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2011 Handicare All rights reserved. The information provided herein may not be reproduced and/or published in any form, by print, photo print, microfilm or any other means whatsoever (electronically or mechanically) without the prior written authorization of Handicare. The information provided is based on general data concerning the constructions known at the time of the publication of this manual. Handicare executes a policy of continuous improvement and reserves the right to make changes and modifications. The information provided is valid for the product in its standard version. Handicare cannot be held liable for possible damage resulting from specifications of the product deviating from the standard configuration. The available information has been prepared with all possible care, but Handicare cannot be held liable for possible errors in the information or the consequences thereof. Handicare accepts no liability for loss resulting from work executed by third parties. In accordance with the legislation concerning the protection of trade names, all names and trade names, etc. used by Handicare may not be considered as being available to others.

Version 2011v1

Table of contents

1 2

3 4

Technical specifications 4 1.1 Product specification sheet of the Alex..........................................................................................................4 Maintenance 5 2.1 Maintenance table..........................................................................................................................................5 2.2 Batteries .........................................................................................................................................................5 Troubleshooting 6 3.1 R-Net faultfinding table ..................................................................................................................................6 Electrical Diagrams R-Net 10 4.1 Front wheel drive configuration and battery position. ..................................................................................10 4.2 Rear wheel drive configuration and battery position....................................................................................11 4.3 R-net Power Module connections................................................................................................................12 4.4 R-Net ISM Module connections ...................................................................................................................13 4.5 R-Net basic configuration ............................................................................................................................14 4.6 R-Net basic configuration ISM module without electrical lift........................................................................15 4.7 R-Net basic configuration ISM module with electrical lift.............................................................................16 Use of the parts lists 17 5.1 Sedeo ...........................................................................................................................................................19 5.2 Carrier ..........................................................................................................................................................37 5.3 Seat adjustments, wiring and modules ........................................................................................................47

Version 2011v1

Technical specifications

1 Technical specifications
1.1 Product specification sheet of the Alex Handicare

Manufacturer: SPECIFICATIONS DIMENSIONS Axle configuration Maximum user's weight Batteries (C20) Total weight excluding batteries (60Ah C20) Total weight including batteries Total length Total width Seat angle Seating depth Seat width Seat height excluding cushion Seat height including cushion Back angle Back height Lower leg length Armrest height From front of armrest to back rest Diameter of swivel wheels (Indoor) Diameter of swivel wheels (Outdoor) Diameters of drive wheels Tyre pressure of swivel wheels Tyre pressures of drive wheels PERFORMANCE Maximum speed Range of action (ISO 7176-4) Dynamic stability (max. safe slope) Obstacle height Obstacle height with curb climber Ground clearance Turning radius (ISO 7176-5) ELECTRICAL OPTIONS Electric back adjustment Electric tilt adjustment Electrical high/low Electric leg rest adjustments CERTIFICATES CE EN 12182 (1997) EN 12184 (1999) Classes ISO 7176-19

kg Ah kg kg mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm bar bar km/h km mm mm mm mm mm

ALEX INDOOR / outdoor FWD RWD 160 160 60 / 74 60 / 74 87 87 130,6 130,6 1120 1080 610 610 0 7,5 0 7,5 440 - 520 440 - 520 380 - 555 380 - 555 400 47,5 400 47,5 470 - 545 470 - 545 89 - 118 89 - 118 520 - 570 520 - 570 330 - 560 330 - 560 220 - 290 220 - 290 370 - 450 370 - 450 225 225 325 325 2.0 bar 2.0 bar 2.7 bar 2.7 bar 6/9 50 (74Ah) 6 (10,5%) 60 70 660 88 - 120 2,5 - 25 0 - 300 6 - 70 B 6/9 50 (74Ah) 10 (17,5%) 60 100 70 910 88 - 120 2,5 - 25 0 - 300 6 - 70 B

ALEX OUTDOOR / indoor FWD RWD 160 160 60 / 74 60 / 74 87 87 130,6 130,6 1130 1090 640 640 0 7,5 0 7,5 440 - 520 440 - 520 380 - 555 380 - 555 41,5 - 490 41,5 490 48,5 - 560 48,5 - 560 89 - 118 89 118 520 - 570 520 - 570 330 - 560 330 - 560 220 - 290 220 - 290 370 - 450 370 - 450 255 255 350 350 2.5 bar 3.5 bar 3.5 bar 3.5 bar 6,5 / 10 6,5 / 10 / 12,5 50 (74 Ah) 50 (74 Ah) 6 (10,5%) 10 (17,5%) 75 75 115 85 85 660 910 88 - 120 2,5 - 25 0 - 300 6 - 70 B 88 - 120 2,5 - 25 0 - 300 6 - 70 B

Version 2011v1


2 Maintenance
2.1 Maintenance table Below, we have indicated what needs to be checked, how often this should be done, and by whom. Time Daily Weekly Monthly Annually Description Charging the batteries, after each use. Checking the tyre pressures. Cleaning the wheelchair. Cleaning the upholstery (if necessary). Inspection of the electrical system. Checking the batteries. Inspection of the drive. Inspection of the mechanical parts. Inspection of the bearings. Inspection of the suspension. Checking the tyres. Checking all fastenings and bolts: tighten if necessary. To be carried out by User Dealer X X X X X X X X X X X X


Batteries For maintenance, see the following documentation: Regulations concerning the batteries. User manual of the battery charger.

The wheelchair has 'dry' gel batteries. These dry batteries (dry-fit) are entirely sealed and maintenance free. The connection diagram for the batteries is provided on a sticker inside the battery tray.

Make sure that the batteries are always well charged. Do not use the wheelchair if the batteries are almost flat. This may damage the batteries and you run the risk of an unintended standstill. The use of 'wet' batteries is not permitted. If the batteries need to be replaced, use only dry batteries.

