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Differentiate between hazard and risk? Give example?

At first thought we could tell that these two words appear to have very much like
meanings that causes us to often misused it. Yet, they are actually different from each
other. So what is the difference between hazard and risk?

A hazard is a circumstance or source that has the potential or something that can cause
harm such as; human injury or infirmity, harm to property, harm to the climate, or a blend
of these. An example of hazards could include playing with flammable materials is a
hazard, working in tall building as a window cleaner is a hazard, usage of chemicals, and
many more. Hazards are sometimes classifies into three statuses, dormant-, the situation
environment is currently affected, armed-, people, environment are in potential harms
way, and active-, a harmful incident involving the hazard has actually occured referred as
an accident or emergency incident or disaster. Most hazard are dromant or potential, with
just a hypothetical danger of damage; nonetheless, when a hazard becomes active it can
make a crisis circumstance. All the more straightforwardly, a hazard is a wellspring of
likely damage or negative result from past, current, or future openings. There are a lot of
several ways in classifying hazards like in biological,chemical, psychological hazard, and
each perspectives has different componentes which makes them up. On the other hand,
risk is the negative outcome of hazard, the chance that something bad might happen, and
is the likelihood of a negative result from openness to a hazard causing a certain loss of
damage. It will not only affect the people but also to the population, community,
economy,aand environment. The plausible recurrence and likely greatness of future
misfortunes is what clearly defines risk. For example, it’s possible that playing matches
especially to children can cause harm, however, you need to ask, how plausible is it that
this will occur? Until an activity has really happened, it is just a hazard, not a risk.

It is important to take notes the difference of these two words because we need to manage
the hazard and risks as it will helps us prevent such disasters and dangers. Educate
ourselves an the other people to use these two term sproperly.

Differentiate safety and hazard?

Safety and hazard are two opposite things that goes different path but are connected with
each other. Safety, from the root word itself “safe”, it is the quality or the state of being
safe, away from threat and any dangers.Also, it is the conditioned of being protected
fromm or unlikely cause,danger,risk, or injury. Safety

“Source with a potential to cause injury and ill health”. Here are we focused on exposure
to people and of course we can consider hazards in other categories such as
environmental (e.g., climate change), financial (investments), political (e.g., Brexit) etc.
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