains four major components. These are;
1. The feeding unit
2. The power unit
3. The shredding unit
4. The machine frames
The feeding unit which is the point through which the collected plastics are fed into the machine.
The unit can be made in form of hopper. A hopper is large conical shaped, pyramidal or wedge-
shaped section which holds the plastic waste to be shredded. The movement of the plastic waste
in the hopper are based on the principle of first-in first-out (“first come, first shredded”) i.e. the
plastic waste at the base of the hopper are shredded first. The hopper feeds the plastics to the
shredding unit.
A wedge-shaped hopper is preferred because it is configured in order to help and make it easy to
deliver the plastic waste into the shredding chamber.
There is need for a cover on the hopper. The cover will help prevent the plastics from being thrown
off during the shredding process. The covering will also ensure complete shredding of the plastic

Figure 3.1 A shredder hopper [67]

The shredding unit is where the plastic waste will be reduced into smaller pieces. The unit is made up
of different components e.g., shafts, cylinder, cutters/blades which are attached to the shaft.

There is an outlet system under the shredding unit which helps to discharge the shredded particles.
At the end of the outlet system, there is a collection container for the shredded plastic.

The machine is coupled to a power unit which drives the machine to shred the plastics.

The machine frame is the structure that will hold the different components making the machine.
3.2.1 Determining the cross-sectional area of the hopper.
Cross-sectional area of the hopper = Area of trapezium.
Applying the formula from the equation;
Area of cross-section of hopper, Ah = 12 ( + )ℎ

The feeding chute capacity = Area of cross-section of hopper ×width =12 ( + )ℎ × width [68].

3.2.2 Determining the volume of the hopper.

Volume of the hopper = Area of cross-section of the hopper x width of hopper. Volume of the hopper= 1 /3 {𝐴1 + 𝐴2 + √𝐴1 + 𝐴2} × ℎ

Where, A1= Area of top base

A2= Area of bottom base
h= Height of hopper
3.2.3 Determining the weight of the PET bottle the hopper can accommodate.
Volume of PET bottles (coca cola) in the shredding chamber can be calculated by finding the
standard volume of one bottle.
Volume of PET bottle (Coca-Cola bottle) = Area × height
𝜋𝑑4 × h
v = 4

The standard volume of PET bottle (Coca-Cola bottle) is 7.7 x 10-4 m3

The number of bottles to be shredded per batch can be calculated using the equation below;

No of bottles to fill the hopper unit= Total volume of the hopper

Volume of PET bottle

n= Vh

Where n = the number of bottles required to fill the hopper in one batch

Vh= the volume of the hopper

Vp= the volume of a single PET bottle

n= 0.02958m3


N= 39bottles
The total weight which the hopper can accommodate in a single processing batch is also
calculated from the relation below;
Weight = density × volume ×gravitational force
w= n ×p×vp×g

where n = the number of bottles required to fill the hopper in one batch
p=density of PET bottle= 1380kg/m3
vp=the volume of a single PET bottle
g=gravitational acceleration on earth’s surface=9.81m/s2
total weight of the bottles in the hopper = 39bottles

Plastic waste weight per Batch = 1052.834706 N.

3.2.4 Hopper
The hopper is in the shape of a frustrum and two cuboids, with a thickness of 2mm.
Volume of a cuboid = × ×ℎ
Then the volume of a frustrum = (1⁄3 × × × ) − (1⁄3 × × × ℎ)

Then the volume of the smaller cuboid is calculated as = × ×ℎ

From the design that have been done, the thickness being two, reduces the dimensions to,

Our design aims at increasing the number of plastics to be shredded by the machine, therefore, the top
dimensions are;
50 × 50 × 30

Thus, the volume of the top part of the hopper is;

= 50 × 40 × 30 = 60000

The volume of the frustrum shaped part.