Version 2011v1


3 Troubleshooting
3.1 R-Net faultfinding table Trip Text Trip Code Description
The most common cause of this trip is if the joystick is deflected away from center before and during the time the control system is switched on. The joystick displaced screen will be displayed for 5 seconds, if the joystick is not released within that time then a trip is registered. Although a trip screen is not displayed the system log will show the trip and numbers of occurrences. Ensure that the joystick is centered and power-up the control system. If the trip is still present then the joystick or Joystick Module may be defective. This occurs when the control system detects that the battery voltage has fallen below 16V. Check the condition of the batteries and the connections to the control system. If the trip is still present after the batteries and connections have been checked, then the Power Module may be defective. This occurs when the control system detects that the battery voltage has risen above 35V. The most common reasons for this are overcharging of the battery or bad connections between the control system and the batteries. Check the condition of the batteries and the connections to the control system. If the trip is still present after the batteries and connections have been checked, then the Power Module may be defective. This occurs when the control system detects a problem in the solenoid brakes or the connections to them. Check the solenoid brakes, cables and connections to the control system. If the trip is still present after the above checks have been made, then the Power Module may be defective. This occurs when the control system detects a problem in the solenoid brakes or the connections to them. Check the solenoid brakes, cables and connections to the control system. If the trip is still present after the above checks have been made, then the Power Module may be defective. This occurs when the control system detects that a motor has become disconnected. Check the motors, cables and connections to the control system. If the trip is still present after the above checks have been made, then the Power Module may be defective. This occurs when the control system detects that a motor has become disconnected. Check the motors, cables and connections to the control system. If the trip is still present after the above checks have been made, then the Power Module may be defective. This occurs when any of the Inhibit inputs are active and in a latched state. The actual inhibit that is active is indicated by the last 2 digits in the Trip Code. Cycle the power. This will drop out of Latched Mode which might clear the trip. Check all wiring and switches connected to the indicated Inhibits. If the trip is still present after the above checks have been made, then the ISM may be defective. This occurs when the Joystick Calibration process has not been successful. Enter OBP and attempt calibration. If the trip is still present after the above has been attempted, then the Joystick Module may be defective.

Joystick Error

Low Battery

High Battery

M1 Brake Error


M2 Brake Error


M1 Motor Error


M2 Motor Error


Inhibit Active

1E01 1E09 1E0A

Joystick Calibration Error

Version 2011v1


Trip Text

Trip Code

This occurs when the control system detects that the Latched Timeout programmed time has been exceeded. For example, the Input Device, Joystick, Head Aray, Sip and Puff, etc.) has not been operated frequently enough. The trip is a notification of why the control system has dropped out of Latched Mode. Cycle the power. Initiate Latched Mode. If the trip is still present after the above checks have been made, then the Input Device may be defective. This occurs when the control system detects a short in the Brake Lamp Circuit. Check the brake lamps, cables and connections to the control system. If the trip is still present after the above checks have been made, then the ISM may be defective. This occurs when the control system detects a short in either of the Lamp Circuits. Check the lamps, cables and connections to the control system. If the trip is still present after the above checks have been made, then the ISM may be defective. This occurs when the control system detects a short in either of the Lamp Circuits. Check the lamps, cables and connections to the control system. If the trip is still present after the above checks have been made, then the ISM may be defective. This occurs when the control system detects a short in either of the Indicator Circuits. Check the indicators, cables and connections to the control system. If the trip is still present after the above checks have been made, then the ISM may be defective. This occurs when the control system detects a short in either of the Indicator Circuits. Check the indicators, cables and connections to the control system. If the trip is still present after the above checks have been made, then the ISM may be defective. This occurs when the control system detects a failure in either of the Indicator Circuits. This is most likely to be an indicator bulb failure. Check the indicator bulbs, cables and connections to the control system. If the trip is still present after the above checks have been made, then the ISM may be defective. This occurs when the control system detects a failure in either of the Indicator Circuits. This is most likely to be an indicator bulb failure. Check the indicator bulbs, cables and connections to the control system. If the trip is still present after the above checks have been made, then the ISM may be defective. This occurs when the control system detects an excessive amount of current in an Actuator Channel. This may be due to a faulty endstop switch, actuator motor, cables or connections. Check the movement of the actuator is not obstructed. Check the endstop switches (if fitted) are terminating the power to the actuator motor. If the trip is still present after the above checks have been made, then the ISM may be defective. This occurs when the control system detects that the ISMs actuator circuitry has become too hot. The control system will cease drive to the actuator motor in question. Allow the ISM to cool. If the ISM is frequently overheating check the condition of the actuator motors and the connections to them. If the trip persists contact your service agent.

Latched Timeout

Brake Lamp Short

Left Lamp Short


Right Lamp Short


Left Indicator Lamp Short


Right Indicator Lamp Short


Left Indicator Lamp Failed


Right Indicator Lamp Failed


Over Current

Overtemp. (Actuators)

Version 2011v1


Trip Text

Trip Code

This occurs when the control system detects that the ISMs actuator circuitry has become too hot. The control system will cease drive to the actuator motor in question. Allow the ISM to cool. If the ISM is frequently overheating check the condition of the actuator motors and the connections to them. If the trip persists contact your service agent. This occurs when the control system detects an identification conflict between two modules in the system. If a new module has been introduced: Disconnect the new module and cycle the power. If no trip is present connect the new module to the system and cycle the power. If the trip reappears then the new module must be the cause of the problem. If there has been no additions: Disconnect one module at a time and cycle the power. If the trip is still present after the above checks have been made, contact your service agent. This is a non specific memory error which could be caused by any of the modules within the system. Check all cables and connections. Cycle the power. If the trip is still present and the system contains 3rd party Modules: Disconnect all the non PGDT modules and cycle the power. If this has cleared the trip: Connect each 3rd party module in turn, cycling the power each time. If the trip reappears after one of the power cycles then the last module to have been added to the system must be defective. If the trip is still present after the above checks have been made, then the PM may be defective. This is a specific Power Module based trip. Check all cables and connections. Using the R-net PC Programmer, re-program the control system. This should be done with either the most current specific program file for the wheelchair or the manufacturers original programming file. If the trip is still present after the above checks have been made, then the PM may be defective. This occurs when the control system detects a fault in the wiring in the communication cables between any of the modules. Check all cables and connections for continuity. If there is any visible damage to cables, replace and cycle power. Disconnect one cable from the system at a time cycling the power after each disconnection. If the trip is still present after the above checks have been made, then the PM may be defective. This occurs when the control system detects incorrect or invalid program settings. Check all parameter settings and re-program the control system using the R-net PC Programmer. Make a note of the current parameter settings and then reset the control system to default settings. Re-program the required settings in small groups, cycling the power after each group to see if the trip occurs. If the trip is still present after the above checks have been made, then the PM may be defective. This occurs when the control system detects a trip within a specific module. The module will be identified on the diagnostics Screen. Check all cables and connections. Cycle the power. If the trip is still present after the above checks have been made, then the module identified may be defective.

