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O) Prohle the segment Cdemographic, Socio graph.

Rued on obsevations tmm etmnoqrapbic ethudy Amrt katha"
the demoaraphic, SociographicG and psyehoqraphic facvrs a a

O Demographic
Age sseup op
The age Qoup can be categOHiLd into hrce cakeqoy. The
first Categouu u hat ot Avnts fathex and moth (G0+)
Seond tadegouythat of Arnut Amsit's wife and fiend30-50
Third Cadegaluy usoud be the nus born of rnuk and hu ousin
he popensiky to spend is difexent foy each Cattgoy Fo1 ta
first categ ich include Mr. Vasudev mony lame. hand
and hance muy wee cautious Lobile spending. The Finst
people also kuilt a base for he seuond and third Cattyor
people which_made heir e lives easier
SeLood categony which induded Amit was aling
o Spend money as an uohen reqired becaume now he eaxninq
fom both he fothu and Amt was ther to suport tme famu
This left dispasable income oitn Anmrit.
The thd cattgovy indude nuwbosn and th
latk tha abiihy to spend and ean. But, me fist cakjox
and Sttond taBtgo need to Seend on hisd tokyo upbing8ing

MY Vasudev+Wife) Armit + CAmst's oife

Teache t J a daugu
Arnsit Amrt's Sstuy

A fex Armsit kaBha,I Lould Iáethft that

Male AmottAmst's friencds, Ammd's foco1, Amt's Bass

CMr Vasudex)

male Amd's Motmn, Wife,

hunt,Teachets daugfn
Aa B Mast cf he malea se employed except for Amus
ienda. As br ha female paxt mosty t g we ONempley
nd except for the kacher ond h daughlu u daugtu
waa runnina a small be0uty Paldor in_ Ralpuet

Income: The totalinLome toy Ammut's famiuy Cam

rom he follonq sourCes
otal inome = Ket monyt UCo Bank+ Amst Aqnulhue
mome Inuome mome
Foth took on mutiplemle to suppost te fanmlu_
Armytt 6 obs in 6 yearu o aUMeve via mamum- poentia

The women in Hhe house uee hot onibuting

towarda intome.
aenntion Some-e AmitK iends As thy did not have H
prope skill and eduucafidn to hondle the job.
On heot hoand teus ot Amrus fiendy oho exe
echnical op ood and educakd wexa not able th get
o and hnte rot conibuke in tuumu on in
Page .

a level of education
uafhedf n valified
Amsts foor
oite Cousin Moth

lewelo education doea tnave role e abithy to seuwut jols

H a we obseved that Amr educaled He did is
graduoion alona wAth NIIT diploma, aftu rada adione
alsodid tecinea teehni tol cOurnE to get enployed. Amrt's fatu
on the otHw Mand ga- had Joaic educahon had to domultiph
l to sustoin Jhu au
Th u0as a contrast, Amvit's qoalitied fiends oha Unemploye.d
but tyushee actively geadhing fr aph:i
Almosk allwomen in the household weu e onemplo yad
& aguaghis-£anti (Amrit)
Pexson ality Amt was humble and loyal as desodbed
o hu employeen. He t2an da) fon loving pe1son as e
enayedhis life along th hu hiends
He Loas also family pouon e by Hhe care eund love he
releckd for his amily
Atitude Amrt's atthude was poritive and wlina
t have a
to uoos good moyu
had DRaxn
boc ife foy him and hu tamil
Values Amrit's values a wawtd to
PeuSon Qnd
He a s eligious

Tn riajon h um a h e moved torwards

loyal a as leeked oy hu baks
He as Jui iend by intviing
H e a helphul a
He helped
and uiding themtovahout ti job poten
edecided totake woy 5 days d
He wa axng a s h
tim t famiy in fu rnani,
Calattaaud ten speud

yesegraphtet ackers=

Soclearaphic factor
Reigon The amly loy r diven by veligion, Both M
Masudey and u Son Amyu wee imv prayøu Md
pmmofion and propagotion of rthaíoy ethos.

2)Asumina the tompany Dpt Rov likstyle marketina

invemom ATOD
Activie Intexu
Cquet taken fo tumple O Want to save moru

Honeun oom deutinaton Pehotming fu'a

taken as Tsh jagonatipui
along th mom and dad. keen intuut in Bte

) 6 obs changed in b yes fmo dono a ku move

foveard r hu li
Travels to Ralan on
week end. to Stay uit Poltu, sponu, ihsz
Opinjon DemoaYepri
0 He does not puschase 0Ralpu hanged drastiall
Style uohat he wears
Ueates Style Open minded Jemaus
Houmdon La_abou ( Tniome lal 19,o00 Aor
ging along tt_parens Amrt, fatun a le a 5k.

fami tim ü importau Educatd A dechnial

Cowueauud Graduuatm
No moyhag sthou poreuk

3)Armrds (ore Vawes

Good husband
NO maage tolthout pahwt's oneur
Colletive desikon makinqa
Simple liing
ad ofs oclal
Saving monuuy
help hendu
family omentdo
Good uoovke
ut wortu
Hou co voluu Con be
anuked to t maye PToe-
Creating produ

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