We took the height to be 30cm, the base dimensions are the same with the top part since they share the
same geometry.
Thus, the base dimensions are 50cm × 40
From the formula above, the volume of a frustrum is (1⁄3 × × × ) − (1⁄3 × × × ℎ)

The two formulas originate from the fact that the frustrum is cut from a triangular based pyramid.
We assumed as height of 50cm for the larger pyramid and 20cm for the smaller pyramid.
Volume of the larger pyramid is calculated as;
is (1⁄3 × × × ) = 1⁄3 × 45 × 45 × 50 = 33750 3

The volume of the smaller pyramid is calculated as;

(1⁄3 × × × ℎ) = 1⁄3 × 25 × 25 × 20 = 4166.7 3
Thus, the volume of the frustrum part of the hopper is 33750 − 4166.7 = 29583.33 3 And then the volume of the lower part of the hopper is taken to be;
30 × 20 × 10 = 6000 3
Total volume of the hopper is 60000 3+ 12000 3 + 6000 3= 78000 3


Practically, the whole machine will have a specific weight following the mass of the various parts of the
plastic shredder. It is desirable that the whole shredder be saved in terms of weight so that it can be portable
from place to place with ease.
Generally, the shredder weight will be from the following parts;
The sheet metal making hopper
The engine
One Shaft and the attached cutter blades
The Sheets on the lower part of the hopper
The stands that aid in keeping the shredder at a raised part.

We considered mild steel in making the hopper, thus the mass of the sheet metal will be calculated from;
, = , × ,
Density of mild steel is 7.85 / 3

The hopper is made of sheet metal 3mm thick.

The total surface area of the sheet metal is approximated as follows;
The hopper; 50 × 30 × 2 = 3000
40 × 30 × 2 = 2400 2

The frustum side of the hopper is trapezoidal in shape.

= 1⁄2×ℎ×( + )
ℎ ℎ ℎ , ℎ = 30

The top length and the bottom length of the part are 50cm by 30cm and 40cm by 20cm
1⁄2 × 30 × (50 + 30) × 2 = 2400 2
1⁄ 2
2× 30 × (40 + 20) × 2 = 1800

Then the bottom cuboid has sheet metals of surface area

30 × 10 × 2 = 600
20 × 10 × 2 = 400 2
Total surface area = 600 + 400 + 2400 + 1800 + 3000 + 2400 = 11000 2

The volume of the other sheet metals is assumed to be half the upper part. Thus, total surface area is given by 11000 + 5500 = 16500 2
Thus, the volume = × ℎ = 16500 × 0.3 = 4950 3

Since the density of mild steel = 7.85g/cm3, then the mass of the sheet metal is as shown below; Mass = 4950 × 7.85 = 38857.5 = 38.8575

The engine mass is taken to be approximately 10Kg.

The mass of the bolts is approximately 0.3Kg
The total Mass of the machine is therefore;
38.8575 + 10 + 0.3 = 49.1575
The weight of the machine is 49.1575 × 9.81 = 482.23

Then, the machine will rest on four stands which are rectangular;

One stand has an approximate area of 9cm2, then multiplied by four stands gives
36cm2 Therefore, the machine exerts a pressure on the ground.
, 482.23

= 134 / 2
, = =
36 ×10−4

3.4 Shaft
Majority of plastic shredders that studied were either single-shaft or double-shaft. However, single
shaft was preferred in this design because of various reasons. One of the reasons is that the
machinability of a single shaft is easy. Also, it requires less power since only one of the shafts is
driven by the motor.
In the design of shafts, the shaft design can be determined based on being subjected to a twisting
moment (or torque) only. The diameter of the shaft can be found using the torsion equation.

Where = ℎ
= / ℎ ℎ
= ℎ
=2= ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ
= ℎ ℎ

For round solid shafts, the polar moment of inertia is given by the relation below;
=32× 4

Calculation of Torque.
From the relation of the polar moment of inertia and the torsion equation above, the torque to be
transmitted by shaft is determined using the relation of shafts that are subjected to twisting moment
only as shown below;

× 4

32 2

=16× × 3

The twisting moment (T) can be calculated from the relation;

= 2 × 60 or = ×602

Where = ℎ =5
= .
= ℎ . . = 1200

The power rating of the prime mover is 5hp which means 3.8kW has to be transmitted.
=2× ×12003800×60

=30.24 N.m

Determining the shaft diameter.