Overtemp. (Lamps)

DIME Error

Memory Error

PM Memory Error

Bad Cable

Bad Settings

Module Error

Version 2011v1


Trip Text

Trip Code

This occurs when the system detects a trip which cannot be attributed to a specific module. Check all cables and connections. Cycle the power. If the trip is still present and the system contains 3rd party Modules: Disconnect all the none PGDT modules and cycle the power. If this has cleared the trip: Connect each 3rd party module in turn, cycling the power each time. If the trip reappears after one of the power cycles then the last module to have been added to the system must be defective. If the trip is still present after the above checks have been made, then the PGDT control system may be defective. The Omni has detected that the Specialty Input Device (SID) has become disconnected. Check all cables and connectors between the Omni and the SID. If the error persists: Check that the setting of the parameter, 9-Way Detect, is appropriate for the SID that is being used. For example, if the SID has no detect-link, then this parameter should be set to Off. If the trip is still present after the above checks have been made, then the Input Device may be defective. Contact your service agent. The Omni has detected that the User Switch has become disconnected. Check all cables and connectors between the Omni and the User Switch. If the trip is still present after the above checks have been made, then the User Switch may be defective. Contact your service agent. If it is required to use the Omni without a User Switch being connected, then the parameter, Switch Detect, should be set to Off. If a User Switch is not used the responsibility for that decision lies with the healthcare professional. This occurs when the control system has been left inactive for a time greater than the parameter Sleep Timer. An entry is made in the system log each time this occurs. This occurs when the control system detects that a charger is connected to either Inhibit 1 or Inhibit 3. Refer to section 2.3 for connection details The Battery charging screen will be displayed during charger connection. An entry is made in the system log each time this occurs. If an On-Board Charger is used: Disconnect the charger from the AC supply. If an Off-Board Charger is used: Disconnect the charger from the Wheelchair. If the trip is still present after the charger has been disconnected then the Joystick Module may be defective.

System Error

SID Detached

User Switch detached

Gone to Sleep


Version 2011v1


4 Electrical Diagrams R-Net

4.1 Front wheel drive configuration and battery position.


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Parts lists


Rear wheel drive configuration and battery position.

Version 2011v1




R-net Power Module connections


Version 2011v1

Parts lists


R-Net ISM Module connections

Version 2011v1




R-Net basic configuration


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Parts lists


R-Net basic configuration ISM module without electrical lift.

Connection J K L M M Q R

Function Lighting left Lighting right Leg rest left Leg rest right Tilt Backrest Inhibit loop

Version 2011v1




R-Net basic configuration ISM module with electrical lift.

Connection J K L M M O P Q

Function Lighting left Lighting right Leg rest left Leg rest right Tilt Speed limiter inhibit Lift Backrest


Version 2011v1

Parts lists

5 Use of the parts lists

This document is meant as a reference book to be used to order parts for the wheelchair that is shown on the front cover. How to order: When ordering parts, please specify: Serial number (see the identification plate). Group (to which the relevant part belongs). Article number. Number of parts required. Description (in the relevant language). Dimensions (if applicable). Remarks: If a part does not have a position number, the part concerned cannot be purchased separately. The part concerned is part of the assembly shown. This assembly must be ordered as one piece; it must be replaced in its entirety. Boxed position numbers refer to the relevant drawing. Ordering address: Please mail or fax your orders to your supplier. Service technicians: Repairs may only be carried out by trained and authorised service technicians. During the execution of their work, they are at all times fully responsible for the fulfillment of locally applicable safety guidelines and standards. Temporary employees and persons in training may only carry out repair and replacement work under the supervision of an authorised service technician

Version 2011v1


Parts lists





023 024/025 015/022

Drawing 001-014 015-022 023-027

Description Sedeo Carrier Seat adjustments, wiring and modules

Page 19-36 37-44 45-52


Version 2011v1

Parts lists

5.1 Sedeo

010 013-014

009 009 011 001 008 002 003 007 006 005 012 004

Drawing 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014

Description Sedeo seating frame Electrical backrest Gas spring backrest adjustment Mounting bracket for leg rest Standard leg rest Comfort Mechanical leg rest Comfort Electrical leg rest Central leg rest Upholstery Head rest Arm rests Lighting Fixed joystick bracket Swing-away joystick bracket

Page 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 32 33 34 35 36

Version 2011v1


Parts lists

001 Sedeo seating frame

7 17 20 25 18 19 6 23 24 18 21 22 6 17 19 22 12 13 14 15 15 14 16 18 11 19 20 21 18 19 1 2 3 4 1 5 1 4 3 5 1 9 8 10

Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Article number 00000.9009 02030.4123 00001.0204 00000.1401 02030.4023 9000673 02030.3423 00000.3728 02030.4223 9001374 1008035 00000.2103 1003247 00000.1502 00000.2003 00000.4135 00000.4502 00000.9203 00000.3519 9002122 118.00172.023 00000.4322 00000.3719 00000.1700 9002361

Units 4 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 4 8 2 2 4 2 2 1

Description Insert cap round 15 black Back part 2 Sedeo short back arm Washer Shaft lock washer 15MM D6799 RVS Back part 1 Sedeo Pressure plate Sedeo Back frame Button head M8X12 ISO7380 Back part 2 Sedeo long back arm Push frame small XP Backrest adjustment assy Washer flat 3XD M8 Label back rest angle (sticker sheet) Hex Nut M8 Washer flat M8 Hex. Bolt M8x25 Star knob outs M8X15 black Insert cap 35x15 black Adjusting screw cone M8X10 D914 Arm support holder > 01-06-2008 Insert holder Hexagon bolt M8X12 VZ Buttonhead M5x10 Locknut M5 Cable sheet

Price p/p 2011 0,20 38,00 0,60 2,50 36,00 3,20 24,00 0,70 40,00 68,00 43,00 0,20 6,30 0,20 0,20 0,20 2,90 0,30 0,20 40,00 58,00 0,20 0,30 0,20 33,00


Version 2011v1

Parts lists

002 Electrical backrest

3 1

4 5 5 6

Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6

Article number 1008078 150.00141.000 00001.0914 02030.3523 00000.2250 00000.1801

Units 1 1 2 1 2 1

Description Electrical backrest Actuator for backrest Screw M8x16 D7991 Bracket backrest adjustment Spring washer fluted M8 D137B VZ Cap locknut M6 D986/VZ

Price p/p 2011 856,00 810,00 0,40 41,00 0,20 0,70

Version 2011v1


Parts lists

003 Gas spring backrest adjustment


7 7 1 8 5 9 9 10 3 4 2 6

Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Article number 1003440 02152.9200 02010.6910 1002813 1008057 1007008 00001.0914 02030.3523 00000.2250 00000.1801 00001.1405

Units 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1

Description Gasspring backrest adjustment complete Gasspring backrest adj. Gasspring unlock mechanism Gasspring bloc-o-lift 200N Cable Handle Screw M8X16 Bracket backrest adjustment Spring washer fluted M8 Cap lock nut M6 Label backrest adjustment

Price p/p 2011 252,00 220,00 13,00 111,00 14,00 14,00 0,40 41,00 0,20 0,70 0,50


Version 2011v1

Parts lists

004 Mounting bracket for leg rest

5 6 10

5 6 11 7 1 8 5 9 2 4 3 12 7 8 5 9 11 12 10

Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Article number 01245.9623 05245.9723 05990.0012 05990.0013 00000.3590 01502.1323 05245.0723 00000.3501 01502.1223 00000.4311 00000.3542 055.00064.000

