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Allodium Moorish Praedium Argen’tum Au’rum Ante South Carolina a provincial State government under the existing and preexisting treaties of the Moroccan empire. se ~ Societas Republicae et al Maurikanos ~ x Moorish Bivine and National Movement of the World Amara Inkba Sourtheast Amaru Inkba/ Northeast Amaru Inkha/ Central and Western Amaru inkha/ and All Adjoining Atlantis Amaru Inka Islands S ~ islam. ~ o For the purpose of this document the definition of the words and; DUNN AND BRADSTREET NUMBERS of the Bankrupt District of Columbia D.B.A. United States (U.S.) and its subsidiary of Chartered Colonies below are as follows: Constitution for the United States of America 1776. ‘The United States of America is the contracting State in all Treaty obligations past and present. Act of Congress Chap. LXil February 21, 1871 District of Columbia Corporation Doing Business As (DBA) the now Bankrupt since 2019 United States. All part of the territory of the United States included within the limits of the District of Columbia, and the same is hereby, created into a government by the name of the District of Columbia [Within the ten (20) mile square of Washington District of Columbia (D.C.)] by which name itis hereby constituted a body corporate for Municipal purposes, and may contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, smnsea r000000327 universal affidavit of termination of Corporate/eorporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, ereements, subcontracts, paral contracts, verbal contracts finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, facial ‘recognition, electronic/forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents. ‘ren! pecey decuments: a magheba ast ‘the noth gate the moroccan empire continental united states temple ofthe sun and moo “url alan on. domest non resent, non. subject; moors mus, beng height els nd primogentur gh inethorcot ie me) _- o plead and be impleaded, have a seal and exercise all other powers of a municipal corporation not Inconsistent with the laws of the UNITED STATES and the provisions ofthis act. On 2019 The UNITED STATES (U.S.) Corporation Company registered in Austria operating and administering out of Davous Switzerland has been dissolved. inkrupt United States (US.) 052714196 Bankrupt United Sates (Oy meet ih Mean epee th on Sa Pree etcal the ENTE clgoverment nthe land of Amagheb a asa svete nts obligation tothe Amaru inka, Amar ans ree es pnabiing the an, cah(amercanis sovereign organic ae of te unin Each one [os] has more ci power and rita om the tand thn the entre “UNITED STATES US. Government” has eer Rado ever can Nave. DUNS Numbers of the Bankrupt District of Columbia Corporation (DBA) the dissolved since 2019 United States (US. and Most of tts Major Agencies: Bankrupt US Department of Defense (DOD) 030421397 Bankrupt US Department of the Treasury 026561067 Bankrupt US Department of Justice (DOJ) 011669674 Bankrupt US Department of State 026276622 Bankrupt US Department of Health &Human Services (HHS) Office of the Secretary 112463521 Bankrupt US Department of Education 944419592 Us Department of Energy 932010320 Bankrupt US Department of Homeland Security 932394187 Bankrupt US Department of the Interior 020949010, Bankrupt US Department of Labor 029536183 Bankrupt US Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Office of the Secretary 030945779 Bankrupt US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) 931691211 Bankrupt US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) 050297655 Bankrupt US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 056622429 Bankrupt Bureau of Customs & Border Protection (CBP) 796730922 Bankrupt Federal Bureau of Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) 130221646 Bankrupt US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 057944910 Bankrupt National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) 003259074 Bankrupt National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 079933920 Bankrupt US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) 364281923 Bankrupt Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 037751583 Bankrupt Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 020309969 Bankrupt US Securities & Exchange Com ion (SEC) 003475175 Bankrupt US Public Health Service (USPHS) 039294216 Bankrupt National institutes of Health (NIH) 061232000 Bankrupt