Process Lab 2

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Department of Chemical Engineering

CHE 4623 – Process Control

Laboratory Exercise

Operation principle and Compare

02 Laboratory Title calibration curves of RTD and
Exercise Number

Course Code CHE 4623 Course Title Process Control

Term 202110 Date 22 September 2021

Instructor Zin-Eddine Dadach

Student Name Student ID
Salama Al Mansouri H00366755
Aisha Hasan Al Zaabi H00370658
Group Hamda Adel Al Meraikhi H00373591
Basmah Al Attas H00366491

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‫سالمة المنصوري‬

Table of content

Objective ………………………………………………………………………………... 4

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………... 4

Equipment description …………………………………………………………………... 7

Procedure ………………………………………………………………………………... 8

Data Collection and Calculations ……………………………………………………….. 9

Discussion ………………………………………………………………………………. 14

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………. 17

References ………………………………………………………………………………. 19

Appendix ………………………………………………………………………………... 18

The primary objective of this lab experiment is to demonstrate the way "RTD-Resistance
Temperature Detector" and "thermocouples" work, besides their values linearity and output
signal levels.

Temperature is defined as the measurement of the average kinetic energy of the particles in
an object. The motion of these particles increases as the temperature rises. In other words,
it's a physical quantity that describes how hot or cold an object is.

Temperature measuring sensors come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but they all have one
thing in common which is that they all detect a change in a physical characteristic to
determine temperature. The most common sensor types used for temperature measurements
are thermocouples, resistive temperature devices (RTDs, thermistors), infrared radiators,
bimetallic devices, liquid expansion devices, etc.

Fig 1.1- Various types of temperature sensors

As in this lab experiment, we will discuss RTD and thermocouple.

1. Thermocouples
The thermocouple is one of the most common industrial thermometer types. Thermocouple
is a device that requires the use of voltage difference to measure temperature. The output
voltage of the thermocouple rises as the temperature rises, but not necessarily linearly.

It is made up of two wires made of different metals that are electrically connected at two
points (as shown in figure 1.2). The proportional changes in temperature are reflected in the
varying voltage created between these two dissimilar metals. When used for temperature
control and compensation, thermocouples are known to act non-linear as they also require
conversion, which is typically accomplished using a reference table. Also, thermocouples
have a low accuracy range of 0.5 °C to 5 °C, but they operate over the widest temperature
range of -200 °C to 1750 °C.

Figure 1.2 – Thermocouple

Thermocouples, unlike most other methods of temperature measurement, are self-powered
and do not require any external excitation. The main limitation of thermocouples is their
lack of accuracy; as the system errors of less than one degree Celsius are hard to achieve.
Also, the different metal combinations provide different temperature ranges and sensor
characteristics. Copper-iron, copper-constantan, and antimony-bismuth are some of the
most common metal pairs used in thermocouple construction. The different types of
thermocouples are labeled E, J, K, B, and so on.

Figure 1.3 – Comparison between various types of thermocouples

2. Resistive Temperature Measuring Devices
Resistive temperature measuring devices require the use of electricity. Rather than using a
voltage like a thermocouple, they use another property of matter that changes with
temperature: resistance.
· Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD)
Resistance temperature detector is abbreviated as RTD. As it is a temperature sensor that
measures the resistance of an electrical wire to determine the temperature.

It is typically made of a film, or, for greater accuracy, a wire wrapped around a ceramic or
glass core. Platinum, nickel, or copper wires are commonly used in RTDs because these
materials have a positive temperature coefficient. This means that as the temperature rises,
the resistance rises as well, and this resistance change is used to detect and measure
temperature changes. Platinum RTD’s are the most accurate, while those made of nickel
and copper are less expensive; however, nickel and copper are not as stable or repeatable as
platinum. Platinum RTDs provide a highly accurate linear output over a wide temperature
range of -200 to 600 °C, but they are significantly more expensive than copper or nickel

Generally, RTD's are more linear than thermocouples. As the temperature rises, they
increase in a positive direction, with resistance increasing.