Units 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 2 2

Description Mounting bracket for standard and comfort leg rests Mounting bracket for electrical leg rests Insert tube right for electrical leg rest Insert holder left-hand Adjusting screw M6X16 Insert tube right Middle part leg rest bracket Adjusting screw BZK M8X10 D913/VZ Insert tube left Hex. Bolt M8x20 Adjusting screw + crater M6X8 D916 Leg rest harness

Price p/p 2011 137,00 203,00 72,00 72,00 0,50 43,00 126,00 0,70 43,00 0,20 0,30 22,00

Version 2011v1


Parts lists

005 Standaard leg rest

8 7


3 2 4 5 6 1

Pos 1

Article number -

Units 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 4 1 1

2 3 4 5

1002515 1002514 01500.1112 01500.2212 -

6 7 8 9 10 -

01263.9000 1004189 1004188 00000.2601 00000.3725 01500.2110 01503.8000 01503.8100

Description Standard leg rest left See page 27 Standard leg rest right See page 27 Standard leg rest upper part left Standard leg rest upper part right Leg rest release lever Leg rest release spring Footplate left See page 27 Footplate right See page 27 Calf strap Calf plate hinge standard Calf plate hinge small Toothed spring washer M6 Button head M6X10 Leg rest clamping strip short Standard leg rest top complete right Standard leg rest top complete left

Price p/p 2011 79,00 79,00 11,00 0,70 16,00 113,00 109,00 0,20 0,30 7,40 43,00 43,00


Version 2011v1

Parts lists

006 Comfort mechanical leg rest

4 5 2 10 11 12 6 7 8 1

Pos 1

Article number -

Units 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 1 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1002517 1002516 01500.4612 01500.1112 01500.2212 00000.3706 00000.1802 1008076 1008077 1009968 -

10 11 12 -

906.00000.031 906.00311.000 00000.2601 00000.3725 01503.8200 01503.8300

Description Comfort leg rest left See page 27 Comfort leg rest right See page 27 Comfort leg rest upper part left Comfort leg rest upper part right Hinge comfort leg rest Leg rest release lever Leg rest release spring Button head M8X25 Cap lock nut M8 Gasspring with gasspring control left Gasspring with gasspring control right Gasveer 200N Footplate left See page 27 Footplate right See page 27 Calf plate hinge standard Calf plate hinge small Toothed spring washer M6 Button head M6X10 Comfort leg rest top complete right Comfort leg rest top complete left

Price p/p 2011 256,00 256,00 25,00 11,00 0,70 0,40 0,60 151,00 151,00 109,00 97,00 97,00 0,20 0,30 83,00 83,00

Version 2011v1


Parts lists

007 Comfort electrical leg rest

4 5 2 6 10 11 12 7 8 1

Pos 1

Article number -

Units 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1003029 1003028 01500.4612 01500.1112 01500.2212 00000.3706 00000.1802 9001232 -

10 11 12 -

906.00000.031 906.00311.000 00000.2601 00000.3725 01503.8400 01503.8500

Description Electrical comfort leg rest left See page 27 Electrical comfort leg rest right See page 27 Electrical comfort leg rest upper part left Electrical comfort leg rest upper part right Hinge comfort leg rest Leg rest release lever Leg rest release spring Button head M8X25 Cap lock nut M8 Leg rest actuator inc. kabel Footplate left See page 27 Footplate right See page 27 Calf plate hinge standard Calf plate hinge small Toothed spring washer M6 Button head M6X10 Electrical comfort leg rest top complete right Electrical comfort leg rest top complete left

Price p/p 2011 1.091,00 1.091,00 25,00 11,00 0,70 0,40 0,60 810,00 97,00 97,00 0,20 0,30 107,00 107,00


Version 2011v1

Parts lists



BEENSTEUNEN TYPE MAAT 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 RECHTS 1003561 1003563 01500.9019 1003565 1003567 1003569 1003571 140.00341.000 140.00351.000 01500.9219 140.00361.000 1003601 1003602 1003603 140.00461.000 1003618 01502.9013 1003619 1003620 1003621 1003622 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 1167 1167 1167 1167 1167 1167 1167 1003560 1003562 01500.9119 1003564 1003566 1003568 1003570 140.00311.000 140.00321.000 01500.9319 140.00331.000 1003598 1003599 1003600 140.00451.000 1003613 01502.9113 1003614 1003615 1003616 1003617 LINKS 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 364 364 364 364 364 364 364 1167 1167 1167 1167 1167 1167 1167 KUITPLATEN EN OPHANGBEUGEL, SET 1003592 1003593 140.00071.000 1003594 1003595 1003596 1003597 1003607 1003608 140.00021.000 1003609 1003610 1003611 1003612 140.00471.000 1003623 140.00031.000 1003624 1003625 1003626 1003627 695 695 695 695 695 695 695 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 2673 2673 2673 2673 2673 2673 2673 KUITBAND EN OPHANGBEUGEL, SET 1003579 1003580 140.00011.000 1003581 1003582 1003583 1003584 483 483 483 483 483 483 483




VOETPLATEN MAAT 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 RECHTS 140.00161.000 140.00171.000 140.00121.000 140.00181.000 1003220 1003222 1003224 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 LINKS 140.00191.000 140.00201.000 140.00131.000 140.00211.000 1003219 1003221 1003223 102 102 102 102 102 102 102

Version 2011v1


Parts lists

008 Central leg rest

3 4 14 13 1 5 6 12

6 10 11 7 8 10 9

Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Article number 140.00061.000 9001719 00001.1324 00000.3706 20050.1311 00000.5002 00000.4100 01050.2011 00000.3614 00000.9002 01050.1411 00000.1702 20050.2480 00000.3614

Units 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2

Description Central leg rest Upper part hinge Label tilting hazard Button head M8X25 Lower tube Bearing bush nylon 8x11x13 Hex bolt M8X150 Strip Screw M6X20 Insert cap round 22 black U-pipe Lock nut M8 Footplate Screw M6X20

Price p/p 2011 254,00 106,00 1,50 0,40 66,00 0,70 1,30 8,70 0,30 0,20 86,00 0,30 44,00 0,30


Version 2011v1

Parts lists

009 Upholstery
2 3

7 8 9

Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Article number 00000.3617 00000.6501 220.00121.505 220.00141.505 00000.3206 00000.5721 00000.6504 00000.3207

Units 1 2 2 1 1 4 1 4 4 4

Description Sedeo seat See page 30 Screw M5X30 Pipe clamp DIA 22 black Calf plate standard Calf plate small Screw M5X16 Sedeo backrest See page 31 Washer flat M6 Pipe clamp back closed type Screw M5X20

