IProc Worksheet Part1

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Switch Responsibility - Human Resources, Vision Enterprises

Create a Location 09_Madras under Nav : Work Structures - Location

People-> enter maintain->new

Create emp 09_iproc_requestor with supervisor as Stock, Ms. Pat
Give birthdate (DD-MOM-YYYY)

Assignment ->

Change Location to 09_Madras

It gives

First time is always Correction ..so click Correction

In SuperVisor tab -> find Stock, Ms. Pat and ensure transaction is completed.
Switch to System Administrator Responsibility.

Create a resp : 09_iproc_resp with the following info :

Resp. name , Key and Description : 09_iproc_resp
Application : Oracle iProcurement
Menu : Internet Procurement Home
Available from : Oracle Self Service web Applications
Data Group :Standard
Now Go to Security->User->Define
Enter user Name->09_IPROC_USER and password abc123
Attach 09_iproc_requestor as the person for this user.

Create 09_IPROC_USER with the following responsibilities

1) 09_iproc_resp1
2) System Administrator.
Go to
Define profile options options responsibility ->

Go to Define Profile Options navigation

Query on User profile Name and make the profile POS: External URL editable at Resp. level
Now go to responsibility Profile->system then

Set the profile POS: External URL = http://eg8777.us.oracle.com at the both the resp levels
( Purchasing, Vision Opertaions(USA) and 09_iproc_resp
Where XXXX = Your Instance number

Set the profile Apps Servlet Agent = http://eg8777.us.oracle.com:80/OA_HTML at both the the
user levels for user OPERATIONS AND 09_IPROC_USER
Where XXXX = Your Instance number

Go to Purchase Vision Operations responsibility ->

Supply Base->Supplier
Create Supplier 09_sup1 in Supply Base – Suppliers
Click Save and click on Address book ->
Click on create button ->

Add Address Line 1 , Address Name -09_site1 and enable Purchasing and Payment check box and click
on continue button
To ignore error click continue again
Click on apply
Supplier are global while sites are OU specific .

Click on Manage Sites – click on identification tab region

EDI number will be require when punch out supplier will be done .

Now click on Purchasing on left side tabs->

Change Ship to location and Bill to location to your location

To make supplier as ERS supplier , click on Self Billing
Make Pay on as Receipt and Invoice Summary Level as Pay Site
For payment details

Click on Payment details

Enable the check payment and click on save
Make him as Collabarotor

For this click on contact directory and click on create

Create an user under Contacts Directory with a user name 09_sup1@gmail.com

If email client is on notification will go at above mail id

Enable Click user account for this contact , automatically email id will be user name

Select all responsibilities

Click on Apply you will get following screen -
System Administrator ->

System profile for user -09%(09_sup1@gmail.com) , ensure profile is set to http://eg8777.us.oracle.com

Supplier are global while sites are OU specific.
Set the profile Application Framework Agent = http://eg8777.us.oracle.com
at the user level for the supplier user 09_sup1@gmail.com Where XXXX = Your Instance number
Go to Security->user ->define go into query mode and type 09%

For supplier side , in security Attributes are automatically added -

 Important: Password is automatically set to ‘welcome’ by system for login

Login as supplier 09_sup1@gmail.com and check for his responsibilities.

Login with new instance and type user name as 09_SUP1@gmail.com with password as ‘welcome’

It asks for changes first time password and you will get Supplier home page
Cross check clicking isupplier portal , you will get notification as successful collaboration supplier-

Purchasing Vision Responsibility->

Set up –

FLEXFIELDS->key flex fields ->segments

Go in query mode Inv% in application

Create Purchasing category as detailed below :
Under the navigation : Setup – Flexfields – Key – values,you will get following screens-

create the following CCIDs(Code Combination ID)

Structure : PO Item category
Segment : Item Category,click on find
Click on Add button

create a value 09 with a description : 09 Pur. cat

For the segment Commodity, and for the independent segment value = 09,
Create stat1 as the value for the second segment with a description = Stat1 Commodity.
But two problems –
 Not Transacatable
 Not Valid

For this do following –

To make the above CCID, transactable.

Insert the CCID 09.stat1 for the structure PO Item category with a description = 09 Stat1 Pur cat

Under Setup – Items – >category – > category codes, click new

Now it is Transactable Category but to make Valid Category

To make Valid do ->

Open the form Nav. Setup – Items – Category – Category sets for V1 Org

And query for Flex structure : PO Item Category

Insert the above CCID 09.stat1
into list of valid categories,
for enabling this category to be assigned to an item.
Now it is valid item category

Create an item 09_Business_card under Items – Master Items

With Item, Description, Long Description and a list price of 10
Also add list price in Purchasing
Tools ->copy from

In Template choose Purchased Item which is standard template for purchased Items
To assign to 09.stat1 to item –’09_Business_card’ ,
Tools ->category in Items->Master Items,query the item ’09_Business_card’
In tools – categories, change the Purchasing category to 09.stat1
Tools ->category
Similarly create a Purchasing category 09.stat2
And assign it to the item 09_Diary

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