US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) 927645465 Bankrupt US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) 138182175 lectronic/forgedaltered documents. ‘tgnal peoples’ documents: maghrab a ans “the north gat themercan tng /contet aed mers mas lune aes: emp he sn ad moo rnd resident neck; MOOTS / musurs, being the righ hes and primogeniture bight ihertrsol te nes, ane Bankrupt US internal Revenue Service (IRS) 040539587 Bankrupt Federal Reserve Board of Governors (Fed) 001959410 Bankrupt Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) 878865674 Bankrupt National Security Agency (NSA) 617395215 Bankrupt US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) 167247027 Bankrupt Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms &Tobacco (BAFT) 132282310 Bankrupt Federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) 926038563 Bankrupt Federal Bureau of indian Affairs (BIA) 926038407 DUNS Numbers of Each Bankrupt US Charted Colonies and Its Largest Municipality The "The ted States of America” under eat apreement with the moroccan emit and under contract to the organ States [and as ur Fortather vested the ENTIRE cl goverment othe nc imager gs vestedin its gation tothe Amar nk, Amar thans ‘he natural people inhabiting the land, each American] sovereign “ganic state” fof the union, Each one ol vs has more evi power and ‘uthrty on the land than the entie UNTED STATES US. Government” has ever had or ever can Mav. Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Alabama 003027553, Bankrupt City of Birmingham 074239450 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Alaska 078198983 Bankrupt City of Fairbanks 079261830 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Arizona 068300170 Bankrupt City of Phoenix 030002236 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Arkansas 619312569 Bankrupt City of Little Rock 065303794 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of California 071549000 Bankrupt City of Los Angeles 159166271 Allodium Moorish Praedium Ante Colorado Bankrupt Former Chartered Colony of Colorado 076438621 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Connecticut 016167285 Bankrupt City of Bridgeport 156280596 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Delaware 037802962 Bankrupt City of Wilmington 067393900 Bankrupt District of Columbia 949056860 Bankrupt City of Washington 073010550 Chartered Colony of Florida 004078374 Bankrupt City of Miami 965299576 Allodium Moorish Praedium Ante Georgia Bankrupt Former Chartered Colony of Georgia 069230183 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Hawaii 077676997 Bankrupt City of Honolulu 828979612 Bankrupt State of idaho 071875734 the moroccan empire / continental united states temple of hein and none a muurs_being the rightful heirs and primogeniture fe irthight inheritors ofthe lod, Bankrupt City of Boise 070017017 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of linis 055232498 Bankrupt City of chicago 556057206 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Indiana 071789435 Bankrupt City of indianapolis 964647155 ankrupt Chartered Colony of iowa 828089701 Bankrupt Cty of Davenport 963855494 sankrupt Chartered Colony of Kansas 827975009 Bankrupt City of Wichita 059862755 sankrupt Chartered Colony of Kentucky 828008883 Bankrupt Cty of Louisville 943445093 Sankrupt Chartered Colony of Lousiana 0612389911 Bankrupt City of New Orleans 033692404 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Maine 061207536 Bankrupt Gy of Portiand, Maine 071747802 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Maryland 847612442 Bankrupt City of Baltimore 052340973 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Massachusetts 138080548 Bankrupt City of Boston 007277284 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Michigan 054698428 Bankrupt City of Detroit 021733631 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Minnesota 050375465 Bankrupt City of Minneapolis 009901959 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Mississippi 008210692 Bankrupt City of Jackson 020864955 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Missouri 616963596 Bankrupt City of Kansas (City) 832496868, Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Montana 945782027 Bankrupt City of Billings 068925759 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Nebraska 041472307 Bankrupt City of Omaha 926604690 