The shaft of the machine is designed to withstand stresses due to twisting and bending moments.
3 = {√( × )2 + √( × )2}
3= √( )2 + √( )2

Where, d = diameter of the shaft.

= moment
= moment
=combined shock and fatigue factor which is applied to the bending moment =2.0 (sudden loading)

=combined shock and fatigue factor which is applied to the torsional moment = 2.0 (sudden loading)
= ℎ = 45

= ×τ×

The diameter can be calculated from the formula of torque above; 16

3 =

d= ∛

=0.02738m =27.38mm


This shredder machine is powered by an internal combustion engine. It is a 7.5 HP two stroke
engine that uses petrol as its source of fuel. It can supply 6 kW at a maximum speed of 3600
r.p.m. The engine is run by a single piston. A sprocket is mounted at the end of the crankshaft for
power transmission. the output shaft is of 15 mm diameter. This engine is air cooled. Its
lubrication system is equipped with an oil alarm in case the level drops dangerously low. When
the oil level is low the machine turns off the flame. It is equipped with an easy to start
carburetor. The air filter is an ordinary air filter and the air cleaner seal is made of rubber. This
engine also comes with a thick silencer which helps to lower the noise levels. There is a rubber
seal under the fuel tank to prevent the tank from being damaged by vibration. At the same spot
there is a wide snap ring that prevents the tube from being damaged by heat.
Figure 3.2 two stroke engine [69]
Power is transmitted from the engine’s shaft to the machine shaft using a chain drive. The engine
has a 15 mm shaft while the machine shaft is of 30 mm. The drive consists of two sprockets and a
chain belt. The driver sprocket has 15 teeth and the driven one has 41 teeth. This means that the
rotation speed will be reduced, consequently raising the torque during the transmission.
3.6.1 Chain belts and sprockets
The chain is made up of number of rigid links which are hinged together by pin joints in order to
provide the necessary flexibility for wrapping round the driving and driven wheels. sprockets have
projecting teeth of special profile and fit into the corresponding recesses in the links of the chain.
The sprockets and the chain are thus constrained to move together without slipping and ensures
perfect velocity ratio [70].
Chain drive is used because there is absolutely no slipping during transmission. this drive has a
very high transmission efficiency, of up to 98%. Chain drives give less load on shafts compared
to gears, and they permit high speed ratios [71]. Velocity ratio 2 1

. .= = [72]

=15= 2.7
Where t1 = no of teeth on driver sprocket
T2 = no of teeth on driven sprocket
N1 = speed of driver sprocket, rpm
N2 = speed of driven sprocket, rpm
15 × 3600
= 1 1
= = 1317

2 41 Velocity of the chain drive

= 60

= × 65 × 3600 × 10−3 = 12.25 −1 60 Torque of the driver and driven sprockets

Power, P = 7.5 HP = 5.6 Kw

T1 = torque of driver sprocket

T2 = torque of driven sprocket 60
1=2 1
60 × 5600
= 2 × 3600 = 14.85 −

60 =
60 × 5600 =40. 6 −

2 2 1 2 × 1317 Pitch of the chain

60 [72]

60 × 12.25
= 14.85 × 3600 = 13.75 Number of chain links

x = center distance between sprockets = 350 mm
+ 2 − 2

1 2 2 1

= + +( ) [72]

