Assignment Number 1

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Marla Yoishiko A.

Aug 23, 2022


Human culture, context, and achievement are studied in the arts and humanities. They examine the

many different ways in which humans have sought to understand and express themselves

throughout history.


According to research, artistic endeavors can reduce stress and health complaints, improve immune

function, provide both physical and psychological benefits, and even help people live longer lives. Art

also opens up new avenues for intelligence, communication, and solving problems.

Humanities broaden our understanding of human cultures and help us understand what unites us

and distinguishes us. In addition to these high-level insights, they also provide practical applications

that can improve your professional skill set and give you a competitive advantage.


Humanities and the arts have always been central to all human cultures. Their research can help to

foster greater intercultural understanding and lay the groundwork for a more civically engaged life.

They can also help you learn to think critically, act creatively, and succeed in a fast-changing world.

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