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Nevada 123259447 Bankrupt City of Las Vegas 019342317 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of New Hampshire 066760232, Bankrupt City of Manchester 045009073 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of New Jersey 067373258 et tremorcon emp cone ante caren sna tn tee ned sates Yell he un rd moo at a subject; | muurs_being the rightful hers and primogeniture birthvight inheritors of the land. & > Bankrupt City of Newark 019092531 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of New Mexico 007111818 Bankrupt City of Albuquerque 129962346 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of New York 041002973 Bankrupt City of New York 021741036 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of North Carolina 830979667 Bankrupt City of Charlotte 809275006 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of North Dakota 098564300 Bankrupt City of Bismarck 080245640 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Ohio 034309166 Bankrupt City of Columbus 010611869 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Oklahoma 050411726 Bankrupt City of Oklahoma (City) 073131542 *New Mecca Bankrupt Former Chartered Colony of Oregon 932534998 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Pennsylvania 933882784 Bankrupt City of Philadelphia 929068737 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Rhode Island 008421763 Bankrupt City of Providence 069853752 Allodium Moor Praedium Argen’tum Au'rum Ante South Carolina Bankrupt Former Chartered Colony of South Carolina 067006072 ‘The The United Stats of America and its subsidiaries” is under treaty agreement with the Moroccan empie and under contract tthe organic States and as ou Forefathers vested] the ENTIRE cil government on the land af Amaru nka fe vested in ts ablation to the Amaru Khans the natural ope abling the and, each [American] a sovereign “organic state” ofthe union}. Each one ff us} has more ci power and ‘tort am thefand thon the ene “UNITED STATES US. Government” has ever had o ever can have Bankrupt City of Columbia 878281562 ‘This termination of all corporate mortuum stuprum contracts is also addressed to the following offices: ‘The office of Lords Propryators Province of carolana and Board of Governors Subjects to the King of England ‘The Fundamental Constitutions of carolana 1665 ‘The Office of President Commander and Chief ‘The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America 1776 ‘The Sovereign republican State South Carolina Constitution 1776 ‘The Dissolved Office of President Commander and Chief ‘The Dissolved Office of Governor ‘The Dissolved Office of Privy Counsel “The Sovereign republican [State] Dissolved chartered colony of South Carolina and State of South Carolina Constitution 1778, ‘rel peocke document: at mapee sags ‘he nora te ee es pat otal dinar ted states; ‘Yempe ofthe sun and moon / tute ian ‘moors / ours. beng the ight hers and primogeniture birthright iertrsof a se ‘The Dissolved Office of Governor Democratic [-] Republican Party ‘The [State] Dissolved Chartered Colony of South Carolina Constitution 1790 ‘The Office of President Ordinances and Constitution of the [State] Dissolved Chartered Colony of South Carolina: with the Constitution of the Provisional Government And of the Confederate [States] Dissolved Chartered Colony of America 1861 ‘The Dissolved Office of governor Constitution of the [commonwealth] Dissolved Chartered Colony of South Carolina 1868 ‘TOGETHER WITH ‘THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ‘The Dissolved Governorship of South Carolina 1876 [-] 1877 Dissolved government of South Carolina ‘The Dissolved Office of governor 1895 Chief Magistrate Styled “The Governor of the [State] Dissolved chartered colony of South Carolina oz ‘The [State] Dissolved Chartered Colony of South Carolina Constitution |895 ‘The Office of Attorney General [STATE/ State] dissolved chartered colony of South Carolina was founded on February 5, 1698 ‘The South Carolina Attomey General office is far older than the United States itself: Trained at the Inner South Carolina’ and its Heritage Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Tennessee 04143882 Bankrupt City of Memphis 051386258 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Texas 002537595 Bankrupt City of Houston 967421590 ‘non_domestic, non resident, non_subject; mo acme _subje ors / muurs_being