Figure 1.5 – Different types of RTD

3. RTD Vs. thermocouple

Resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) and thermocouples are the two most common
methods for measuring temperature in industrial applications.
The decision between them is usually
based on four factors:
1. Temperature.
2. Response time.
3. Size.
4. Requirements for accuracy and

Table 1.6 – RTD Vs. Thermocouple and Thermistor


Figure 2.1 – TD400 Temperature Measurement & Calibration

The Temperature Measurement and Calibration apparatus (TD400) comprises 8 various temperature
measurement equipment and demonstrates how to calibrate them against the standard values. The precision
reference sensor built into the device serves as an accurate temperature reference. Additionally, the
temperature from the reference sensor is displayed, as is the local (barometric) pressure from the built-in
pressure sensor. The display also computes the local boiling point of water based on the barometric

pressure. Basically, this device examines the accuracy, linearity, and other important characteristics of the
widely known temperature measurement equipment.

1. Install the heater and the icebox.

2. Set up the reference sensor, millivoltmeter, and constant current source. It should be noted that the
PRT is attached as a four-wire device.

3. Incorporate both devices into the heating tank. As illustrated in Figure 40, connect the thermocouple to
the amplifier and millivoltmeter. The thermocouple's tiny voltage is amplified by the amplifier by a factor
of 20. This qualifies it for use with a millivoltmeter. As a result, the real voltage from the thermocouple
will be one-twentieth of the millivoltmeter value.

4. Place both devices in the heating tank. Connect the thermocouple to the amplifier and millivoltmeter as
shown in Figure 40. The amplifier amplifies the thermocouple's small voltage by a factor of 20. This
makes it suitable for use with a millivoltmeter. As a result, the thermocouple's true voltage will be one-
twentieth of the millivoltmeter's reading.

5. Before the reference temperature hits 100°C, stop the experiment and turn off the heater.

Data collection
Data Table 1: PRT or RTD

Reference Measured Calculated resistance from
Deviation () Error (%)
temperature (°C) voltage (mV) resistance (Ω ) specification (
49.3 121.1 121.1 119.01 2.09 1.756
54 123.7 123.7 120.93 2.77 2.290
59 125.0 125.0 122.86 2.14 1.741
64 127.0 127.0 124.77 2.23 1.787
69 128.9 128.9 126.69 2.3 1.815
74 130.8 130.8 128.99 1.81 1.403
79 132.7 132.7 130.52 2.18 1.670
84 134.7 134.7 132.42 2.28 1.721
89 136.7 136.7 134.32 2.38 1.771
Table 1:Data Collection of RTD

For calculating and finding values in this lab experiment we used the following formulas:
1. Formula used to calculate the resistance:
𝐶𝑎𝑙𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒= 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑥 1
2. Formula used to calculate the resistance deviation:
𝐷𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛=𝐶𝑎𝑙𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒−𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒
3. Formula used to calculate the error percentage:
𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 (%) = 𝐷𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 / 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑥 100%
Besides, other specific formulas provided in the sample calculations below.
Sample calculations of RTD
1. Calculated resistance:
Calculated resistance= Measured Voltage x 1
Calculated resistance=121.1 x 1=121.1 Ω
2. Standard resistance from specification:
 From table PT100 resistor temperature detector – Resistance for Temperature.
3. Deviation:
Deviation=Calculated resistance−Standard resistance

Deviation=121.1−119.01=2.09 Ω
4. Error:
Deviation 121.1
Error ( % )= x 100 %= x 100 %=1.756 %
Standard resistance 119.01
Data Table 2: Thermocouple
Reference Measured Measured voltage/20 Standard Deviation
Error (%)
temperature (°C) voltage (mV) (V) voltage (mV) (mV or V )
49.3 23.7 1185 1982 797 40.21
54 27.7 1385 2188 803 36.70
59 31.9 1595 2395 800 33.40
64 36.1 1805 2602 797 30.63
69 40 2000 2810 810 28.82
74 44 2200 3017 817 27.07
79 47.8 2390 3225 835 25.89
84 52.3 2615 3433 818 23.82
89 56.4 2820 3640 820 22.52
Table 2:Data Collection of Thermocouple