Price p/p 2011 0,20 2,50 67,00 67,00 0,30 0,20 11,00 0,30

Version 2011v1


Parts lists



BXD 42x50 46x50 50x50 42x54 42x58 46x54 46x58 50x54 50x58 54x50 54x54 54x58

GEPROFILEERD 200.42131.505 200.42211.505 200.42291.505 1001977 1001978 1001979 1001980 1001981 1001982 1001983 1001984 1001985

165 165 165 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275

TRAAGSCHUIM 200.40481.517 200.40561.517 200.40641.517 1001997 1001998 1001999 1002000 1002001 1002002 1002003 1002004 1002005

352 352 352 462 462 462 462 462 462 462 462 462

SUPPORT 205.42791.517 205.42871.517 205.42951.517 1002006 1002007 1002008 1002009 1002010 1002011 1002012 1002013 1002014

393 393 393 504 504 504 504 504 504 504 504 504

SUPPORT + TRAAGSCHUIM 205.42811.517 205.42891.517 205.42981.517 1002015 1002016 1002017 1002018 1002019 1002020 1002021 1002022 1002023

648 648 648 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 753

BXD 42x50 46x50 50x50 42x54 42x58 46x54 46x58 50x54 50x58 54x50 54x54 54x58

BALANS 201.47741.517 201.47821.517 201.47901.517 1002024 1002025 1002026 1002027 1002028 1002029 1002030 1002031 1002032

447 447 447 557 557 557 557 557 557 557 557 557

FLUID 1003360 1003361 1003362 -

486 486 486

AIR 1003363 1003364 1003365 -

608 608 608

PLANKZITTING 1002042 1002045 1002048 1002043 1002044 1002046 1002047 1002049 1002050 1002051 1002052 1002053

232 232 232 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342

BXD 42x50 46x50 50x50 42x54 42x58 46x54 46x58 50x54 50x58 54x50 54x54 54x58

PLANKZITTING MET ACHTERDREMPEL 1002054 232 1002057 232 1002060 232 1002055 1002056 1002058 1002059 1002061 1002062 1002063 1002064 1002065 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342

DREMPEL 202.41141.505 202.41221.505 202.41301.505 1002033 1002034 1002035 1002036 1002037 1002038 1002039 1002040 1002041

232 232 232 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342

AANPASSINGEN Voor alle individuele aanpassingen zijn speciale condities van kracht.
Geprofileerde zitting, afwijkend in maat en/of bekleding Traagschuim zitting, afwijkend in maat en/of bekleding Support zitting, afwijkend in maat en/of bekleding Support + traagschuim zitting, afwijkend in maat en/of bekleding Balans zitting, afwijkend in maat en/of bekleding Fluid zitting, afwijkend in maat en/of bekleding Air zitting, afwijkend in maat en/of bekleding Plankzitting, afwijkend in maat en/of bekleding Plankzitting met achterdrempel, afwijkend in maat en/of bekleding Drempel, afwijkend in maat en/of bekleding 275 462 503 758 557 596 718 342 342 342


Version 2011v1

Parts lists



BXH 42x52 46x52 50x52 42x56 42x60 46x56 46x60 50x56 50x60 54x52 54x56 54x60

GEPROFILEERD 207.20031.505 207.20051.505 207.20071.505 1002143 1002144 1002145 1002146 1002147 1002148 1002149 1002150 1002151

180 180 180 290 290 290 290 290 290 290 290 290

MET LUMBAAL 215.20031.505 215.20051.505 215.20071.505 1002161 1002162 1002163 1002164 1002165 1002166 1002167 1002168 1002169

388 388 388 499 499 499 499 499 499 499 499 499

EXTRA ZACHT 207.20211.520 207.20231.520 207.20251.520 1002179 1002180 1002181 1002182 1002183 1002184 1002185 1002186 1002187 SPANBANDEN ACTIEF 214.23031.520 214.23041.520 214.23051.520 1002197 1002198 1002199 1002200 1002201 1002202 1002203 1002204 1002205

373 373 373 483 483 483 483 483 483 483 483 483

GESINGELD 207.20751.520 207.20771.520 207.20791.520 1002152 1002153 1002154 1002155 1002156 1002157 1002158 1002159 1002160

411 411 411 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521

BXH 42x52 46x52 50x52 42x56 42x60 46x56 46x60 50x56 50x60 54x52 54x56 54x60

SUPPORT 209.20211.505 209.20231.505 209.20251.505 1002170 1002171 1002172 1002173 1002174 1002175 1002176 1002177 1002178

416 416 416 526 526 526 526 526 526 526 526 526

SPANBANDEN 214.20751.520 214.20771.520 214.20791.520 1002188 1002189 1002190 1002191 1002192 1002193 1002194 1002195 1002196 SPANBANDEN PASSIEF FLEXIBEL 1010725 1010726 1010727

505 505 505 615 615 615 615 615 615 615 615 615

528 528 528 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639

BXH 42x52 46x52 50x52

SPANBANDEN ACTIEF FLEXIBEL 1008559 1008560 1008561

521 521 521

521 521 521

AANPASSINGEN Voor alle individuele aanpassingen zijn speciale condities van kracht.
Geprofileerde rugleuning, afwijkend in maat en/of bekleding Rugleuning met lumbaal, afwijkend in maat en/of bekleding Extra zachte rugleuning, afwijkend in maat en/of bekleding Gesingelde rugleuning, afwijkend in maat en/of bekleding Support rugleuning, afwijkend in maat en/of bekleding Spanbanden rugleuning, afwijkend in maat en/of bekleding Spanbanden rugleuning actief, afwijkend in maat en/of bekleding Spanbanden rugleuning actief flexibel, afwijkend in maat en/of bekleding 290 498 483 521 526 615 638 631

Version 2011v1


Parts lists

010 Headrest

2 1

5 4 6 7

Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Article number 222.00151.505 222.00131.505 222.00111.505 00000.3206 02193.0023 02194.0023 906.00000.161 01183.9023 00000.3206 00000.6801 00000.9301

Units 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 8 1 1

Description Headrest type 4, small mode, black Sellaskin Headrest Type 3, Flexible, black Sellaskin Headrest Type 2, Large, black Sellaskin Screw bck/kr M5X16 D7985 Metal Section Headrest. Standard Adjustable Metal Section Headrest. With Adjustable Width Metal Section Headrest. With angle lever Headrest adjustment holder Screw bck/kr M5X16 D7985 Star knob outs M8X30 BLACK MH Insert cap 15mm square

Price p/p 2011 145,00 151,00 151,00 0,30 126,00 191,00 156,00 39,00 0,30 2,10 0,30