the rightful heirs and primogeniture birthright inheritors of the tod. rae v) Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Utah 009098301 Bankrupt City of Salt Lake City 017096780 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Vermont 066760240 Bankrupt Gty of Burlington 037442977 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Virginia 047850373 Bankrupt City of Virginia Beach 074736299 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Washington 079248936 Bankrupt City of Seattle 009483561 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of West Virginia 828092515 Bankrupt City of Charleston (West Vir 9) 197931681 ‘Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Wisconsin 001778349 Bankrupt City of Milwaukee 004779133 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Wyoming 832826015 Bankrupt City of Cheyenne 021917273, DUNS Numbers of the United Nations Corporation and Some of Its Major Corporate Agencies United Bankrupt Nations (UN) 824777304 Bankrupt UN Development Program (UNDP) 793511262 Bankrupt UN Educational Scientific, & Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 053317819 Bankrupt UN World Food Program (UNWFP) 054023952 Bankrupt UN International Children's Education Fund (UNICEF) 017698452 Bankrupt UN World Health Organization (WHO) 618736326 word definitions continue: Artifical person. Means a person fictitious; decoy in public employment. Anderson 1889 page 771 ‘Natural person. As one with god in nature. Attorney. A person employed by another to attorn affairs of law. Anderson 1889 page 91 AAttorn, Twist to one’s advantage. Blacks law 4” edition. Bond means. A writing under seal. TOMLINS 1838 dictionary page 102 Consanguinity means. 's kindred by blood. TOMLINS 1838 dictionary page 144 Consul. An officer appointed by government to reside in foreign countries for the purpose of extending ‘and facilitating commerce and communication between the two countries. TOMLINS 1838 dictionary age 150 Courts. Are places where justice is administered. TOMLINS 1838 dictionary page 172 County. Means a civil division of the territory of England. Anderson 1889 dictionary page 271 Corporation. Means a creature of the crown. An artificial being, indivisible, intangible, existing only in “contemplation”. Black's law 4 edition Contact. A deliberate engagement between two competent parties. Blacks law fourth edition page 826 Debt. Means a sum certain upon a lawful contract free of fraud. Blacks law 4" edi Esquire. An officer of trust under the crown. Anderson 1889 Law Dictionary Pg. 413, Estate, Status. Anderson 1889 Law Dictionary Pg. 415 ‘nsea r000000327 universal affidavit of termination of Corporate/corporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, agreements, subcontracts, Contracts, verbal contract, finger print scans, llonges, retinalfeye scans facial ne raesfaered a recognition, ate tres an ene acl recognition, electron orged/seredigoatures and ‘tinal perles ecuents:s maghr a asa “he north gate’ the moocean cme / continental ete states; epee sun and moon "uti nd’ ic; non resident, non. subject; moors / mues_being the rightiul heirs and primogeniture birthright inheritors ofthe tand, a He c Sy se Fraud and deceit. As the law impliedly: prohibits all dishonest practices, through a fraud be committed bya principal or agent. TOMLINS 1838 dictionary page 249 Free Means. Unconstrained; enjoying full civic rights. Black's law 4" edition page $18+519 Hypothecate means. To pledge a thing in the absence of the owner. Black's law 4" edition Hypothecation means. A contract of mortgage in which the subject or matter is not delivered to the pledge or pawnee. Black’s law 4" edition Jurisdiction. Governmental authority. Anderson 1889 page 605 LAWFUL MONEY. Nothingis lawful money of the United States treasury notes, or fractional currency. National bank notes are not money. Legal means. Implied or imputed in law; opposed to actual. Anderson 1889 page 610 ‘Money means. Coined metal gold or silver. Black’s law 4" edition constitution for the Unites States of America, Gath. Any form of attestation by which a person signifies that he or she is bound in conscience to perform an act faithfully and truthfully. Blacks law fourth edition page 1220 Office. Right to exercise public or private. Blacks law fourth edition page 1234 Officer at all times means: “officer de jure”: one who is constitutionally {legally] appointed and ‘qualified. Blacks