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Additional Resources domestika.


A Course by Ana Marin

Here, I’m sharing the format I used to explain how to present information and
how to conduct a gap analysis. Use the charts or create your own material
with your own style or with your clients’ colors. And remember to keep
examples of the properties you saw in other brands so that you will be able to
explain them more easily.
Additional Resources - Ana Marin

Additional Resources - Ana Marin

Use Photos
and Videos
To exemplify what you found in your analysis, it's much
better to show your clients the types of responses that
their competitors receive or the materials that their brand
could produce.

Try to identify broad categories for your examples.

Additional Resources - Ana Marin

Create a summary that can concisely show

who does best on social media.

Area Brand 1 Brand 2 Brand 3 Brand 4 Comments


Customer Service

Social Sales

Response Time

Original Content

In addition to posting
shoutouts, they attend
events and create
tutorials for the brand.

Syndicated content
as an option.

Search Corporate website Conquest E-commerce

Additional Resources - Ana Marin

List what you've learned.

Brands in Mexico The most-searched Tutorials are the Comparisons and material Response times
don't use Snapchat. keywords redirect you to most-consumed designed for making are low. It’s necessary
content created by types of content on purchasing decisions to place more of a focus
influencers and magazines, brands’ websites. are being managed on better customer
not brands’ websites. by influencers service.
rather than brands.
Additional Resources - Ana Marin

Main Learnings
or Steps to Follow
Write down three observations here.
These should be the things you want your client to remember
or understand after you present everything.
Additional Resources - Ana Marin

Gap Analysis
Additional Resources - Ana Marin

Channel Brand Consumer Keep Recommendations

Product Tutorials Videos with looks Create tutorials using

commercials and events, various products
Reviews adding stories to achieve a look.

Videos with looks Entertaining Incorporate

YouTube content consumers’ opinions
Videos of about the products.
brand events Interaction
Collaborate with
YouTubers at events.

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