Version 2011v1

Parts lists

011 Arm rests

2 3

6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13


Article number
05373.9490 05373.9390 221.00131.505 221.00111.505 221.00301.505 221.00291.505 00000.2201 00000.3207 05040.0223 05040.0123 02040.0123 02040.0323 05372.9390 224.00241.505 224.00281.505 224.00261.505 00001.0551 00000.1700 00000.5721 05372.0223 02040.0782 00000.3213 00000.3501 9002126 02043.9111 02043.9211 02043.9011 233.00011.000 233.00111.000 221.00321.011 05364.9123 05364.9223

1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 4 4 4 2 2 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Armrest PU left Armrest PU right Armrest 30 cm, black Sellaskin Armrest 40 cm, black Sellaskin Armrest P-Shape L/H, black Sellaskin Armrest P-Shape R/H, black Sellaskin Spring washer M5 D127B/VZ Screw BCK/KR M5X20 D7985 Armrest upper part left for armrest PU Armrest upper part right for armrest PU Armrest upper part short for armrest 30cm Armrest upper part long for armrest 40cm Side Cushion PU Side cushion, upholstered, black Sellaskin Side Cushion Wedge Shaped L/H Side Cushion Wedge Shaped R/H Cap Lock nut M5 D985/8/VZ Spacer bush 5.2X15X10 PE Black Strip Bracket Screw M5x35 Adjusting screw BZK M8X10 D913/VZ Arm rest mounting bracket Angle adjustable armrest for 40cm armrest, right Angle adjustable armrest for 40cm armrest, left Angle adjustable armrests for 40cm arm rests, set Angle adjustable armrest for 30cm armrest, right Angle adjustable armrest for 30cm armrest, left Angle adjustable armrests for 30cm armrest set Armrest, foldable, right Armrest, foldable, left

Price p/p 2011

58,00 58,00 58,00 58,00 58,00 58,00 0,20 0,30 66,00 66,00 27,00 38,00 55,00 55,00 150,00 150,00 0,80 0,20 0,20 5,80 9,60 0,30 0,70 31,00 113,00 113,00 218,00 113,00 113,00 218,00 233,00 233,00

2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 -

Version 2011v1


Parts lists

012 Lighting

10 9

4 2

7 6 4 5

Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Article number 1001123 1011638 1001122 264.00091.000 6234 264.00111.000 1272 1001724 00000.9009 1001436 00000.3618

Units 1 2 2 2 4 1 2 2 2 2 4

Description Light unit, set (LHS+RHS) Light unit (LHS=RHS) Headlight white Rear light red Bulb 24V 5W t9.5 Signal light Bulb 24v 5w ba9s Grommet Insert cap round 15 Black Compact lighting, mounting plate Screw M6X8

Price p/p 2011 610,00 305,00 17,00 17,00 2,30 52,00 3,60 0,30 0,20 4,50 0,30


Version 2011v1

Parts lists

013 Fixed joystick bracket

1 1 B 2 3 8 9 10 11 12 1 4 5

7 6

7 6

8 9 10 11 12

Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A B

Article number 00000.9301 00000.3541 06040.0923 00000.3541 15040.0823 9002798 9002824 00000.3212 00000.2006 00000.1705 00000.2201 00000.3206

Units 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 4

Description Insert cap 15mm Adjusting screw + crater M8X10 D916 Fixed bracket for remote Adjusting screw + crater M8X10 D916 Tube for remote Joystick module adaptor Mounting set for joystick adaptor Screw M4X25 Washer flat M4 Lock nut M4xP0.7 Spring washer M5 D127B/VZ Screw bck/kr M5X16 D7985 See: 025 Wiring and modules R-net See: 026 Wiring and modules VR2

Price p/p 2011 0,30 0,70 72,00 0,70 25,00 18,00 3,80 0,20 0,20 0,20 0,20 0,30

Version 2011v1


Parts lists

014 Swing-away joystick bracket

A 2

6 5

7 8 9 10 11 4

6 5

7 8 9 10 11

Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A B

Article number 05041.9123 165.00111.000 008.00000.191 15040.0823 00000.9301 9002798 9002824 00000.3212 00000.2006 00000.1705 00000.2201 00000.3206

Units 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2

Description Swing-away bracket for remote right Swing-away bracket for remote left Label Tube for remote Insert cap 15mm Joystick module adaptor Mounting set for joystick adaptor Screw M4X25 Washer flat M4 Lock nut M4xP0.7 Spring washer M5 D127B/VZ Screw bck/kr M5X16 D7985 See: 025 Wiring and modules R-net See: 026 Wiring and modules VR2

Price p/p 2011 192,00 192,00 1,40 25,00 0,30 18,00 3,80 0,20 0,20 0,20 0,20 0,30


Version 2011v1

Parts lists






017 018 015-016

Drawing 015 016 017 018 019 020 021

Description Suspension arm and motor RWD Suspension arm and motor FWD Battery tray and suspension Swivel wheels Drive wheel Covers Batteries

Page 38 40 42 43 44 45 46

Version 2011v1


Parts lists

015 Suspension arm and motor RWD

2 3 6 3


FWD 2 3

4 3


3 5

3 5

9 17 13 14 12 16




Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


Article number 9002895 9005116 00000.4101 00000.2003 9002897 00000.1702 9002569 9003083 9002583 9002905 9002833 9005109 9002800 9002860 9005101 9002861 9005102 9002862 9005103 9002863 9005104 9002864 9005105 9002865 9005106 9002866 9003290 9002568 9002874 9002873

Units 2 2 10 20 2 12 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1

13 14 15 16 17 38

Description Anti tipper RWD Anti tip RWD for 4-pole high torque motors Hexagon bolt M8x80 Washer flat M8 Anti tipper wheel RWD Locknut M8 Carriage bolt M8x45 Motor arm cover Buttonhead M8x16 Multi support plate Motor spacer for mudgard Mudgard bracket for 4-pole high torque motors Motor spacer no mudguard Motor 6 km/h RWD left / RWD right Motor 6km/u 4 pole high torque RWD left / FWD right Motor 6 km/h RWD right / RWD left Motor 6km/u 4 pole high torque RWD right / FWD left Motor 10 km/h RWD left / RWD right Motor 10km/u 4 pole high torque RWD left / FWD right Motor 10 km/h RWD right / RWD left Motor 10km/u 4 pole high torque RWD right / FWD left Motor 12 km/h RWD left / RWD right Motor 12km/u 4 pole high torque RWD left / FWD right Motor 12 km/h RWD right / RWD left Motor 12km/u 4 pole high torque RWD right / FWD left See pos 14 Motor brush set, Alex (4 brushes with covers) Free wheel lever Retaining ring 12mm Castor arm q grey RWD left / FWD right Castor arm p grey RWD right / FWD left