law fourth edition page 1236 Person. in law are either natural or artificial. Anderson 1889 page 770 Police. A function of that branch of administrative government. Blacks law first edition page 906 Status. One's lawful posit at all points in time. Blacks law 4" edition. Sheriff. The oath of office officer of a county. Blacks law first edition page 1090 State Means: Political State. Means: Party or “Person” State. Means: Sovereignty & Independence State. Means: Constitution State. Means: Contracting Party State. Means: Paramount State. Means: Triple Principle State. Means: Jurisdiction ‘State. Means: Civil & Criminal Jurisdiction State. Means: Freedom All Ship. in the Roman Law, anything which is floated upon the waters and is an accessory to commerce (2) Citizenship (b) Executorship (c)) Guardianship (4) Heirship (e.) Judgeship () Mastership (¢.) Membership (h.) Partnership (i) Receivership (i) Solicitorship {(k.) Suretyship (1) Survivorship (mn) Township (n.) Trusteeship (0.) Wardship ‘nse 1000000327 universal afdavit of termination of Corparate/corporate/ mortuum stupram o wom: ‘contracts, agreements, subcontracts, parol llnges, retnal/eye scans, fecal recognition, electronc/forged/altered. ‘nl people documents: mage ia eee preceeelecoeeetebeed sags ‘the north gate the moroccan son. domest, non resident ons empire / continental united state; "temple of the sun and moon jet moors murs, being the night hes and prmogenture bitvigh ihertorsetrelond eve (p) Governorship ‘Taxa tax is not a “debt “means: an obligation upon lawful contract. Anderson 1889 page 1006 “Theft. The fraudulent taking of property belonging to another. Anerson law dictionary 1889 Pg. 1028 Treaty. A contract between nations not a legistative act. Anderson 1889 page 1051 ‘Trustee ex maleficio means: one who by wrongful or illegal conduct becomes or is held to be a trustee. Warrant. A writing by a competent authority. Anderson 1889 page 1103 ‘Authority. Atall times means power vested through constitution, or treaty. Anderson 1889 page 97 All Rise and Stand. This is a sovereign living article iii Moorish Amur Inca (Al Moroccan/ Amaru Khan) consular court action. J am the sovereign living justice Arthur Bennett El Bey in capitis dimiutio nolo, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, and in proprio heredes. Gnibersal affidavit of termination of all presumed Corporate/corporate/ Mortuum Stuprum contracts, agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, facial recognition, electronic/forged/altered signatures electronic/forged/altered documents. In the name of [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof established using the employee identificaiton number [ein] fraudulently referred to as social security number 248+039+0982, 2480398982, 248 039 0982 and any derivatives thereof along with my descendants, heirs appellations: daisy el bey matriarch daisy bell pringle vlwa nn 7wane Goede daisy pringle gaymon juris privat. uri et de jure. [ex. rel. DAISY P. GAYMON, Daisy Pringle and all derivatives thereof] ‘insea r00000327 universal affidavit of termination of Crpoate/corportey morta tm stuprum contra, agreements subcontat, pra CERTIFICATES OF LIVE BIRTH isoued fraudulently by The Chartered Colony [State] of SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIROMENTAL CONTROL stored in the Office of VITAL RECORDS. 4 under numbers: © $C03191412 quod nunc 4 imperium resurg6. 139,63.002727 quod nunc 4 imperium resurg6. IDENTIFICATION AND PRIVILEGE CARDS issued fraudulently by the Bankrupt UNITED STATES UNIFORMED SERVICES CORPORATION, using SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 248.039.0982 and all agents and principals of the said name, numbers and CORPORATIONS. ‘All credit reports fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] knownas SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed above by TRANSUNION, EXPERIAN, and EQUIFAX. This is notice of intent to lien each of the said CORPORATIONS in the favor of each and all Moorish Nationals, All sovereign Moorish Amaru Khan, Amaru Inkha nationals are the creditors to the nations of the earth + AILIRS (DNS) # 040539587 TAX FORMS, FILINGS, AND TRANSACTIONS fraudulently issued by the Bankrupt District of Columbia, UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY and any and all derivatives, agents, principals, and assigns. ‘© STUDENT IDENTIFICATION CARDS fraudulently issued by and all COLLEGES and UNIVERSITIES using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed above. ‘> US MILITARY AND IDENTIFICATION AND PRIVILEGES CARDS fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed above. VOTER REGISTRATION under voter number: % Registration-12-28-2021 * 436919833 quod nunc 4 imperium resurg6. STUDENT LOAN BILLS fraudulently issued by the following CORPORATIONS: > US. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. » AES AMERICAN EDUCATION SERVICES. ~ NAVIENT DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION LI ae OAN SERVICING ~ ASCENDIUM EDUCATION SOLUTIONS. * FARMERS TELEPHONE COMPANY fraudulently issued * PHONE NUMBER: 803+481+2492--3 quod nunc imperium resurgs. Z * under ACCOUNT NUMBER (0005992000 quod nunc 4 imperium resurgo. * VERIZON WIRELESS fraudulently issued * PHONE NUMBER: 803.305.8981 quod nune 4 imperium resurgo. malas Me nath gate the morecan empire continental united states: temple ofthe sun and moon’ ure land: thee re continental ‘non. domeste; non resident, non_subect; moors mua, bing he right hes and primegennue bight bhernence are de rue being heirs and pimogeitutebrtvght aertrs of thee. © under ACCOUNT NUMBER 0925547587+00001 quod nunc 4 imperium resurgs. serial number g61{3sj50d46 quod mune 4 imperium resures. model number mg9)3Il/a quod nunc 4 imperium resurg6. imei number 35 014178493103 0 quod nunc a imperium resurgo. iccid number 89148000006756716245 quod nunc 4 imperium resurgs. eid number 35014178493103 quod nunc & imperium resurg®. serial number r58k3 1 famxl quod nunc 4 imperium resurgo. device id 891480000003904726028 quod nune 4 imperium resure6. international mobile equipment identity [imei] © 357725087093747 quod nunc 4 imperium resurgo. all services have already been prepaid for all moorish amaru khan nationals and at no time is any unauthorized surveillance or tracking allowed. “ALL ELECTRONIC DEVICES including but not limited to: Tenovo laptop munfbih2 quod nunc 4 imperium resurg®. ethemet adaptor physical address 8c+16*45+a6+ fbf wireless lan adaptor #1 physical address 62+Sb*c2+e5+2e+ch wireless lan adaptor #2 physical address 52+Sb+c2+e5+2e+cb ethernet bluetooth physical address 50+-5bc2+e5*2e+ce alienware dell tower'cqlde6s quod nunc imperium resurgo. ethernet adaptor physical address a4+bb+6d+44+62+b6 wireless lan adaptor #1 physical address 1e+bf¥c0+2c+4e+6f wireless lan adaptor #2 physical address 2e+bf+c0+20+4c+6F cethemet bluetooth physical address Ic+b4+c0+20*4e+70 all services have already been prepaid for all moorish american nationals and at no time is any unauthorized surveillance or tracking allowed. ALL HEALTH SERVICE CORPORATIONS and all agents, assigns, and derivatives, thereof fraudulently issued. All healtheare services including but not limited to. account all healthcare services have already been prepaid for all moorish nationals. DRIVERS LICENSES and all TRANSPORTATION CONTRACTS fraudulently issued by ALL CORPORATIONS to include the ‘THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLIA DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES CORPORATION © 4008238563 quod mune & imperium resurgo. * TERMANATION OF CONTRACTS UPS tracking number 1Z0YF364P229395415 https://www. Carolina-Department-of- Motor-Vehicles Right to travel documents, hhttps://www.scribd,com/document/545709706/Arthur-£l-Bey-Allodial-Travel-DocumentsNunc-Pro-Tunc ‘original peoples documents: almagheb a asa “the more moon con caets eabet ase "te orth en the morcan ene nner nied states: templet hes noon / rt land: subject; moors / murs, being the right hers and primogeniture birthright heros ofthe land. dice 44 a [STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA CORPORATION] andeallheies assignesprinipalls agentes ande derivativ theroow Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) # 067006072 [Henry McMaster dba GOVERNOR] ande all heirs assignes principalls agentes ande derivativs thereov 1205 Pendleton Set [Columbia, SC 29201) Phone: 803/734-2100 Fax: 805/734-5167 governor govoepp statese.ts + CHECKING, SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS AND ALL ATM AND CREDIT CARDS fraudulently issued by all BANK CORPORATIONS to include but not limited to NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION: © accti#21 10549702 quod nune 4 imperium resurgi © acct#2110549009 quod nunc 4 imperium resurgo. acct#4300 1504833717 quod nunc 4 imperium resurgo. © credit card #9720 LAST 4 quod nunc d imperium resurg®. UNITED SERVICES AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION BANK [USAA] © acti 0157594737 quod nunc 4 imperium resurgo. and any and all others using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed above: ‘ein 248390982 quod nunc imperium resurgo. ‘Bank of America 35°13°37.92 N -80°50°35.098" W * ein 248390982 quod nunc imperium resurgo. e United States Parcel Service 33°56'36.59 N. -84°21°34.21" W * cin 248390982 quod nunc & imperium resurgo. United States Postal Service 38°S3°2.786 N -77°1°33.505" W * cin 248390982 quod nunc 4 imperium resurgo. ‘% The Corporation of London 51°30°46.916 N -0°5°22.1" W * cin 248390982 quod nunc a imperium resurgo. * The State of South Carolina (DUNS) # 067006072. 34°0°34.823 N -81°2°23.019" W * ein 248390982 quod nunc 4 imperium resurgo. ‘* The County of Sumter South Carolina 33°55°21.196 N -80°20°26.196" W * ein 248590982 quod nunc 4 imperium resurgo. “Metropolitan Statistical Area Privateer South Carolina 33°49°11 N.-80°20°26.196" W * ¢in 248390982 quod nunc 4 imperium resurgo. Charleston County South Carolina 32°46°34.301 N -79°55°52.74" W * ein 248390982 quod nune & imperium resurgs. of Charleston, South Carolina 32°46°36.676 N -79°55°56.352" W * ¢in 248390982 quod nunc 4 imperium resurg6. “erga peoples documerts: al maghveatagsa ‘the noth gat” Meven non.domestc, nonresident, non subject: moors / muurs beng the phd ee tes temple of ths and moon tte nd Lbeing the rightful heirs and primo ‘ieee ogenture birthright inheritors ofthe and = = lip & y) Internal Revenue Service (DNS) # 040539587 3: ein 248390982 quod nunc 4 imperium resurgs. 36.246 N -77°1°37.277" W FIDELITY INVESTMENTS 42°20°57.063 N -71°2°52.499" W CONTINENTAL TIRE of THE AMERICAS LLC 34°59°56.759 N -80°52°58.866" W * cin 341417030 quod nunc 4 imperium resurg0. © cin 248390982 quod nunc 4 imperium resurg6. ‘© VOYA FINANCIAL 40°45°15,793 N -73°58°34.334" W Mercedes Benz Vans LLC 32°S7°48.432 N -80°6 27.622" W ‘© ein 248390982 quod nunc & imperium resurg6. © Daimler id 811299 CASHAPP 37°46'33.37 N -122°25°4.576" W * ein 248390982 quod nunc 4 imperium resurgo. Zelle 33°34°44.887 N -111°53°11.675" W * ein 248390982 quod nune imperium resurgo. PAYPAL 37°22°33.955 N -121°55'16.604" W * cin 248390982 quod nune é imperium resurgs. Depository Trust Company 40°42°11.612 N -74°0°32.641" W © ein 248390982 quod nunc a imperium resurgo. % The Society of Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication S.W.LF.T ‘© 50°44°6.255 N ~4°28°55.077" E * ein 248390982 quod nunc 4 imperium resurg6. * Microsoft Corporation 47°63°96.30 N -122°12°11.852" W * cin 248390982 quod nunc 4 imperium resurg6. © Amazon 47°37°20.382 N -122°20°11.492" W © cin 248390982 quod nunc 4 imperium resurg6. ‘ Ebay 37°17°35.888 N -121°54°18.781" W * ein 248390982 quod nunc a imperium resurgo, ‘% Facebook 37°27°4.506 N -122°10°12.653" W * cin 248390982 quod nunc 4 imperium resurgé. ® Eyeque 37°30°35.268 N -121°59°46.208" W * ein 248390982 quod nunc & imperium resurgs. *® REALPARS 51°54°44.274 N 4°25°46,658" E * €in 248390982 quod nunc a imperium resurgs, © UBER 37°46'33.295 N -122°25'4.746" W * ein 248390982 quod nunc imperium resurgo. Leadec 48°46°0.12 N -9°10°59.879" E * ein 248390982 quod nunc 4 imperium resurgs. ‘® Netflix 37°15°34.641 N -121°57-45.644" W * €in 248390982 quod nunc 4 imperium resurgs o aie o GlassesUSA 32°40 N 34°470" E : # © ein 248390982 quod nunc & imperium resurgo. 4 Patreon 37°25°31.106 N -122°8°22.223" Wo ‘¢ ein 248390982 quod nunc imperium resurg0. 4 Steel City Pizza 32°S5"15.539 N -80°7°6.693" W © ein 248390982 quod nunc a imperium resurgs. ALL INSURANCE CONTRACTS issued fraudulently to include all AUTO INSURANCE CONTRACTS ALL HEALTH INSURANCE CONTRACTS PROPERTY INSURANCE CONTRACTS ALL LIFE INSURANCE CONTRACTS to include fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed above. ° ALL BONDS, CITATIONS, TICKETS, CORPORATE CASES established fraudulently using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed above. + all allodial conveyances with fraudulently issued vin numbers. ‘© conveyance 2014 maxima IndaaSap7ec443655 quod nune a imperium resurg6. © conveyance 1991 chevy Silverado 1500 Igedc14k9me103176 quod nunc imperium resur; the said conveyance is in the national trust of the people who are the moorish national republic federal government at all times and is imperium property along in the imperium trust of moorish amaru khan abnine trust. the declaration of trust is under record number macse 1000000327. (Reference Exhibit A civil orders June 10, 2014 line 49, 76, and 151+152+153+154+155+ 1156+1571157+159) 49, These semantic deca have ghen se tm endless confusion, wsurpations nd criminality. 