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Free PwC Thailand online seminar:

‘Countdown to Thailand legally enforcing

personal data protection: how ready are you?’

Overview Date, time and venue:

After being postponed for years, the Personal
Data Protection Act BE 2562 (2019) (PDPA) will Date: Wednesday 26 January 2022
finally come into effect on 1 June 2022. The
Time: 2.30 – 3.40 pm
PDPA will reshape the way businesses manage
their operations, and given the demanding
Venue: Webinar
requirements and severe sanctions, this ability
to reshape will determine whether a business
thrives. Programme:

So this is the last call for companies to actively

2.30 – 3.30 pm Welcome speech and seminar
and seriously take steps towards PDPA
compliance. Whether you’re just embarking on
3.30 – 3.40 pm Q&A
your journey or advancing steadily, our online
seminar will provide useful information and
guidelines to help you meet your PDPA Note:
compliance goals within the coming months.
● Due to internet access limitations, we need
In this online seminar, we’ll provide information to limit the number of participants for this
about: seminar. We reserve the right to select
enrolments as we see appropriate, taking
• key requirements under the PDPA,
into account the order of registration.
including data minimisation and legal
sanctions for non-compliance ● Please register by Monday 24 January
• practical approaches and guidelines on
preparing for PDPA compliance, together ● This seminar will be conducted in Thai.
with examples of actual cases in various ● Your registration will be confirmed by an
industries email containing the event’s link access.
• updates on regulations and guidelines ● PwC reserves the right to change or cancel
issued by the government authority. any part of the published programme due to
unforeseen circumstances.


Tunyamas Punyaying T: 02 844 1000 ext. 4208
Arisara Punyarachun T: 02 844 1000 ext. 4211

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