Price p/p 2011 84,00 84,00 0,40 0,20 15,00 0,30 0,50 21,00 0,80 38,00 35,00 35,00 41,00 1.216,00 1.216,00 1.216,00 1.216,00 1.378,00 1.378,00 1.378,00 1.378,00 1.540,00 1.540,00 1.540,00 1.540,00 86,00 13,00 0,50 224,00 224,00 Version 2011v1

Parts lists

Pos 18 19 -

Article number 9002340 9002878 9005108 1009682 9005110 9005111 9005112 1010277 1010278 9005133 9005134

Units 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Description Secondary suspension axle Motor bracket grey Motor bracket grey for 4-pole high torque motors Cover for motor brake Upgrade set 6km/u RWD 4-pole high torque motors Upgrade set 10km/u RWD 4-pole high torque motors Upgrade set 12km/u RWD 4-pole high torque motors Conversion set FWD --> RWD Conversion set RWD --> FWD
Conversion set FWD --> RWD for 4-pole high torque motors Conversion set RWD --> FWD for 4-pole high torque motors

Price p/p 2011 17,00 99,00 99,00 15,00 2.319,00 2.578,00 2.837,00 272,00 226,00 272,00 226,00

Version 2011v1


Parts lists

016 Suspension arm and motor FWD

8 9

7 RWD 19 FWD 5 20

5 2 5 1

6 3

10 18 17

14 15 13 11


Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Article number 9002894 9005115 9002896 9002294 9002569 00000.2003 00000.1702 00000.4101 9003083 9002583 9002905 9002833 9005109 9002800 9002860 9005101 9002861 9005102 9002862 9005103 9002863 9005104 9002864 9005105 9002865 9005106 9002866 9003290 9002568 9002874

Units 2 2 2 4 2 10 8 6 2 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1

14 15 16 17 18 40

Description Anti tipper FWD Anti tipper FWD for 4-pole high torque motoren Anti tipper wheel FWD Buttonhead M8x20 Carriage bolt M8x45 Washer flat M8 Locknut M8 Hexagon bolt M8x80 Motor arm cover Buttonhead M8x16 Multi support plate Motor spacer for mudgard Mudgard bracket for 4-pole high torque motors Motor spacer no mudguard Motor 6 km/h RWD left / RWD right Motor 6km/u 4 pole high torque RWD left / FWD right Motor 6 km/h RWD right / RWD left Motor 6km/u 4 pole high torque RWD right / FWD left Motor 10 km/h RWD left / RWD right Motor 10km/u 4 pole high torque RWD left / FWD right Motor 10 km/h RWD right / RWD left Motor 10km/u 4 pole high torque RWD right / FWD left Motor 12 km/h RWD left / RWD right Motor 12km/u 4 pole high torque RWD left / FWD right Motor 12 km/h RWD right / RWD left Motor 12km/u 4 pole high torque RWD right / FWD left See pos 15 Motor brush set, Alex (4 brushes with covers) Free wheel lever Retaining ring 12mm Castor arm q grey

Price p/p 2011 66,00 66,00 21,00 0,70 0,50 0,20 0,30 0,40 21,00 0,80 38,00 35,00 35,00 41,00 1.216,00 1.216,00 1.216,00 1.216,00 1.378,00 1.378,00 1.378,00 1.378,00 1.540,00 1.540,00 1.540,00 1.540,00 86,00 13,00 0,50 224,00 Version 2011v1

Parts lists

Pos 18 19 20 -

Article number 9002873 9002340 9002878 9005108 1009682 9005113 9005114 1010277 1010278 9005133 9005134

Units 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

Description Castor arm p grey Secondary suspension axle Motor bracket grey Motor bracket grey for 4-pole high torque motors Cover for motor brake Upgrade set 6km/u FWD 4 pole high torque motors Upgrade set 10km/u FWD 4 pole high torque motors Conversion set FWD --> RWD Conversion set RWD --> FWD
Conversion set FWD --> RWD for 4-pole high torque motors Conversion set RWD --> FWD for 4-pole high torque motors

Price p/p 2011 224,00 17,00 99,00 99,00 15,00 2.290,00 2.548,00 272,00 226,00 272,00 226,00

Version 2011v1


Parts lists

017 Battery tray and suspension





17 2

4 16


4 5 7

14 A 13 12 11 8 9 10


Article number
9002898 9002899 9002900 9002901 9002902 9002903 9002812 9002567 9002904 9002893 9002876 9002879 9002887 9002890 9002294 9002882 1010143 9002599 9002268 9002891 9002567 9002599 9002871 9002872 9002799 9002265 9002779 9002778 9002877 9002875 9002341 9002795 9002782

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 4 1 4

Wishbone Silver Wishbone Black Wishbone Green Wishbone Orange Wishbone Aubergine Wishbone Pink Mounting set for wishbone Socket head screw M10x30 Rubber cover Silver Rubber cover Black Rubber cover Green Rubber cover Orange Rubber cover Aubergine Rubber cover Pink Socket head screw M8x20 Suspension rubber set Suspension rubber set heavy duty Shim ring 20x32x1 Retaining ring 20mm Castor arm cover set Socket head screw M10x30 Shim ring 20x32x1 Body casting RWD left / FWD right gray Body casting RWD right / FWD left gray Alex logo Pan head taptite M6x12 Sticker sheet R-net Sticker sheet VR-2 Rear plate inside gray Rear plate outside gray Buttonhead M8x30 Height adjustment set Sticker 'check manual' See 015 and 016: Suspension arm and motor

Price p/p 2011

63,00 63,00 63,00 63,00 63,00 63,00 3,80 0,40 56,00 56,00 56,00 56,00 56,00 56,00 0,70 60,00 60,00 0,20 1,20 6,50 0,40 0,20 237,00 237,00 8,60 0,20 17,00 17,00 60,00 96,00 0,80 29,00 0,80

2 4

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 A


Version 2011v1

Parts lists

018 Swivel castor

1 2 3 3 4 2 3 1 3 4

9 8 10 6 5 7

Pos 1 2 3 4

Article number 9002836 00000.1702 00000.2003 001.03010.003 9002888 9002889 9002854 9002855

Units 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

6 7 8 9 10 A

9002857 9002859 9002852 9002853 9002856 9002858

Description Castor fork Locknut M8 Washer flat M8 Hexagon bolt M8x125 Castor wheel outdoor air RWD left / FWD right Castor wheel outdoor air RWD right / FWD left Castor wheel outdoor punctureproof RWD left / FWD right Castor wheel outdoor punctureproof RWD right / FWD left Castor outdoor tube Castor outdoor tire Castor-wheel indoor air Castor-wheel indoor punctureproof Castor tire indoor Castor tube indoor See 020: Covers

Price p/p 2011 216,00 0,30 0,20 2,90 86,00 86,00 150,00 150,00 14,00 45,00 74,00 121,00 11,00 29,00