Sample calculations of thermocouple

1. Measured Voltage/20:
Measured Voltage Measured Voltage x 10
20 20
Measured Voltage 23.7 x 10
= =1185 V
20 20
2. Standard Voltage:
 From table 4K type thermocouple Voltage – Temperature.
3. Deviation:
Measured Voltage
Deviation=Standard Voltage−
4. Error:
Deviation 797
Error ( % )= x 100 %= x 100 %=40.21 %
Standard Voltage 1982

o RTD Charts

Figure 1: Temperature Vs. Calculated Resistance

Figure 2: Temperature Vs. Standard Resistance

o Thermocouple Charts

Figure 3: Temperature Vs. Measured Voltage/20

Figure 4: Temperature Vs. Standard Voltage

Define the Linearity & Nonlinearity
Linear approximation Formula’s

1. R0 = (ΣT2 ΣRt – ΣT.Σ (Rt. T))/ (n.ΣT2 -(ΣT)2) 2. R0 α = (nΣ (Rt. T) – ΣT.ΣRt)/ (n.ΣT2 -(ΣT)2)

3. R(T) = R0 (1 + R0 α T) R0 α
4. α =

T RT T2 T x RT
49.3 121.1 2430.49 5970.23
54 123.7 2916 6679.8
59 125.0 3481 7375
64 127.0 4096 8128
69 128.9 4761 8894.1
74 130.8 5476 9679.2
79 132.7 6241 10483.3
84 134.7 7056 11314.8
89 136.7 7921 12166.3
Total 621.3 1160.6 44378.49 100853.23

R0 =
[ ( 44378.49 )( 1160.6 )−( 621.3 )( 100853.23 ) ]
9 ( 44378.49 )−¿¿

R0 =832.87

9 (100853.23 )−( 621.3 ) ( 1160.6 )

R0 α =9 (100853.23 )−
9 ( 44378.49 ) −¿ ¿
R0 α =13.93

α= =0.0167

RT =832.87(1+13.93 T )

Nonlinear approximation
Maxmium Deviation
% nonlinearity= x 100 %
Highest resistance value

x 100 %=2.02

 This indicates that our RTD is linear since we got a very small value of the
nonlinear approximation.

This lab report represents a compression between the RTD Resistance Temperature Detectors and the
Thermocouple sensor. Both temperature tools are used in the many applications in industries. It is
important to observe and understand the difference between them, this work methodology and to be aware
of these limitations, to be build up an ability to operate it, differentiate applications of sensors and maintain
the quality of the results.

 It is Important to take the results of both RTD and Thermocouple at the same trial and during
temperature intervals to maintain a fair comparison and the instrument used in this experiment is
(TecQuipment Temperature Measurement and Calibration – TD400) allows measuring both aligned.
 In this experiment Temperature starting point was 49.3 C ° and reaching 89 C ° , with intervals of
almost 5 degrees between each reading, with avoiding reaching 100 C ° as the formation of vapors
might affect the measurements. To make sure the readings are exact, the reding were photographed at
each reading.
 As for the calculations, each set of readings of the RTD and Thermocouples, were treated, and graphs
were generated to conduct clear and fair comparison.

 RTD Resistance Temperature Detectors (PT 100)

RTD detectors measure the temperature with regards to the resistance change, where temperature and
resistance are directly proportional. The RTD is known for generating low error percentage.
 RTD data collected in this experiment indicate an increase of the calculated resistance as the
temperature is increasing.
 Table 1 present the comparison between the theoretical values and experiment data collection in
numbers. The temperature readings are starting from 49.3 C ° reaching 89 C ° and the calculated
resistance increased from 121.1Ω reaching 136.7 Ω respectively. The standard resistance from
specification, give 119.01 Ω reaching 134.32 Ω for the same temperature.
 Calculations of the RTD data table included finding the resistance, deviation, and the error. Resistance
is equal to the voltage, deviation is found by subtracting the slandered resistance of the calculated
value, and the error is calculated by dividing the deviation over the standard resistance.
 Errors are in range from 1.4% to 2.290%, which indicate a low error percentage. The lab results are
given by a 4-wire RTD, which is the most accurate.

 For easer visual analyses, the data of both experimental and theoretical values were transformed into
(Temperature vs Resistance) graphs. Figure 1 and 2 shows the temperature vs calculated resistance and
the temperature vs the standard resistance.
 Defining the Linearity & Nonlinearity analyzation is the last step of the calculation, It was indicated
that the RTD data base is linear as the nonlinear approximation = 2.02%, is a very small.

