3B Draft 1+ Outline

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Draft 1

When it comes to the comparison, several distinctions between online and offline
learning in terms of students’ attitudes toward studying, learning effectiveness and the
reliability extent throughout exams are obviously indicated. The following essay tends to
take a look at three principal sides of differentiation.

In the first place, attitudes during the learning process differ significantly between e-
learning and offline learning. In fact, students engaging in distant learning are likely to
remain active towards academic pursuits since they can have control over learning
facilities. By contrast, when partaking in offline classes, it is a requirement that students
stick to the teacher's instructions and available learning materials provided at the onset of
the course. Additionally, pupils in offline sessions are believed to have more serious
learning attitudes than those in e-learning ones as there are less factors impacting their
concentration and attentiveness. 

Secondly, learning effectiveness among students via E-learning systems and offline
learning approaches likewise catches wide attention from the community. In fact, when
being compared, offline learning is believed to bring better academic performance and
surpass the efficiency of learning through online systems. According to Brown and
Leidholm, (2002), a study of learning outcomes in online and traditional classes in
microeconomics determined that students in the offline class scored higher on the final
exam than in the offline class ( 68.1% vs 61.1%). Apparently, students attending offline
classes tend to be directly guided and oriented by their own teachers, which possibly
enables them to be more attentive and focused during the lessons at school. As a result,
better educational outcomes are expected in these direct interaction learning systems. On
the other hand, E-learning seems to be less effective due to the distraction and indirect
guidance from instructors and peers. Indeed, students studying through online platforms
are likely to get distracted and interrupted throughout learning sessions as there is no
face-to-face supervision from their teachers.

Last but not least, there is a glaring discrepancy in the respect of reliability extent
throughout examinations. Students undertake the exam in the traditional classroom, they
are under the presence and stringent supervision of the proctors. This minimizes
opportunities of cheating and test-taking collaborative during the exam, leading to more
dependable learning assessment. On the other hand, when it comes to online testing, it is
clear that the absence of proctors increases the opportunities of cheating, though there are
some anti-cheating advanced technologies. Monten et al ( 2003) stated that students are
up to four times more likely to cheat in online exams compared to offline ones. This
creates obstacles for educators and teachers to have trustworthy learning evaluation.
In conclusion, learning demeanor, academic efficacy and reliability ratio via
examinations are seen as three predominant differences between online and offline

Word count: 455

Thesis statement: When it comes to the comparison, several distinctions between online
and offline learning in terms of students’ attitudes toward studying, learning effectiveness
and the reliability extent throughout exams are obviously indicated. The following essay
tends to take a look at three principal sides of differentiation.
1. In the first place, attitudes during the learning process differ significantly between
elearning and offline learning. 
 Online learning: Active but less serious
+Using online learning platform
+Being self-controlled the learning facilities
+ Using other platforms when learning
 Offline learning: Passive but more serious
+ Following teacher's guides and available learning material provided at the
onset of the course
+ Having less factors affecting concentration and attentiveness
2. Secondly, learning effectiveness among students via E-learning systems and
offline learning approaches likewise catches wide attention from the community.
 Online learning: Less efficient
+Being guided indirectly→ easily disruptive
+Receiving poorer educational performance
 Offline learning: More effective
+Being guided directly→ be attentive and focused)
+ Getting better learning outcomes
3. Last but not least, there is a glaring discrepancy in the respect of reliability extent
throughout examinations.
 Online learning: Less trustworthy learning evaluation
+Experiencing distant supervision 
+Standing higher chances of cheating during the exam
 Offline learning: More dependable learning assessment
+Experiencing direct supervision from proctors
+Getting less opportunities to cheat throughout the test. 

Conclusion: In conclusion, learning demeanor, academic efficacy and reliability ratio via

examinations are seen as three predominant differences between online and offline

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