Version 2011v1


Parts lists

019 Drive wheel


5 4 6

7 3 8 9


Pos 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10

Article number 176.00151.010 9002348 9002844 9002845 9002846 9002847 9002850 9002851 9002848 9002849 9002600 9002588 00000.4113 00000.4135 9002006

Units 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Description Key 31x6x6 Spacer for outdoor drive wheel Drivewheel outdoor air Drivewheel outdoor punctureproof Drivewheel indoor air Drivewheel indoor punctureproof Drivewheel outdoor tire Drivewheel indoor tire Drivewheel outdoor tube Drivewheel indoor tube Drive wheel bolt ring Locking plate Hexagon bolt M8x35 Hexagon bolt M8x25 Front cap, plastic grey 80/83 X H9 mm

Price p/p 2011 1,70 6,50 156,00 249,00 150,00 242,00 65,00 60,00 17,00 15,00 9,70 1,90 0,30 0,20 9,60


Version 2011v1

Parts lists

020 Covers

3 2 1 3 8 2 10 11 D 12 13 9

5 C 6 B 4

Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B

Article number 9002321 9002778 9002779 9002319 9002336 9002793 9002794 9002596 00000.4042 9002318 00000.3719 9002797 00000.2004 00000.4324 00000.1703 9002892

Units 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 4 1 2 2 2 1

Description Battery-cover Black Stickersheet Alex R-net Stickersheet Alex VR-2 Drivewheel-mudguard Black Drivewheel-mudguard Silver Castor-mudguard Black Castor-mudguard Silver Taptite M6x35 Cheese head bolt Powermodule-cover Black Buttonhead M5x10 Electronics-rack Sedeo Washer flat M10 Hexagon bolt M10x30 Lock nut M10 Cover electronics-rack Sedeo See 019: Drive wheel See 018: Swivel castor

Price p/p 2011 74,00 17,00 17,00 142,00 142,00 91,00 91,00 0,50 0,20 92,00 0,30 40,00 0,20 0,30 0,50 86,00

Version 2011v1


Parts lists

021 Batteries
1 2 1 2

1 2 1 2


3 4 3


Pos 1 2 3 4 5

Article number 9002752 9002759 9002760 9002906 9002775

Units 2 2 2 1 1

Description Assembly set battery connection See 025 and 026: Wiring and modules Battery (50Ah C5) (60Ah C20) Battery (63Ah C5) (74Ah C20) Battery spacer set Battery-strap

Price p/p 2011 3,90 321,00 379,00 9,70 16,00


Version 2011v1

Parts lists


Seat adjustments, wiring and modules






Drawing 022 023 024 025 026

Description Electrical lift Electrical tilt Mechanical tilt Wiring and modules R-net Wiring and modules VR2

Page 48 49 50 51 53

Version 2011v1


Parts lists

022 Electrical lift

3 2

4 5 1

Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -

Article number 9002837 9002841 9002843 9002835 9002796 9002840 9002842 9002592 9003724

Units 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1

Description Electrical lift with electrical tilt, Alex Tilt actuator, Alex Tilt axle set, Alex Alex lift microswitch Cable chain Alex lift actuator Alex lift axle set Cheese head bolt M8x12 Tilt spring

Price p/p 2011 3.272,00 846,00 19,00 33,00 41,00 813,00 19,00 0,80 107,00


Version 2011v1

Parts lists

023 Electrical tilt

3 2 1

Pos 1 2 3 4 -

Article number 9002838 9002841 9002843 9002592 9003724

Units 1 1 1 4 1

Description Alex Lift-mech tilt-elec Alex tilt actuator Alex tilt axle set Cheese head bolt M8x12 Tilt spring

Price p/p 2011 2.208,00 846,00 19,00 0,80 107,00

Version 2011v1


Parts lists

024 Mechanical tilt

1 2 2

Pos 1 2

Article number 9002839 9002592

Units 1 4

Description Alex Lift-mech Cheese head bolt M8x12

Price p/p 2011 1.211,00 0,80


Version 2011v1

Parts lists

025 Wiring and modules R-net




Version 2011v1


Parts lists

025 Wiring and modules R-net Article number 9002910 9002767 9002579 9002481 9002483 9002484 9002482 9002918 9002274 9002919 9002920 9002921 9002922 9002774 9002615 9002347 1001123 9002912 9002923 9002479 9003082 9003671 9003602 1010164 1010114 Units 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Description R-net Joystick Module Full Colour Inhibit cable 0,75M, Alex R-net bus cable 0,5M R-net bus cable 1,0M R-net bus cable 1,2M R-net bus cable 1,5M R-net bus cable 2,0M R-net 120A Power Module R-net lighting cable PG actuator cable 1,2M PG actuator cable 0,5M PG actuator cable 2,05M PG actuator cable 1,55M R-net fuse cable 100A Actuator cable electrical back rest R-net / VR2 battery cable Compact light R+L incl. mounting plate R-net ISM 6 Actuators & Lights 1.2m Legrest cable, Alex R-net 4-way connector block Ferrite clamp Inhibit loop R-net tray remote Tray for center remote Joystick knob R-net / VR2 Price p/p 2011 1.477,00 19,00 82,00 85,00 91,00 97,00 101,00 1.436,00 44,00 13,00 11,00 15,00 14,00 41,00 23,00 63,00 610,00 891,00 22,00 195,00 12,00 5,00 1.722,00 456,00 25,00

Pos 1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -


Version 2011v1

Parts lists

026 Wiring and modules VR2

10 11


Version 2011v1


Parts lists

026 Wiring and modules VR2 Article number 9002907 9002908 9002909 9002273 9002305 9002258 9002917 9002916 9002347 9002919 9002920 9002921 9002922 9002473 9002615 9002764 1001123 9002911 9002923 1010114 Units 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 Description VR-2 Joystick Module Drive Only VR-2 Joystick Module Lights VR-2 Joystick Module Actuators & Lights Inhibit cable 1,6M, Alex VR-2 extension cable 0,5M VR-2 extension cable 1,6M VR-2 90A Power Module twin actuators VR-2 90A Power Module R-net / VR2 battery cable PG actuator cable 1,2M PG actuator cable 0,5M PG actuator cable 2,05M PG actuator cable 1,55M VR2 fuse cable 70A Actuator cable electrical back rest VR2 lighting cable Compact light R+L incl. mounting plate VR2 Lighting Module Legrest cable, Alex Joystick knob R-net / VR2 Price p/p 2011 849,00 968,00 1.031,00 26,00 84,00 99,00 1.200,00 1.042,00 63,00 13,00 11,00 15,00 14,00 35,00 23,00 44,00 610,00 411,00 22,00 25,00

Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -


Version 2011v1

Parts lists

Version 2011v1


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