76. Fraud has no ‘taut oflinitations 53. Bacau these “State” nd “Feder” entities veal functioned under conditions of nen- 152. dcosure and semantic det serving to promulgate fraud upon the organic states andthe 253. Moorish Nationals, Amaru inca and American people they area tbe considered crioialsyiats tothe extent that they have 154, been aware of thei status and ave falled to corec ther ‘operations and representations. lS. contracts held by these egartatins or assumed tobe hel by those organizations are nul and 156. wd for fraud. These contacts include but are no ited to contract fr sl, for abo, for 157. ade, “tienship” contracts, powers of sttomey, censes, mortgages, resration, and 158 application agreements ofl kinds. Alsgratures of Moorish Navona, Amaru Inca and ‘American tate tien ating under the 159. infuence of semantic deceit and non-disclosure ate rescinded. ‘ALL BONDS, CITATIONS, TICKETS, CORPORATE CASES ‘ THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA SUMTER COUNTY QUITCLAIM DEED © mailing location: nac 892Ip nm2n © 3450 HWY 15 So. near. Chartered Colony of South Carolina ‘+ MANNING MUNICIPAL COURT 33°41°43.054 N 80°12"42.395" W ‘Traffic Ticket# 2019166002555 MLO. 26037504641 RN# 9733226 ‘ COURT OF COMMON PLEAS THIRD JUDICAL CIRCUIT C: = 334140329 N 80°12'40.737" W ‘ase No.2022-CP-14 ‘© COUNTY OF BERKLEY TRAFFIC COURT 33°11°S7.264 N 80°0'23. . ATL" W ‘Traffic Ticket# $102P 0840259 | $102P 0840260 | 8102P 0840261 https://www Delivery ‘orignal peoples documents: al magheb lags “he north sec amar mati slags “e ort gat! the morcran emp / content united states temple of thes and mon’ ture lan Suet: moors / murs. beng the rghit hee nd pimogensturebitight inheritors ofthe and httos://www /document/571524220/0UANE-LEW/S-Doing-Business-as-BERKLEY-COUNTY- SHERIFF-Averment-of-Jurisdiction Administrator hetps:// ALL LOAN SERVICING COMPANIES fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed above. + ALL MORTGAGE AND RENTAL SERVICES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO +} HH HUNT ABBERLY CROSSING 37°13°3.003 N -80°27°10.127" W © APT #0726 © RESIDENT ID 10082414 quod nunc 4 imperium resurg6. all services have already been prepaid forall moorish amaru khan nationals fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS OR THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE NUMBERS listed above. “> Fidelity National Financial 30°19°9.197 N -81°40"26.839" W “> Fidelity National Financial Orion Realty Group © Domicile moroceo. Estate nac 892Ip nm2np ‘© mailing location: 3450 HWY 15 So. Chartered Colony of South Carolina ‘+ ALL THIRD-PARTY COLLECTION AGENCIES ACCOUNTS, fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed above. ‘ ALL CABLE CORPORATIONS included but not limited to & WOW! 39°37°26.585 N -104°59°3.613" W ‘* ACCOUNT NUMBER 2855851 quod nunc 4 imperium resurg6. © wireless lan adapter wi-fi phisical address Ic+bf¥c0+2c-4e+6 all services have already been prepaid for all moorish amaru khan nationals and at no time is any unauthorized surveillance or tracking allowed. fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] _ known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed above. DUKE ENERGY CORPORATION 33°13°26.328 N 80°50°54.456" W © acct. #224+139+0091 quod nunc a imperium resurgd. all services have already been prepaid for all moorish amur khan nationals. fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed. e DOMINION ENERGY CORPORATION 37°32°2.338 N -77°27' 13.196" W * acct. #6+2101+2034+8925 quod nunc imperium resurg6. All services have already been prepaid for all Moorish Nationals, Amaru Inca Nationals. Fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed. * CREDIT COLLECTION SERVICES ACCOUNTS fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] ret ie [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY ae ‘CORPORATE, Corporate, mortuum stuprum contracts, agreements, subcontracts, a. Covad verbal contracts, Allonges, finger print scans, retinal/eye ‘scans, facial "Tmse 700000327 universal fav of termination of Corprateforparate/ mort stopram ment

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