 Thermocouples (Type K)
The objectivity of the thermocouples that they are sensors for the temperature, they are durable, versatile.
Thermocouples are used widely in many applications starting from environment and lab testing to heavy
industrial applications. The basic Idea of thermocouples is that when two wires – made of different metals
– are connected at both ends, and exposed to heating source from one side, an electrical current will be
flowing in the circuit.
 Thermocouple data collected in this lab activity, indicated an increase of the voltage as the temperature
increase and noted that the Errors are high.
 Table 2 present the comparison between the theoretical 4K type Thermocouple values and experiment
data collection. The temperature readings are starting from 49.3 C ° reaching 89 C ° and the calculated
voltage increased from 1185 μV reaching 2920 μV respectively. The standard voltage from literature
review, give 1982 μV reaching 3640 μV for the same temperature. The variation between the
theoretical and lab values are the reason of the large error sowing in the table 2.
 Calculations and analyzing the started by getting the actual value of the measured value by multiplying

x 10
the reading by the fraction ( ) to be able to compare it with the theoretical values. Then calculating
the deviation and the errors with the same method used in RTD.
 Errors percentages are high it is ranging from 22.52% to 40.21%. This indicates a low the need of
 For easer visual analyses, the data of both experimental and theoretical values were transformed into
(Temperature vs Resistance) graphs. Figure 3 and 4 shows the temperature vs measured voltage/20 and
the temperature vs the standard voltage.
 Important Consideration: [ Point 9 in lab discussion requirements].
The able to get the measurement of the temperature using a thermocouple, it is important to understand
that it is not easy to connect the thermocouple to measuring system such as a voltameter, as the voltage
measured is proportional to the difference of the temperature between both junctions, primary and the
junction of measuring the voltage.

 Compression
When generally looking at the tables 1 and 2, it can be concluded directly that the RTD is more accurate, as
the error percentages are not exceeding 2.5, while the Thermocouple generated errors that reached 40.2%.

 Common Errors resources
 Missing Taking the readings for the exact temperature.
Solution: If possible, taking picture of the result at the exact temperature, or assigning the task
to more than one of the team each member takes ether Thermocouple or RTD values.
 Calculations errors, As the table preparation need some calculations, it is recommended that more than
one team member, to check the results and consider using digital calculation tools such as excel which
will also save time.
 Rising the temperature above 100 ℃ , which might produce vapors.

 RTD Resistance Temperature Detectors (PT 100)

 In RTD, electrical current must be provided for the conversion of the resistance into sensible signal,
that lead to heat the system environment and affect the results.
Solution: To decrease this error as much as possible designer need to concede a larger RTD and
operating with the smallest current possible. [Texas institute] recommend
 The set-up of the device might vary the voltage and affect the results.
 RTD are fragile and need to be taken care of.
 Possibility of variation in the temperature between the sensor and the thermometer.
 Connection’s quality is a source of affection to the results.
 Lead resistance Error is eliminated, as the RTD is a 4-wire.
 Comparing the experimental values to the wrong data set, might affect the error calculations.
 Thermocouple
 Heating and cooling surroundings around the cold reference junction. The thermocouple measures the
temperature differentials. It the surroundings of the reference is not stable, then the reading will dace
Solution: Is to place the equipment far away from heating and cooling resources such as AC,
fans, ovens, and windows, etc.
 Thermocouple aging, treating the sensors, connections, and the different parts of the thermocouple is
necessary, with care, maintaining a regular check to avoid corrosion and electrode degradation (3) that
might affect the conductivity.
 Not multiplying the voltage with the fraction to make it comparable to the theoretical results.


As the lab was conducted, few point was risen into attention, RTD & thermocouple are different in way
that was be expended and test it in the lab. We discovered that a platinum resistance temperature detector
outperforms a thermocouple in terms of accuracy. PRTs are not commonly utilized since they are
significantly more costly than thermocouples.

For improving the quality of our Lab. That we had minor error rate in RTD Temperature Detectors by 1.4%
to 2.290%, which indicate a low error percentage (acceptable). While for the thermocouple Errors
percentages is higher than the RTD which is around 22.52% to 40.21%. This indicates a low the need of
dependency in addition to much more lower accuracy results which in this case is not preferable to use.

Finally, our last observation is when compared to a thermocouple, the following RTD is more accurate,
reliable, and specific. Thermocouples, on the other hand, are perhaps the most frequently used industrial
and laboratory temperature sensors due to their simplicity, low cost, and reasonable linearity.

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(4) TecQuipment Temperature Measurement and Calibration – TD400. (n.d.). AYVA Educational
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(7) Thermocouple. (2021, September 17). Wikipedia.
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(9) TecQuipment Temperature Measurement and Calibration – TD400 – AYVA Educational Solutions.
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(11) Temperature Sensor Technical Reference. (2021). Retrieved 1 October 2021, from



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