2 2

= 15+41 + 2×350 +( 41−15 )2 13.75 = 79.58 ≈ 80

2 13.75 2 350
3.6.2 Keys and keyways
key is a machine element which is used to connect the transmission shaft to rotating machine
elements. It is always inserted parallel to the axis of the shaft. Keys are used as temporary
fastenings and are subjected to considerable crushing and shearing stresses [73]. Keys are made of
plain carbon steels in order to withstand shear and compressive stresses resulting from
transmission of torque [74]. There are three basic functions of the key. They are as follows:
(i) The primary function of the key is to transmit the torque from the shaft to the hub of the
mating element and vice versa.
(ii) Prevent relative rotational motion between the shaft and the joined machine element like
(iii) In most of the cases, the key also prevents axial motion between two elements, except in
case of feather key or splined connection
A rectangular sunk key is used because of its stability as compared with square key [75].
Strength of a sunk key
Let T = Torque transmitted by the shaft
F = Tangential force acting at the circumference of the shaft
d = Diameter of shaft
l = Length of key
w = Width of key
t = Thickness of key
τ = Shear stress of key
σc = crushing stress of key
The keys may fail due to shearing or crushing due to the power transmitted by the shaft [76]. Key of driver shaft
According to the proportions of standard table, a shaft of diameter 15 mm will use a key with
a width of 6 mm and thickness 6 mm. the length of this key is 15 mm.
a. Shearing of the key
=× × ×2[72]

2 2 × 14.86

= = 15×6×15×10−9
= 22.01

b. Crushing of key

tangential crushing force acting at the circumference of the shaft,

=× ×[72]
= 15 × 6 × 22.01 = 1981
=× ×2

2 2 × 1981
= = = 44.02

15×6×10−6 Key of driven shaft

According to the proportions of standard table, a shaft of diameter 30 mm will use a key with
a width of 10 mm and thickness 8 mm. the length of this key is 25 mm.
a. Shearing of the key


2 2 × 40.6

= = 25×10×30×10−9 = 10.83

b. Crushing of key

tangential crushing force acting at the circumference of the shaft,

= × × = 25 × 10 × 10.83 = 2706.67
=× ×2

2 2 × 2706.67
= = = 27.06


Figure 3.3: design assembly

Figure 3.4: rotating blades

Figure 3.5: fixed blades




Figure 3.6: bill of materials


Figure 3.7: aantts chart


1 Electric motor 2 stroke, 7.5HP, 1 10,000 10,000


2 Sheet plate Mild steel, standard 3 mm 2 6,000 12,000

thickness (8x4 inches

3 Sheet plate Mild steel, standard 5 mm 1 10,500 10,500

thickness (8x4 inches
4 Angle line 3 1 1,800 1,800
Mild steel, 2× ⁄4 inches,

6m long

5 Mild steel shaft 21 inches long, 30mm 1 2,000 2,000


6 Spur gears 125mm, 42 teeth 2 1,400 2,800

7 Bolts and nuts 10 × 1.25 stainless steel, 1 dozen 120 120

8 Round pipe MS 1 inch diameter, (6m 1 2,130 2,130


9 Pillow block UCP206 2 800 1,600


10 Caster wheels 75mm swivel Nylon 2 250 250


11 Main coat (Paint) green color 1L 800 800

12 Primmer Red color 1L 700 700

13 Filler Body filler 1 Kg 300 300

14 Hardener Cream hardener 250 g 150 150

15 Chain 428H 1 500 500

16 Sprocket 170 mm diameter, 41 teeth 1 700 700

17 Sprocket 65 mm diameter, 12 teeth 1 150 150

18 Wire mesh Mild steel10 x 5 mm, wire 1 600 300
diameter 0.5mm, (8 x 4 ⁄2

inches standard)

19 Welding rods 3.2 mm e60 electrode 5 240 1,250

20 Cutting disc 230 x 3.2 x 22 mm A30 08 5 200 1,000


21 Grinding disc 180 x 6 x 22 mm A24 SB F2 4 250 1,000

22 Miscellaneous 5,000

TOTAL 55,050/-
The plastic shredder is expected to shred all types of plastics and polythene papers all the way to high-
density polyethylene, in order to increase the surface area for melting in subsequent processes. The
power efficiency should be as high as possible.

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